September 25, 2010——10:00 AM CDT
Pierre Ramkota River Center, Pierre, SD

The Meeting was called to order by President Doug Call at 10:00 CST. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by our Student Officers and roll call was taken. Ann Sundermann, Executive Secretary, reported that there were 17 Director’s present and Student Officer President Jace Melvin and Secretary Katie Doll absent. Vikki Thiel was sitting in for Host Committee Representative Clay Birkeland and Bob Packer was sitting in for Host Committee Representative Phil Kissack.

The minutes of the State Finals Director’s Meeting were presented and there was a motion by Paul, 2nd by Rod to dispense with the reading of the minutes. MC

The Calendar Report was presented by Calendar Chair Donna Curr. A financial Statement was presented. Donna thanked Jace Melvin, Jake Etzkorn, Jamie Wolf and Chancy Norman for unloading the calendars in Pierre. Discussion was held on clarification of the prize structure. Motion by Kent, 2nd by Dan to have the sweatshirt be the prize for selling 15 calendars. MC

The $1,000.00 scholarship amount was discussed and there was a motion by Don Bergeson, 2nd by Diana Melvin to award the $1000.00 scholarship to high salesperson that must sell AT LEAST 100 calendars minimum if the sales number of 125 sales was not reached. MC

The time that the scholarships are warded was discussed. It was decided that anything over a 9 month program will receive their scholarship monies upon proof of enrollment in second semester.

VB Thomas asked about the distribution of the drawing winners and wondered if the distribution could start on the calendar sales deadline of March 1st. After discussion, and the reiteration that the kids and their advisors need to be sending the stubs and money in as they sell them, no action was taken.

Next on the agenda was the State Finals Report, presented by Host Committee Member Mark Thiel. Mark thanked the SDHSRA on behalf on the community, for the opportunity to host the State Finals. Questions were asked about the number of stalls and the $40.00 facility fee. Membership asked if they could please set up more stalls. Reserving stalls, tying out and setting up pens were all discussed. The Host Committee was asked to address this issue within their committee and report back at the mid winter meeting. Doug Doll commended the committee on the work they had to put in last minute in the cutting arena because of the rain.

Public Relations Director, Kent Clarke, was next on the agenda. Kent “handed” out 3 left over calendar t shirts as prizes for the attendees. He has National Team coats for sale for $100.00. There is $30,605.00 in the sponsor account at this time. Kent and Rod Kusser are working with Public TV to renew the contract with them. There is not enough connectivity at the Rodeo Grounds in Belle Fourche for the group wanting to do the live web cam of the performances. Kent was thanked for the entertainment that he provided during the short go. Kent will be done with his position after the 2011 State Finals, and he encouraged anyone interested to contact him so they may begin to work together.

At this time, Ann Sundermann, Executive Secretary, presented the financial report. Monies have been moved to the scholarship account so that all scholarships can be covered from that fund. The region financial reports were submitted, and Ann asked that the SW region clarify their entry number totals with region secretary Sandy Buchholz.
Motion by Kent, 2nd by Lon to approve the financial report as submitted. MC

Patrick Auer, National Director, reported on the National Team. The team did well and he thanked the members for helping him with his first year as National Director. Cinch box pads and barrel covers are available if they are needed. Let Patrick know if you want him to get them at the winter National Meeting in January. No Wrangler signs can be used in the arenas this 2010-2011 rodeo year. Dodge is questionable to continue as a National Sponsor. Clarification was asked for on the Wrangler team shirts, and the athletes can wear their old shirts. The Cinch Team can only wear their Cinch shirts, and no others, at Qualifying and State Finals Rodeos.

The Queen Coordinator Report was the next item of business and Kellie Yackely reported that the contest went well. She has some proposed changes at the Regional Competitions and possibly a workshop. She would like to have the modeling competition in the afternoon and the horsemanship in the evening, with the interviews being in the morning. She will work with the host committee on this. Thank you, Kellie, for stepping in and taking over this position.

President Doug Doll asked for any other Old Business that needed to be addressed and none was presented.

