SDJHRA Annual Fall Meeting
Sept. 24, 2011
Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center, Ft. Pierre, SD

The meeting was called to order by President Shorty Engesser. The secretary’s report was read silently and Allen Good made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Russ Maier. The treasurer’s report was presented by Loretta Monnens; Jeff Belkham made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Cathy Pirrung.  mc

The first order of business was to fill the vacant offices of President and Vice-President.  Shorty Engesser was nominated by Cathy Pirrung, seconded by Russ Maier.  Shorty accepted the nomination and nominations ceased. mc   For vice-president, Allen Good was nominated by JP Kirwan, seconded by Shorty Engesser. Allen accepted the nomination and nominations ceased.  mc

OLD BUSINESS:  A brief discussion was held regarding our 2011 regional and state finals rodeos.  Everyone agreed that all went well, considering the threat of the EHV-1 virus.   The National Jr. High Finals was also discussed. There was discussion about finding a new motel for the South Dakota group to stay at, due to multiple issues with El Rancho motel.  Jen Latham found that the Sleep Inn, which is closer to the rodeo grounds, would charge $74 a room, which wasn’t that much higher than the El Rancho, after figuring in taxes and such. Russ Maier made a motion to move South Dakota to the Sleep Inn, it was 2nd by Cathy Pirrung.  mc

Also, Shorty is going to work with the National Office to get a better spot for South Dakota’s camping spot. Discussion was held about the jobs that South Dakota maintained during the Jr. High rodeo at Gallup, and what positions all needed to be filled, as far as gate openers, etc.


Jr. High participating at the SDRA rodeo – Cathy Pirrung brought up that SDJHRA could bid to take tickets and SDJHRA would get a percentage of the gate fees. She said that 6 people are needed for taking tickets and volunteers were found to fill those spots.  SDJHRA put in a bid to be the ticket takers and Cathy Pirrung will let us know if we received the bid or not. If we get the bid, the volunteers to be in charge of the ticket takers are: Shorty, Nagel’s & Latham’s will be there for Saturday & Sunday and Good’s will be there on Sunday to help. Cathy Pirrung was consulted about having a Frisbee toss at the SDRA for a SDJHRA fundraiser. She checked on that and we got the go-ahead to have it at the Saturday night performance of the SDRA. Cathy also suggested that SDJHRA have a booth at the SDRA finals rodeo. Posters will be made and hung up in the booth and some of the kids can hang out at the booth and visit with prospective members. Loretta has some flyers that can be handed out.

Jr. High participating at the NRCA Finals:  The NRCA finals will be held on Thanksgiving weekend, November 25-27, 2011. Jr. High participants will include the top 8 kids finishing in the standings for 2011; this includes the outgoing 8th graders. NRCA will pay for the stock, judges, bullfighters and a pick-up man. SDJHRA will work the rodeo and assist in getting chute dogging stock, smaller tie-down calves and bulls.   NRCA will allow us to hang our sponsor banners. Packets will be mailed soon to the SDJHRA participants. Entry fees will be $20 with $15 being payback to the contestants and $5 will go toward SDJHRA.


It was reviewed that last years’ applications need to be honored for the 2nd year, so this includes the regional rodeo at 7 Downs arena and the state finals rodeos, also held at 7 Downs arenas. The committee that hosted the Huron regional rodeo declined to host it for a 2nd year. Therefore, applications were called for and Nagel’s presented one. This application was accepted and the regional rodeo at Nagel’s barn in Springfield will be May 5-6 with the start time on Saturday at 2pm, and early on Sunday morning to allow for travel time in the afternoon on Sunday (a definite time will be posted later).The regional rodeo at 7 Downs arenas in Spearfish will be May 12-13 with state finals being held Memorial weekend, May 27-28, 2012.  For the regional rodeos, check in will be at 12 noon, contestant meeting at 12:30 with rodeo start time at 2pm. Shorty wanted to clarify that the state finals will always be hosted by the Board of Directors. State finals can be held at a different location site but will always be hosted by the BOD.

