Annual General Membership Meeting
September 24, 2022, 9:00 am at the Pierre Ramkota

The Annual General Membership meeting was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:02 AM, Saturday, September 24, 2022.

The pledge of allegiance was led by the Student Officers.

Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann.  She reported that Paul Sundermann is here representing Brad McGirr.  Treg Cowan is absent along with Queen Committee person Patsy Schoellerman.  All other members and Directors present.

President Lance Lesmeister presented the agenda and asked for any additions or corrections, Dale Christensen entertained a motion, second by Marty Phillips, to accept the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.  The minutes of the State Finals meeting were presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann.  President Lance asked for any additions or corrections to the State Final Directors meeting minutes, none were presented.  A motion was entertained by Justin Robertson, second by Justin Heath, to accept the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

At this time, the financial report was asked for, Secretary Ann Sundermann presented a detailed financial report for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2022.  She presented the following information:

– First Interstate Bank enhanced checking accounts have reduced yearly banking fees for check presented overages.
– We received a product share donation of $1500.00 from Black Hills Embroidery for merchandise sold with our logo at State Finals in 2022.
-Upcoming expenses include payment for calendar production.
-The year was a good fiscal year for the SDHSRA, showing and increase of $48,257.00 at the fiscal year end.   Sponsorships carried through with one yet to be paid, and there were no unexpected expenses.  Marty and Ann secured $54,650.00 in sponsorships for State Finals.
-Funds in the First Dakota National Bank Account were left in that account, with only the Qualifier Funds being transferred to the general checking, to cover those costs.
-Ann investigated funds being in a contingency fund for future State Finals and with the interest rate being nearly the same as a savings account rate, it was decided to take no action at this time.
-PayPal, Venmo and Credit Cards are now being offered as forms of payment.
– Ann asked for any questions to the financial report and there were none.
-Motion by Marty, second by Nate Grueb to accept the financial Report.  Motion carried.

The next item of business was the State Finals Report from the 2022 State Finals host committee.  Scott Deal spoke of the week, indicating rain held us up at the beginning of the week but the issue was resolved.  He indicated improvements will be a catwalk behind the crows nest bucking chutes, moving a crows nest to the South Arena, adding more sand. Marty asked if there was a sponsor for another Big Screen if it could be facilitated, the answer is yes.  Location was discussed.  Ann presented the 2022 financials, showing a gain in income.

Calendar Sales report was given by Donna Curr, Calendar Chairperson.  She reviewed in detail the expenses and income of the calendar sales financials for the fiscal year.  Calendar sales were up as well as memberships.  More calendars were ordered this year and the National Team received $69,000.00 in funding.

The next item on the agenda was the National Directors report, presented by National Director Dale Christensen.  Dale reported the following: 2023 is the 75th anniversary of SDHSRA and NHSRA; SD is #4 in membership; it was verified that contestants cannot be pick up men for insurance reasons.  Dale will be in Perry, Georgia for the NJHFR during our state finals next year.  Gillette was good in every way, had a new staff and was very accommodating. Everyone was reminded that Dale is now on the NHSRA Executive Committee, and it was explained how beneficial this is for South Dakota.  He will host the winter meeting in a couple of years.

The next item of business was the Public Relations report presented by Marty Phillips, PR director.    Sponsorship money was about the same this year, short $1500.00 from the year prior.  Coat and shirts cost was higher and more kids went. Marty reported the short go shirts are coming or will come out soon and to make sure to thank your electric cooperatives for the opportunity to have the shirts.  New Touchstone representative is Matt Bruner, 144 shirts were ordered this year.  He would like to get more coverage over the radio for next year’s Finals. Sponsor recognition was discussed, all indicated it should be done this coming year.  Ann has reserved the room.

At this time, Ann read a report on the 2022 Queen Contest from Patsy Schoellerman, Queen Committee.  SDHSRA Queen Tobi Hintz reported on her experience and her results at National competition.  She also reported where she had represented South Dakota High School Rodeo since being crowned.  She will be attending the Badlands Challenge.

Old business:

Oren Lesmeister has indicated he would coordinate the contest again, working with Kaitlyn Sandland. There was only 1 sponsor this past year – SD Farmers Union.  There were not enough funds in the account to pay for their coats/shirts for the National Team.  Oren will oversee the sponsorships in the year to come and he will ask Kaitlyn to help with prizes.

