President Sean Deal called the annual meeting of the SDHSRA to order at 10:00 AM CDT at the Ft. Pierre Youth and Senior Center. Sean asked for a motion to adopt the agenda with the following changes: Add the financial report to item #3 after the minutes of the State Finals Meeting. Joe Stoddard made the motion to adopt the agenda. Troy Brown seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Roll Call: Present were Sean Deal, Troy Brown, Carole Hollers, Lon Dreyer, Bill Sutton, Bryce Sigman, Roddy Thompson, Joe Stoddard, Doug Doll, Bob Glanzer, Kirk Ford, and Elizabeth Baker. Cassie Sigman sat in with Elizabeth Baker. Absent were Susan Dewey, Blaine Carey, Ryan Routier, Marvin Heesacker, and Trisha Smeenk. Rod Kusser joined the meeting at 10:30 AM.


Sara Grim read the minutes of the State Finals Director Meeting held June 24, 2004 at the State Fairgrounds in Huron. Bill Sutton asked for a correction on the statement when he and Lon Dreyer left the meeting. They left to go watch the rough stock draw not do the actual draw. Motion by Troy Brown, seconded Doug Doll to approve the minutes with the correction so noted. All members present voted aye, motion carried.

Sara Grim gave the Financial Report with a few notations. Because we are a cash basis accounting the Financial Report does not reflect the Accounts Receivable of $3265.78 at this time. Also the General Fund has borrowed $5000 from the Calendar Money Market Fund until it becomes more solvent. The General Fund had some unexpected costs such as the High Point Buckles cost $2715.00 and only $1358.25 was raised by the Student Officers for these buckles. Discussion was also held on an annual audit. This was tabled until later. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Joe Stoddard to approve the Financial Report. Motion carried.


Carole Hollers gave the National Directors Report. She started out wanting to know where the banners were from the National Basketball Team Championships that both South Dakota Boys and Girls Teams won. The Directors will check into this. She reported on the Scrapbook competition and the Basket contest at the National Finals. Discussion was also held on the state to state transfers. The only request Carole has had is Wace Snook has asked to go back to Wyoming and this request was granted. Carole reported on the new GRASP program through Professional Choice where money is given back to the State and the individual for products purchased through Professional Choice. The membership will be receiving the details in their membership packets. Carole also brought up the issue of the amount of money given to the National Team members from the Calendar Fund and whether there is a cap on the amount of money to be given. Norm Lyon had discussed this with Carole and thought that in the past there had been an amount designated as the most money that could be given. Gina Strain mentioned that she had started with the Calendar Program and that there had been discussion, but a cap was never decided on. The money was based on the amount raised by the membership from Calendar Sales and this amount has continued to grow with 2004 being the largest amount of calendar sales yet. Motion by Deb McPherson, seconded by Roddy Thompson to approve the National Directors report. Motion carried.


Rod Kusser gave the Public Relations Director Report. First item Rod reported on was the short go shirts donated by Touchstone Energy. These shirts are being embroidered and Rod will mail them out to the membership that have them coming. They took longer than was expected. Rod also discussed the banners and tried to locate some of the sponsor banners. He touched on the issue of the Tri-State Livestock News and Todays Horse still working with us on publicity. The Green Sheet of Aberdeen was also very helpful at the State Finals. Rod reported on the TV coverage of the State Finals and was not happy with the outcome. There was no editing, poor coverage, and just general poor quality TV coverage. The fact that not everyone receives PAX TV was also an issue. Rod would like to work with Public TV for next year. He will also look into Public TV televising the 20X Rodeo at the Stock Show. Rod would like authorization to enter into a 3-year contract with Public TV and would like two directors to work with him on this project. He would also like an attorney to look at the contract when completed. Motion by Bill Sutton, seconded by Roddy Thompson to authorize Rod Kusser with the assistance of Lon Dreyer and Sean Deal to negotiate a 3-year contract with Public TV and to have legal assistance with the contract. Motion carried.