Membership Deadline & Ad Sales Deadline: Jen Latham and Cathy Pirrung stated that they will revise the Count Me In form to be more user friendly. There was discussion as to the deadlines for the membership and the ad sales; Cathy Pirrung made a motion that the deadlines for both the membership and the ad sales be March 1st; Shorty Engesser 2nd the motion.  Mc. There was discussion of raffle ticket prizes; ideas brought forward were $100 Visa Cards, gas cards and Star of the West hat.  Sponsors will be needed for the cards. The BOD can keep in contact to see what sponsors have been obtained for the cards.

BHSS: SDJHRA hosts the Frisbee toss at the 20X High School rodeo at BHSS for a fundraiser. Beef Bucks are usually awarded to the winning Frisbees, so Loretta Monnens and Cindy Nagel will work on finding sponsors for the Beef Bucks. The Monnens family will get the Frisbees ready with the tickets.

The winter meeting will be held at 9am on January 29, 2012. Jen Latham will check on renting the Lion’s Building at the Central States Fairgrounds for the meeting. At this meeting, bids/ideas will be proposed for saddles and buckles, besides other general business. Meeting reminder will be posted on the SDHSRA website closer to meeting time.

There being no further business, a motion was called to adjourn the meeting by Russ Maier, 2nd by Cathy Pirrung.  Mc

Submitted by
Loretta Monnens
SDJHRA Secretary

South Dakota Junior High Rodeo Association
General Membership Meeting
May 28, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Shorty Engesser.

Treasurers report was discussed.  Digger made a motion to approve and Cody Tupper second the motion.  All in favor, mc

National Director Report – Digger spoke about the Dodge Tickets and that the association gets half of the ticket money when it is turned in to Dodge.

Host hotel will keep the pool open later after the rodeo for us this year.

Support all the sponsors and tell them thank you while there.

Triple J Photos is the photographer for the weekend.

Count Me In Form – needs changed – several suggestions- add coats, have it say event buckle or equivalent prize, $250 banner sponsor – they provide the banner, take off would be a board member, add the sellers name at the bottom to make it easier for National Director to know who sold it.

Digger also suggested, they sell chances on pre paid credit cards.  Has been a great fundraiser for others.  This will be tabled until the fall meeting.

Election of officers:  2 year West Region – Allen Good was nominated by Loretta Monnens, second by Ross Peterson.  Justin Tupper made a motion for nominations to cease.  JP Kirwan second.  All in favor, mc

1 year West Region – JP Kirwan was nominated by Vanessa Munger, second by Jackie McPherson.  Justin Tupper made a motion that nominations cease.  Roger Egly second.  All in favor, mc

2 year West Region – Shorty Engesser was nominated by Ross Peterson.  Second by Patrick Auer.  Pat Wientjes made the motion that nominations cease.  Patrick Auer second.  All in favor, mc

1 year East Region – Chris Vinson was nominated by Ross Peterson, Pat Wientjes second, Cathy Pirrung was nominated by April Zilverberg, second by Jen Lathem.  Justin Tupper made the motion that nominations cease, JP Kirwan second.  All in favor, mc  Chris Vinson retracted his name from the vote and Jen Lathem accepted the position.

2 year East Region – Dennis Halverson was nominated by Leland Andersen, second by Justin Tupper.  Jeff Belkham was nominated by Shorty Engesser, second by Ross Peterson.  Jen Lathem was nominated by Cathy Pirrung, second by JP Kirwan.  Justin Tupper made the motion that nominations cease, Ross Peterson second.  All in favor. This went to a vote – Jen Lathem won the vote.  Jen Declined the position.  There was another vote and Jeff Belkham won the second vote.