The Cutting and Reined Cow Horse contest committee reported at this time.  Nate reported that in speaking with professionals in the field, he ran into many obstacles when considering moving the contest, encountering more problems than solutions.  Dale reminded the Board and audience that at the National level it was recently reiterated, that we are a Rodeo organization that puts on a Cutting and RCH Competition.  Conditions may be different in the rodeo organizations from a contest held by one of the other organizations.

New business:

The next item on the agenda was regional rodeo financial statement review.  Highmore did not submit a financial statement.  There was discussion about the cost of outs and if there needed to be an increase in the Regional Entry fees.  Several Regional Rodeos showed a loss this year.  This was tabled until the winter meeting.  Ann will send all the regions the financial statements, so their committees can compare if they so choose.

The approval of out of state transfers was covered next. Ann Sundermann reported that all have submitted paperwork on time and have completed the appropriate actions to approve, according to the out of state membership policy.  There are five transfers requested from Nebraska, two from North Dakota, three from Wyoming, one from Montana and one from Minnesota.  Motion by Justin Robertson, second by Dan Curr to accept the out of state transfers that had been submitted according to the out of state membership policy.

Motion carried.  Motion by Justin Heath, second by Dan Curr to extend the out of state membership application process deadline to November 1st.  Motion carried.

State Finals location site considerations for 2024-2025 was the next item on the agenda. Materials including the bid were distributed to the Board by Scott Deal, representing the Stanley County Fairgrounds in Fort Pierre, who spoke on behalf of the bid for Fort Pierre.  He thanked the Board for being able to host in the past and welcomed any input on how to improve the location.  Also present for the Fort Pierre bid were Mayor Gloria Hanson; President of the Chamber of Commerce Shane Cramee; Stanley County Commissioner Sonny Harrowa.  Mayor Hanson indicated another hotel is being built and they would work with the food places to try to have them accommodate the evening hours needed to be opening.  She also explained that staffing continues to be a problem. All present welcomed questions and indicated they are excited about hosting in the future.  Scott reviewed improvements made to the facility, the increase in sponsorships since moving to Fort Pierre and the increase in the gate.

Belle Fourche Chamber President Miranda spoke on behalf of Belle Fourche.  Also present was business owner George Wilson.  Materials containing Belle Fourche city information were distributed to the Board. She indicated the facility has made improvements since State Finals was there last of more power, grandstands, electric hook ups and internet.  There is a new city administrator, and another restaurant has been added.  They expressed their eagerness to host the State Finals.

The Board went into executive session at 10:20 am to individually interview the two facilities presenting bids. The Board came out of executive session at 10:45 am.  A ballot vote was taken and by a vote of 12 to 0, the 2024-2025 State Finals will be hosted by the Stanley County Fairgrounds.  Both parties were thanked for their interest in hosting the SDHSRA Finals.

The next item of business on the agenda is a report from SD Junior High Rodeo, which was presented by Ann Sundermann from an email by Tyler Haugen, who was not present at this time.  Tyler reported: We incorporated 5th graders this year for the first time. Which kept our membership stable despite Nationals being in Perry, Georgia.  We had 189 members this year, down slightly from 195 in 2021.  All regional rodeos and state finals were held in Rapid City this year due to a lack of a cost-effective springtime venue in the eastern part of the state.  The JH does have dates saved in Huron once that complex is completed and look forward to getting some rodeos back east.  Saddles were once again given in all events and had a hard-working team of directors going out and getting those sponsorships to make that happen.  South Dakota had a great showing at Nationals.  The team ended up 8th.  We had 16 qualifiers in the short round.  10 of which finished in the top 10 and Taos Weborg winning the Steer Bareback riding National Championship.  Perry, Georgia did a great job hosting nationals.  The only complaint was the distance there.  Even the heat was very tolerable.  Possibly the best venue yet that has hosted the JH Finals.  We are very proud of these South Dakota JH cowboys and cowgirls.  The SDJHRA annual meeting is being held Sunday the Sept 25th at 11am central at the Red Rossa in Pierre.

At this time, the membership regions split into their separate locations for the purpose of electing the Regional Directors’ terms who were expiring.  Treg Cowan is leaving his position as River Region Director. River Region elected Shaw Reis to fill the position. The East Region Director at Large Barry Knippling is leaving his position.  East and River Regions elected Jeremy Stevens to fill the position. Thanks were given to both Barry and Treg for their service to the association.

Online entry was the next item on the agenda.  Dan asked if the Regional Secretaries were in favor of it,
Ann indicated they were.  An approximate cost of setting up online entry is $6,000.00.  Motion by Justin Robertson, second by Perry Moody for Ann to pursue the addition of online entry.  Motion Carried.

