SDHSRA Annual Meeting Director’s Minutes
September 30, 2006
Pierre Ramkota River Center

The meeting was called to order by President Joe Stoddard at 6:00 pm.

1. Elections
Elections of VP and President were held. A unanimous ballot was cast for the current officers to remain seated as such by Doug Doll, seconded by Troy Richter – mc.
President – Joe Stoddard
Vice President – Troy Brown
A sincere thank you was given to Bryce Sigman, Bill Sutton, and Sean Deal for their years of service to the SDHSRA.

Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Kelly Shoemaker to accept Ann Sundermann as the new SDHSRA Executive Secretary – mc.
Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Lon Dreyer to start Ann’s pay at $1100.00/ month to be reviewed in 6 month’s – mc.
Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Lon Dreyer to make Sara Grim’s pay retroactive for 1 month – mc.
Motion by Kody Woodard, seconded by Clay Birkeland to nominate Rod Kusser as the PR Director – mc.
Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Troy Brown to accept the appointment of Host Site Committee members as seated by the Belle Fourche Host Site Committee – mc. Later appointed as Clay Birkeland, Mark Thiel and Phil Kissack.

2. Discussion was entertained from Mark Thiel of the Host Site Committee requesting a 2 year extension to be the SDHSRA State Finals Host Site. Motion by Rod Kusser, seconded by Lon Dreyer to approve as such – mc.

Discussion was held on picking the State Finals Host Site 18 month’s before the actual date, instead of 6 month’s. Host Site to be bid in September 2008 for 2010.

3. Committee Assignments:
Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Mark to accept Kelly Shoemaker on the Judges Committee – mc.
Motion by Troy Brown, seconded by Mark Thiel to accept Doug Doll on the Judges Committee – mc.
Motion by rod Kusser, seconded by Mark Thiel to accept Lon Dreyer on the Judges committee – mc.

Finals Judges: under the recommendation of the Judges Committee, will be as follows:
Girls Events Flagger – Brenda White Boys Events Flagger – Kevin Ploszaj
Barrier Judge 1 – Mike Welker Barrier Judge 2, if needed – Bill Clark
Rough Stock – Chris Horton Darrell King
Cutting – Jerry Kaufmann possibly JP Bell

Lon Dreyer discussed the possibility of the SDHSRA Directors attending a PRCA Judges seminar. Lon will pursue.

State Finals Livestock Inspection Committee
Discussion was held on the problem of stock contractors not bringing enough cattle, and the fine imposed under terms of their contract. Joe Stoddard appointed Troy Brown to start the bid process for the timed event cattle. Joe Stoddard, Sara Grim and Ann Sundermann will get the numbers and review the bids. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Doug to table the Livestock Inspection Committee appointment and address the number problem at the mid winter meeting – mc.

4. Saddle Sponsors
Assignments were made – see attached. It was decided to ask $550.00 for ½ of a saddle sponsorship, except All Around.

5. Student Membership Issue
Motion by Troy Richter, seconded by Kelly Shoemaker, to go into executive session to discuss a student membership issue – mc. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Troy Richter to come out of executive session. – mc.

Motion by Calley Thomas, seconded by Kelly Shoemaker to adjourn Director’s Meeting at 7:12pm – mc.

Respectfully Submitted,
SDHSRA Executive Secretary
Ann Sundermann

SEPTEMBER 30, 2006


President Joe Stoddard called the annual meeting of the SDHSRA to order at 10:00 AM CDT at the Ramkota River Center in Pierre, SD. The Student Officers led the membership in citing the Pledge of Allegiance. Joe asked for a motion to adopt the agenda with the following changes: Under New Business, the Scrapbook report by Roberta Bruns will be moved to follow the minutes of the State Finals Meeting; Interviews for Executive Secretary will move to the end of the meeting; and will add Team Roping debate to new business. Motion by Troy Brown, seconded by Carole Hollers to approve the agenda changes. Motion carried.

Roll Call: Present were Sean Deal, Troy Brown, Carole Hollers, Rod Kusser, Sara Grim, Lon Dreyer, Bill Sutton, Bryce Sigman, Troy Richter, Joe Stoddard, Doug Doll, Clay Birkeland, Mark Thiel, Phil Kissack standing in for Marvin Garrett, Kody Woodward, Callie Thomas, and Kristina Maddocks.. Absent was Susan Dewey.


Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Sean Deal to dispense with the reading of the State Finals Meeting Minutes and approve such minutes. All members present voted aye, motion carried.


