Minutes from Sept. 30th, 2007
Ft. Pierre, SD
Meeting called to order by Pres. Blane Nagel
Introductions made – Assoc. memberships were filled out.
Officers present were – Blane Nagel – Pres.
Myron Mann – National Director
Diana Melvin – National and State Advisor
Cindy Nagel – Secretary
Mel Musick – Treasurer
Student Officers – Shania Johnston – President
Shayna Nagel – Secretary
National Director’s Report from 2006- 07 Season – Diana Melvin
Represented SDJHRA at the SDHSRA meeting
Information presented from the 2007 National Rodeo
June 29th – July 5th, 2008 Wrangler JH National Rodeo in Gallup, NM
Introduced Myron Mann as the New National Director
Secretary’s Report – Cindy Nagel
16 members awarded the SD Wrangler All – Star Team 15 of those accepted and will represent SD JH Rodeo.
Motion made by Glaus second Johnston to accept sec. minutes – passed
Discussion on membership due dates and fees
Jan. 1 deadline for memberships
Any new members after Jan. 1 – Feb. 25 will pay $15 late fee – total dues would $100
Feb. 25th, 2008 – Cut off to accept memberships
Motion made by Melvin second by Johnston – passed
Treasurer’s Report – Mel Musick and Diana Melvin
$2000.99 in account –
Need to collect for some advertising yet
No outstanding bills to pay.
Financial report handed out for all to discuss.
Motion made by Sorenson second by Gregg to accept treasurer’s report. Passed
Resignation accepted of Mel Musick as treasurer – with thanks for all the work. New treasurer was elected – LeAnn Gaer with additional signatures Cindy Nagel and Myron Mann.
Old Business – Blane Nagel – Diana Melvin
$250 was allocated for travel for National Director for National meeting in Denver.
Motion by Sorenson second by Johnston – passed
By Laws will be finalized and typed up for members.
Contract will be drawn up for the SDJHRA Princess for guidelines and duties.
Officer duties will be included in By – Laws.
New Business – Blane Nagel – Myron Mann
Fund Raisers – 3 to 4 buckles will be donated to the SDJHRA by the Knutson family to auction off a three sale barns during the rodeo year.
Motion by Johnston second by Maier – passed
Raffle tickets will be sold again this year. Members will be required to sell $30.00 worth of tickets to rodeo. LeAnn Gaer is Chairman for the raffle tickets. Tickets will include NFR Tickets, Star of the West Hat, and $100. Modern Woodman will be contacted to see about match program.
Families will also sell two/ $30 business card ads that will be turned in with state entry forms. Business card and money must be with entry forms to rodeo. This is per family NOT member.
Motion by Melvin second by Gregg – passed
Frisbee Toss – will again be held for beef bucks at three rodeos – Brookings, 20X Rodeo, Ranch Rodeo
Banners will be sold in addition to other advertising.
Queen workshop – upcoming workshop as fund raiser for Princess contest. More details later.
Motion by Maddocks second by Mann – passed
Rodeos – Bids and dates were discussed – Winner will host the Jr. High Rodeo on Sunday, May 25th (two performances) and on Monday, May 26th with one performance.
Motion by Nagel second by Mann – passed
Regional Rodeos were left open at this time – Dates for rodeos may be May 3-4 and May 10-11. Bids will be discussed at the winter meeting in Jan. If any party is interested please contact Blane Nagel or Myron Mann.
Official Newspaper for all SDJHRA members – Wrangler Horse and Rodeo News will be the Official Newspaper for all paid members. Names and addresses will be sent to publisher. Free for the first year.
Motion by Mann second by Johnston – passed.
Mid-Winter Meeting – Sunday Jan. 27th, 2008 during the BHSS
9:00 MT (meeting place to be announced later)
1:00 MT 20X Rodeo – Frisbee Toss
SD Auction Basket for Nationals will be chaired by Christine Sorenson with the help of the SDJHRA Princess. Thank you to Tela Mann for doing that this past year.
