SDHSRA Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2019
9:00 am CST, Pierre Ramkota, Pierre, SD
The Annual General Membership meeting was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:05 AM, Saturday, September 28, 2019.
The pledge of allegiance was led by the Student Officers.
Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. She reported that Justin Pihl is sitting in for NW region Director Rex Lamphere; Kellie Yackley, Queen Coordinator was absent; Dustin Schmidt is sitting in for River region Director Shannon Olson. All other members and Directors present.
President Lance Lesmeister presented the agenda and asked for any additions or corrections to the agenda, there were none offered. A motion was entertained by Dale Christensen, second by Rusty Foster, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion carried. The minutes of the State Finals meeting were presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. President Lance asked for any additions or corrections to the State Final Directors meeting minutes, none were presented. Motion by Rusty Foster, second by Justin Robertson to approve the State Finals meeting minutes and dispense with the reading of them. Motion carried.
At this time the financial report was asked for, Secretary Ann Sundermann presented a detailed financial report or the fiscal year ending August 31, 2019. She presented the following information:
The look of the financial statement is not as a typical balance sheet because we are a nonprofit, so the structure appears different in QuickBooks. What would be a typical business balance sheet is labeled as the report of financial position, the profit and loss is labeled as a statement of activity report.
We received a product share donation from Black Hills Embroidery for the amount of $950 for merchandise sold with our logo at State Finals in 2019.
Upcoming expenses include payment for calendar production and the new website, of which the JH has agreed to share the cost of.
An internal accounts review was conducted in July by an outside accounting firm of the SDHSRA books, and Ann reported in detail items in that report. Motion by Todd, second by Perry to accept the financial Report. Motion carried.
The next item of business was the State Finals Report from the 2019 State Finals host committee. Scott Reder and Chad Pelster were here to represent the 2019 State Finals host committee. The financial statement was presented previous to the meeting and it was asked if it had been received. The financial statement was reviewed and questions were asked regarding line items. Corrections noted were the Program Sales amount included in two-line items, affecting the bottom-line profit and loss, and the asset of the sorting chute when the loan amount is listed as an expense. There was a motion to approve the State Finals financial report, with the adjustments noted, by Justin Robertson, second by Rusty Foster. Motion carried
Calendar Sales report was given by Donna Curr, Calendar Chairperson. She reviewed in detail the expenses and income of the calendar sales financials for the fiscal year. She also reviewed the details of the new calendar program policy which was discussed at the annual meeting in 2018, tabled until the winter meeting of 2019 and adopted at that time. The national qualifiers will be awarded funds based upon the base amount and from there depending upon the calendar sales they have sold as individuals, the amount plus the base amount will go up either by $200 or $400. Donna asked for questions on the calendar report and indicated she had received incentive prizes from Black Hills Embroidery, Double D Western and Triple R Tack. Motion by Dan Curr, second by Todd Bach to accept the Calendar Sales report as presented. Motion Carried.
The next item on the agenda is the National Directors report, presented by National Director Dale Christensen. Dale reported that at National Finals the group of parents and contestants that we took were phenomenal this year. Many team activities took place such as picnics, games, and camp activities. We had an “ok” camping spot, or most of the members did, and Dale indicated that camping will be in shortage again next year at Lincoln. There was some trouble regarding kids’ conduct from other states, but not ours. Dale indicated that people should be aware of the things that are going on and that you can be disqualified and be required to leave if these things happen. There are new sponsors of the national level. Our queen represented us very well. Many questions were asked about her culture and heritage. In 2021 the National High School Finals rodeo will be in Lincoln, Nebraska, July 19 through 25th. There are DVD’s is in the hall for every national qualifier that have been provided by SD Public TV, of the short go at 2019 State Finals. If you can help by distributing a DVD instead of us having to mail it, please sign and do so. Motion by Dan, second by Perry Moody, to accept the National Directors’ report. Motion carried.
The next item of business was the Public Relations report presented by Marty Phillips, PR director. Marty thanked the Board for the opportunity to work with the Board and the kids the past year and he thanked the Directors for flying the sponsor flags and banners. He indicated this helps immensely in seeking sponsorships. Sponsorship money was up this year all well, with the current downslide in the ag economy he is somewhat concerned about sponsorships for the coming year. The addition of the newly revised website will help with sponsorships, giving those sponsors more exposure. Marty reported the short go shirts are coming or will come out soon and to make sure to thank your electric cooperatives for the opportunity to have them shirts. He reported that nationals were a wonderful time and a wonderful contest with a great group of kids and parents, who all stepped up to make it a memorable positive experience. Motion by Dale Christensen, second by Justin Robertson to accept the public relations report. Motion carried.