Roberta Bruns of Plankinton gave a very informative report on the South Dakota Scrapbook. The scrapbook did not place at Nationals and we are still waiting for comments from the National Competition. One of the suggestions for the National Competition is to have a permanent cover. Roberta would also like to have a committee with people from each Region. She needs team pictures from the different schools and teams if they have them. Roberta and Bud Ireland have been communicating and are going to work on the Archives for the SDHSRA. Roberta also gave suggestions for the Basket competition at Nationals. We need to get more information on the website about the Basket and Scrapbook competition.


Gina Strain gave the Calendar Committee Report. There were a total of 4472 calendars sold this year. Gina had given an extensive Calendar report in the last newsletter. There were 126 calendars not returned or accounted for. Gina is suggesting that membership deadline be moved up to September 1st so that only members would receive the calendars. The new calendars will be done next week. It was suggested that the old calendars be given to High Schools for the start of the school year. Discussion was held concerning the financials from the Calendar Project.


Clay Birkeland gave the State Finals Report from the Host Site Committee. The weather was very cooperative this year. They would like a better count on stalls from the regional rodeos, and suggested going to a facilities fee per contestant rather than a fee per stall. The finals committee said they were addressing the following issues for next year: more seating to the east of the cutting arena, specific contract for the photographer(s), the possibility of moving the short go to one arena only, and better access to the rodeo grounds – which is being addressed, but will not be completed by next year. They felt the rodeo went well and were happy to be working with the SDHSRA.

A letter was read from Doris Lauing concerning some of the cutting issues at State Finals. Discussion also ensued concerning cutting at the 20X Showcase Rodeo at the Stock Show.

Discussion was held concerning additional program pages and additional cost to Missouri Dakota Publishing Inc. from State Finals. These issues were resolved during a Conference Call earlier with Rod Kusser, Sara Grim, Joe Stoddard, Clay Birkeland, and David Clausen. It was agreed that the Host Site Committee, the SDHSRA, and Missouri Dakota Publishing Inc. would all split the additional cost of $1700.

Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Lon Dreyer to approve the State Finals Report. Motion carried. Roberta Bruns commented on the State Finals and said we should give a big Thank you to Belle Fourche for a job well done.

Discussion continued on the cutting issues from the State Finals and the 20X Rodeo.


Rod Kusser gave the Public Relations Director Report. Rod reported on the TV contract with PBS for one more year of coverage. Rod would like to look at a long term agreement or an extension on the current agreement. Rod reported on the short go shirts donated by Touchstone Energy. These shirts will be delivered to the local coops who want to award the shirts locally. It was commented that the National Team does not receive the Short Go Shirts. If you were on the National Team you received a National Team Shirt. Rod reported that the sponsors were good this year and is looking at some new things for next year. Rod would like to step down from the Public Relations position if we could find a replacement. He did comment that it could be a paying position. He has declined the compensation but that it is available. Thank you to Rod Kusser for all his hard work as Public Relations Director. Motion by Sean Deal, seconded by Troy Brown to approve the Public Relations Report and allow Rod to extend the PBS contract as he sees fit. Motion carried.


Sara Grim, Executive Secretary gave the financial report at this time. The records are at the accountant, Casey Petersen & Associates in Rapid City so they can complete the IRS return and look over the financial records. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Mark Thiel to approve the Financial Reports. Motion carried. Motion by Clay Birkeland, second by Mark Thiel to pay Missouri Dakota Publishing Inc the amount of $567 which is 1/3 of the extra program pages cost of $1700. Motion carried.

Lunch break at this time.


Carole Hollers gave the National Directors Report. She gave the National Team Standings and some of the highlights from Nationals. She reported on the scholarships awarded to the South Dakota members at the National High School Finals Rodeo. South Dakota received 6 scholarships and two of them were quite substantial. Good news for next year is that the draw will be posted two weeks prior to the National High School Finals Rodeo. The members must still check in before Sunday noon but makes it so much easier for family to travel. Carole also reported on the Foundation Auction, the SD Scrapbook, the basket contest and the quilts donated by South Dakota at the NHSFR. She reported that our 2 quilts donated by the region rodeos raised the second most money of any states and with only 3 items. Thank you to the regions who furnished the beautiful quilts. Sundowner trailers will be replacing Featherlite as a National Sponsor.