Ann reported the Rodeo News subscription is due in January and asked if it was to be continued.  Discussion was held.  Motion by Justin Robertson, second by Justin Heath to continue the Rodeo News subscription at one per household.  MC.

Lance Lesmeister declared that the time and place for the winter meeting will be in the Monument Convention Center in the Rapid City Civic Center on January 28, 2023, beginning at 9:00 AM.

Attendees were reminded to look at the 20X Extreme contestant list in the hall and let Kim Sutton know right away of you see any errors, before it is posted.

At this time Queen Tobi Hintz presented her speech from Nationals.

A gift of appreciation was presented to Barry.  Because of his absence, Treg will be sent his gift.  Again, we thank both of them for their time given to the SD High School Rodeo youth.

Seeing no other business to be addressed there was a motion by Justin R, second by Justin H to adjourn the annual SDHSRA General Membership meeting.  Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary

January 29, 2022

The Winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:06 AM MDT.  The Student Officers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann.  She reported Dale Christensen was ill and Dave McFarland, Host Committee was out of town. All other Directors, Host Committee members and Student Officers present.

President Lance asked for approval of the agenda.  Additions of the ND Rodeo, first item in New Business and State Finals Program, last item of New Business, were presented and added. Motion by Treg, 2nd by Justin Heath to approve the agenda as presented.  MC.

Lance called for the minutes of the last meeting.  Secretary Ann Sundermann reported the minutes of the previous meeting were presented to all Directors and indicating she would read them if the Board wished her to do so.  President Lance asked for additions or corrections to the minutes, non were offered.  Motion by Barry, 2nd by Treg to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve them as presented.  MC.

The Financial Report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann.  Ann reported a positive outlook overall in the accounts, ytd from last year.  She conveyed concern with the additions of judges at State Finals and other expenses, the expenses are up approximately $20,000.00 from last year at this time.

Ann reported:

-The statement of Activity Report is the non-profit Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Position Report is the non-profit Profit and Loss.
-Donations from family memorials are being given, some are listing them in the obituaries. We are very thankful for these memorial donations.
-Saddles have been paid for.
-On the Financial Statement presented, Ann indicated the account at First Dakota National Bank in Pierre, that was opened on 6/2020 because of the cash needed and handled at State High School Rodeo Finals and has increased $24,000.00 from last year.
-Moving the accounts to Enhanced Checking has been advantageous and has saved us 352.15 in banking fees ytd.
-AR has been invoiced for Marty Phillips, for the sponsor account.
-The difference in the ytd comparison in the scholarship and calendar accounts is because the money is being kept in the interest-bearing scholarship account.   Scholarship monies owed to date are $17,500.00.
-The CD will renew in February/March for one year, balance is $6,620.62. Motion by Justin Heath, 2nd by Nate to renew the CD for one year.  MC.
-Shooting account balance is $1154.50.
-Taxes have been filed.  The accounting firm restructured and changed its name with some of the same staff and will continue to file our tax and other items, as needed.  It is now named Dakota Central Tax.
-There was discussion that, because of the financial position of the association being so positive at this time, that a contingency fund could be set up for the future of holding State High School Rodeo Finals.  Because of interest rates being very low, funds will not be set up in an additional account at this time.

Ann asked for questions regarding the Financial Report, there were none.  Motion was made by Perry, 2nd by Barry, to approve the Financial Statement as presented.  MC.

Next on the agenda was the PR Report, as presented by Public Relations Director Marty Phillips.  Marty reported on sponsorships, which he is a bit concerned about coming into this year.  The sponsor account is in good shape at this time, he has had to secure some new sponsors.    He expressed concern about the ability to get coats and shirts for the National Team and indicated he would do the best he can.  He also expressed concern that with the additions of judges at State Finals and other expenses, the expenses are up approximately $20,000.00 from last year at this time.