In the absence of Kellie Yackley Queen Coordinator, Ann presented the queen information and Dale Christensen read the resignation of Kellie Yackley. Kellie has to resign because of personal health reasons, along with work reasons. The Board thanks Kellie for her many years of service and a motion was made by Justin Pihl, second by Justin Robertson to respectfully accept the resignation of Kellie Yackley. Motion carried. Please let a Director know if you know of someone that is interested in the Queen Coordinator position.
At this time the SDHSRA Queen Tashina Red Hawk reported on her contests at nationals and the different sponsorship and visibility opportunities that she has been involved with since then. It was noted that Tashina is doing a wonderful job of representing the High School Rodeo Association.
Old business:
The first item of old business was the information presented by Joyce Glynn, for the MGM coalition. A last-minute conflict prevented Joyce from attending, but she sent correspondence to be read. In response to Joyce’s efforts to present a rule change regarding tobacco usage at the national level in High School Rodeo, Dale reported that there were no negative responses when it was presented at the winter meeting in 2019. They will be researching the inclusion of the rule change at the national level. Joyce will be providing each Region Rodeo and the State Finals Rodeo signage for next year. There was a motion by Dan Curr, second by Perry Moody to allow Joyce Glynn to present a survey to the High School Rodeo members as she has done in the past. Motion carried.
New business:
The presented by law change was read out loud by Ann Sundermann. The by-law was presented in accordance to the rules and on time, by Director Dan Curr. Dan explained his reasoning for the by-law change. He stated there are certain situations in a medical situation, where there should be a refund of entry fees. Discussion was held, and in accordance with the By-Laws, a ballot vote was taken of all current adult members of the association and that were present at the meeting. A 2/3 majority vote was needed to pass, Director Treg Cowan and Mary Kay Sell counted the ballots and by a vote of 33 to 0 the by law proposal passed.
The next item on the agenda was regional rodeo financial statement review. The financial statements were all sent in ahead of time and were presented to each of the Directors. Rusty indicated that some regions make money and some lose some money, but that the financial statement content differs from rodeo to rodeo. Rusty asked if an email could be sent to all of the regional rodeos including all of the financial statements, so that they may look at them and see where they compare as far as prices and sponsorships. Ann will send the e-mail.
2020-2021 Regional Qualifying Rodeo site considerations were the next item under new business of the agenda.
Motion by Dale second by Justin Robertson for the East region to have the first Regional rodeo in Huron and the second Regional rodeo in Watertown. Motion carried.
Motion by Rusty, second by Perry for the Northwest region to have the first Regional rodeo in Buffalo and the second Regional rodeo in the Dupree. Motion carried.
Motion by Rusty, second by Todd for the Southwest regional to have the first Regional rodeo in Sturgis and the second Regional rodeo in Wall. Motion carried.
At this time the River region rodeos who were in attendance to bid for those were given the floor. Ft. Pierre was there with committee members and Don Bergeson spoke for them and their interest in continuing to hold the River regional rodeo. Discussion was held and questions were asked of the committee regarding the grounds, stock, and their financial statement. The committee indicated they would be willing to work with the contractors for the upcoming rodeo, in regard to stock.
Next spokesperson, Marty Phillips reported on behalf of the committee that would like to host the Regional rodeo in Winner, South Dakota. He reviewed the committee members, the goal of the committee, the town and community support, and their current practice rodeo. It was indicated they would not be holding practice rodeo if their bid for the Region rodeo was accepted. Discussion was held and questions were answered.
At 10:25 am President Lance Lesmeister declared a 10-minute break.
The meeting was declared back in session at 10:35 am.
Don Bergeson, on behalf of the Ft. Pierre committee, conveyed information regarding the stock selection if they should be chosen to host the rodeo next year.
There was a motion by Todd Bach, second by Barry Knippling to table the vote for the River region rodeo locations until the Directors meeting. Motion carried.
