Winter Meeting Minutes
February 1st, 2025
Rapid City, SD
Rapid City Civic Center Room 205
President Colt Floyd called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. Members present were Colt Floyd, Clint Cobb, Chris DeYoung, Owen Fagerhaug, Lainee Shearer, Tyler Haugen. Ty Fish was absent. Secretary, Annie Hanson, and Social Media/Sponsorship Manager, Penny Schlagel were also present.
Minutes from the last meeting were distributed along with a treasurer’s report. Clint Cobb made a motion to approve, seconded by Chris DeYoung. Motion passed.
Penny Schlagel gave an in-depth report on sponsorships for the 2025 season. There was much discussion regarding a 2024 sponsor that has not fulfilled their commitment to SDJHRA. Tyler will reach out one more time. Going forward, no advertising will be done for any business without having that sponsorship money by the appropriate deadline. Penny asked for Board members to contact any of the sponsors that they currently have a relationship with. It was agreed that there may need to be some changes made to our sponsor options for 2026.
Old Business
We had students sell tickets at the Event Center during the Black Hills Stock Show for the Kubota giveaway. The Hitch & Buggy graciously gave us a site to set up. Many of the students that sold tickets there were able to fill their ticket selling obligation for SDJHRA. The Kubota will be given away at the State Finals. It is currently ready to go and in the show room at Butte County Equipment.
With the transition of a new secretary, an account review was conducted. Owen Fagerhaug made a motion to accept the review and reimburse Jordan Stevens $46.75 for hotel rooms. The motion was seconded by Chris DeYoung. Motion passed.
Rodeo contracts with DEX & Central States Fair were reviewed. Colt Floyd gave an update on judges, timers, announcer and tractor driver. He is very close to securing workers for all of those positions. Chris DeYoung will help find timers for Huron.
New Business
Clothing bids were read. Chris DeYoung made a motion to accept the clothing bid from Black Hills Embroidery and Screen Printing. Motion was seconded by Clint Cobb. Motion passed.
All stock bids were read. Owen Fagerhaug made a motion to accept the rough stock steers from Kody Woodward for $50/out, timed event cattle from Joe & Laney Waln & family for $35/out, and goat bid from Jordan Ann & Chancy Miller for $10/run. Motion was seconded by Clint Cobb. Motion passed.
Sam Nordic brought up his concern about the rankness of bulls. He asked that we consider using steers if possible. He understands its very difficult to get an even set of bulls for contestants that range from grade 5 through grade 8. The bull contract had already been awarded last Fall but the Board did agree to talk to Thad Bothwell about our discussion.
Discussion was held regarding entry fees, stall & RV hookup charges. A motion was made by Colt Floyd to leave entry fees at the same price as last year, charge $30/stall and $35/hookup in Huron. Motion was seconded by Chris DeYoung. Motion passed.
Conversation was had regarding the cost of using credit cards to enter online. SDJHRA is charged a percentage fee each time contestants use a credit card to enter online. Colt Floyd made a motion to charge that fee back to the contestants. Lainee Shearer seconded that motion. Motion passed.
Lainee Shearer made a motion to accept the saddle bid from Slone Saddles and buckle bid from Tres Rios. Both have done a great job in the past. Clint Cobb seconded that motion. Motion passed.
Entry deadline for paper entries will be April 1, 2025. Entries must be postmarked by April 1st. There will be an online option with a deadline of April 8, 2025.
Discussion was held regarding holding a barrel race after the last days of rodeo in Rapid City to help with the cost of the rodeo.
Tyler updated the Board on a couple rule changes for 2025 rodeo season.
Owen Fagerhaug made a motion to adjourn. Clint Cobb seconded that motion. Meeting adjourned.