Wrangler Junior Division – Troy Richter reported that Diana Melvin had contacted him and they were having their annual meeting today also so she could not be here at the meeting. Their National Team ended up 12th at Nationals. They would like to continue to use our website. Next years National Finals will be held in Gallup, NM July 2-8th. Cindy Nagel and Diana Melvin are the contact people.


Troy Brown reported that he had attended a meeting at the Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center. They are asking for input for the archives to be placed in the building. The Rodeo Center has the funding and is ready to start. They discussed having separate rooms for each organization. At the meeting after, it was recommended that they have a more open format and have one organization flow into the other. They are looking for donations. You need to contact a board member if you have items to donate or let them use.


Doug Doll reported on the Buckaroos/Scholarship Foundation. Doug gave a report on the scholarships. The Buckaroos would like to have one deadline next year for all scholarships. Date also needs to be confirmed. There was some confusion this year but they took late applications. The Foundation has been tabled as it was found to be cost prohibitive. The Buckaroos have given over $250, 000 to High School Rodeo over the years.



a. Bryce Sigman gave the recommendations for the judges for the State Finals. Brenda White, Bill Clark, Kevin Ploszaj, J.P. Bell, Jerry Kaufman. Lon Dreyer recommended Chris Horton & Darrell Kling for Rough Stock Judges. Motion by Troy Brown, seconded by Doug Doll to table the selection of the judges to the Directors meeting.
b. A lengthy discussion was held concerning the Team Roping issues when one partner is eliminated. Discussion on the issues of picking up partners, late entries, etc. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Clay Birkeland to table the Team Roping issues to the winter meeting. Motion carried.
c. Discussion was brought from the floor concerning the graduation conflicts during the Regional Rodeo in Wall. General consensus was that there needed to be more communication among the committees, contractors, rodeo personnel, Directors. The board will develop a policy at the winter meeting.


Bryce Sigman gave the report on the Saddle Bids. They are as follows:
Tod Slone Saddles $1119.00 ¾ Tooled
Courts Saddles (Baders) $1150.00
Cowboy Classic Elite $1062.00
Economy 874.00
4-H 700.00

Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Doug Doll that we choose the Tod Slone saddles. Motion carried.


During the break, each Region elected their Region Directors. When the Directors reconvened the following Directors were elected:
Southwest Director – Patrick Auer
Northwest Director – Kelly Shoemaker
Eastern Director at Large – Rod Kusser
Host Site Directors – Clay Birkeland, Mark Thiel, & Phil Kissack

Motion by Lon Dreyer, seconded by Sean Deal to seat Patrick Auer for a three year term to even up the rotation of Directors. Motion carried.
Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Sean Deal to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried and meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Sara Grim
SDHSRA Executive Secretary

South Dakota High School Rodeo Association
Board of Directors Meeting
June 22, 2006
Americinn Motel
Belle Fourche, SD


President Joe Stoddard call the SDHSRA Directors meeting to order on June 22, 2006 8:30 PM at the Americinn Motel in Belle Fourche, SD. The meeting was held during the 2006 SDHSRA State Finals Rodeo in Belle Fourche. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Bryce Sigman to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the January 28, 2006 meeting in Rapid City, SD. Motion carried. All members of the Board of Directors were present with the exception of Susan Dewey, Troy Richter, Marvin Garrett, and the Student Officers. Bill Sutton and Sean Deal joined the meeting at 9:20 PM. Also present were Patti Gilbert with Sports Medicine, Tracy Bail with the judges, and Cynthia Matson and Teresa Schanzenbach from the Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce.


The minutes of the Special Conference Phone Call Meeting held on June 19, 2006 were read. Motion by Troy Brown, seconded by Doug Doll to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2006 special meeting with the correction that Bill Sutton was present at the meeting. Motion carried.


The financial report was given by the State Secretary. Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Bryce Sigman to approve the Financial Report.


Carole Hollers, National Director gave her report on the Motels and camping at Springfield and other issues. Motion by Lon Dreyer, seconded by Troy Brown to approve the National Directors Report. Motion carried.


Rod Kusser had nothing to report from the Public Relations Report as everything was going well and in place.


The Host Site Committee reported on the stall concerns. The stalls were not filling up very fast. 350 stalls had been reserved at the Region Rodeos and 365 stalls were set up. Discussion was held on changing the stalling system for next year.

Bill Sutton and Sean Deal joined the meeting at 9:20 PM.