Justin Robertson, SW Director, reported on the saddle bids for the 2020 Sate Finals rodeo next. He secured bids from Todd Slone, Corriente, and Triple R Tack. Information was previously distributed to the Directors for the Todd Slone and Corriente bids, which was reviewed at this time. Pam and Jim Tiltrum from Triple R Tack were present to present their bid. Discussion from the general membership added that a certificate to be issued instead of a saddle. It was decided that when securing saddle sponsorships this year the Directors should ask the sponsors if a certificate is something they would be willing to do and the decision will be reviewed for next year. There was a motion by Dale Christensen, second by Justin Robertson to award Triple R Tack, providing Scott Thomas Saddles, the saddle bid for the 2020 State Finals rodeo. Motion carried.
The next item of business on the agenda is a report from SD Junior High Rodeo, which was presented by Tyler Haugen. He reported they had 156 members this year, 143 state qualifiers, and 45 that went to JH National Finals in Huron. They were able to give each qualifier $500, and pay a total amount of $7890 for stall fees for the contestants. He indicated they have a balance in the checking account of $26,470. They will be meeting today after lunch for their annual meeting. Motion by Perry Moody, second by Dale Christensen to accept the SD Junior High Rodeo report. Motion carried.
The shooting contest was entertained next on the agenda. It was clarified that we do not as the state have to provide the competition for shooting. Different liaisons between the Board and the contest location were suggested and Lance Lesmeister and Scott Deal will check into those and report back to the Board.
At this time the membership regions split into their different locations for the purpose of electing the Regional Directors’ terms who were expiring. The River region re-elected Director Treg Cowan. The East Director at Large was elected and will be represented by returning Director Barry Knippling.
The approval of out of state transfers was the next item on the agenda. Ann Sundermann reported that all have submitted paperwork on time and have completed the appropriate action to approve, according to the out of state membership policy. Director Treg Cowan had a question regarding another state transfer that he just received. Public input asked, and it was verified, the policy is on the website. Treg will report back to the individual of what the qualifications are. There are three transfers requested from Nebraska, one from North Dakota, one from Wyoming, and one from Montana. Motion by Perry, second by Todd to accept the out of state transfers that had been submitted according to the out of state membership policy. Motion carried.
Lance Lesmeister declared that the time and place for the winter meeting will be in the Red room in the Rapid City Civic Center on February 1, 2020, beginning at 9:00 AM.
At this time Queen Tashina Red Hawk presented her speech from Nationals. Tashina reported she was wearing pink in honor of her queen coordinator and mentor Kellie Yackley.
Seeing no other business to be addressed there was a motion by Dan, second by Justin Robertson to adjourn the annual General Membership meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary
JANUARY 26, 2019
The winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:00 AM MDT. The Student Officer’s led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. She reported that Dale Christensen is at the National Meeting in Salt Lake City, Kellie Yackley called and turned around because of road conditions, Treg Cowan has called and will be here shortly, Faye Pelster is absent. Student Officer Maddy Moody is at scholarship interviews and she has asked Kaitlyn Sandland to sit in for her while she is gone. All others present.
President Lance asked for approval of the agenda and Ann indicated that there were additions of website information, home school team points and an item by Justin Robertson. Items were added to the bottom of new business. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Todd to approve the agenda as amended. MC unanimously.
Treg Cowan joined the meeting at this time.
Lance called for the minutes of the last meeting. Secretary Ann Sundermann reported the minutes of the previous meeting were in front of all Directors and indicated she would read them if the Board wished. President Lance asked for additions or corrections to the minutes. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Shannon to dispense with the reading of the minutes. MC unanimously.
The Financial Report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. Ann reported the following: Taxes and audit are at the accountant. Saddles have been paid for, there are 7 left to submit payment to SDHSRA. On the Financial Statement in front of you, In AR, there is $17,000.00 that was invoiced last week for Marty Phillips, for the sponsor account. There was a product share donation made from Black Hills Embroidery in the amount of $932.00. There were unsolicited donations made by Sullivan Cutting Horses and First National Bank of Philip. Ann recommended to close the Calendar Fund checking account, which is not an interest bearing account, and open a Business Market Interest account, so interest could be earned on this account. That current rate of interest is .65%. A motion was made by Justin Robertson, 2nd by Treg Cowan to have Ann Sundermann close the SDHSRA Calendar Fund Checking account, 6057715, and move the funds to open an interest bearing account with First Interstate Bank in Sturgis, per her discretion. Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann and National Director Dale Christensen are to be signers on the new account. MC unanimously.
