September 27, 2014 – 10:00 AM CDT
Red Rossa Meeting Rooms, Pierre, SD
The meeting was called to order by President Barry Knippling at 10:00 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Student Officer’s. There were no additions to the agenda and a motion was presented by Ken, 2nd by Patrick to approve the agenda as submitted. MC
Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann, who reported the absence of Student President Rickie Engesser; Kaycee Monnens – who had Dawson Munger represent her today; River Region Director Brian Fulton – Casey Cowan is representing him today and Queen Coordinator Kellie Yackley.
There was a motion by Paul, 2nd by Todd to approve and dispense with the reading of last meeting’s minutes. Motion carried.
Secretary Ann Sundermann presented and explained the Financial Report. She asked for any questions and answered those. Ann will put the Host Commitment due in the Accounts Receivable. Calendar sales were down this year, but the calendar sales expenses were also down. Ann also reported that in the near future the copy machine will need to be replaced, and she will get bids to present at the mid winter meeting. Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Lance to approve the purchase of the copy machine, should it need to be replaced before the mid winter meeting. MC. Motion by Lance, 2nd Phil to accept the Financial Report as presented. MC.
Next on the agenda was the State Finals Report, presented by Clay Birkeland. Clay thanked those Directors that went above and beyond for their help in dealing with the cutting arena conditions early in the week. More sand had to be put in the cutting arenas and the city worked very hard to make the arena conditions in the girls and boys arena the best that they could be, with the storms that went through early in the week. The host committee was commended on their efforts with the arenas. Questions were asked regarding the financial report. Where was the cost of sand put, if the sponsor account donation was indicated in the report, and why there was such an increase in the cost of personnel? Kerbi was not sure which category the sand was in. The sponsor account donation was deducted from the buckle expense but not added to the donation/sponsor category. Kerbi also reported that they are paying help that was once volunteer help. The host also reported that they have one bill that was recently received that is not on the financial statement. Ann indicated her frustration with the State Finals Program printer over one item in the program that she had specifically said that needed to be corrected, before it was printed. A possible solution of adding last year and this year’s picture to this year’s program was suggested. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Lance to approve the State Finals Host Committee report, MC.
The Public Relations report, presented by PR Director Digger Rutten, was then covered. Digger reported that the sponsorships remain healthy this year, and he is currently working with a new sponsor. Digger went to Nationals and coordinated the team events. There were 4 pot lucks at the camp ground, beside the traditional activities. There were 11 SD contestants that made the short go. He has negotiated a contract with Public TV for the coming years.
Motion by Ken, 2nd by Lance to sign and enter into a 5 year contract with Public TV for the televising of the SD State Rodeo Finals short go. MC.
This year’s short go is going to be televised again this fall on 10/26 at 7:00 pm cst.
Motion by Paul, 2nd by Clay to accept the Public Relations report as presented. MC.
The Calendar Report was presented by Calendar Sales Chairperson Donna Curr. Donna reported the financial report for the year of calendar sales. Discussion was held to stress to the contacts to not give 30 or 50 out at a time, so that everyone can get at least their minimum amount required. She reported that the calendar coats were handed out at State Finals registration, with the calendar coat picture taken at the contestant’s meeting, this worked very well. Donna was commended on doing a wonderful job. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Todd to accept the Calendar Report as presented, MC.
The next item of business to be covered was the National Director’s report, presented by Patrick Auer. Patrick reported that Digger was very helpful in Rock Springs again this year, and he was “everywhere” with the team. He reported on the Queen contest, event directors, discussion on a bareback riggin, the crisis basket – which brought 1500.00 – and the SD kids not getting their All Around shirts and not being able to be in the picture. He indicated that he will make sure to check and see that they have them in the future. He also reported on the mandatory bull riding rule, shooting sports dress code committee, JH Nationals in Des Moines, scholarships received and the scholarship quilt donation. Patrick indicated to Ann that we do not have to pay into the scholarship fund next year, and that SD has a $1400.00 balance in that account. Watertown Regional Rodeo representative Anita Bach stated that the regional qualifying rodeos that donated the quilt were very disappointed in the results of the donation for that item in the foundation scholarship auction, and that they most likely will not be continuing that effort. The National Team picnic was briefly discussed and those that organized it wanted to serve beef at the picnic, since it was sponsored by the Buckaroos. Digger donated the difference of $500.00 in expense from the sponsor account so that beef could be served. Patrick covered much JH discussion at this time.