In Dale Christensen’s absence Ann presented the National Director’s report for him. He reported on items from the NHSRA Winter Meeting as follows:
-The cost of insurance will be going up this year.  Our director’s and officer’s liability will go up a bunch next year unless we do background checks and minimal training. So that something we will need to look into.
– The biggest thing is now shooting will count towards the national title at the Finals only. It does not count towards the all-around. It is an optional event the same as the queens contest, so if one person wants to be in it we have to offer it. This was brought up by Utah so I believe they can win the national championship as they have a great shooting team but can’t beat Texas in the actual rodeo.
-This year at Gillette at the National High School Finals camping will not be assigned. A block will be set off for each state and you will be assigned a spot as you get there. So, if you want to camp beside someone travel together.
– Gillette also came forward with the offer to build a permanent building, whatever that may be, to be the home for NHSRA. We will start talks with them as what that may look like as far as the rotation or having the finals there every year and what the building will look like.
-SDHSRA Queen Tashina and Noella were at the meeting for a few days and as usual everybody knew she was there. She is a great ambassador for South Dakota Rodeo and our youth in general. I couldn’t be more proud of her as I’m sure you all are.
-NHSRA 75th anniversary is in a year and a half. They are looking into making a coffee table book with stories from each state, and with the charter states having a couple pages. We budgeted quite a bit of money for this and other activities for that celebration.
-I have moved up to second vice president and will have to attend the Junior High Finals also, which directly overlaps the High School Finals, especially in the initial set up but I’ll have more details later.
-Over all it was a pretty good meeting, there was a few minor rule changes, such as the junior high steer wrestling, and the new Lloyd Gilbert rule which means you have to have your shirt tucked in.

South Dakota has also moved up to number three only behind Texas and California in number of members in High School Rodeo, so we are doing something right!

A thank you was given to Dale for representing South Dakota High School Rodeo at the National Level.

Donna Curr reported on the Calendar Sales.  Donna reported Calendar Sales are up, and we ordered more calendars after the initial order.  Postage has also increased.  Donna reviewed the details and requested to increase the cost of the Calendar Prize quote to $125.00, if needed. This being because the cost of available selections have increased dramatically. Motion by Scott, 2nd by Brad to increase the cost of the Calendar Coat to $125.00, if needed. MC. Donna reported Ann has been doing much promotion through the Facebook page.

The Queen report was the next item on the agenda.  Deb McPherson reported that the contest will be held with the same schedule as last year.  She and Robin Tierney will be co-coordinators.  Tashina Redhawk summarized her activities in representing the SDHSRA in-state and at the National Winter Meeting.  She asked the Native American Performance be on Friday night.  Marty and Ann will review the State Finals Performances.

Old Business

Refund Policy that was tabled from the Annual Meeting was presented.  Motion by Dan, 2nd by Barry to accept and adopt the Refund Policy as presented.  MC.

State Finals Committee Reports:
At this time, the Director’s covered the contracts that they had secured.  Barry stated the Judges that he had secured are Wade Vos, Wade Berry.  Discussion was held on the need for three judges in each arena, and if it was necessary.  Selections were provided and the following will be presented contracts for the 2022 State Finals Rodeo.
North Arena – Wade Vos, Wade Berry, Casey Vaughn (back judge)
South Arena – Kevin Schmidt, JR Clark, Bailey Heninger
Dan Curr reported the Cutting Judges are Will Nutter and Jim Wilkins.
Dan Curr reported Jamie Olson is the Reined Cow Horse judge. Motion by Treg, 2nd by Nate to approve the judges as presented.  MC.

The State Finals Schedule was discussed.  Ann presented the schedule used in 2021.  Discussion was held.  Asked by a member of the audience, it was verified the parents of National Qualifiers that need to get to JH are available to sign a notary in the office during the Finals Rodeo or before if need be.  The qualifier will need to be at the meeting/awards ceremony.  This has been and will continue this year.  It was discussed that the event should continue to be an important, impressive and memorable event for those involved, not to take away from it or be rushed, as it has been brought forth for the High School Rodeo members.  The schedule should serve the majority of the High School Rodeo members’ experience. The qualifier is required to be at the meeting/awards ceremony. Motion by Perry, 2nd by Barry to follow last year’s schedule. MC.

The Rough Stock selection committee of Lance and Perry reported that the Rough Stock Contractors will be Stoddard, Waln and Schmidt for horses and Chauncey, Ferguson and Woodward for bulls.

The Timed Event Stock selection committee of Justin Robertson and Treg Cowan reported they received 2 bids: one from Cole Latham and one from Kody Woodward.  Bids were reviewed and a motion was made by Treg, 2nd by Justin Pihl to accept Kody Woodwards bid at 25.00 per run to the chute.  MC.

Goat selection committee: Perry Moody introduced Madi Moody with CC Rodeo Goats.  Madi presented the bid and answered questions.  Motion by Treg, 2nd by Brad to award the goat contract to Cheryl Severson/Madi Moody/C&C Goats for $11.00 per run.  MC.