The first item to be covered was the bid for prize saddles for the upcoming year. Lynn McNenny reported that he had obtained three bids.
Martin Saddles from Triple R – $1710.00 per saddle
Tod Slone – $1394.00
Cactus Saddles/Scott Thomas from Triple R – 1374.00, including the breast collars at ½ price and shipping, along with a saddle sponsorship.
After discussion and opinions given by the student officers, there was a motion by Rod, 2nd by Patrick to accept the bid of $1374.00 for the Cactus Saddle from Triple R. MC

Next the time and place of the mid winter meeting was announced. It will be on 1/29/2011, 10:00 MST, at the Redd Room in the Rapid City Convention Center, Rapid City, SD. The 20X Extreme Rodeo is 1/30/2011.

The Scoring system that we use has to be reported to the National Office and the options that we have were presented by President Doug Doll. We can either present the average points after the short go, as we have been doing, or before the short go. This is a Director’s decision, but opinions were asked for from the membership. Both options were discussed in length. The decision will be made at the Directors meeting today.

The next item of business presented was the By Law Change Proposal submitted by Nikki Steffes.


C. To promote fair and equal competition and to equalize the number of contestants the Board of Directors shall have the authority to designate the regional rodeos at which a school may participate. Each regional rodeo weekend shall be considered to be two (2) separate rodeos. First weekend- Saturday #1 Rodeo, Sunday #2 Rodeo. Second weekend- Saturday #3, Sunday #4 Rodeo. ADD: Third weekend- Saturday #5, Sunday #6. Contestants are eligible to enter any or all rodeos of choice in their region. A contestant will not be considered for the All- Around title or average awards if they do not compete in a Saturday and Sunday rodeo the same weekend. No money will be refunded for any reason after the regional application has been forwarded to the Executive Secretary. The regional applications must be postmarked on or before the deadline set by the Board of Directors. There are no exceptions to the standards established by this paragraph.

Nikki presented the proposal and gave the following arguments for it:

She feels it is a better opportunity to get the best kids to Nationals, she would prefer a fall rodeo or the possibility of one large rodeo in January or February, she feels the kids want more chances to qualify and build up points, the point system would stay the same so that they would not have to attend all 6 rodeos.

Points of concern from the general membership were:
If there would be one large rodeo it would be larger than state finals and it would be very hard to find even stock, the startup costs would be huge for the rodeos with a concern of losing local sponsorship monies for the existing rodeos, the possibility of the large number of ties of the season points going into state finals, the amount of additional time it would take for the existing region secretaries and board members and the increase of the number of contestant’s at state finals. Many members and board members expressed their concern of too many unanswered questions at this time.
Doug Doll reminded those voicing opinions not to compare competitive ability between regions in events.
Bill Hupp reported that the costs of having a regional rodeo are double that of a practice rodeo.
Kirby Bowden asked how much of the requirements that the regional rodeos need do the practice rodeos have to have. Ann answered that the software and fees needed are not required of the practice rodeos.
A Call for the question was entertained at 12:00 pm, 2nd by Casey Cowan.
Other discussion was entertained by Kent Clarke asking members to consider a “yes” vote. Nikki Steffes was given final opportunity to speak and a ballot vote was taken of the adult members with a current adult membership in the SDHSRA.

At this time, the meeting was adjourned for 45 minutes for lunch.

The meeting was reconvened at 1:00pm. President Doug Doll reported that a 2/3 majority vote of adult members present was needed to pass the by law change. By a vote of 31 yes votes and 61 no votes, the by law change proposal failed.

Next on the agenda was a question for clarification of the AA point system as it exits at the regional and state finals rodeo by Casey Cowan. Casey reviewed the current system and asked that the Director’s consider a change, or at least a clarification in the ground rule. He also expressed concern of the way the items that are posted on the website are labeled.

Patrick Auer next informed every one of the Crisis Fund Donation basket and the way that the item is prepared for Nationals. Ann explained the history of how the basket has been prepared in the past. Patrick indicated that our members, should they be injured, are eligible for these funds. The student officers, under the coordination of Queen Coordinator Kellie Yackley, volunteered to take on this project for the coming year. Thank you Kellie and Student Officers.

The next item covered was a region change request by Dale Christensen, on behalf of the Kadoka rodeo club kids. Dale explained Kadoka’s situation and asked to petition back into the SW region. Doug Doll explained the policy of the boundary guidelines and reported on the members and regional contestant’s in each region, dating back to 2004. The Director’s will address the issue in the Director’s meeting.

At this time there was a 15 min. break for the regions to elect Regional Directors, as needed.

The meeting was reconvened and it was reported that the new East Region Director is Barry Knippling and the new River Region Director is Brian Fulton. Thank you Brett Healy and VB Thomas for your service to the SDHSRA. The New Regional Directors will begin their term at the end of this annual membership meeting, to sit at the Director’s meeting.

State Finals Bid Considerations for 2012-2013 was the item on the agenda to be covered next. Mark Thiel introduced the new committee members consisting of Fay Pelster, Deb Steele and Kerbi Bowden. Information was handed out and any other questions were called for. Fay Pelster spoke briefly on be half of the new committee.
Other bids for state finals were called for at this time, with none being presented.
Motion by Lon, 2nd by Patrick to accept the bid consideration from Belle Fourche to host the 2012-2013 State High School Finals Rodeo. MC

Item j. on the agenda was presented by Ann Sundermann reminding everyone of the opportunity the SDRA was giving our members to participate in the invite Fall Showcase Extravaganza in conjunction with the SDRA Finals October 23rd. It will be held in the Rapid City Events Center and a thank you was given to the SDRA for the opportunity.

The shooting sports competitors at Nationals were reported on by Patrick Auer. Currently we do not provide them qualifier monies to attend. Discussion was held and Patrick will check to see if their points count in the team point total and report back at the mid winter meeting.

At this time VB reported that she would like to see the annual meeting be held at the Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center in Ft. Pierre. Ann reported that it was unavailable this year. The meeting will be held there next year, provided it is available.

Ann Sundermann reported on the next item of business, which was the need to have report cards in the fall to complete membership forms. Ann checked with the national office, and because we have the state form that has to be signed by the principal verifying eligibility, they are not needed until the qualifying rodeos.
Motion by Doug Young, 2nd by Carey Schmidt, that effective immediately report cards are no longer needed to complete membership application. MC

Ann reminded those that the Choice Hotel Program is in place and that there are instruction on the back table to use the program. South Dakota gets a “kick back” of funds for every reservation at no cost to us.

President Doug Doll asked for any other new business and there was none brought forth.
Motion by Nikki Steffes, 2nd by Joe Stoddard to adjourn the annual membership meeting of the SDHSRA. MC
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary

SDHSRA Director’s Meeting Minutes
January 30, 2010
Redd Room, Civic Center, Rapid City, SD
10:00 a.m. MST

The mid winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Doug Doll at 10:15 AM with 27 members, not including Directors, present.

There was a motion by Lon, seconded by Bret to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. MC

The financial report was presented by Secretary Ann Sundermann. Ann reported that the CD at Dakota Bank was due and that it was renewed for 14 months at 1.9%. Ann also made the Director’s aware of the banking charges that are being incurred since the bank changed to First Interstate Bank. Doug Doll will call and try to negotiate the charges. Ann reported that the State Finals award saddles had been paid for. Motion by Kent, 2nd by Patrick to accept the financial report as presented. MC

The 20 X Extreme rodeo was the next item of business and Doug Doll reported for the Suttons that the award buckles will be presented after the following event in the arena, with all other prizes to be picked up by the contestant. There is a possibility that the 20 X will be held the last Sunday of the stock show to alleviate scheduling conflicts with the arena.

Kent Clarke gave the PR report and reported that the following sponsors are on board: Touchstone Energy, SD Corn Council, Clear Connections, Welmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Kent Clarke Insurance and Today’s Horse. The SD Public TV contract is up for renewal after this year’s state finals and Kent will negotiate the contract after that time. Kent presented Stewart Huntington, from the Black Hills Pioneer News in Spearfish. Stewart Huntington is interested in doing a live webcast of the Friday and Saturday performances of the State HS Rodeo Finals. Public TV is working on a webcast for the short go. Questions were presented to Stewart regarding camera design, two arena situation and financing the webcast. Public TV is working with him on the webcast proposal.

The National Director report was given by Patrick Auer due to the absence of Carole Hollers, who is at the NHSRA National meeting. Carole will be calling with a rules update when the session is over. Carole has recommended to the NHSRA that Patrick Auer become the new SDHSRA National Director. Pending National level approval, he will fill her resigned position. Thank you, Carole, for your years of service.

Doug Doll called a point of order and asked for any names from the floor to fill Patrick Auer’s SW Director’s position. Lynn McNenny has agreed to fill out Patrick’s term. Motion by Paul 2nd by Bret for Lynn McNenny to fill out the SW Director term of Patrick Auer. MC

Next on the agenda was the Calendar Report, which Calendar Chairperson Sara Grim presented. 5814 calendars have been sold, which is up 1675 from last year. Sara presented a list of names and those who have sold calendars, along with over 200 members who have sold none. Sara asked for any questions. VB discussed the drawing dates and suggested that they be held from March 1 to March 1, to follow the calendar sales deadline. NSF fees were discussed and asking for money orders to cover cash was discussed. No action was taken at this time. Motion by Rod, 2nd by Lon to accept the resignation as presented from Sara Grim. MC. Thank you, Sara, for your years of service. Motion by Paul 2nd by Lance to allow the calendar committee, consisting of VB, Dan, Bret, Doug Doll and Mark Thiel as chair, to represent the Board of Directors and hire a calendar chairperson. MC. Ann will advertise in the newsletter and on the website for a person to be in place by the regional rodeos to work with Sara through State Finals, at which time her job will be complete. The calendar chair job description was discussed and one presented by Sara and one by the Board were distributed. Motion by Bret, 2nd by Patrick to adopt the Board presented Job Description as the official SDHSRA job description and the one presented by Sara as a Calendar chairperson job procedure. MC.

Bud Ireland gave back the past record books that he used to compile the records in place at the Casey Tibbs Center in Ft. Pierre. He suggested keeping someone in mind that is interested in history to take over his duties when he decides to no longer do it. A verbal thank you was given to Bud for his work with the Casey Tibbs Center.

Sports Medicine was the next item on the agenda and Patty Gilbert expressed an interest in doing a taping clinic, along with care and prevention of injuries. Patty will get an article to Ann to be put in the newsletter to see if there is interest, and will proceed as needed. The sports medicine costs have been paid for by the Sponsor account in recent years past. Motion by Rod, 2nd by Lance to close the Sports Medicine Checking account. MC.

The next item of business was the JH Rodeo report and Digger Rutten, JH Division President, was in attendance to report. He reported that there are currently 62 members, with the next meeting to be held tomorrow at the Lyons building at the Fairgrounds. Lon offered to sit in o the meeting.

The Host committee, represented by Mark, Phil and Clay reported on the state finals. They indicated that they are having a more difficult time getting sponsors. They will separate the arenas again because it worked so well last year, along with separating barrels and poles. The Director’s meeting time was discussed and no action was taken at this time.

Other state finals discussion was next on the agenda the first item discussed were Judges. Recommendations were Donny Varland, Chuck Maher, Ed Miller, Lonny Harrowa, Lyle Germundson, Brenda White, Bobbi Williams, Tom Peterson, Kenny Krogman, Kelly Green and Wade Voss. A paper vote was taken and contracts will be offered to Chuck Maher and Ed Miller for RS; and Lonny Harrowa and Bobbi Williams for the East Arena, with the alternate to be Wade Voss. Doug doll reported that he is working on the cutting judges, and will relay the information to Ann as it becomes available.

Pick up men suggestions were Shayne Porch, Kirk Schuelke, JJ Hunt and Casey Humble. A paper vote was taken and contracts will be offered to Shayne Porch and Kirk Schuelke, alternate Casey Humble.

Bullfighters voted upon were Cooper Waln, Joe Waln, Travis Byrne and Kyle Brown. Contracts will be offered to Cooper Waln and Joe Waln.

Ann will write correspondence to those that did not get offered contracts.

The next item on the agenda was Rough Stock and the committee suggested setting up a rotation between the contractors so that they can bring larger numbers of stock at one time. The contractors will draw for position. Patrick reported that Chauncey and Walns would be interested in providing stock. Lon and Lance will set this up and provide the names to Ann so that she may send out contracts.

The cutting cattle contract will be offered to Crago at the same price as last year, as reported by Mark.

Timed Event Cattle were discussed and nothing is firm at this time. Rod, Delbert and Johnston and Miller have indicated possible interest. Cattle costs have been up, and this was a concern as expressed by the host committee.

The goat contract was discussed and John Hight and Lynn Smith are both interested. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Clay to offer the goat contract to John Hight for $7.00 per run. MC.

Other state finals discussion included designating arena directors and they are as follows: East – Rod Kusser and West – Lance Lesmeister (RS), Timed Event Cattle – Doug Young.

The next item of business was saddle update and Ann reported all saddles are covered, which is way ahead of last year.

The Queen Committee report was given by Susan Dewey and she reported finding sponsors for the Queen Contest prizes. Susan also needs to proof the program before it is printed to assure her sponsors are listed correctly. Susan has been doing this for 10 years and she is very much appreciated!

Rod Kusser agreed to do the Past Champions.

The Livestock Inspection Committee will consist of SW, TR – Doug Doll; TE Cattle – Paul, Doug Young; Rough Stock – Lon, Lance.

The prizes were covered next and Dan reported that Trent Shearer was here to report. Trent would like to do them once again and offered the same amount of sponsors as last year – they will donate two and find have of the sponsors. Dan would like to find the Steer Wrestling sponsor and Lon the Bareback sponsor. Breast collars will be given away for third and 4th place prizes and Lance will check on our portion of the sponsorships. Cactus saddlery and Triple R Tack will sponsor their portions once again.

At this time a 45” break was taken for lunch.

The National Director report was available at this time as reported by Patrick, per phone call from Carole Hollers. He reported that Face book is now available with the NHSRA site; the shooting sports contestants and all other competing contestants need to go to the required National Meeting; Gist will be giving 2% of prize amounts ordered to the individual state associations and that the rodeos are obligated to offer them a bid as a National Sponsor; awards ordered from Professional Choice will be discounted 40%; the clothing line is now available on the website; the grade requirements have been changed to read “must be passing 70% of classes taken.” Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Rod to adopt the rule changes for this rodeo season. Discussion was led. MC.

Kent Clarke reported on the choices that the student directors had made regarding calendar and national team coats, sweatshirts and t shirts and buckles. DD Western of Huron will be getting the National team coats, Calendar coats, National team shirts and Short go shirts. Classic Stitch and Heathershaw design will do the embroidery. DD will try to have Ariat sponsor, since they are a National sponsor. The t shirts and sweatshirts were not decided upon, and Sara will get the t shirt and sweatshirt information to Ann. As a clarification, the student officers will be finding sponsors for the Champion buckles, and the Host Committee will be sponsoring the Reserve Champion and go round buckles.

The regional entry form was covered next. The River Region does not have a secretary in place yet. Motion by Lon, 2nd by Rod to approve the Regional Entry form contingent upon the placement of a river region secretary and with the replacement of the newly adopted grade qualifications. MC.

Person of the Year nominations were taken as the next item on the agenda. Nominations were received for Carole Hollers, Jeff Waln and Kelly Shoemaker. Motion by Lon, 2nd by Paul to accept the nominations as persons of the year for 2010. MC.

Next VB reported on a fund raising opportunity from Matt Gunderson of Aksarben to sell tickets for the tour rodeo. The tickets are $54.00 and the SDHSRA would get $5.00 for every ticket sold. The student officers indicated they did not think that we should do this fund raiser. No action was taken.

Seeing no other items for discussion, President Doug Doll declared a 5” recess, and upon returning declared the meeting into executive session at 2:10 pm. The meeting was declared out of executive session at 2:25 pm. Motion by Rod, 2nd by Lon to increase the Executive Secretary pay by $2500.00. MC.

Motion by Taygen, 2nd by Tee to adjourn at 2:30 pm. MC. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:

Ann Sundermann, SDHSRA Executive Secretary