Next Patrick indicated that the 2014 South Dakota National Team shirts were not in compliance with the use of the NHSRA logo. He reported that he had been notified of this at the NHSFR in Rock Springs, by James Higginbotham and Austin White, from the NHSRA. Much discussion followed. Members at the meeting asked Patrick when he had been made aware of this and why he had not brought it to the SDHSRA Board’s attention before this time? He said it was in July at Rock Springs and that he felt nothing could be done until the fall executive meeting of the NHSRA. Members voiced their opinion that the Board and Digger should have been made aware of this immediately, so that the item could have been dealt with before this time. Much discussion followed. Patrick indicated that SD was now on probation because of this, and that the details would be discussed by the NHSRA at their fall executive board meeting. He indicated that he will not be at the meeting. Casey Cowan asked what the consequences of the situation would be, and they are not known at this time. Each state needs to get bids from National Sponsors for award prizes of Tod Slone Saddles, Gist buckles, and Carroll coats. We have been in compliance with this stipulation that last two years. Lois Taylor asked Patrick what the consequences of probation were, and no answer was given.
As a result of this situation a Motion was made by Digger, 2nd by Lance that the National Director will be in direct contact with the SDHSRA President and Vice President on communications between the NHSRA and the National Director. And that if needed, they will report back to SDHSRA PR Director Digger Rutten so that he may assist in correcting the problem. MC unanimously.
The matter of the JH verbiage to be included in the SD by-laws was discussed next. Patrick indicated that many times the JH organizations have gotten their respective High School organizations in trouble at the National level. SDHSRA has submitted their by-laws twice with JH verbiage and they have been rejected. President Barry Knippling asked Patrick if he had been in contact with the SD JH Board to have them change their meeting date or time, so he could attend, as he was asked to do at the State Finals Director’s meeting? He indicated that he had not.
Motion by Clay, 2nd by Paul to table the issue until an acceptable example that would be approved is available. MC unanimously.
Motion by Lance, 2nd by Todd to accept the National Director report as presented. MC.
Old Business:
The first item of old business on the agenda was the Reined Cow Horse competition. Barry has been meeting with Frank Kenzy and has put much time into this event. His suggestion is that SD choose option 2. Discussion on RCH judges, when it should be held, and specific contest costs and venues were discussed. Options for venues could be at the Regional Qualifying rodeos or in conjunction with the SD Reined Cow Horse competition at the Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo. Pros and cons were given for both and members at the meeting had questions. They were answered if the answers were known. The option 2 wording was interpreted differently by many, as to how many contests needed to be held. Patrick phone Executive Director James Higginbotham several times during the meeting and he indicated that we would need to have three competitions per qualifying region, and one at State Finals.
Motion by Clay, 2nd by Lance that SD choose option 2 for the Reined Cow Horse competition, and that Ann submit the form to the NHSRA as such. MC. President Barry Knippling will get in contact with James to make sure that we are interpreting option 2 correctly. The Board thanked Frank Kenzy for his time and effort in helping the Board with this new event.
The SD JH Rodeo President, Jess Brewer, was there to give the JH report. The SD JH had 106 members this year, 22 members more than in 2013. He feels that with the addition of the BB, SB and Steer Riding events that the JH membership will increase next year. He attended Nationals with the team and it went well. The JH will be meeting after lunch today to elect officers and make plans for the coming year.
At this time President Barry Knippling ordered a 45” recess for lunch.
President Barry Knippling ordered the meeting back in session at 12:45 pm.
New Business:
The first item of new business were the by-law changes presented. There were two by-law changes submitted by the deadline, both by Vice President Paul Sundermann. Paul explained the by-law changes and discussion was entertained. The number of votes that the host committee receives is not specifically covered in our by-laws at this time, and has been up to interpretation. Ann reported that the number has changed back and forth through the years, as indicated in the minutes of SDHSRA meetings. A ballot vote was taken on the two following by-law changes.
The contestants in each region shall elect three officers/delegates to represent them at the South Dakota High School Rodeo Association State Finals Rodeo (“State Finals Rodeo”). The contestants shall elect a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary at the State Finals Rodeo for a term of one year. Contestant officers and the state queen shall be members of the Board of Directors and, collectively, shall have one vote.
The contestants in each region shall elect one delegate to represent them. These delegates will be elected at the regional qualifying rodeos. At the South Dakota High School Rodeo Association State Finals Rodeo (“State Finals Rodeo”) the contestants shall elect a President, Vice President and a Secretary – for the term of one year – from the chosen representatives. Contestant officer delegates and state queen shall be members of the Board of Director’s and, collectively, shall have one vote.
By-law passes by a 2/3 majority vote of adult members present.
