11.10.24 Meeting Minutes

Dex updates – Tyler

  • There will be a new elevated announcer stand.
  • Office space will be available.
  • Pen space for cattle will double.
  • There will be a trailer drop area where trailers (non-camping) can be left for no charge.
  • All camping will have access to power, sewer & water. All campers will be charged the camping fee regardless of actually hooking up to it.
  • Our association will be responsible for stalling

Side By Side update – Colt

  • Butte County Equipment is willing to donate the side-by-side again this year. They will donate a windshield at their cost also.
  • Much discussion was held regarding getting a booth set up at the Black Hills Stock Show. Tyler is going to talk to Courtney Higgins about the possibility of sharing a space with Rodeo Rigs.

Judges – Colt

  • All the judges have been set for the year except for one in the big arena on the first weekend. Colt has a few more options he will work on.
  • Curt Westland will be our announcer.
  • Colt is currently working on getting timers set up.

Audit/Review – Colt

  • Northern Hills Tax Service will be doing a review of our account. Annie will get Jamie Thybo the materials she needs to complete this.

Sponsorship Committee – Lainee/Annie

  • After much discussion it was decided to offer Penny Schlagel the position of Social Media/Sponsorship Manager and Penny has agreed to take the position for $2,000/yr.

Annual Meeting Minutes
Saturday, September 28th, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Colt Floyd.  Members present were Clint Cobb, Chris DeYoung, Owen Fagerhaug, Ty Fish, Ladelle Brink, Lainee Shearer, Cory Braskamp, Tyler Haugen, Jordan Stevens and Annie Hanson.

Minutes from the last meeting were read.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Tyler and seconded by Ladelle.

Secretary/Treasurer report was supplied by Jordan Stevens.  A motion to approve was made by Owen and seconded by Clint.

Old Business

Tyler gave a recap from State and National rodeos.  South Dakota had 42 contestants make nationals and 10 made the short round.  It was noted that it would be very helpful to have a list of items needed (extension cords, blocks, etc.) for first time goers.

New Business

Election of new directors was held and the following new directors were approved.
Lainee Shearer will replace Ladelle Brink.
Chris DeYoung will replace Brady Lammers.
Owen Fagerhaug will replace Cory Braskamp.

Election of officers was held and approved. Colt Floyd will remain President, Clint Cobb is Vice President and Tyler Haugen will remain National Director.

Eight out of state transfers have been approved.  It was noted that students from bordering states have always been allowed to transfer in past years.

The following host sites were approved for the 2025 Spring season.

  • April 18 & 19 – Rapid City, SD Region #1
  • May 2 & 3 – Huron, SD Region #2
  • May 16-18 – Rapid City, SD State Finals

***Much discussion was held regarding the facility use and charges at the Dex.  The main topics were the following:

  • Camping fees
  • Stalling fees
  • Crow’s nest/timer locations
  • Secretary office
  • Stock pens

Tyler is willing to have these discussions with Dex staff and report back to the committee at the Winter meeting.

Discussion was held regarding the possibility of rotating the State Finals each year between Rapid City, SD and Huron, SD.  This would mean changing the finals to Memorial Weekend and rotating venues with another entity.  Board members expressed the importance of having a contract with each entity involved.  All agreed the rotation would benefit our membership.

Rodeo entry fees were discussed and tabled until Winter meeting due to the unknown cost of stock charges at this time.  Clint made a motion to approve Thad Bothwell as the bull riding stock contractor for the 2025 Spring season it was seconded by Colt.  Motion approved.

Due to keeping our treasury report up to date, a check cashing policy was approved.  Starting in the Spring of 2025, all checks must be deposited within 90 days of the day they were issued.  Failure to do so will result in the checks becoming null and void.

With the change of Secretary/Treasurer position, the Board agreed that an audit of the financials would be good practice.  The Board approved moving forward with the audit and Colt will contact a 3rd party to provide this service.

The following committee heads were assigned:

  • Awards – Tyler
  • Judges/Timers/Announcers – Colt will reach out to past workers
  • Raffle Fundraiser – Colt will contact Butte County Equipment

Ladelle brought up the silent auction and how much work that is at the state finals.  The Board will be looking for a volunteer to help with that this year.

Lots of conversations were had regarding sponsorship and how to go about finding/collecting/advertising and such for all the great sponsors that support our events each year.  Annie will be mailing out the Count Me In forms to previous donors by the end of October.  Annie also agreed to work alongside Lainee Shearer and a couple of volunteers to see if they can provide some protocol to make this a more manageable system for all.

The Board agreed to continue awarding saddles to all event winners at the State Finals.  Currently voucher certificates are awarded.  The amount of the voucher was discussed along with the possibility of increasing it.  Tabled until Winter meeting.

The Winter meeting will be held the Saturday before the 20X Rodeo in Rapid City, SD.

Clint made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Chris seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned.

2024 Winter Meeting Minutes
January 27, 2024
Rapid City, SD

 The meeting was called to order by Colt Floyd. Members present were Tyler Haugen, Clint Cobb, Ty Fish, Brady Lammers, LaDelle Brink, and Jordan Stevens.

Minutes from the last meeting were read by Jordan Stevens. A motion to approve the minutes was made by LaDelle, seconded by Brady.

Secretary report was given by Jordan Stevens. Memberships have been coming in and looks to be close to the same number of members as last year. A motion to approve the report was made by LaDelle and seconded by Brady.

Sponsorships were discussed. New tiers for sponsors were introduced and saddle sponsorships were raised to cover those costs. A full saddle was previously $1,200 and is now $1,400. A half saddle was previously $600 and is now $700.

Tyler will head the awards committee. The secretary position was discussed and Annie Hanson was voted in as the new secretary. She will take over in the fall at the next meeting.

Colt was able to get another Kubota side-by-side for the grand raffle prize. Butte County Equipment has donated a windshield again.

Entry fees were discussed and a flat $10 increase was put in place on all events.

A committee was formed to find judges, timers, a tractor driver and an announcer. Tyler would find a tractor driver and announcer. Colt will find judges. LaDelle will find timers.

Stock bids were taken and there were no competing bids for goats and timed event cattle. MJ goats bid the goats for $10/run and will sponsor a buckle. Joe Waln bid the timed event cattle at $35/run and will sponsor a buckle. Perry Moody will have rough stock steers in Huron at $50/out and Kody Woodward will have rough stock steers at both Rapid City rodeos at $50/out. A motion to approve was made by LaDelle and seconded by Colt.

Clothing bids were taken. Voted on Black Hills Embroidery. They will waive the set-up cost of the embroidery up to $500. They will embroider all t-shirts, short-go shirts, director’s shirts, and national shirts and coats.

The contract for the DEX center was signed and the deposit will be paid this week. Corey and Brady will try to find someone to manage the stalls and camping as contestants arrive.

There being no further business, Colt made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Tyler second.