Motion by Joe Stoddard, seconded by Doug Doll to approve the Public Relations Report given by Rod Kusser. Motion carried.

Roddy Thompson asked for a round of applause for Deb McPherson and DeeDee Long for providing publicity for our National Team at the Nationals in Gillette, WY in July.


Bob Glanzer gave the State Finals Report from the Host Site Committee. He handed out a new financial statement for the State Finals. He explained that several of the expenses are expected to be a one time expense and hopefully should not show up next year on the report. Discussion was held on some of the issues at the finals taken from the comment sheet but the general concession was that the State Finals went well and overall everyone was satisfied. Some of the improvements for next year mentioned were trying to get the restaurants to stay open later, more contestant information in the programs (names, town, points, average score, etc.), short go list posted outside of grandstand, go-round awards awarded sooner and more clearly where they could get them, etc. Discussion was also held on the official photographer. Bids will be sent out again, but the committee feels they need an official photographer to be responsible for all the pictures that are needed from the Finals. Motion by Deb McPherson, seconded by Rita Murray to approve the State Finals Report. Motion carried.


Gina Strain gave the Calendar Committee Report. Thanks to Kirk and Wendi Ford for going to Madison and picking up the calendars. The calendars are here today and ready to be distributed. At break time Gina asked everyone to get their calendars to take back home today. There is a possibility of adding more pages to the calendar next year as we need to add more information. We do not have the 20X Rodeo, the Wrangler All-Star Team, or the National Basketball Team Champions. We did however add the Calendar Drawing winners from the previous year. The awards system will stay the same as last year. Motion by Kirk Ford, seconded by Paul Steiger to approve the Calendar Committee Report. Motion carried.


Carole Hollers reported on the Wrangler Junior High Division being implemented by the National High School Rodeo Association. They are planning a National Finals next year over the 4th of July. Because of a strong 4-H, Jr. Rodeo, and Little Britches Youth Rodeo Program in South Dakota and because we don’t seem to have a problem with membership, South Dakota has declined the Wrangler Jr. High Division program at this time.


Stan Weander from Valentine, NE addressed the board about his daughter being allowed to High School Rodeo in South Dakota. He mentioned that they only live 6 miles from the border and he has done a lot of cutting and judging in South Dakota. They would like to rodeo with South Dakota. The board asked where the Weanders lived and where they attended school. The answers to both of these questions were Nebraska. The board told Stan that as of their policy that was adopted a year ago, they would decline his daughters application to rodeo in South Dakota. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Joe Stoddard to clarify the policy that was adopted in September, 2003. That policy was that the South Dakota High School Rodeo board would follow the National Rule Book that states “A contestant living and going to school in a State/Province, which has a High School Rodeo Association, must compete in that State/Province Finals.” The only exception to this rule would be the current members and current siblings that are grandfathered in to South Dakota to High School Rodeo as of September, 2003.


The Board reviewed the Ground Rules for all SDHSRA Regional and Practice Rodeos.

The following changes were made to the current Ground Rules.

4. Current report cards are mandatory for all regional rodeos. ( Add regional to the rule instead of all rodeos.)

7. Delete as per National Rule Change 2003.

8. Delete as the dress code is addressed in the National Rule Book on Page 25 & 26 under Contestant Disqualifications.

10. At all practice rodeos the stock will be may be chute run and not drawn. ( Delete the word all and change will be to may be )

11. A secretary school will be held. one in the fall and one in the spring. It will be mandatory that the secretary for each regional rodeo attends one of these and optional for the practice rodeo secretarys.

12. Delete as this is addressed in the National Rule Book. Carole will clarify the rule on the Regional Entry blank concerning failure to compete in an entered event.

18. Delete as this is addressed in the National Rule Book.

Motion by Joe Stoddard, seconded by Lon Dreyer that the Board adopt the changes to the SDHSRA Ground Rules. Motion carried.