Student Officers Elected – President – Shania Johnston
V. President – Wyatt Mann
Secretary – Shayna Nagel
Officers will be elected at the State Rodeo in May 2008.
Job description will be in By-Laws.
Motion made to get a SDJHRA Banner for display at functions – by Sorenson second by Nagel – passed.
Prizes will be selected by officers and student officers for upcoming state rodeo.
With all business discussed motion to adjourn by Maddocks second by Glaus. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes from Jan. 28th, 2007 Meeting
Rapid City Civic Center
11:00 MT
Call to order – the meeting was called to order by Diana Melvin. Introductions were made of the Student Officers, new members, and parents.
Membership – it was discussed and voted on to accept late memberships until March 1st, 2007 with an addition of $15.00 late fee. Total Membership fee would be $100.00.
– Motion by Mrs. Sorenson
– Second by Mr. Gregg
– Associate memberships can be purchase for $5 for voting privileges at the meetings. Form on sdhsra website under Jr. High Division.
Discussion moving membership deadline date the same as High School Rodeo Dec. 1st. Annual meeting in Sept will address that.
By-Laws – Rick Johnston handed out a copy of the By Laws for all to read with the clarification of a few items the By Laws were approved.
– Meeting will follow the High School format with a fall meeting which will always be the last Sat. in Sept., and then having a winter meeting. Officers will be elected at the Annual Fall meeting.
-Motion made by Mrs. Gregg
-Second by Mr. Gregg
Discussion on rodeo jackets for National Team – officers will pick out style and get prices.
– If you do not have raffle tickets please contact Vicky Johnston at (605)985-5466. It is your responsibility to get the raffle tickets. Please sell as many raffle tickets as you can – this money pays the way for the National Team.
Frisbee Fund Raiser- Jr. High Rodeo members will sell Frisbees for $2 at the 20X Rodeo. People who purchase the Frisbee will toss it at the lariat in the middle of the arena at the designated time. If Frisbee lands on the rope or in the rope, that numbered Frisbee will win $50 in Beef Bucks.
Donated Beef Bucks:
$50 – Chamberlain Cattlewoman
$50 – SD Beef Bucks Council
$200 – Dakota Southern Cattleman’s Aux.
Please send a thank you note to Sutton Rodeos for allowing the fund raiser. Their address is:
Sutton Rodeo
PO Box 402
Onida, SD 57564
Sec./Treasure report was read and approved – $3,862.34 in the bank at this time. Reminder to all members to try to get sponsorship money for the State Rodeo.
AQHA Horse of the Year Nomination Forms due Feb. 15th. Need to be nominated for State before Nationals
– Motion made by Mr. Johnston
– Second by Mrs. Johnston
Maddocks Fund Raiser – The family of Rance Maddock is doing a buckle fund raiser the buckle will be auctioned off at the Aberdeen Sale Barn, Phillip Sale Barn and the Winner Sale Barn. Money raised will go to the SDJHRA.
2007 Rodeo Schedule- It was voted on and approved to have a Regional Rodeo at Winner, SD May 12th and 13th. These rodeos will jackpot entry fees out to event winners. This rodeo will be a point rodeo, carrying best event points on to State Rodeo. This means you will be allowed to bring your best ONE DAY Rodeo event/ out of the two day rodeo to the State Rodeo. Watch for entries online.
-motion by Mr. Odenbach
-second by Mr. Johnston
STATE RODEO – May 26th, 27th, and 28th at the Rosebud Casino Grounds. Entries will be on line and mailed out as soon as the membership deadline is past.
Members need to bring a current report card (either 3rd quarter or Final) and their raffle ticket money and stubs. You will not be issued a number without these handed in. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
– Motion by Mr. Engesser
– Second by Mr. Gregg
Princess Contest – There will be a Princess Contest held at Rosebud starting Friday night May 25th. Anyone needing more information on that should contact Becky Odenbach at 842-0145 or Kristina Maddocks at 994-2561.
Meeting was adjourned.