The judges committee reported that Kevin Ploszaj was unable to be here due to illness in his family so the other judges will fill in for Kevin.

The livestock committee reported that the livestock was O.K.

Lon Dreyer reported that the judges will run their own clock in the rough stock events. The Grandstand Goat is #1 Goat and the Chute Goat is #2 Goat.

The timed event Directors reported on the timed event arena. The timed event arena will have preference over the Rough Stock Arena when conflict occurs.


Discussion was held on the money for the National Qualifiers. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Bryce Sigman to pay $1000 per Qualifier not to exceed a total of $50,000. Motion carried.

Discussion was held on duplicate awards. It has already been determined that there is a tie in the Girls Cutting for the Saddle. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Clay Birkeland to purchase a second Girls Cutting saddle. Motion carried.

There is no problem with enforcement of stall fees.

Discussion was held on adopting a policy to cancel the rodeo due to weather related issues. It was decided that the President and the Vice-President will make that decision.

Rod Kusser reported that there will be special Grand Entry on Friday Morning and again on Sunday to pay tribute to the two members that passed away this year. Michael Glynn and Jessica Grimes will be remembered during the opening ceremonies.

Motion by Doug Doll, seconded by Clay Birkeland to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Sara Grim, SDHSRA Executive Secretary

SDHSRA Winter Meeting
January 28, 2006
Rapid City, SD


President Joe Stoddard called the winter meeting of the SDHSRA Board of Directors to order at 10:00 AM MST at the Rapid City Civic Center. Joe asked for a motion to adopt the agenda with the following changes: Add Sports Medicine Report to Item 14 State Finals Committee Reports; add conflict on turn out rule on Regional Rodeo Entry to Item 15 New Business; add Louisiana Hurricane Crisis under Item 15 New Business; change Fall Regional Rodeo Report from National Directors Report to Old Business. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Sean Deal to approve the agenda as amended. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Roll Call: Present were Joe Stoddard, Troy Brown, Carole Hollers, Sara Grim, Rod Kusser, Susan Dewey, Lon Dreyer, Bryce Sigman, Troy Richter, Sean Deal, Kelly Britton standing in for Doug Doll, Clay Birkeland, Mark Thiel, Cassie Sigman, Megan Kennedy, and McKenzie Haley. Bill Sutton arrived at a later time. Brent Sutton and Marvin Garrett were absent.


The Board of Directors dispensed with the reading of the minutes from the Annual General Membership meeting, the Annual Directors Meeting, and the Host Site Meeting in Belle Fourche. The following changes were noted: Kristie Alley will not be the National Director for the Wrangler Junior High Division. Carole Hollers will appoint a National Director for the Wrangler Junior High Division as per the NHSRA Rule Book and that has not happened yet. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Sean Deal to approve the minutes with the changes noted. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Sara Grim read the financial report. Discussion was held on issuing IRS 1099 Forms for the winners of the saddles. The accountant has recommended to set a value at which the saddle could be sold. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Sean Deal to set the value of the saddles if they were to be sold at $599. All members present voted aye, except for Carole Hollers who voted naye. Motion carried. Troy Brown made the motion to approve the financial report. Bryce Sigman seconded. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.


Steve Sutton reported on the 20X Rodeo to be held on January 29, 2006. Contestants will be able to get in the Arena following the Bull Riding Saturday Night. Goat Tying will be run at an angle. The calves are fresh but were used at the Indian Rodeo on Saturday. There will be a contestant meeting at 2:00 PM MST at the Civic Center. A photo session will be held at that time. There will be prizes given for the top four in each event. There has been good press coverage on the 20X Rodeo. Joe thanked Steve, Kim and Sutton Rodeos for sponsoring the 20X Rodeo and giving the SDHSRA members the opportunity to rodeo at the Black Hills Stock Show.


Carole Hollers gave the report from the National High School Rodeo Association Winter meeting held in Oklahoma City in January. Carole reported that there will be a $3 increase in Insurance for next year. The National Office is emphasizing the 30 day notification to host an approved activity. Carole reported on the Scrapbook contest, selling of bracelets at the Finals, and the Dodge Raffle. Carole reported on the NRA Rifle Shoot and Trap Shoot at Belle Fourche. The National Office is allowing the NRA shooters to bring their own guns to Nationals. She reported that our National Student Officers have been asked to teach a class at a National Leadership Symposium. She also reported that BCR Awards is going out of business and will not be available for the awards given this year. Discussion was held on the members who participate in the extra contests at Nationals. The question was asked if they are part of the South Dakota Team and should they receive the travel money or the team coats. Motion by Troy Brown, seconded by Lon Dreyer that these extra curricular activities are not part of the South Dakota High School Rodeo Team and should not receive the travel money or the team coats. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Carole presented the Approved By-Laws & Rules changes to the 2006-2007 NHSRA Rulebook that will be in effect for the 2006 NHSFR. These are being sent out in each members packet. Discussion was held on several of the rule changes such as the 3rd person who would be a back-up timer in the rough stock (optional), goat tyers must be mounted when they enter arena, Queens may not ride the same horse, and the new Team Roping rule to encourage more team roping entries. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Sean Deal to adopt these rules as Ground Rules for South Dakota High School Rodeo for the 2006 Rodeo season with the exception of #19, the Dally Team Roping rule. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Troy Brown, seconded by Bryce Sigman to approve the National Directors Report. All members present voted aye, motion carried.


Rod Kusser reported on the Public TV coverage of the State Finals. 2006 is the 2nd year of the 3 year deal. The 2006 National Team Jacket Partners are SD Association of Telephone Cooperatives, Pioneer Garage, and the SD Corn Utilization Council. Touchstone Energy Partners will continue to provide shirts for the short go qualifiers at State Finals and will provide barrel covers for the Regional and State Rodeos. Rod reported on some additional State Partners such as SD National Guards, Hubbard Feeds, Dacotah Banks, SD Beef Industry Council, and Kent Clarke Insurance Co. Dakota 2000 would like to sponsor the School Team Trophy. Today’s Horse and Tri-State Livestock News continue to trade out articles and advertising. It is important that we email results in a timely manner to both Tri-State and Today’s Horse publications. Rod asked for a Director from each region to be responsible for banners, Grand Entry Flags, and barrel covers at each region and to make sure they are put up at State finals and returned at the end of the State Finals. Troy Brown, Eastern Region, Sean Deal, Northwest Region and Troy Richter, Southwestern Region will take on this responsibility. Motion by Lon Dreyer, seconded by Troy Brown to approve the Public Relations Director Report. All members present voted aye, motion carried.


Diana Melvin with the Wrangler Junior High Division was unable to attend but sent her report with Joe Stoddard. She reports that the South Dakota NonProfit status has been completed for the Wrangler Division. The IRS 501C3 status for nonprofit is being completed. The site for the State Finals has been secured. The Wrangler Jr. High Division State Finals will be held Memorial Day Weekend at the Western Events Center at the Rosebud Casino south of Mission, SD. They did statewide press releases January 2 to all daily and weekly newspapers in South Dakota. They are in the process of accepting applications for National Director. They have 2 or 3 interested persons at this point. The State Finals Personnel and judges are mostly in place. They have had positive response on the sponsors but there is still a lot of work needed. The Wrangler Junior High Division estimates 30 to 50 participants based on memberships and inquiries. Members will be asked to assist with a couple of books of raffle tickets to help with the National Team Expense. If any one has any ideas or if they would like to assist with the Wrangler Junior High Division they should contact the Association President, Diana Melvin, Ft. Pierre, SD 605-223-3172.

Carole Hollers reported on the Fall Regional Rodeos. A questionnaire was sent out to all members in the newsletter just a few weeks ago. Carole reported that she had 26 that said yes, 12 said no mostly from the contestants. Some of the concerns addressed would be the expense of another Regional Rodeo, school conflicts, getting memberships in by September 1, weekend conflicts with other activities, and finding more sponsorships in our small communities. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Mark Thiel to proceed with a By-Law change to add Fall Regionals to South Dakota High School Rodeo. On a roll call vote, the motion failed by a vote of 9-3. Motion died.


Bud Ireland, Historian with the South Dakota High School Rodeo Association met with the Board at this time and addressed the Student Officers as to “Thank yous” being sent out for awards received. Bud mentioned that he has been donating to HS Rodeo and has only received one “Thank you” over the past 3 years. He mentioned how important it is to send thank you’s for donated items to SD High School Rodeo. Bud also reported on his work with collection of SD High School Rodeo History. Dupree High School wanted a list of their Past National Qualifiers and there needs to be records in place to answer these questions when they are asked. Bud has been going through old microfilm records from the Rapid City Journal but it is very time consuming. Bud asked if a local rodeo club could help with the Archives project.

The SDHSRA Board of Directors took a dinner break and reconvened at 1:20 PM.


Gina Strain and Rod Kusser reported on the selection of the calendar caps, calendar coats, National Team coats. Skyline Silversmiths will do all the buckles for the Finals. 8×10 Pictures will continue to be given as Go-Round Awards.


Gina Strain gave the Calendar Committee Report at this time. Gina reported that sales were going well and the checkout responsibility has also gone well this year. Gina reported that Leader Printing was the only bidder again this year and we may decide to only order 5000 calendars. There was an extra page added this year with lots of new pictures and maybe next year we could add a picture of the top 4 in each event.


Siri Stevens, from the Rocky Mountain Rodeo News was unable to attend the meeting but sent a proposal to produce the SD High School Rodeo Association Newsletter. They would do it in the same format as the Rocky Mountain Rodeo News only it would be for this area and it would be called Rodeo News, Badlands Edition. It would start from newsletter information and expand from there. There would be monthly updates from the Association containing results, photos, human interest stories and any other information needed to get to members. The newsletter would be out by the 10th of the month and the cost would be $9 per member payable at the time of signing up. Their goal is to provide North and South Dakota with a paper similar to the Rocky Mountain Rodeo News for Colorado. As the paper expands, they would begin to support the Association Finals with jackets, buckles, and saddles. They would also plan to open an office in the SD Region. Lon Dreyer motioned and Bryce Sigman seconded to table the decision on the SDHSRA Newsletter. All members present voted aye, motion carried.

Dave Claussen, with the Potter County News in Gettysburg, SD gave a presentation on the special editions he did last year at Buffalo and Dupree Regional Rodeos. He handed out sample editions. He also gave a photo presentation on the quality of his photography. Dave would like to expand from the Regional Rodeos to the State Finals in Belle Fourche. He would highlight the events and send out an edition after the State Finals that would go out statewide. Dave wanted permission to shoot the State Finals in Belle Fourche for this purpose. The Board asked Dave to stay around and see the presentation from the Host Site Committee concerning photography and press at the State Finals.


Clay Birkeland reported on the Host Site Committee. The Arena changes are on schedule. There will be camping on the grounds. They are working on keeping the Stock on the grounds. At this time they have 425 stalls(45 are covered) but they would like to know numbers for stalling at state finals. The question came up about reserving stalls or is it on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Stalls will need to be reserved at the Region Rodeos so that the Host Committee will know an approximate amount. Discussion was held on changes to the schedule and getting motel information in the newsletter. The plan is to get these items posted on the website. Cutting will start on Wednesday and the Cutting Finals will be held 5:00 Thursday night. The photographer issues are referred to the Host Committee concerning exclusive rights or news photos needed.

Judge’s committee reported the judges have been selected for 2006 State Finals. There were 3 nominations for Rough Stock Judges. They were Darrell Kling, Roger Theobald, & Wade Vos. Carole Hollers motioned, seconded by Troy Brown to vote on the Rough Stock Judges. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. The following judges were presented to the Board: Darrell Kling & Roger Theobald-Rough Stock arena judges; Kevin Ploszaj & Tracy Maher-Timed Event Arena Judges; Dorvan Solberg & Jerry Kaufmann-Cutting Judges; Marty Williams & Scott Shoun-Barrier judges. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Bryce Sigman to approve the Judges for the State Finals. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. It was noted that the judges need to be selected sooner next year, as at the Fall meeting so we can secure judges before they take other judging jobs.

Sean Deal reported on rough stock committee. There are five contracts for the rough stock. Contracts will be sent to Waln Rodeo, Wilson Rodeo, Sutton Rodeo, Wild Card Rodeo, and Flying G Rodeo. Sean would like to have us increase the amount per out from $50 to $60. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Carole Hollers to leave the $50 fee and the $10 entry fee for the Finals from the Rough Stock Riders will go to the Contractors. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Ballots were handed out for Pickup Men and Bullfighters. Shayne Porch and Casey Humble were voted to be pickup men at State Finals. Joey Waln and Travis Byrnes were voted to be Bullfighters for the State Finals. Sara will need to send contracts to pickup men and bullfighters.

Troy Brown gave the timed event committee report. There were three proposals for Timed Event Stock. Jim Johnston, Thedford, NE bid $12.32 per run straight through. Wild Card Rodeo bid $15 for Steer Wrestling cattle and $12 for all others. Sutton Rodeo bid $10 per run. Motion by Mark Thiel, seconded by Troy Brown to give all the Timed Event Livestock Contract to one contractor. On a ballot vote, Jim Johnston won by a vote of 6-5. Motion carried. Bids were submitted for the Goats for State Finals from C.J. Floyd at $6.50/run and Marvin Maude at $6.00/run. By a vote of 6-4 the Board voted to hire C.J. Floyd as the Goat Contractor. Motion carried.

Sean Deal left the meeting at 3:55 PM and Jeff Jasper stepped in for Sean Deal.

Discussion was held on the cutting cattle and the costs involved. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Bryce Sigman to earmark the $10 entry fee at State Finals to help with the cost of Cutting Cattle. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Arena directors were appointed. Lon Dreyer will be the rough stock arena director and Bryce Sigman will be timed event arena director. Doug Doll is the cutting arena director. Motion by Mark Thiel, seconded by Troy Richter to approve the Arena Directors. Motion carried.

The championship saddles should be arriving during the first week of February. Each director was asked to make sure they are displayed and brought to the State Finals.

Susan Dewey reported on the queen committee. Susan would like us to pay mileage to the Queen Judges for the Finals based on State Rates. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Lon Dreyer to pay mileage to Queen judges. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Discussion was held again on cost to Host committee to pay for State Finals. Motion by Mark Thiel, seconded by Clay Birkeland to rescind the original motion that earmarked the $10 Entry fee from Rough Stock Riders go to the Contractors. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mark Thiel, seconded by Clay Birkeland to rescind Carole’s motion that the $10 fee be earmarked for the Cutting Cattle at the State Finals. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mark Thiel, seconded by Carole Hollers to set the Rough Stock gate fee at $55 per out. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carole Hollers, seconded by Troy Richter that $5 of the $10 Entry Fee for State Finals be given to the Host Site Committee to use for production of the State Finals. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.


Gina Strain approached the Board with the idea of the SDHSRA membership directory that we had done several years ago. People are still using their old directories and it really is time to update and make a new one. Gina got a cost from Leader Printing of .61 for 750 Directories printed. We would sell them at the Regional Rodeos for $5 to anyone interested. The National Office did not see a problem with it as long as the state board approves it. They suggest a release form if they did not want their information included. This will be added to their Regional Rodeo Packets. Motion by Bryce Sigman, seconded by Lon Dreyer to approve the new SDHSRA Membership Directory. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Regional Rodeo entry fees were discussed and the decision was made to leave them as they are now.

Carole Hollers brought up the conflicting statement on the Regional Rodeo Entry Blanks concerning non-notified turn outs. This rule needs to be changed in the South Dakota Rules & Regulations as it conflicts with the rule in the Regional Entry Blank. The change will read Contestants who enter a regional rodeo are expected to participate in the event or events they entered at that rodeo. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from that event or events at the State Finals Rodeo.

Motion by Bill Sutton, seconded by Troy Brown to approve this rule clarification. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Carole Hollers reported on the devastation to Louisiana High School Rodeo from the Hurricanes that occurred last fall. There are several arenas and schools that are totally demolished. The NHSRA has raised between $7000-$8000 for Louisiana Hurricane Relief. Motion by Troy Richter, seconded by Bryce Sigman to donate $200 to the Louisiana Hurricane Relief Fund through the NHSRA to come from the Sponsor Account. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.


All rodeo sites applications were submitted. Lon Dreyer motioned and Bryce Sigman seconded to approve all rodeo site applications. All members present voted aye, motion carried.


Kirk Ford, Roddy Thompson, and Laura Johnson were nominated for Person of the Year for 2006. Bryce Sigman made the motion that nominations cease and that we cast a unanimous ballot. Troy Richter seconded. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. Sara will notify the honorees.


Carole Hollers brought up the problem of attendance by Student Officers at all meetings or to have someone stand in for them. Dress code should also be enforced for Student Officers when they are attending meetings and representing High School Rodeo. These issues need to be addressed at the Regional Contestant Meetings when the membership are deciding to run for Student Officers. The issues of writing thank you’s for awards will also be addressed at this time.

Pete’s Clothing would like a list of contestants for State Finals after Regionals along with their back #’s.

Discussion was held once again on Graduation conflicts and the options that would be available.


Jeff Jasper standing in for Sean Deal made the motion to adjourn. Troy Richter seconded. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Sara Grim
SDHSRA Secretary