SDJHRA Annual Meeting Minutes
Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008
Ft. Pierre, SD
Call to order by the President – Blane Nagel
Introductions were made – associate memberships were taken at this time for the 2008 – 09 rodeo season. Anyone interested in being a voting associate member may fill out the form and pay $5.00. The form is found on the website under the wrangler division.
Secretary report – Cindy Nagel
The Wrangler All – Star Team was announced. Team Members include: Tyan Knutson, Jade Maier, Seth Anderson, Andy Nelson, Carson Musick, Cody Bernstein, Tyler Gaer, Wyatt Mann, Jade Schmidt, Chesney Nagel, Kaitlin Peterson, Vanzi Knippling, Taylor Engessor, Moriah Glaus, Cassy Woodward and Ternee Nelson.
They will be awarded their Wrangler shirts at the Feb. 1 meeting to be worn at the 20X rodeo.
It was noted that the National office is not sending out any paper forms so everything is being sent by email. Those forms are available on the SDHSRA website under the wrangler division as well. Memberships are due March 1, 2009. If you do not have internet access you will need to let Cindy know you need forms.
If members do not fill out forms properly then the member will be accessed a $10.00 fee for mailing the forms back.
Anyone organization wanting to put a bid in for a regional or the state rodeo will need to submit a bid sheet at the Winter meeting in Rapid City. If you would like a bid sheet – contact Cindy Nagel.
Rodeo computer software was discussed – try to get what the SDHSRA uses and be a part of their package. Cindy will look in to that.
Treasure report – LeeAnn Gaer
$3,799.02 in account with no outstanding bills at this time.
Director report – Myron Mann (2year term so not elected position this year)
Great representation of SD at the National Rodeo.
Discussion on money and prizes awarded to National team members and state winners.
Election of Officers – needs to be done at State Rodeo – need to have a state meeting during the State Rodeo– National office requires officers to be reported by Sept. 1 of the rodeo season. That will need to be changed in By Laws.
2008 -09 Officers Elected –
President – Blane Nagel
V. President – Barry Knippling
Sec. – Cindy Nagel
Treasure – LeeAnn Gaer
2008- 09 Student Officers –
President – Wyatt Mann
V. President – Seth Anderson
Secretary – Chesney Nagel
Board of Directors was established with two people from the each side of the state; one person will be one year term and one person will be two year term – this will be a team of directors that will include the officers. This will have to be an addition to the By – Laws – members felt that more help was needed for organization.
Blaine Carey – 2 year term
Dave Gaer – 1 year term
Ross Peterson – 2 year term
Shorty Engessor – 1 year term
Old Business – Wrangler Magazine – if wanting membership for that magazine – you will need to buy subscription for $6.00. It will NOT be free this up coming year.
Raffle ticket sales were discussed. The drawing will take place at the State rodeo. Members will need to sell $30.00 in raffle tickets and at least $60.00 in sponsorship ads to compete. LeeAnn will head up the raffle tickets again this year. Sponsorship forms are on line.
New Business – members will need to print out rodeo membership applications and forms from the SDHSRA website under the wrangler division. If not able to get forms then you must call Cindy Nagel and request them.
Frisbee Fund Raiser – will just be held during the 20X rodeo at Rapid City.
It was voted on and approved to hold 4 point rodeos and three performances at the State Rodeo.
Rodeo site bids need to be postmarked by Jan. 1, 2009 and mailed to Cindy Nagel. If you are interested in hosting a rodeo you will need to fill out the proper paper work. If you need site bid forms contact Cindy Nagel.
Next meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009 at the Lyons Building out at the Fair Grounds in Rapid City. The meeting will start at 9:30. We are holding this in conjunction with the HS 20X Rodeo that afternoon. The Jr. High Members will be selling Frisbees for a fund raiser at that rodeo.
With all topics discussed motion to adjourn, second, and meeting adjourned.
Rodeo Minutes
January 27, 2008
Central States Fairgrounds
Rapid City, SD
Meeting called to order Blane Nagel – Pres.
Introduction of Officers Blane Nagel – Pres.
Jeff Harper – V. Pres.
LeeAnn Gaer – Treas.
Cindy Nagel – Sec.
Myron Mann – Nat’l Dir.
Sec. Report
Wrangler All Star Team was announced and their wrangler shirts handed out. The new Wrangler All Star Co- captains for the 2008 season boys- Wyatt Mann and girls – Shayna Nagel were introduced. New memberships discussed with problems with the forms addressed. Frisbee Toss fund raiser from Brookings Pro Rodeo made $468.50. Discussion on Frisbee Toss for 20X Rodeo.
Horse of the Year Nomination form Due Feb. 15
Motion to approve minutes by Stevens second by Rutten- approved
Treasurers Report
$4859.14 in account – no outstanding bills
Motion by Stevens to approve report second by Rutten – approved.
Old Business
raffle tickets – each member must sell $30 of raffle tickets before first rodeo – and each family must sell at least two business card ads.
Queen contest – Not a national contest this year so the state will only hold a contest if it is self supported with no money out of the rodeo account.
Buckle auction – Knutson family updated members on the buckles – they donated three to be auctioned off at three locations by March.
Auction Basket – Christine Sorensen gave report on items she has had donated already – please bring SD items any of the rodeos to help out the SD basket.
New Business
2007- 2008 rodeo schedule was discussed with Dupree, Rapid City Event Center, 7N Arena, and Burke putting out requests for rodeos. A ballot vote was taken and the schedule was finalized.
April 18 (Fri.) – 19 (Sat.) rodeo to follow the NLBR at the Rapid City Event Center. – Shorty Engesser in charge.
May 3rd (Sat.) rodeo at the 7N Arena in Springfield – Blane Nagel in charge.
May 4th (Sun.) at Burke in conjunction with the Burke HS practice rodeo – Burke Rodeo Club in charge.
May 25th (2 performances) – State Rodeo- Winner
May 26th -State Rodeo
Rodeo entry forms will be available on the website NOT mailed out. Each member is responsible for own entry forms.
Point System – all 4 rodeos prior to State will be point rodeos with a max. Total of 30 points carried into state per event. Each member may throw out one rodeo and/or worst event points from any of the four rodeos. State Rodeo – each performance will be max 10 point system with the average (BASED ON TIIME) of the three state performances worth max 20 points. All around points will be based on State rodeo performances with a weighted point system based on entries per event – format will be like the Elks Rodeo in Sheridan, Wyo. Top four point winners in each event will be qualified for National Rodeo if they have met all requirements (report card, raffle tickets, etc.)
Motion by Sorensen second by Gregg – approved
Awards – each rodeo will be in charge of own awards and/or jackpot money. State awards will be chaired by Myron Mann and Rick Odenbach.
Rules Committee – A committee for rules will be as follows – Myron Mann, Blane Nagel, Cindy Nagel, and each rodeo chairperson.
Event Directors – Parents or adults are asked to volunteer for an event that their family member is not participating in. They will be the director throughout the rodeo season at each rodeo. Please let Myron know if you would volunteer.
Motion made by Rutten second by Gregg to adjourn meeting.
With all business taken care of meeting adjourned.