2020 Annual Meeting
Sept. 25, 2020
Wall, SD

Nichols brought meeting to order. Members present were Nichols Caspers, Tyler Haugen, Leslie Merrill, Tim Nutter, Matt Zancanella, Colby Crago and Chad Pelster. Tyler read Last meetings minutes, they  were approved. Tyler read the Financials, they were approved. Discussion on possibly renegotiating a stall contract with Central States Fair was lead by Matt . Leslie Merrill was nominated for president, Matt was nominated for VP. Cinch Team selection criteria was discussed and the Cinch team criteria will be the following:

The Boys & Girls Rookie, The Student elected JH State President,  the top 2 boys and top 2 girls overall point earners that are a current 7th or 8th grader (so no current freshman that were last spring 8th grader)

Dates, Times, and venues  for the 2021 JH regional Rodeos and State were discussed and voted on they will be;

Rapid City April 23 & 24 at 4pm and 9am

Huron April 30, May 1 3pm and 10am

JH State Finals May May 14-16 1pm, 10am, 9am

Voted to use Thad Bothwell’s Bulls

Discussion was held and approved on using Matt Zancanella’s Social media person to help with JH Sponsor highlight.

Discussion was held and voted on to pursue getting sponsor for awards as well as saddles for each event for 2021   A finanical revue of progress will be made at the winter meeting to see if this is still a possibility.  Tyler Haugen is redoing the sponsor commitment letter.

Discussion was made and on revamping the membership raffle to possibly entail a Kubota side by side to raffle.  Chad Pelster is doing further research on that and reporting back before the winter meeting.

The winter meeting is set for January 30th at Rapid city Civic Center in the Red Room time to be determined later.

Meeting was adjourned.

2020 Winter Meeting
Feb. 1, 2020
Rapid City, SD

The 2020 Mid-Winter Meeting was called to order by President Nichols Caspers. Members present were Dennis Halverson, Cole Reinert, Tim Nutter, Jeremy Stevens, Leslie Merrill, National Director Tyler Haugen and Secretary Jordan Hanson.

Minutes from the Fall Meeting were read and approved. Treasures/Secretary report was also given by Jordan Hanson. Account balance is $30,530.

The rifle shoot will be held in Spearfish this year. The Regional shoot will be Thursday May 21st in the evening, the State shoot will be Saturday May 23rd after the performance.

Sponsorships were discussed and the Directors will continue to work on them. Leslie created a list of event assignments to be filled by volunteers at each rodeo and the directors will work on filling those roles. Committees were formed to line up judges, announcers, and timers for all rodeos.

A budget was set for prizes and Tyler will work on getting that set up.

It was also decided to go with Option C in the rulebook when it comes to drawing stock for short round.

Bids were taken from Stock Contractors and voted upon by the board:

Jordan and Chancy Miller for goats @$8 per run

Thad Bothwell for bulls @$75 per out

Jeff Belkham for timed event cattle @$24 per run for chute dogging& $22 per run for TR, RR and Calves

Allen Good for bucking steers @34 per out

National Director Tyler Haugen gave a recap on the National meeting.

There being further business the meeting was adjourned.