Ann answered questions presented in regard to the Financial Report and a Motion was made by Treg, 2nd by Rusty to approve the Financial Statement as presented. MC unanimously.
Next on the agenda was the PR Report, as presented by Public Relations Director Marty Phillips. Marty reported on sponsorships, which are up from last year. He feels the sponsor account is in good shape at this time, has secured some new sponsors and people continue to be willing to sponsor High School Rodeo.
In the absence of Dale, Tyler Haugen SD JH National Director, reported on items from the NHSRA Winter Meeting as follows: Sponsor contracts are being negotiated and we are encouraged to use and are required to obtain bids from some National Sponsors. National sponsor loyalty was discussed. Financially the NHSRA is doing good and they will be adding $100,000.00 to Nationals for High School Finals. The tobacco usage proposal from Joyce Glynn through the SDHSRA will be worked on. There are 5 sites bidding High School Finals and 4 bidding JH Finals. There was not a change in camp site availability for the coming year.
Dale provided Ann the following information to be reported upon: Scholarships are not being applied for, so added money may be given in lieu of adding more scholarship monies.The NHSRA website will be improved and will be more interactive. The tobacco proposal was addressed by the rules committee and will be visited again by the full Board and again in July. For now, the definition of rodeo grounds is anywhere that western attire is required. Addition of RCH Patterns 4,5 for the reining patterns. There are Sprig Grant Monies to be applied for to be used for promotional items. Ann will pursue this grant money.
The Queen report was the next item on the agenda, presented by Kellie Yackley per speaker phone. Kellie reported there will be one contest this year. She indicated that there will not be a workshop but if girls would like to set up one on one help with either herself or Kellie Nixon, they would be happy to help them in this way. There was a motion by Shannon, 2nd by Perry to approve the Queen contest entry and contest details as presented. MC unanimously.
Donna Curr reported on the Calendar Sales. Donna reported that we have been enticing Calendar Sales with drawings and giveaways from sponsors. Ann has been doing much promotion through the Facebook page. There will also be some members selling calendars during the Stock Show, periodically, in some SDHSRA sponsor vendor booths. Sales are down slightly from last year. The sales were discussed and the Student Officers indicated that they don’t think to sell the calendars until closer to spring, when the season gets closer. The policy was reviewed and the dates were looked at. It was decided to not take any action on changing the dates. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Rex to accept the Calendar Financial Report as presented. MC unanimously.
Old Business:
State Finals Committee Reports: The Host Committee reported on State Finals as the next item on the agenda. The following was reported: The announcers will be Derek Barton and Terri Kissack.
The state finals program will be printed through Mona Heimbaugh. The Host Committee indicated they would like to have the program details completed early. A Day Sheet was discussed. Ann indicated the printer did not seem to know they needed to do a night print last year. Host Committee will address this and get Ann details to begin production from her end.
The hotel blocks have not yet been confirmed for paid personnel. Ann, as indicated through email, has put in each contract awarded that the Host Committee is making housing arrangements and that the Host Committee will let them know of those arrangements, and has provided the contract personnel their phone numbers. The Directors will be staying at the Americinn. Ann reminded those members who are new on the Board that they do not need to call and book rooms, but the host committee takes care of this for all of the Board members.
Clay Crago has been sent the contract for the RCH and Cutting Cattle. It was emphasized to not hold this event in the heat of the day, to help the conditions for the cattle. RCH director will talk to the judge about whistling the contestant’s out, if necessary. Team Roping will be the last event in the Boys Arena and the Girls Arena will have preference. Contestant order cannot not be moved and the Team Roping will wait for the girls, if need be.
One goat will be run at a time.
Registration location was discussed and it was decided that if there are sides put on part of the new building to the NE of the existing office, it will be moved to that location. The event schedule was discussed at great length. Shannon voiced her concern about the quick turn-around time, and if it is possible to be completed by the office personnel. Concerns of the time constraint for contestants and their families were noted. Ann was asked to type up a draft of the schedule and send it out to the Board for all to look over.
Ann will notify Karla Hofhenke with the SD Farmers Union about the adjustment in time, so they can coordinate this with their free feed. They have asked to provide this as a sponsor once again. Internet will be provided through the carrier that the Black Hills Roundup provides. Ann indicated that per phone call they had told her yesterday the wait times to hook this up can vary from 8 weeks after request, to 2 weeks, depending upon the number of requests. Host committee will coordinate this.