A. There shall be a Board of Directors of the Association, which shall consist of not less than four (4) nor more than thirteen (13) adult directors. Each region shall elect two Director’s from their Region. One director at large shall be elected from the two (2) Eastern regions by association members of the regions and one director at large shall be elected from the two (2) Western regions by association members of the regions. Contestant officers and the state queen shall be members of the Board of Directors and, collectively, shall have one vote. The National Director shall be a member of the Board of Directors. The host site of the State Final Rodeo shall appoint three directors and, collectively, shall have one vote. Directors for the host site may not vote on the selection of any regional or state rodeo host site.
The by-law change fails by a 2/3 majority vote of adult members present.
Lynn McNenny, saddle award chair, presented the bid that he had received for the 2014 award saddles from Triple R Tack. Representatives from Triple R Tack, Jim and Pam Tiltrum, were present to entertain questions. Discussion was held and they were thanked for their presence. Lynn also indicated that he will be getting a bid from Tod Slone Saddles as well. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Lynn to accept the bid from Triple R Tack for Cactus Saddles at this time. MC. Lynn will get a bid from Tod Slone Saddles and be on contact with the Board on that bid. Rex spoke about the saddle cut outs that possibly could be purchased and placed in those businesses that want to display the saddle that they are sponsoring, if they want them. He will check into a manufacturer and price of those cut outs.
The place and time for the Mid-winter Directors Meeting was designated to be at the Red Room in the Rapid City Civic center at 9:00 am MST on 1/31/2015.
The next item on the agenda was the Host Site consideration for the 2016-2017 SD State Finals High School Rodeo. Ann reported that Mitchell, Huron and Deadwood had all requested information on bidding for the site, and all had declined at this time. They all want to receive information the next time it is up for bid. Clay Birkeland, Host Site representative from Belle Fourche spoke on Belle Fourche’s behalf. He indicated that Belle Fourche would like to host the competition again, and voiced a concern about the number of contestant’s. He feels that the numbers are hard to work with in securing the number of timed event cattle needed. Options were discussed and the Board took no action on changing the State Finals qualifying process. A tabulation of events from 2008-2014 was presented, and the contestant numbers have remained very similar. The Reined Cow horse event is a concern, both the cost of the event and the time constraints in conducting it. The Board also noted the concern. Discussion was held as to what the cost of the event should be per contestant. This price will be determined at the mid winter meeting, or by the Board before that, if it is necessary. The financial statement that the host committee had presented was briefly discussed. Ann questioned the decrease in sponsorship monies from 2010 by $10,000.00. The host indicated that they had lost a major sponsor. Discussion was entertained that they possibly hire someone to secure sponsorships, and they have tried that. In the end, after paying the person, they felt it was not beneficial. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Ken to accept the host site consideration of Belle Fourche for the 2016-2017 SD State High School Finals Rodeo, to be held 6/22-26/2016 and 6/21-25/2017. Motion carried unanimously.
The SDRA invite rodeo was discussed as the next agenda item. Ann reviewed the communication that she has had with the SDRA and that they have changed their criteria and enter process. The details were given and it will be posted on facebook and the website for the student membership.
At this time Janet Wright, who helped to coordinate the shooting sports competition last year, gave a summary of the 2014 contest. SD sent 7 shooters to the National Competition. Patrick Auer will be donating a 30-30 rifle to be used as a fund raiser for the 2015 competition. Janet agreed that she would coordinate the shooting sports once again, and she thanked the Belle Fourche Host Committee for their help in the effort last year. The Board thanked Janet for her interest and time in the shooting sports competition.
The regions broke in to separate locations to elect their regional representatives next. Continuing as the East region Director is Paul Sundermann, the East region Secretary will be Carmen Jankord. The SW Region will continue to have Dan Curr as their Director. The NW Region elected Rex Lamphere as the NW Director, and the SW and NW Region collectively elected JD Mutchler to be the West Director at Large.
Next on the agenda were the regional qualifying rodeos financial reports. They were reviewed and questions from the membership were entertained. Questions on cutting judges were asked, and the judges are left up to the committee of each regional qualifying rodeo. Ann indicated that she had been asked by several regions for the Board to consider the cost of the Reined Cow Horse competition when the entry fees are set. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Rex to approve the regional qualifying rodeo financial statements as presented. MC.
A brief update was given of the results of the SDHSRA competitors at the Omaha Challenge, who are there this weekend.
President Barry Knippling asked for any other matters that needed attention at this time. PR Director, Digger Rutten, voiced his concern that Patrick, representing SD as its National Director, needs to be in contact with the SDHSRA President and Vice President on all correspondence with the National Office. Patrick indicated that he would do so.
Motion by Lance, 2nd by Rex to adjourn the SDHSRA Annual Membership Meeting. MC.
Seeing no other new business, President Barry Knippling declared the SDHSRA Annual Membership Meeting adjourned at 2:05 pm CST.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann,
SDHSRA Executive Secretary