Cattle and RCH Cattle – Dan reported that Shane Cowan had bid the Cutting and RCH Cattle at 30.00 per head delivered in the cutting.  The bid for the RCH cattle was 25.00 per head, plus 5.00 per head trucking.  Motion by Dan, 2nd by Barry to award Shane Cowan the Cutting and RCH Cattle bud.  MC.

It was reiterated at this time that per Directors previous decision all contracts will be sent out to be only ½ enough, with no injury clause

At 10:55 a 15-minute break was taken.

Host Site Committee report included: The camping spots will have a charge of $200.00 for the week for electricity, no refunds, no partial reservations.  They will be on a first to reserve and pay, first to receive basis.  Reservation process is posted in the SDHSRA website.  Ann noted that one spot will be needed for the Calendar Sales winner. There will be no trailer parking on the Street, there is plenty of parking for day parking on the grounds.   All horses kept overnight must be stalled, no tying to the trailer overnight.  Parking attendants will have to maintain the trailers are parked in fire code, per the Fire Marshall.  Host will coordinate this.

Expansion of the Stanley County Fairgrounds grounds is in the works with the corps of engineers.

Vendors – there are 10 vendors to date.  Vending spaces, inside and out, were reviewed.

Special Rodeo – was discussed and a pre-registration date will be set.  If there are not enough participants an alternative fun activity will be coordinated by the Host Committee.

Activities: There will be a corn hole tournament instead of a 3 on 3 BB tournament, per member request.

Registration bags have been secured from Runnings and coupons from vendors are being obtained.  Host will be responsible for manning the registration personnel, coordination with the office.  Registration will be outside the office under the grandstands and contestants can pull through the parking lot to register and get stall tags, then proceed to the stalling area.

Scott will make sure old stall tags are taken off stalls.  Stalling was reviewed and is on a first come first serve basis – no saving stalls.

Discussion was held on the Timers stand shade looking into the north arena.

After discussion, Motion by Justin Robertson, 2nd by Nate Grueb to move the Barrel Racing to the North Arena and the Tie Down Roping will be in the South Arena.  MC.

Sports Medicine will need the trailer, as was there last year.

Box pad discussion was held.  Motion by Justin Robertson, 2nd  by Justin Heath to have the Executive Committee decide on the need for and purchase of box pads.  MC    The north arena boxes have been made narrower.

Admission prices were reviewed.  Motion by Perry, 2nd by Justin Robertson for the admission prices to remain the same as last year.

Security, tabled from the Annual Meeting, was discussed.  Justin Phil presented quotes from 2 security companies. It would be in place Tuesday – Saturday, and have some assistance from the highway patrol, possibly.  This is still being evaluated.  After lengthy discussion, Motion by Justin Pihl, 2nd by Brad to hire Mountain State for Security and charge a security fee on each State Finals entry of $10.00 per contestant.  MC.

Arena Directors were the next item of business and have been assigned as follows: Cutting – Dan; RCH – Dan – with help, please; Boy’s Rough Stock – Lance, Perry; North Arena Timed Event – Justin Robertson; South Arena – Barry.

Saddles and Saddle Racks were reviewed.  All saddles have been secured with sponsorships.  The feedback on not giving the saddles away, but awarding certificates was discussed.  It has been made known that many of our sponsors dislike this idea, and it will be re-evaluated at the annual meeting.  The photographer will have to photoshop the sponsor names in, after the shots are taken, to have the pictures for the Calendar photos.  This will require time and additional cost.  Ann will talk to Triple R about bringing a “blank” saddle.  Dan discussed if saddle racks would be awarded, since there are no saddles.  Motion by Justin Pihl, 2nd by Perry to order the All Around Saddle Racks. MC.

Bullfighter selection was the next item on the agenda. Nominations were submitted for Dayton Spiel, Luke Heninger and Andrew Odden.  A ballot vote was taken and Andrew and Luke will be offered the bull fighting contract.

Pick-up Man selection was reviewed and nominations for JJ Hunt and Kirk Schuelke were submitted.  Seeing no other nominations JJ and Kirk will be offered the pick up man contract.

Shooting Contest was covered next and Kaitlyn Sandland reported on the various people and organizations to provide the contest.  She secured the contest dates to have 2 dates, one for trap and one for rifle. Contestants will need to pre-register and go through registration at the same time of registration of all other events. It will be held at Willow Creek for it to be held 6/16/2022 and 6/17/2022 at 1:00 pm CST – unless there are not enough contestants to facilitate the need for 2 days.  Both divisions can be shot.  She indicated judges will be secured for the competition, other than parents.  Kaitlyn will not be at the contest this year.  On the registration form, the contestant will have to declare if they will be shooting for prizes only, for national team placement or both. She reviewed a Midway Endowment program which she will bring more information to the Board about, if it is to be looked into.