Lance asked for a draw trailer again that is needed outside the office and indicated the trailer with all of the office and PR supplies needs to be there when office help arrival.
Vicky Hauk will coordinate the vendor spaces, and there are more covered spaces this year. Scott will provide Ann with information to publish regarding vendor information.
There will be a special rodeo, Ronda Fuhrer is the contact, Host will provide Ann information on this. Phil Kissack Agency is sponsoring the National Meeting breakfast and Ann will indicate it on the schedule.
It was confirmed there will be 2 notaries provided at the National Meeting.
The Rodeo Grounds map and Mobile alert app are accurate and unchanged and will be included in the contestant packets. A revised admission price schedule will be discussed to be approved by the Board and the Host Committee collectively at a later date, as indicated by Scott. Ann provided the 4H pricing for their State Finals Gate Admissions and historical State High School Finals Rodeo Pricing information.
The Beef Check Off lunch is yet to be determined and Scott will report back on that.
Rex reported that Renee and Steve McAmis are the contact to help coordinate the contest with the Center of The Nations Sportsman’s Club.
At this time the Student Officers, Marty and Donna were excused to choose Calendar and National team selections.
Siri Stevens with Rodeo News was present to report on the Rodeo News magazine. She has sponsorship packets that they will create for $200.00, there are 1000 copies of the magazine at the Black Hills Stock Show, June-July-August will have 2 issues each month, and our contract is good through January 2020.
At this time the Director’s covered the contracts that they had secured. Barry stated that the Boys Arena Judges that he, Rusty and Scott had secured are Larry Peabody and Chuck Maher. Girl’s Arena Judges will be Wade Vos and Lonny Harrowa. Dan reported that he is working on the Cutting judges. Chad reported that the RCH judge will be Kirk Hall.
The Rough Stock selection committee of Lance, Treg and Scott will report to Ann to send out contracts soon. Lance will notify Ann who the contracts should be sent out to by March 1st.
The Timed Event Stock selection committee of Justin and Chad reported next. They indicated that they had received a bid from Dan Mundorf. The Host Committee has agreed to hire Dan Mundorf for the Timed Event Stock at 25.00 per run, with an injury clause in the contract. This will be “to the chute”. There was discussion on the injury clause and Chad indicated that it must be left in. Treg noted there is not an injury clause in any other stock contract. Motion by Justin, 2nd by Rusty to hire Dan Mundorf to provide the Timed Event Stock for State Finals. MC unanimously.
Chad and Dale had discussed the Cutting Cattle and Chad and Dan had discussed the RCH Cattle – They have had Ann secure the Cutting and Reined Cow Horse cattle contract with Clay Crago.
Shannon reported that she tried to call John Hight about Goats, with no success. She also had talked to Jenny Belkham and she did not present a bid. Todd Bach presented a bid from Cheryl Severson, who was in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions, if need be. There was a Motion by Todd, 2nd by Barry to award the goat contract to Cheryl Severson/C&C Goats for $9.00 per run. MC unanimously.
Arena Directors were covered as the next item of business. Motion by Todd, 2nd by Barry for Girls Arena Director to be Rex Lamphere. MC unanimously.
Motion by Rusty, 2nd by Todd for the Boys Arena Timed Event Director to be Justin Robertson. MC unanimously.
Motion by Rusty, 2nd by Todd for Dan Curr to be the Cutting Director. MC unanimously.
Motion by Treg, 2nd by Rex for Barry Knippling and Lance Lesmeister to be the Rough Stock Directors. MC unanimously.
Motion by Rex, 2nd by Perry for Todd Bach to be the RCH Director. MC unanimously.
Nominations were then taken for Pick up Men. Nominations were presented for Kirk Schuelke and JJ Hunt. Perry has spoken with them both and that they are both willing to come and work with each other. JJ and Kirk are willing to work with each other and are very good – both to work with and in their expertise. Motion by Treg, 2nd by Barry to accept the nominations of JJ and Kirk for Pick up Men. MC unanimously.
Nominations were taken for Bull fighters. Nominations of Phil Kafka, Andrew Odden and Dayton Spiel and were presented. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Treg to hire Andrew Odden and Phil Kafka as Bull Fighters for the 2019 State High School Rodeo Finals. Discussion – Ann reported that Phil often needs a campsite to the Host Committee. MC unanimously.
