SDJHRA Annual Meeting
September 26th, 2015

Pierre, SD

The annual meeting of the SD Jr High Rodeo Association was called to order September 26, 2015 by President Lloyd Gilbert. Roll call of the board of directors included Jess Brewer, Lloyd Gilbert, Cory Donnelly, Nicholas Caspers, Levi Derner, Matt Moser and Kristyn Fuller.

The Secretary’s Report was read and motion for approval was made by Cory Donnelly.

The first order of business was to elect new officers. Lloyd Gilbert was nominated for President. Nominations ceased by motion of Cory Donnelly and Levi Derner. Lloyd Gilbert is the President of the board. Cory Donnelly was nominated as Vice President. Nominations ceased by motion of Lloyd Gilbert and Jess Brewer.

The 2016 rodeo schedule was discussed. The regional rodeos are as follows:
April 23rd & 24th at the Event Center, Rapid City, SD
April 30th & May 1st in Huron, SD

Discussion was held about the 2016 State Rodeo. Sites to hold the rodeo were presented by the board members. Vote was taken and the State Rodeo will be held in Rapid City at the Event Center May 13th, 14th and 15th.

Discussion was held about participating at the NRCA finals again and the decision was made not to hold the Jr. High rodeo at the NRCA finals.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Kristyn Fuller
SDJHRA Secretary