Special General Membership Meeting
October 8th 2017
Rapid City, SD

The meeting was called to order by President Lloyd Gilbert. Directors Levi Derner, Sam Stoddard, Tyler Haugen, Jeremy Stevens were present. Toby Moody was unable to attend and had Martie Phillips attend in his place. National Director Allan Good and Secretary Kristyn Haines were also present.

The purpose for this meeting was to discuss and vote on the location for the location of the 2nd regional rodeo. Bids were brought from Rapid City May 11 & 12, Wessington Springs May 3 & 4 or May 11 & 12, Huron April 13 & 14 and Sioux Falls May 3 and 4th. The bored discussed & voted and it was a tie with Lloyd, Sam and Levi voting for Rapid City and Tyler, Jeremy & Martie voting for Huron , National Director Allan Good was the tie breaker and voted for Huron.

The locations of the 2018 rodeos will be:
Huron April 13th & 14th,
Rapid City April 27th & 28th
State- Rapid City May 18th, 19th & 20th.
Nationals is held in Huron SD June 24th – 30th,

There being no further business Sam Stoddard made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Levi Derner 2nd the motion.

2017 Annual Meeting Minutes
Rapid City, SD
September 10th, 2017

The 2017 Annual meeting was called to order by President Lloyd Gilbert. Directors present were Sam Stoddard, Levi Derner, Tyler Haugen, Toby Moody, Jeremy Stevens, National Director Alan Good and Secretary Kristyn Haines.

Minutes from the Winter meeting were read and approved by Sam Stoddard.

Treasurer/Secretary Report was given by Kristyn Haines. The SDJHRA end the 2016-2017 season with $8,465.66. $400 was given to to each National team member in addition to stalls being paid for by the SDJHRA. $17,542 was given in awards during the season and $9,450 was collected in sponsorship money.

A recap of the the state and National rodeo was also given. We had 102 active members and sent 40 kids to Nationals.

New officers were elected. President Lloyd Gilbert was nominated by Sam Stoddard to remain President for the 2017/2018 season and was seconded by Toby Moody. Levi Derner nominated Jeremy Stevens for Vice President and was voted upon by the board.
The Directors will be as follows
East River Director at Large- Toby Moody 2 yr Term
West River Director at Large- Tyler Haugen 2 yr Term
Vice President – Jeremy Stevens- 1 yr Term
Sam Stoddard 1 yr Term
Levi Derner 2 yr Term
President Lloyd Gilbert 1 yr term
Alan Good will remain the National Director

2017-2018 Cinch Team: Mason Moody, Malcom Heathershaw, Jestyn Woodward, Dawson Kautzman, Grey Gilbert, Denton Good, Layne Palmer, Tate Hoffman, Teya Moody, Kaycee Groves, Chloe Crago, T. Merrill, Maddy Boyd, Peyton Sterkel.

2017-2018 Regional and State Rodeos were discussed. Jeremy Stevens brought a bid from Huron for April 27th & 28th. . Levi Derner brought bids from Rapid City for April 27th & 28th, May 11th & 12th and May 18th, 19th, & 20th.

The board had a unanimous vote to have the first regional rodeo to be held in Rapid City April 27th and 28th since the High School rodeo will be having a practice rodeo there the same weekend and we could share expenses. The board had an unanimous vote for having the second regional rodeo in Huron May 11th and 12th if the barn is available if not the second regional rodeo will be held in Rapid City. The board had a unanimous vote to have the State rodeo in Rapid City May 18th, 19th and 20th.

Troy Rodenbaugh was present at the meeting and would like to give a $1,000 sponsorship to the Jr High but will need to give a presentation to the kids on being tobacco free, this will take place at the State rodeo.

Sponsorships were discussed and Secretary Kristyn Haines will be sending out thank you’s to all sponsors and asking for 2018 commitment. Levi Derner will be in charge of the sponsorship committee and asking each director to be in charge of getting $1,000 in sponsorship money.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Levi and seconded by Tyler.

2017 Mid-Winter Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2017

The 2017 Mid-Winter meeting was called to order by President Lloyd Gilbert in the Redd Room at the Civic Center.  Board members present Sam Stoddard, Nichols Casper, Matt Moser, Alan Good and secretary Kristyn Fuller.  Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved by Sam and 2nd Lloyd.  Treasures report was given and approved.
Alan Good was not able to make the National meeting but was given a re-cap by High School National Director, report was given.
Stock contractors were discussed and voted upon for Regional & State Rodeos:
Goats- John Hight
Timed Events calves- Jeff Belkham
Steers- Sam Stoddard & Alan Good
Bulls- Thad Bothwell

Sponsorships were discussed and directors will continue to work on them. The 2017 Count Me in Form is updated and on the website for anyone wanting to help.
Committees were made for finding judges, timers, announcers & awards. Shooting Sports will be held Saturday 4/8 @ 3pm and Saturday 5/13 @ 9am location to be determined.  Rodeo Entry forms will be on the website with the due dates posted.  2017 Raffle tickets are also available on the website and are mandatory for all competing members due 3/17/17prior to entering the 1st regional rodeo.

There being no further busniess meeting was adjourned by Alan Good and seconded by Matt Moser.