Prizes for State Finals were reviewed and will remain as last year, with go round buckles given for 1st place and photo certificates given for go round awards 2nd – 4th place. The National team placers 1-4, will receive a buckle for champion and reserve and breast collars for 3rd and 4th place. The National Team 1st place finishers will receive a saddle rack constructed by Cow Creek Cedar and the champion saddle, indicated by Dan Curr. The Host Committee, along with the Student Officers, will choose buckles today. Kellie Yackley has requested 2 breast collars for the Queen Contest. Discussion was held and the breast collars are for the 3rd and 4th place finishers on the National Team. The Board directed Ann to check and do the same as was done last year.
Saddle Racks will be made of either Pine or Cedar, and Cow Creek Cedar will once again donate the All-Around racks and find sponsors for half of the events. Those Directors needing to obtain sponsorships for the Saddle Racks were reviewed. Ann reported that Lensegrav’s and Sundermann’s will once again together sponsor the saddle rack for the Brian Fulton Timed Event AA saddle. Kellie will check on the Queen saddle rack and report back to Ann.
Next the Cutting Cattle Inspection Committee needed to be appointed and Scott and Chad volunteered to perform those duties. As a reminder, the other stock inspection committees were reviewed.
The tabled item from the annual meeting of the revised Calendar Award Proposal was addressed as the next item of business. Barry Knippling, committee chair, has tried many times to get the committee together, and has not been able to do so. He explained the proposal he brought forward at the annual meeting and suggested a new proposal based upon three levels of participation. The breakdown for these different levels would be those that sold 6 calendars, 8 calendars, and 20 calendars. The amount to provide would be determined at the State Finals Director’s Meeting, in $100 increments varying from the amount to be given to each rodeo national qualifier to go to nationals. This was discussed at length with different options. Barry noted the intent is to try to reward more sales and after the first-year contestants will realize this. He feels it is not a big enough difference in funding that it would hinder the organization if by chance, it did not succeed. Dan voiced his opinion was that the contestants are selling the minimum and should not be punished for not selling a greater amount. A motion was put forth by Barry that the money awarded to rodeo national qualifiers minimum be based off of the yearly calendar sales as voted by the Board of Directors at the State Finals meeting. This shall be divided into three different increments of 8, 20, 30 for the year, for a trial period in the 2020 year. There was additional discussion and the proposal was explained to the student officers, who at this time re-joined the meeting. There was not second to the motion and Barry withdrew his motion. Additional discussion was held and the motion was entertained by Todd that the amount awarded to the rodeo national qualifiers be based off of the yearly calendar sales income and voted upon by the Board of Directors at the State Finals meeting. This money shall be divided into three different increments of amounts from the monies awarded, with the increments of $200 based on as a minimum of 6 sold, 20 sold, and 30 sold. This will be for a one-year trial in 2020. The motion was second by Barry and there was no further discussion. Ann reread the motion. MC with Dan voting nay.
At 11:35 President Lance Lesmeister declared a 30-minute recess or lunch.
President Lance declared the meeting back in order at 12:05 pm.
The next tabled item, as declared at the annual meeting, was calendar bids. Bids were received from those that had indicated interest. There were two bids received. One bid of $1.30 per calendar was submitted by Creative Printing of Huron, SD. Another bid from a Leader Printing of Madison, SD was received for .91 cents per calendar. The bids were discussed and there was a motion by Rusty, 2nd by Justin to accept the bid for the 2020 calendar from a Leader Printing of Madison. MC unanimously.
There was a motion by Justin 2nd Treg to allow the Ann and Donna to adjust the pictures as needed, or delete pictures as needed in order to produce the calendar. MC unanimously.
Under other state finals discussion Ann asked if anyone knew all of the Tanner family? They would like to sponsor a team roping award again Ann is looking for contact information.
New Business:
There being no other old business President Lance moved on to new business. As the first item of new business the 20 X Extreme Rodeo was reviewed. They will be tying the calves down and running the stock through at 10:00 tomorrow, registration begins at 10:30, and the team picture will be during the contestant’s meeting at 11:30. All Directors are asked to help and Ann provided passes for those willing to be there.
The next item on the agenda is a confidentiality policy that Dale has been made aware of by the National Office. The National Directors will have to sign a confidentiality and social media policy. Many School Boards and other Boards are requiring such a policy as well. Ann revised the provided confidentiality policy to fit the SDHSRA. Discussion was held. The question was raised, is there or has there been a problem in the past? There was a motion by Rusty, 2nd by Shannon to table the confidentiality policy until the fall annual meeting. MC unanimously. Dale will be available at the fall meeting to further explain any questions on the policy.