Other State Finals Discussion:

Concessions was the next item of business.  SDHSRA will receive 10% of the concessions, Todd Surdez with the Silver Spur is willing to do the concessions.

Sports Medicine will be coordinated by Marty with Patti Gilbert.

There being no other old business President Lance moved on to New Business.

New Business:

The first item of new business addressed was the North Dakota Battle of the Borders.  Jimmie Nicholas spoke briefly about it.  Ann will post about its options and entry information if she is provided it, and the contestants can enter on their own, if they so desire.

Regional Rodeo Entry Form.  Motion by Treg, 2nd by Scott to adopt the Regional Qualifying Entry blank as presented.  MC.  The regional rodeo entries will be able to be emailed this year, with the payment made by check, money order, or e-pay options.  The practice rodeo schedule was reviewed next.  Motion by Treg, 2nd by Dan to accept the 2022 SDHSRA Regional Qualifying and Practice Rodeo Applications.  MC.

Steve Sutton, regarding the 20X Extreme Rodeo reported: registration begins at 10:30, and the team picture will be during the contestant’s meeting at 11:30.  He explained the route to the parking area, contestants can ride in the arena from 8:00 – 10:00 am only.  All Directors are asked to help, and passes were provided by Ann for those willing to do so.

Legendary Honorees were the next item of business and nominations were taken. Motion by Perry, 2nd by Justin Robertson that Digger Rutten and Rusty Foster are to be this year’s honorees.  MC.

Region Transfers were reviewed, much discussion was held.  Ann presented member numbers to date for each region, the Northwest Region continues to be considerably lower.  Motion by Justin Heath, 2nd by Scott to accept the Region Transfers as presented and make the deadline for Region Transfers February 15th.  MC

A member of the audience asked that gong forward consideration be given to Regional Boundaries at State Finals.

Vice President Perry Moody asked the meeting enter into Executive Session at 12:12 pm.  President Lance Lesmeister declared the meeting in Executive Session.

The Board came out of Executive Session at 12:50 pm.

Motion by Brad, 2nd by Toni to adopt the following ground rule:  Pursuant to NHSRA 2020-2022 Rule p. 36, 7(2), the SDHSRA Board of Directors has the authority to have the family member/guardian/parent/contestant removed from the grounds and/or disqualify the contestant from the rodeo and future rodeos. MC, Nate opposed.

At this time the Student Officers – along with Donna Curr and Marty Phillips – reported on the selections the Student Officers had made for Calendar and National Team awards, prizes and buckle selections.

Next on the agenda are the NHSRA scholarships.  A committee needs to be established to review those.  It is unknown at this time home many scholarships we will be given, but last year we were provided 10, $1000.00 scholarships.  Ann, Justin Heath and Nate Grueb will be the scholarship committee.  Ann will update the information for the scholarships on the website when it is provided to her.

Printing a Program at State Finals was the next item of business.  Discussion was held and options were reviewed.  A bid from Creative Printing for $5675.00 was presented and Brad McGirr reviewed the bid.   Motion by Perry, 2nd by Justin Robertson to produce a State Finals Program with Creative Printing and sell the Programs for $5.00 each.  MC.

Other new or old business was asked for by President Lance Lesmeister.

Other New Business discussed was the SDHSRA Lawyer’s suggestion to review the SDHSRA By-Laws.  Motion by Justin Robertson 2nd by Perry to have Ann speak to the lawyer about protecting the SDHSRA By-laws.  MC.

Marty and Ann reported on the Sponsor Reception that is going to be held later today.  All Directors and Student Officers are encouraged to attend to thank sponsors in person and tell them how much we appreciate their support.

Student Officer Landry asked about the State Finals Schedule.  It was conveyed the decision on the schedule had been decided to leave it the same, to benefit the majority of the High School members.

Dan brought up the Wall PRCA High School Showcase, and it was reiterated that at the annual meeting it was decided to proceed, if the Wall PRCA Committee was willing.  They are. There will be a $500.00 purse per event, paid 2 places, $50.00 entry fee.

Seeing no other business to attend to, a motion was made by Justin Robertson, 2nd by Perry to adjourn.  MC.

The Winter Directors Meeting of the SDHSRA was adjourned by President Lance Lesmeister at 1:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary