SEPTEMBER 24, 2005
President Joe Stoddard called the annual meeting of the SDHSRA to order at 10:00 AM CDT at the Ramkota River Center in Pierre, SD. The Student Officers led the membership in citing the Pledge of Allegiance. Joe asked for a motion to adopt the agenda with the following changes: The 20X Rodeo Report was added to the agenda under new business. Sean Deal made the motion to adopt the agenda. Troy Brown seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Roll Call: Present were Sean Deal, Troy Brown, Carole Hollers, Rod Kusser, Sara Grim, Susan Dewey, Lon Dreyer, Bill Sutton, Bryce Sigman, Joe Stoddard, Doug Doll, Bob Glanzer, Blaine Carey, Brent Sutton, Megan Kennedy, Cassie Sigman and McKenzie Haley. Absent were Roddy Thompson and Kirk Ford.
Sara Grim read the minutes of the State Finals Director Meeting held June 23, 2005 at the State Fairgrounds in Huron. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Sean Deal to approve the minutes as read. All members present voted aye, motion carried.
Gina Strain gave the Calendar Committee Report. Thanks to Bret & Gina Strain and Kathi Baade for getting the calendars to the meeting today. 36 cases are here at the meeting and ready to be distributed today. If you are a calendar contact person or supposed to pick up calendars for someone, Gina asked that at break time everyone get their calendars to take back home today. There was one additional page added to the calendar this year with the 20X Rodeo, the Wrangler All-Star Team, and the Scholarship Awards added. Gina gave a Financial Report of the Calendar Program from this past year. There were a total of 4327 calendars sold for a total income of $86565.00. Expenses for the program were the calendar cost of $13281.80, 18 members received their insurance and dues paid by calendar awards of $1782.00, Calendar drawing awards were $4840.00, Scholarships paid this year were $4250.00 and the awards cost was $5168.25. Of the awards this year, 6 buckles were given to Seniors, 45 coats, 69 caps and 167 T-shirts were awarded. The National Team received a total of $36900.00 from the Calendar proceeds. Gina recommended a checkout sheet this year as each member is responsible for either selling their calendar, turning the calendar back in or the member is financially responsible for the calendars that they check out. These checkout sheets will be handed out with the calendars today. Gina would also like to have the Calendar Contact people report back to either Gina or Sara each month with the numbers checked out to each member. A new program policy was presented to the membership due to the problems incurred this past year by members who did not get their calendars sold and were unable to rodeo this past season. The new policy described would allow for penalty calendars to be assessed for members who did not get their calendars sold by the deadline. Discussion was held concerning the penalty calendars. Consensus among the members was that a deadline is a deadline, they felt no need to add the penalty calendars. Motion by Bill Sutton to adopt the new policy as presented. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Bill Sutton, seconded by Doug Doll to adopt the new calendar policy without the penalty calendars. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. The new policy would move the Calendar Sales deadline up to March 1st and those members who have not sold 3 calendars by March 1st would be moved to an inactive list and not allowed to rodeo at any practice, regional or state finals rodeo in South Dakota for the current year. This new policy will be included in all membership packets, posted on the website, and included in the newsletter.
Bob Glanzer gave the State Finals Report from the Host Site Committee. He stated that the State Finals was a very enjoyable experience. They take pride in the fact that they provide a turnkey facility for the SDHSRA and try to keep the rodeo even for the contestants. Bob expressed his concern about the changes in the costs to provide the State Finals Rodeo. It costs about $110,000 to produce the rodeo and the contestant numbers were down, the cost of the cutting cattle was higher, and he is concerned about the higher cost of fuel for the coming year. The program advertisers are a concern as the committee sells less than 1000 programs even with the reduced price. Bob also discussed some of the issues brought up at the September 1st meeting with the Host Site Committee held in Chamberlain. At that meeting Huron Host Site Committee declined the option to host the State Finals for 2 additional years based on their original bid. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Lon Dreyer to approve the State Finals Report. Motion carried.
The following regional rodeo site proposals were submitted to the Board for the 2006-2007 years:
Sturgis Southwest Region
Wall Southwest Region
Dupree Northwest Region
Belle Fourche Northwest Region
Buffalo Northwest Region
Watertown Eastern Region
Winner Eastern Region
Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Doug Doll to award the Southwest Region Rodeos to Sturgis and Wall for the 2006 and 2007 years. Motion carried. Motion by Troy Brown, seconded by Lon Dreyer to award the Eastern Region Rodeos to Watertown and Winner. Motion carried. Buffalo Region had no opposition to its Region Rodeo. Motion by Sean Deal and seconded by Lon Dreyer to approve the Buffalo Region Rodeo for 2006 & 2007. Motion carried. Dupree and Belle Fourche each gave a proposal to host the Region Rodeo for the 2006 & 2007 years. Discussion followed. On a roll call vote, Dupree was awarded the Region Rodeo for the years 2006 & 2007 by a vote of 5-2. Motion carried.
Huron submitted their proposal for the State Finals High School Rodeo for the 2006-2007 years. Their bid called for a sharing of the work force and the financial obligations between the Host Site Committee and the South Dakota High School Rodeo Association. President Joe Stoddard called for any other bids for the State Finals from the floor. The Belle Fourche Committee proposed that they would submit a bid for the State Finals and they would meet all the specifications asked for by the SDHSRA to host the State Finals. Discussion followed.
2005 SDHSRA Queen McKenzie Haley gave her report at this time as she had to leave. Thank you to McKenzie for her hard work and her fine showing at the National High School Rodeo Finals.
The meeting reconvened after a short break. Discussion continued concerning the State Finals Host Site. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Lon Dreyer to table the decision on the State Finals Host Site to the Directors meeting following the Annual Meeting. Motion carried.
Rod Kusser gave the Public Relations Director Report. Rod reported on the TV contract with PBS for 3 years. They are working on televising the 20X Rodeo. They are also working on the funding for the State Finals. Rod reported on the short go shirts donated by Touchstone Energy. These shirts are still in Denver but he is looking at getting them out the 2nd week in October. Rod also reported on the Touchstone Energy article in the Rural Electric Cooperative newsletter that highlighted High School and 4-H Rodeo and Touchstone’s contribution to these Associations. Rod had a few copies of the article. Rod also had several copies of the Potter County News who did a fantastic photo article about the Northwest Region Contestants at their Northwest Region Rodeos. Looks like something we need to look at for State Finals or for the other Regions. Thank you to Rod Kusser for all his hard work as Public Relations Director.
At this time the meeting took a break for dinner.
Sara Grim, Executive Secretary gave the financial report at this time. Sara expressed some concerns about some of the unfunded expenses that continue to drain the General Account. Sara also expressed concern that the Association has so many accounts. She would like to combine the checking accounts into one checking account. This would mean that the General Fund, Calendar Fund, Student Fund would all become one checking account. Then she had talked to the bank about setting up one Investment Account and put the General Fund Money Market, Calendar Fund Money Market, and CD #91857001 all in this investment account instead of trying to manage all these separate. The Sponsor Account, Sports Medicine Account, Crisis Management Account, and CD#5235655(for National Team Coats) would stay as they are. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Lon Dreyer to approve these changes and direct Sara Grim to carry these out as needed. Motion carried.
Carole Hollers gave the National Directors Report. She reported on the scholarships awarded to the South Dakota members at the National High School Finals Rodeo. Carole also reported on the Foundation Auction, the SD Scrapbook, the basket contest and the quilts donated by South Dakota at the NHSFR. She reported that our 2 quilts donated by the region rodeos raised the second most money of any states and with only 2 items. Thank you to the regions who furnished the beautiful quilts. Carole also has the Scrapbook here today for anyone to look at. Carole also reported that the Army National Guard is a National sponsor and had some problems in other states with being turned away at their Fall Rodeos. She wanted to make sure that we show our appreciation to them in South Dakota as a National Sponsor. Carole also reported that Mitch Miller, the National High School Rodeo Marketing Director has moved on and is no longer with the NHSRA. Motion by Bill Sutton, seconded by Lon Dreyer to approve the National Directors report. Motion carried.
Fall Regional Rodeos – Carole Hollers gave the report on the proposal for Fall Regional Rodeos. Carole gave a long list of the pros and cons for Fall Regionals. Locations have been indicated for the Northwest Region in Belle Fourche, Southwest Region in Spearfish and the Eastern Region to be decided. Carole indicated that this is not meant to be a trailer race but just to keep interest in rodeo going into the Fall. This would require a By-Law change. The Board feels that we need to know what the membership wants and would like a survey to go out in the newsletter on Fall Practice Rodeos or Fall Regional Rodeos. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Lon Dreyer to postpone a decision on Fall Rodeos until the Winter meeting where we would know the results of the survey. Motion carried.
Public Relations Director position – Troy Brown gave a report on making the Public Relations Director position a paid position. The proposal he gave is that the position would be paid 15% for the new accounts and 10% for the existing accounts. Motion by Rita Murray, seconded by Kelly Britton to adopt this policy. Motion carried.
Team Points at State Finals – Pam Tiltrum requested that the Team Trophy points at State Finals be changed to not just the school that a student attends but the Team they rodeo for. She asked that a Rodeo Club get the Team Points instead of the school. Discussion followed. Motion by Diana Melvin, seconded by Carole Hollers to change the name of the Team Trophy to “School Team Trophy” and the points would be based on the School attended and not the Club they rodeo for. Motion carried.
Wrangler Jr. High Division in South Dakota – Diana Melvin gave the report on the Wrangler Jr. High Division in South Dakota. South Dakota paid the fee to join for the 2005-2006 year. Last year SD had 15 kids that participated. There were 602 contestants from 32 states at Nationals. South Dakota kids were very competitive. They rodeoed for Nebraska and North Dakota. Diana reported that Kristie Alley has agreed to be the National Director and Melody Musick of Pierre has agreed to be the State Secretary. There is a meeting scheduled October 30, 2005 at 9:00 AM at the Rapid City Events Center. The State Finals would be Memorial Day weekend. The Nationals will be in Gallup, NM for the next 2 years. Carole Hollers would need to appoint a board member. The $200 paid by the High School Association will be repaid by the Wrangler Jr. High Division. The group will report back to the SDHSRA Board at the Winter Meeting.
Regional Rodeo Entry Blank- Cathy Weber expressed concerns over the changes made to the Regional Rodeo Entry blank. Sandy Bucholz had sent her concerns through email. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Lon Dreyer to add the second notary section back in, put the contestant signature in place of SSN#, and have an entry correction deadline of May 1st (Postmarked). Motion carried.
a. Entry Fee at State Finals – Discussion was held concerning charging an entry fee for contestants at the State Finals. Motion by Sean Deal, seconded by Tanya Heller to charge an entry fee at State Finals of $10 per member per event to be paid at check in. This money would go to the SDHSRA and the SDHSRA would determine where the money would be spent.
b. Boundary changes – Discussion was held concerning the boundaries for regional rodeos. The Directors looked at the map that showed the membership boundaries. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Rita Murray that Gettysburg should go to the Eastern Region and Stanley County should go to the Northwest Region. Motion carried. Region changes will be handled as in the past with approval by a Director from each Region.
c. High School Graduation conflicts – The Rapid City Schools have moved their graduation dates and they are in direct conflict with the Regional Rodeos. Discussion was held and it was pointed out that the National Rulebook allows tradeouts for graduation. Motion by Don Varland, seconded by Jim Tiltrum to leave the decision to the Rodeo Committees, Judges, and SDHSRA Directors to work out the conflict. Suggestions would be if Saturday graduation, take stock 1st on Sunday or if Sunday graduation, take stock last event Saturday. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
d. 20X Rodeo – Steve Sutton gave a report concerning the 20X Extreme Showcase Rodeo to be held January 29, 2006 during the Black Hills Stock Show. The Rodeo will start at 3:00 PM on Sunday. Kim Sutton reported that there is one criteria change. In the Team Roping, the top three headers and top 3 heelers in each region will be invited. Team roping will be filled by rolling down by header and heeler and not team. Kim Sutton and Sara Grim are working on the invitation list.
e. Winter Meeting – The Winter Meeting of the SDHSRA will be held on Saturday, January 28, 2006 at 10:00 AM MT in Rapid City at the Black Hills Stock Show.
Bryce Sigman gave the report on the Saddle Bids. They are as follows:
Tod Slone Saddles $1096.88 ¾ Tooled
Tod Slone Saddles $1129.70 Full Tooled
Courts Saddles (Baders) $1015.00
Double J Saddles(Baders) $1035.00
Cowboy Classic Elite $1018.23
Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Susan Dewey that we choose the Tod Slone saddles. Motion carried.
Motion by Sean Deal, seconded by Deb McPherson to nominate Joe Stoddard for West River Director at Large. Motion carried. Motion by Rita Murray, seconded by Jerry Weber that nominations cease and the membership cast a unanimous ballot for Joe Stoddard. Motion carried.
During the break, each Region elected their Region Directors. When the Directors reconvened the following Directors were elected:
Southwest Director – Bryce Sigman
Southwest Director – Troy Richter
Northwest Director – Doug Doll
Host Site Directors – Tabled until Host Site Selection
Motion by Kevin Wilson, seconded by Cassie Sigman to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried and meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Sara Grim, SDHSRA Executive Secretary
SDHSRA Winter Meeting
January 29, 2005
Rapid City, SD
President Joe Stoddard called the winter meeting of the SDHSRA Directors to order at 10:00 AM MST at the Rapid City Civic Center. Joe asked for a motion to adopt the agenda with the following changes: Add Insurance to Item 12; add history of SDHSRA, add letter from Rapid City Team; Wrangler Jr. Team; and add short-go at State Finals. Troy voted to approve agenda and Roddy Thompson seconded. Motion carried.
Roll Call: Present were Sean Deal, Troy Brown, Carole Hollers, Lon Dreyer, Bryce Sigman, Roddy Thompson, Joe Stoddard, Bob Glanzer, Kirk Ford, Ryan Routier, Blaine Carey, Susan Dewey and Elizabeth Baker. Bill Sutton, Doug Doll and Trisha Smeenk arrived at a later time. Marvin Heesacker was absent.
Linda Gilbert, standing in for Sara Grim, read the minutes of the annual meeting held September 25, 2004 at Ft. Pierre, SD. Bryce moved to approve the minutes as read. Sean Deal seconded. Motion carried.
Linda read the financial report when the meeting reconvened after the lunch break. Bob Glanzer handed out the form that will be used for the audit. Joe and Bob will meet with Sara to discuss any issues along with the audit. Lon made the motion to approve the financial report. Bryce seconded. Motion carried.
Steve Sutton reported on the 20X Rodeo to be held on January 30, 2005. The steers and calves will be run on Saturday evening after the performance. Rod Kusser has barrel covers, Kirk Ford has the poles. There will be a contestant meeting at 2:00 PM MST at the Civic Center. A photo session will be held at that time. Montana Silversmith is giving two watches for a Sportsmanship Award. Kim Sutton has set up a group of individuals to select the winners of the award. The large tent in the parking lot is available for the contestants use. There will prizes given for the top four in each event. Kim and Steve reported on the positive feedback from sponsors of the 20X for all the thank you notes received from the contestants in the past two years. Steve expressed congratulations to the SDHSRA Board for selection of rough stock at the SDHSRA State Finals. He thought it was a positive decision by the board. Joe thanked Steve, Kim and Sutton Rodeos for sponsoring the 20X Rodeo and giving the SDHSRA members the opportunity to rodeo at the Black Hills Stock Show.
Carole Hollers gave the report from the National Director’s meeting held in Denver, CO. Jana Jasper read the report for her mother due to Carole’s sore throat. South Dakota is third on the list for motels at Gillette at the NHSRF in 2005. She requested rooms at the Holiday Inn Express and the Wingate. The rooms will be $85/night and are close to the arena. SD does not have to chaperone the dance and will need flag carriers one night. There will be several additional contests such as a talent night, king contest along with traditional events. Carole will have the list of contests to be held at Gillette. If any animals are injured or killed at SDHSRA rodeos, it must be submitted with the state report. Goats will be tied at Nationals only by contactors not contestants. The Basket Auction netted $18,000 for NHSRA. There will be a training session at the Nationals for State Secretaries. The new office complex has raised $60,000 at the present time. The Museum is being included as there will be an opportunity for grant funding. In order to be eligible for grants, one hundred percent of the states need to participate in the donation process. Sean made the motion to donate. Carole asked to amend the motion to donate $100 to NHSRA Building Fund. Bryce seconded the motion. Motion carried. Carole also reported on the national sponsorship programs available to each state. Mitch Miller, National PR Director, informed Carole at the national meeting there will be an increase of $50,000 in scholarships for 2005. States need to be more involved in the Student of the Month and Tip of the Hat programs. Carole encouraged SDHSRA members to become involved in the GRASP program. You are only required to leave coupons at the local tack stores and the SDHSRA will get rebates. The NIRA Shooting Sports program can be set up at any rodeo. A team can be organized to compete at the Nationals. For more information, contact Carole. The Huron Host Committee will try to set this up for the State Finals. The EQ Solution will sponsor a $250 scholarship and Tesky will replace Smith Bros. for a $250 scholarship. WWW Livestock will place a free display at State Finals. Cabela’s has a website where you can vote for any senior SDHSRA member for a scholarship. You vote online. Cabelas also give scholarships at State Finals under a format determined by SDHSRA Directors. Wrangler sponsors certificates for state winners and three dollars per member as part of the bullfighter program. Carhartt will sponsor event champion coats. Ariat sponsors scholarships and merchandize program. USTRC sponsors a Shoot-Out spot. Tod Sloan saddles will be National sponsors. Ground rules presented at the National meeting were discussed. The Wrangler All-Star Team deadline will be October 1, 2005. Western attire rule will be enforced in the bleachers at Gillette. Discussion was held concerning the western attire rule at the state level. It was decided that a clarification of this rule was required. Carole made the motion that western attire will be required one hour before the rodeo until rodeo is complete. Western attire will also be required at award ceremonies. Student officers seconded. Motion carried. After discussion, the directors decided they will issue warnings at practice rodeos and enforce the rule at regional rodeos with no warning. As per the NHSRA Rule book, member will be disqualified from the rodeo for inappropriate dress.
The cutting score of a 60 is the same as a 0. Barrel racers must run to the barrel with a central gate entry but are allowed a circle with a side gate entry. The age limit for the NHSRA members is 20 by August 1 of current year. The goats must be 40-60 pounds. There will be no electric eye barriers used. The Queen must meet requirements concerning banners. Bryce made the motion to adopt the ground rules for current competing year. Roddy seconded motion. Motion carried. Blaine made motion to approve National Director’s Report. Lon seconded. Motion carried.
A fall region rodeo schedule was discussed. Carole presented letters of intent from Seven Down Arena and Belle Fourche to hold regional rodeos. She suggested a September or October rodeo. Issues discussed were the changes that will be necessary to implement an additional rodeo. A revision of point dispersion, the increased number of state finals contestants and the selection of number of rodeo points to take to state. Joe suggested a steering committee may be needed to look at the issue. Sean made the motion to form a steering committee. Blaine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Doug Doll, NW; Roddy Thompson, SW; Bill Suttton, E; Carole Hollers, ND and Bob Glanzer, Host Committee, were appointed.
Rod Kusser reported on the Public TV coverage of the State Finals. They have signed a three year contract. He also has a commitment from Jim Thompson to do voice-over for the airing of the rodeo. Neal Fulton from Pierre did pro bono work for the SDHSRA in negotiating the contract. Rod will keep a copy of the contract and give one to Sara. Rod would like to recognize Neal for his work. Public TV will be a State Finals sponsor along with the same sponsors for the team jackets. Touchtone Energy will give the short-go shirts again. Rod would like to see more kids send thank you notes to Touchtone for their sponsorship. The booth worked well last year and they will run it again. Additional state sponsors will be National Guard at $3000, Hubbard Feeds at $1000 (not confirmed), Dakota Bank, SD Beef Council and Dakota 2000. Rod has not received any commitment from Tri-State Livestock but Today’s Horse continues to be involved with SDHSRA. Rod expressed appreciation for the directors’ help in gathering the banners. Troy, Roddy and Doug or Sean will be in charge of banners again. It was also pointed out that SEAN HAD RODDY’S BANNERS LAST YEAR!!!! Lon made motion to approve the report. Bryce seconded. Motion carried.
The ground rules are approved as stands. Discussion was held concerning the regional entry blank. The current blank reads, “if you fail to compete in an entered event, you will become ineligible to go on to the State Finals in any event”. It was decided this needed clarification. Carole made the motion the entry blank read: If you fail to notify rodeo secretary or director in the event of turn out at a qualifying rodeo, you will become ineligible to go to State Finals in that event or events. Lon seconded the motion. Motion carried. Further discussion clarified that becoming ineligible at the first weekend does not prevent member from competing at next weekend. However, member will NOT be allowed to qualify from the second weekend. Bryce made the motion the student signature be added to the regional entry blank. Troy seconded. Motion carried.
Due to time conflict, Gina Strain asked to give report at this time. 3014 calendars have been sold at this time. The committee would like to add pictures on next year’s calendar of the 20X, National BB Teams and enlarge the regional pictures. The committee also asked the board for help with accountability of members and the number of calendars that are out. Blaine made the motion to give each member a form stating responsibility to be accountable for the number of calendars or value of the number of calendars. The form must be signed by the member. The consequence for failure to account for calendar would be disqualification at qualifying rodeo. Deadline would remain April 15. Troy seconded motion. Motion carried. Only one bid was submitted for calendar. Leader Printing will be the printer again.
A Scholarship Foundation being established at this time by Western SD Buckaroos and Sean Deal will be the SDHSRA representative on the board.
There was no report on safety seminar at this time.
Bob Glanzer reported on the Host Site Committee. All contracts are out to the judges at this time. They are still waiting on an announcer. The program needs to be staffed. Host Committee will have a contract with SDHSRA Board rather than with stock contractors. There may be more issues to be resolved. Kirk Ford is doing a great job on sponsors for the finals. Donations are ahead of last year. Bob suggested a manual should be developed to go to Host Committees that receive bid for State Finals. It would save time and effort when dealing with all the requirements of being a host site. Bob is also working on issue of cafes staying open until later time.
Insurance issues were discussed at this time. Host site uses sample contract from NHSRA office. It displays need for workman’s compensation for employees for stock contractors. The stock contractors’ contract asked for contractor to have workman’s comp. A lengthy discussion was held deciding how to deal with this issue. Discussion tabled until later time when Jeff Jasper could help.
Bob also pointed out that funds will not be disbursed through host site but through SDHSRA. Sara will also need to keep track of gates and outs for each contractor.
Kirk reported the selection had been made for buckles. Elizabeth Baker reported the student officers would prefer buckles to plaques for high point. Money has been raised for the buckles. Student officers made the motion to purchase Maynard Buckles for high point and average. Sean seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion was held concerning liability insurance cost at State. In 2004, host site paid 2/3 of cost and stock contractors paid 1/3 of cost. Sean made the motion that SDHSRA pay 50% of cost of liability insurance at State Finals. Lon seconded. Motion carried.
Judge’s committee reported the judges have been selected for 2005 State Finals as follows: Deb Mowary-BK, GT, BA; Wade Voss and Paul Cleveland-Rough Stock arena judges; Lyle Gjermundson-TR, CR and SW; Don Strain and Tyler Vance-CT, Tom Murphy and Bill Clark-Barrier judges.
Sean reported on rough stock committee. There are six contracts for the rough stock. The official number of stock required will be submitted after second weekend of qualifying rodeos. Stock from subcontractors will still need to be approved. Blaine moved to approve the contracts for rough stock and Bryce seconded. Motion carried. Sean handed out ballots for pickup men. Each region submitted a name. Kirk Schuelke and Casey Humble were voted to be pickup men at State Finals. Only two bullfighter’s names were submitted so Sanford Deal and Jeremy Wells will the bullfighters for State Finals. Sara will need to send contracts to pickup men and bullfighters.
Host Site Committee-Insurance Discussion
Jeff Jasper joined the meeting and gave some thoughts on the necessity of workman’s comp. by stock contractors. It would be impossible to purchase workman’s comp. for one weekend. Jeff felt it would be a better use of funds to purchase more liability insurance and make sure contractors have certificates of liability insurance on hand. It would be important to research best buy of insurance. Joe asked for a motion to authorize host site committee directors from the SDHSRA board to negotiate the liability insurance at State Finals. Doug so moved. Sean seconded. Motion carried.
Timed event committee reported that bid proposals were sent to seven timed event contractors and only two were received back. Doug stated that selecting one contractor only meant that person would still be assembling the best stock from across the state, not personally contracting all stock. Troy Brown submitted the bids. Sean made the motion Don Varland be primary timed event contractor with freedom to select cattle with committee approval. Bryce seconded. Motion carried.
Arena directors were appointed. Lon Dreyer will be the rough stock director and Bryce Sigman will be timed event arena director. Doug Doll is the cutting arena director.
The championship saddles should be arriving during the first week of February. Each director was asked to make sure they are displayed and brought to the State Finals.
Doug Doll updated the WSDB scholarship foundation as he arrived after the previous report. Buckaroos are still in the process of arriving at the best format for the foundation and are awaiting response from experts. It appears the past three presidents and Sean Deal will be the board members.
Susan Dewey reported on the queen committee. Danci Anderson and Liz Fisher will help Susan at State Finals. She will also give Sara the list of regional coordinators.
The goat and cutting contractors names were submitted. Only one in each category applied. The cost on both increased from last year. C.J. Floyd submitted a bid for $6.50 per run. Carole made motion to approve goat bid at $6.50. Troy seconded. Motion carried. Discussion was held on the cutting cattle. Bryce made the motion to accept the bid from Ron Hins for $16.50/head for cutting cattle. Lon seconded. Motion carried.
Host committee also noted the times will be earlier and the ticket price will be raised at Huron for the State Finals.
State line transfers were submitted by Carole. Two members would like to apply to rodeo in South Dakota. Holly Hartswigen applied to transfer from Wyoming. She is a rookie sophomore. Discussion was held concerning whether she fit the parameters of being grandfathered in because of a sibling. Carole made the motion to accept the transfer of Holly Hartswigen. Sean seconded. Motion carried with two no votes by Joe and Bill. Kaylon Kahler requested a transfer from Missouri as he is living in South Dakota with grandparents. He will attend school and reside in South Dakota. Bryce made a motion to accept his transfer. Lon seconded. Motion carried.
Troy presented the board with the idea of announcing past champions from 40 or 50 years ago at the State Finals. They could be presented on Sunday morning or at a designated time. Troy volunteered to contact SDHSRA champions from 1955 and 1965 for the 2005 State Finals.
Rod Kusser will prepare a job description for the PR Director job and send it each board member. The board expressed their gratitude to Rod for the great job he has done. Discussion was held making this position a paying position or giving a percentage of the donations. Carole suggested renewals would not count as much as new accounts. Bill made a motion and Sean amended the motion to request Bill, Troy, and Joe to decide on a percentage to pay PR Director and report back to board. Bryce seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion was held concerning a historian for the SDHSRA. Files and information have been lost over the years. Carole made a motion to ask Joe to approach Bud Ireland to be SDHSRA Historian. Lon seconded. Motion carried.
Carole asked Bill Sutton to read to the board a letter from the Rapid City Rodeo Team requesting that team points at the State Finals be assigned to team members and not by high school enrollment. They requested clarification of this rule. Joe felt this matter should be discussed at the annual meeting. He will have Sara put it on the agenda. Bryce made a motion to table until fall meeting. Lon seconded. Motion carried.
Laurie Chauncey made a presentation for the interest in the Wrangler Jr. Team. A group of people would be interested in running the membership for this. They would need the approval from the SDHSRA Board of Directors. Discussion was held about allowing connection with 4-H rodeo and other associations. Page 9 of NHSRA allow for provision for directors to be appointed by National Director. Carole reported that Wrangler Jr. High Finals will be in Gallop, NM on July 5-8th, 2005. South Dakota members may rodeo in neighboring state if SD is not participating member of Wrangler Jr. Team. The deadline was December 31, 2004 for this year. Bryce made the motion that Wrangler Jr. Rodeo Association form a committee to make a formal presentation at the annual fall meeting including list of committee members, entry fees, board members, secretary, etc. Bob seconded. Motion carried.
All rodeo sites applications were submitted. It was announced that White River will not be having cutting at the practice rodeo. Sean brought up the fact that practice rodeos need to be aware that proper equipment must be used at practice rodeos. Sean made the motion to approve rodeo site applications. Lon seconded. Motion carried.
Rod Moon and Sharon Kindopp were nominated for Person of the Year for 2005. Doug made the motion that nominations cease. Lon seconded. Motion carried. Sara will notify the honorees.
Carole presented new idea for making money by rodeo clubs. Carhartt has a grilling promotion. You are given money to purchase supplies and revenue belongs to the club. Grilling must be done at a Carhartt dealer. Carole has information for anyone that may be interested.
Sean announced that Tara Trask would like to be a part of the announcing at the State Finals. She would do it free of charge. The host committee and board expressed interest and Sean will contact her.
Blaine made the motion to adjourn. Troy seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Gilbert
SDHSRA Secretary Pro Tem