Scholarship Applications

Some of the following forms can be completed on the computer. You may need to update your Acrobat Reader in order to use the fillable forms.


   NRA Outstanding Achievement Youth Awards for shooters (due May 1 each year)

  • First place: $5,000
  • Second place: $3,000
  • Third place: $2,000


   2024 20X Showcase Rodeo Scholarship Form…

   2024 Western SD Buckaroos & South Dakota High School Rodeo Association & Western Legacy Foundation Scholarship Form…

   2024 NHSRA Scholarship Application…      (due May 7)

   2024 Marcie Locken Memorial Scholarship Application…     (due April 30)

   2024 Clark County Horsemen’s Club Scholarship Application…   (due July 6)

   2024 Bill Cross Memorial Scholarship Application…

   2024 Michael Glynn Memorial Scholarship Application… (due May 1)

   Vicki Young Memorial Scholarship…      Applicants please confirm availability at the Buffalo Regional Rodeo

        Quanta Services’ High School Rodeo Team Scholarship:
        HD Hogan Foundation Scholarship:

        Military Rodeo Cowboys Hall of Fame Scholarship:  Due 5/31/24.  $500 – $2500

        Black Hills Roundup Scholarship: Due 5/1/2024.  Northwest Region Contestants only

2024 military scholarship poster

megans memory

K&H Rodeo Company Scholarship Program (online application)

Any changes or additions to the scholarship applications, or new applications, will be posted on this website. You will not be receiving any additional information by mail. Please periodically check the website.