The regional rodeo entry was provided by Ann. There was a motion by Justin, 2nd by Rusty to approve the regional entry as presented. MC unanimously. Ann reminded those in attendance that per the decision at the annual meeting that the regional rodeo entries will be able to be emailed this year, with the payment made by check or money order, in the mail.
The practice rodeo schedule was reviewed next. There are 8 rodeos over the weekend of Memorial Day this year. The ability to have sufficient attendance at all of those rodeos was discussed. Discussion was further held and it was decided to have Ann notify those rodeos involved how many there are and allow them to decide if they would like to change their rodeo dates. The rodeo schedule and the practice rodeos were approved per motion by Todd, 2nd by Justin. MC unanimously.
Persons of the year were the next item of business and nominations were taken for Paul Sundermann, Bill and Ladonna Hupp, Clay Birkeland, Sandy Buchholz, Harding County Activities Association, and South Dakota Public TV. Discussion was held on whether we should have persons of the year and a supporter or business of the year. It was decided that we shall have a business/supporter of the year and persons of the year for 2019. A ballot vote was taken and the business/supporter of the year is South Dakota Public TV. The persons of the year for 2019 are Sandy Buchholz, Paul Sundermann and Clay Birkeland. They will be honored during the short go of the South Dakota High School Rodeo Finals in Belle Fourche.
Next on the agenda are the NHSRA scholarships. A committee needs to be established to review those. It is unknown at this time home many scholarships we will be given, but last year we were provided 10, $1000.00 scholarships. Ann, Rex and Shannon volunteered to be on that scholarship committee. Ann will update the information for the scholarships on the website when it is provided to her.
The added item to the agenda, the awarding of points per school, was discussed. LaDelle Brink was there to speak about this on behalf of 2 students being home schooled through the Western Christian Academy. Western Christian Academy is used as a home school for several students throughout the state and they are wishing to the counted collectively for the awarding of team points. They are an accredited organization. There was a motion by Shannon, 2nd by Treg that Western Christian Academy, as an accredited school, be awarded team points. This shall only be done if proof is provided by those attending the academy. MC unanimously. All other requests will be reviewed by the Board on an individual basis.
The SDHSRA website was discussed. Marty has spoken to Taylor Vroman who currently updates the high school rodeo website. Marty has heard from several sponsors that they would like more spots or recognition on the website. Currently we have a Facebook page which is easily accessed and used widely by the students. The Student Officers voiced their opinions that it should be exciting and interactive. It was those in attendance opinion that the website is outdated and hard to maneuver. Taylor also feels that it is very old and outdated. Taylor has indicated that after checking he would be able to update the website to a format that we like for approximately $1000. Taylor would also be compensated for his time. There would be a 3 to 4 month trial period before it goes live. Dustin Schmidt and LaDelle Brink indicated they would be willing to be in this trial period for the website. There was a motion by Shannon, 2nd Rusty to update the website per Taylor’s recommendations. MC unanimously. Marty and Ann will proceed with this.
Justin commented that in 2020 when State Finals move to Ft. Pierre things need to be put in place because we are the committee. He is suggesting to have a third-party contact take care of the marketing and the coordination between Ft Pierre and the Board as the committee. Brief discussion was held, some opinions were provided and the need for a contract was noted. No action was taken. Lance will proceed to put things in place as needed and the item was tabled until after the 2019 State Finals in Belle Fourche.
At this time the student officers reported on their prize selections for the year. The calendar coat prize will be from Heathershaw designs, the calendar T-Shirts and pull-overs and national team shirts will be from Pheasantland Industries, the national team shirts and short go shirts will be from Black Hills Embroidery. They have chosen an all leather coat from Carroll Industries as the national team coat. Marty is checking on prices for those to make sure they are in budget. The buckles have not been chosen. The student officers gave their opinions, asking the host committee to find those options for them.
Any other new or old business was asked for by President Lance Lesmeister and, seeing no other business to attend to, a motion was made by Justin, 2nd by Barry to adjourn. MC. The meeting was adjourned by President Lance Lesmeister at 1:10 pm.
Draft for approval at the next regular meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann
Executive Secretary