SDJHRA Annual Meeting
September 27, 2014
The annual meeting of the SD Jr High Rodeo Association was called to order September 27, 2014 by Vice President Todd Kennedy. Roll call of the board of directors included Jess Brewer, Todd Kennedy, Lloyd Gilbert, Cory Donnelly, Casey Cowan, Clay Schaack, Justin Thorstenson, and Chas Crago.
The Secretary’s Report was read and motion for approval was made by Casey Cowan and Lloyd Gilbert.
The first order of business was to elect new officers. Lloyd Gilbert was nominated for President. Nominations ceased by motion of Cory Donnelly and Jess Brewer. Lloyd Gilbert is the President of the board. Cory Donnelly was nominated as Vice President. Nominations ceased by motion of Lloyd Gilbert and Jess Brewer.
The 2015 rodeo schedule was discussed. The regional rodeos are as follows:
April 25th & 26th at Nagel’s in Springfield, SD
May 9th & 10th at Besler’s in Belle Fourche, SD
Discussion was held about the 2015 State Rodeo. Sites to hold the rodeo were presented by the board members. Vote was taken and the State Rodeo will be held in Ft Pierre, SD. The board voted to make this a three day rodeo, it will be held May 23rd, 24th, & 25th.
Sponsors were discussed. With the rise in cost of our buckles motion was made to raise the buckle sponsors to $150.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Chas Crago
SDJHRA Secretary
SDJHRA Meeting Minutes
May 25, 2014
Besler’s Cadillac Ranch
Meeting was called to order by President Cole Reinert. The main business of the meeting was to elect new board members and student officers.
Nominations were made, and votes were taken for each position. Nominees were voted on as follows
Lloyd Gilbert for West 2 year term
Cory Donnelly for East 2 year term
Casey Cowan for East 1 year term
It was announced that the member who sold the most raffle tickets was TJ Schmidt, he was presented with a gift certificate to Triple R Tack.
Student officer nominations were accepted and voted on with the following results.
President-Bodie Mattson
Vice President-Hugh Groves
Secretary-Riley Hannum
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.