Current Membership

Membership for SD High School opens September 1st. 2024-2025 applications and membership will be open and updated at that time.
Please do not try to enroll prior to this date, or there may be errors to your enrollment process.

Membership Forms are due by November 1.
Use the online application process at to complete and upload the three forms to your portal.
If you missed the deadline you can still apply until 2/15/25 but you must pay a late fee.

The late fee can be paid by Venmo @SDHSRodeo or by check to PO Box 303 Baltic, SD 57003:

Late/Bookkeeping Fee for late SDHSRA membership application submittal:

Membership upload complete and accurate November 2nd to January 1 – $125.00 in addition to the $184.67 = $309.67
Membership upload complete and accurate January 2nd to February 15th – $250.00 in addition to the $184.67 = $434.67
No late memberships will be accepted after the February 15th upload deadline.

Penny Schlagel, Membership Secretary –, 605-638-0757

If your name is NOT on this list at the time of the date listed,

You are either 1) not complete, 2) have not paid, 3) have not uploaded ALL THREE forms, or 4) there is a missing signature or printed name.

Check your portal to see which it is, and re-upload that/those items.

Click here to view the current membership list (will be updated frequently)