Saturday Sept. 30th, 2006
Ft. Pierre, SD 10:00 a.m. 

Call to Order
SDJHRA State President and National Director Diana Melvin called the meeting to order.  Present at the meeting was Diana Melvin, Cindy Nagel (Exec. State Sec.), Rick Johnston, Rick and Becky Odenbach, Ron and Rance Maddocks, Mark Melvin, and Melody Musick.  Student members were Kallie Odenbach, Shayna Nagel, Jace Melvin, and Shania Johnston.  A few potential members were there to listen.

Introductions were made by all attending.

State and National Directors Report
Diana Melvin reported on the State Rodeo from last year and the placing of 15th for the State Team at the Nationals.  General discussion took part on the trip to Gallup, New Mexico.  Noted was the new National Rodeo date of July 2-7 for 2007.

Financial Report
Financial report was given by Diana Melvin and Cindy Nagel. Ledgers were presented for members to view for breakdown on expenses. One outstanding bill was presented and paid for printing costs; two outstanding donations need to be collected yet.  Balance of check book $2778.62.

Discussion took place on paying the State Rodeo judges for their time, an amount of $25 in Beef Bucks.  Motion made by Rick Johnston, second by Rick Odenbach to pay judges with Beef Bucks.  Approved

Discussion on paying back the initial National Dues of $200.00 to Kathy Chauncey, since she personally paid the dues. Motion made by Ron Maddocks, second by Cindy. Approved.

With all financial matters down Motion made Cindy, second by Rick Johnston to approve financial report.  Approved.

Secretary’s Report
Report from Cindy Nagel on the Wrangler All-Star Team from SD.  Six boys and six girls were chosen based on their performance at the State Rodeo.  Members include Jace Melvin, Terrance Maier, Tate Glaus, Matt Peters, Blake Boysen, Dylan Hart, Shania Johnston, Kallie Odenbach, Nicole Fritz, Shayna Nagel, Melania Wientzes, and Lacey Stevens.  A press release from the National office will be out in Oct. Congratulations to those members.

Membership forms have been sent out to previous members and any person who has requested forms.  Dues were set at $85.00 for the 2006-07 year – $30.00 for State Dues, $15.00 for National Dues, $15.00 for NHSRA Times magazine, $25.00 for Rodeo Insurance. Membership forms and Dues are due by Jan. 1st.  If deadline is missed, interested party must petition the National Director Diana Melvin.

Old Business
State flag and sponsor flags are in storage for this coming year.  It was noted with great thanks that the Governor’s office donated a state flag for the National Rodeo in Gallup.

New Business
Discussion on implementing Associate Membership, which would allow paying members voting privileges. Dues would be $5.00/member.  Cindy will make forms for membership and cards will be given to paid members.  Motion made by Ron Maddocks, second by Becky Odenbach. Approved.

Sites for Rodeo
Applications for Jr. High Rodeo sites were discussed. No more than seven qualifying rodeos to be held with May being the starting month.  State Rodeo date was set for May 26th – 28th, due to the time frame of the National Rodeo.  Rosebud was named the site for the State Rodeo due to the outstanding rodeo package they provide financially.  Other sites interested must have information to members by the Jan. 28th meeting in Rapid City.

Prizes and Sponsors
13 events and 2 all-around awards given.  Saddles will be given for the all-around qualifiers with buckles as the goal for the top four finishers.  Members need to contact potential sponsors now.  Note that thank you cards will be awards at the State Rodeo with Mrs. Peters helping to organize that.  Ron Maddocks asked permission to do a fund raiser as a thank you to the state association.  He plans to purchase three one of kind Maynard buckles as commemorative SDJHRA buckles to be placed in a wooden case and auctioned off at three livestock sale barns.  The barns that are going to be asked to participate are Aberdeen, Ft. Pierre, and Phillip.  Motion made by Cindy Nagel, second by Becky Odenbach to let Ron go ahead with his idea. Approved.  Ron was thanked for his generous contribution.

Point System
The point system will remain as last year, with the average based on times from the three performances at the state rodeo, counting as double points.  If additional rodeos take place, members may bring points into the state rodeo.  The top four point totals are the national qualifiers.

Princess Contest
There will be no National Princess Competition in 2007.  However a State Princess Contest may be held.  It was noted that if the State Princess did not qualify for Nationals in any other event she would have to pay her own way to Nationals if she chooses to attend.  Volunteers Teri Jo Weidner, Kristina Maddocks, and Becky Odenbach will help organize the State Princess Contest.  Based on this motion made to hold contest by Cindy Nagel, second by Melody Musick.  Approved.

Election of Student Officers – Officers were selected as:
President – Shania Johnston
V. President – Jace Melvin
Secretary – Shayna Nagel
Motion made by Becky Odenbach, second by Rick Johnston to approve student officers. Approved.

Discussion of different fund raiser for the year.  Raffle ticket sales were best idea for all members to take part in.  Each member must sell $30.00 of raffle tickets to participate at Jr. High Rodeos.  The Frisbee Throw for Beef Bucks/through the SD Cattlewomen Aux. was discussed and will be looked into to do at some upcoming rodeos.  Student officers made a flyer draft to be printed for distribution around the state.  News releases will be published along with trying to get radio talk show hosts Jim Thompson, Monty James, and Trent Loos to help promote.  The 4-H Newsletters will also be addressed to advertise as well as putting deadlines on Calendars at various papers.  All members are asked to promote and recruit members. Call was made to SDHSRA to see if we will remain on web site, waiting on response. Update website with more information.

Finals Rodeo
More will be discussed at the Jan. meeting on setting up rodeo.  Judges will be selected by a committee at the Jan. meeting.  Various names were taken for judges, timers, bullfighters, etc.

Discussion on co-sanction of State rodeo with 4-H or Little Britches rodeos at same time.  This will be determined by membership of the SDJHRA at the Jan. meeting.  If membership allows the rodeo may be co-sanctioned.

By Laws and Association Rules
Discussion on using the SDHSRA and the 4-H By Laws and adapt them to our needs.  Shania and Vicky Johnston will work on draft to be ready by the Jan. meeting.  Motion was made by Cindy Nagel to have them work on this, second by Melody Musick. Approved.

Roberta Bruns volunteered to start the SDJHRA scrapbook.  Members need to get pictures or anything relevant to Cindy Nagel as soon as possible.  The members want the thank Roberta for taking the project on.

Meeting Date
The next meeting date was set for Sunday, Jan. 28th 9:00 a.m. at Rapid City.  This meeting will take place before the high school 20x rodeo during the Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo.  An exact meeting site will be announced later.

All business completed – motion made by Rick Odenbach, second by Becky Odenbach to adjourn meeting.  Meeting adjourned.