Discussion was held on the Regional Entry Blanks and there needs to be a signature added for the contestant to sign. There is no place for the contestant to sign as the region entry blanks are now. Discussion was also held on the Region switches for contestants to rodeo in Regions other than their designated Region. The directors need to notify the secretary whenever they approve a region switch.


Becky Gropper submitted a letter discussing the way short go qualifiers are decided at the State Finals. As it stands now, the top ten point people and then the top 5 in the average go to the Finals Short Go. She asked that it be changed to take the top 5 in the average and then the top ten in points moving down further to get to the 15 for the Short Go. After much discussion among the Directors and members, it was decided to leave the system as it is.


Sara Grim notified the board that the numbering system for membership numbers is changing this year as per the National Office. Each member will receive a number that begins with your state, SD and then your number becomes your permanent number through the lifetime of your High School Rodeo career. So if a freshman comes in and has the number SD0020, then that is their number all through High School. When a Senior graduates and a new member comes in then we will reuse the numbers. South Dakota would like to take it a step further and correspond the back number with the National Membership number. Each member would receive two numbers at the beginning of the Rodeo Season and keep this number through State Finals. The Board is suggesting that members laminate their numbers to preserve them. A destroyed number (mangled, torn, etc.) would be replaced for free, but a lost number would cost the member $3 to replace the number. Extra numbers would be given to the Rodeo secretaries so they would be available to replace at the rodeos. Each Region would also have a unique set of numbers. The Eastern Region would have SD0001-SD0199, the Northwest Region would have SD0200-SD0399 and the Southwest Region would have the numbers SD0400-SD0599. Motion by Rita Murray, seconded by Carole Hollers to adopt the new numbering system for the 2005 Rodeo year. Motion carried.


Sara Grim addressed the Board about all the problems with the membership applications having to be returned for corrections. Last year over half of the applications had to be returned and this year over half of the Wrangler All-Star Team applications have had to go back. Some of the problems are missing signatures, no report cards, missing money, but especially the Notary section on the National Forms. It is required by the National Office that all three persons, (Mother, Father, Member) sign the Notary section and have their signatures notarized. The notaries are not listing all the people that sign in this section. It is still the members responsibility to make sure that the notary is listing all the people that have signed in the Notary section. Discussion was held concerning making this section of the form easier to understand but it is a National Form and we cannot change it. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Roddy Thompson to allow the Secretary to assess a $5 penalty for any applications that have to be returned for corrections. Motion carried.


Bryce Sigman presented the saddle bids for the State Finals Championship saddles:
Tod Slone – $1103 per saddle
Double J-TX – $1013 per saddle
Bader Saddlery – $1083 per saddle ( Court Saddles)
Ray’s Western Wear – $1223 per saddle ( Ammerman Saddles)
Classic Saddles – $1018 per saddle (Elite)

Motion by Joe Stoddard, seconded by Bob Glanzer to authorize Bryce Sigman to try to purchase the Double J Saddles locally. Motion carried.


Discussion was held on the proposed by-law change: ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Rule B. A winter meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at a place and time designated by the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting. Motion by Joe Stoddard, seconded by Roddy Thompson that we adopt the by-law change. All present voted aye. Motion carried.


Discussion was held on the 20X Rodeo that will be held during the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City on Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 3:00 PM. The criteria for selection to the 20X and the list of contestants will be posted on the website.


Motion by Lois Taylor, seconded by Roddy Thompson to confirm the selection of Troy Brown as Eastern Region Director. All present voted aye. Motion carried.


Joe Stoddard made the motion to adjourn the Annual Meeting. Roddy Thompson seconded the motion and all present voted aye. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara Grim
SDHSRA Executive Secretary



President Sean Deal called the SDHSRA Board of Directors Meeting to order. First on the agenda was election of officers.


Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Roddy Thompson to nominate Joe Stoddard for President of the SDHSRA Board of Directors.

Motion by Lon Dreyer, seconded by Troy Brown to nominate Bryce Sigman for President of the SDHSRA Board of Directors.

Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Roddy Thompson that nominations cease. All present voted aye. Motion carried.

Joe Stoddard received 8 votes and Bryce Sigman received 2 votes for President of the SDHSRA. Joe Stoddard is the new President.

Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Doug Doll to nominate Troy Brown for Vice President of the SDHSRA Board of Directors.

Motion by the Student Officers, seconded by Roddy Thompson to nominate Bryce Sigman for Vice President of the SDHSRA Board of Directors.

Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by the Student Officers that the nominations cease. Motion carried.

Troy Brown received 7 votes and Bryce Sigman received 4 votes for Vice President of the SDHSRA. Troy Brown is the Vice President.

President Joe Stoddard took over the meeting at this time.


Motion by Sean Deal, seconded by Bryce Sigman to approve Sara Grim as Executive Secretary of the SDHSRA. Motion carried.

Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Bryce Sigman to approve Rod Kusser as the Public Relations Director. Motion carried.


President Joe Stoddard appointed the Directors that will sit on the Host Site Committee and they are Bill Sutton, Sean Deal, and Roddy Thompson.


Bryce Sigman, Doug Doll, and Lon Dreyer reported on the judge selection committee. They might possibly have Jim Whiting and Tom Miller hired for 2005. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Troy Brown to authorize the Judges Committee to hire the judges as the committee selects. All present voted aye. Motion carried. The NCHA approved judges list is to be submitted to Joe Stoddard for review.


Discussion was held on the stock from the State Finals. The committee decided that the multiple contractor idea was a good one. They had some issues with the timed event cattle. The Directors decided that we would use the multiple contractor idea for the 2005 State Finals with the Directors doing the contracting duties. President Joe Stoddard appointed Sean Deal as the Rough Stock Livestock Superintendent to be assisted by Roddy Thompson and Lon Dreyer. President Joe Stoddard appointed Troy Brown as the Timed Event Livestock Superintendent to be assisted by Bryce Sigman, Blaine Carey, and Doug Doll.


Doug Doll informed the Secretary to bill the Western South Dakota Buckaroos for the full cost of the saddles, shipping included.

Kirk Ford reported that he will submit the picture of Dustin Evans at the Finals Concert to the NHSRA Times Magazine.

Kirk Ford reported that another individual is interested in becoming the Queen coordinator but only if Susan Dewey does not want it. Joe will talk to Susan.

Sara Grim asked the Board about donating to theCasey Tibbs Rodeo Center. The last time a donation was given was 2001 and the Board was under the impression that it was a one time donation.

The National Mid-Winter Meeting of the National High School Rodeo Association will be held in Denver, CO, January 16-23, 2005. Sara has tentatively booked three rooms for anyone that wants to go. No action taken at this time.

An audit committee of Bob Glanzer and Joe Stoddard will meet with Sara Grim and go over the 2003-2004 records. The committee will establish a time and place convenient for everyone.

Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Roddy Thompson to raise the salary of the Executive Secretary to $1150 per month. Motion carried.

Doug Doll reported on the Western South Dakota Buckaroos are establishing a Scholarship Foundation to protect their Scholarship Fund. They would like one of the SDHSRA Board to sit on the Foundation Board. They also invite the SDHSRA to put their Scholarship money in the Foundation also to protect the future Scholarship obligations. Doug will do some more checking on this and report back at the next meeting. No action was taken at this time.


The Winter Meeting of the SDHSRA will be held onSaturday, January 29, 2005 at 10:00 AM MST during the Black Hills Stock Show. The location will be announced at a later date when a room has been secured. This meeting will be in coordination with the 20X Rodeo which will be held on Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 3:00 PM MST.


Bryce Sigman reported that the Region Rodeo Secretaries are having problems with returned entries and then the contestant is not getting the entry back to the secretary in a timely manner. Bryce would like to adopt a policy that states if the returned entry is not back in by May 1st that the contestant would be disqualified.