National Director position – Jen Lathem was nominated by Cathy Pirrung, second by April Zilverberg.  All in favor, mc

Secretary/Treasurer position – Loretta Monnens was nominated by Digger Rutten, JP Kirwan second.  JP made the motion that nominations cease, Rex Lamphere second.  All in favor, mc

Election of Student Officers

President -Brady Pirrung was nominated by Karlee Peterson, second by Reid Rutten.  Kallie Carey was nominated by Siarra Goergen, second by Harlee McKenney.  Breaby Edleman made the motion that nominations cease, Rickie Engesser Second.  Voted – Brady Pirrung president

Vice President – JD Kirwan was nominated by Wyatte Andersen, second by Racquel Wientjes.  Kole Lathem was nominated by Kassi McPherson, second by Grady Egly.  Cody Tupper made a motion that nominations cease, Brady Edleman second.  Voted – JD Kirwan – VP

Secretary – Cody Tupper was nominated by Rickie Engesser, second by Tyus Olson.  Sloan Anderson was nominated by Karlee Peterson, Cedar Jandreau second.  Reid Rutten made the motion for nominations to cease, Brady Pirrung second.  Voted – Cody Tupper Secretary

The new board will take over after 2011 National Finals Rodeo

Shorty Engesser then spoke about the rule book with the parents and contestants.  He spoke about the dress code, hat rule, time limits on some of the roping events.  Mouth pieces and vests in the bull riding, helpers cannot touch the horses in the box when the kid calls for livestock.

Patrick Auer spoke about the clothing at nationals, no large advertisements for anybody but Cinch in the arena.

Next Meeting – Last Saturday in September – TBA

Meeting adjourned by Shorty Engesser.

South Dakota Junior High Rodeo Association Winter Meeting
January 30, 2011
Lions Building, Rapid City, SD

President Shorty Engesser called the meeting to order.

The Secretaries report was handed out and discussed.  Todd McPherson waived the reading of the Secretaries Report and made the motion to approve the report and Digger Rutten, 2nd

Treasurer’s report was handed out and discussed, Shorty Engesser made the motion to approve the treasurers report and Russ Maier 2nd.

National Directors Report- Digger R. and Patrick Auer the HS National Director gave the report.  They spoke about Ft. Pierre thinking about bidding hosting nationals but cannot accommodate the numbers in 2014 and 2015.  They are going to try to bid it in 2016 and 2017 when they add some more accommodations.  The Directors also talked about the new Executive Director- Michael Dixon.  There will be no Wrangler advertising in the arenas after February 1, 2011.  WW is no longer a sponsor of the association either.  They also spoke about new national events this year – decorating a stick horse and ribbon roping with adult runners.  Patrick also spoke about he new insurance company for the rodeo season it is HSR now.  Shooting Sports will have to be on the activities report this year also if we have it.

Old Business

Rodeo dates were talked about.  Huron did not have a representative at the meeting.  Will update the site when we get information.  Spearfish is thinking about doing a Little Britches rodeo along with the Jr. High Rodeo.  State rodeos will be on the 29th and 30th of May.  Thinking about doing mini rodeo clinics on Saturday for the contestants.  Meeting will be on the 28th of May in the evening and not Sunday night.

Go around prizes were brought up.  There is a need for them.  Will see what there is for money for them after the ads and raffle tickets are sold.  No committee was formed yet.

Lorretta Monnens gave a report on the Frisbee throw – we need to be at the stock show at 12:00 to sell Frisbees and to pick them up between the Steer Wrestling and the Barrel Racing.

Shorty reported on the SDRA Fall Extravaganza and a short report on how the outgoing 8th graders did and are thinking they will do it again this year.

The membership and ad sales deadlines will be moved to March 1 for memberships and March 15 for the ads.  Motion by Ross and 2nd by Pat W.

New Business

Shooting Sports was spoken about by JP Kirwan.  There is going to be a state shoot at the State finals rodeo.  They are going to get dates and times and will put the entries on the Spearfish entries and if they need a gun or not.  JP will contact Mark with times and date.  NRA supplies lots of prizes and scholarships at Nationals for the shooters.  Todd M will talk with Cabela’s about rifles for this.  Patrick Auer said he would sponsor the buckle for the State Champion.

Shirts and Coats were discussed.  RCC proposed do the shirts like they did last year.  Coats were also looked at, will decide on them at a later date.

Shorty adjourned the meeting.