Carole Hollers would like to have mandatory safety seminars for rough stock. Possibly 2 or 3 around the state consisting of a 4 hour session. Ken Lensegrav has offered to help with these. Carole will talk to Blaine Carey and try to get one coordinated for the 20X Rodeo at the Stock Show.


Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Lon Dreyer to adjourn the Directors Meeting. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara Grim, Executive Secretary

South Dakota High School Rodeo Association
Board of Directors Meeting
June 24, 2004
State Fairgrounds – Huron, SD


President Sean Deal called the SDHSRA Directors meeting to order on June 24, 2004 7:30 PM at the Women’s Building on the State Fairgrounds in Huron, SD. The meeting was held during the 2004 SDHSRA State Finals Rodeo in Huron. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Bryce Sigman to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the January 31, 2004 meeting in Rapid City, SD. All members were present with the exception of the Student Officers.


The financial report of June 24, 2004 was presented. Motion by Roddy, seconded by Doug Doll to approve the financial report as given. Motion carried.


Carole Hollers gave the National Director Report. She discussed the mandatory contestant meeting to be held Thursday, June 25, 2004 in the Grandstand before the start of the Friday Rodeo performance. Issues that will be addressed are dress code, number required at all times, the Sports Medicine program, & the appointment of the Student Event Directors. Carole will also discuss the duties of the Student Event Directors and hand out the vests. These Student Directors are asked to stop in the office and pick up a second number to wear on the vest and on their shirt. The alternates are to take over for the Director when that person is competing. Carole also discussed the National Qualifier meeting to be held after the awards ceremony on Sunday evening. Carole and Sara would like all the help they can get from the Directors as they are both new at this.


Rod Kusser gave the report on Public Relations. He is needing lots of help for the sponsor flags in the Grand Entry. All the queens are helping and so is the Wrangler Team. Rod reported on PAX TV coverage and the change in announcers. Jim Thompson will not be doing the TV. Rod would like to get Chancy Wilson involved possibly for next year. Rod also reported on a damaged golf cart. The Association needs to deal with this issue.


Carole Hollers was appointed as our National Director last March on a phone poll from the Directors. To clarify the issue we need a motion from the floor. Joe Stoddard moved and Doug Doll seconded the motion to appoint Carole Hollers as the National Director from South Dakota. Motion carried.


Bob Glanzer gave a report on the Host Site Committee. Lots of stalls have been used. They did decide to reserve stalls at the last minute. It was a misunderstanding among all involved. Will clarify for next year. The Host Site is finding more stalls. Sean gave the judges committee report with there being no problems.

The Livestock Committee gave their report and there are problems with the timed event cattle. There are not enough cattle for some events and the cattle are not even or consistent. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Joe Stoddard to inform the contractor, Steve Sutton, that the stock is not adequate and that a fine will be imposed if the issues are not remedied by rodeo time. The Livestock inspection committee of Bill Sutton, Joe Stoddard, Troy Brown, and Bryce Sigman will contact Steve and notify him of the Directors decision.

Bill Sutton and Lon Dreyer left the meeting to go draw the rough stock for the rodeo.

Susan Dewey gave an abbreviated Queen committee report and all is well. Susan was still busy with the Queen activities.


There was discussion about the dress code for the contestants on the grounds. The contestants are to be in full western attire around the arenas and grandstand area. Also the cutting arena and warm-up area. In the other areas they can be excused from the dress code but they are required to wear their number at all times, including the motel.

Carole will address these issues at the Contestant meeting.

Blaine Carey had some concerns on the stock that comes back for the short go. The Directors agreed that the stock that comes back should be the stock with the fastest times on them during the weekend.

Discussion was held on the ground rules adopted by the SDHSRA. After much discussion over several on Team Roping, Report Cards, No Shows at rodeos, it was agreed by all that these issues need to be decided at the Annual Meeting in September.


Bryce Sigman motioned and Roddy Thompson seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The Directors then met with all the Rodeo Personnel to go over the issues with judges, timers, recorders, helpers.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara Grim, Executive Secretary