9-24-2011 10:00 AM CST
The meeting was called to order by President Doug Doll at 10:05 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Student Officer’s. There were no additions to the agenda and it was approved as submitted.
Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann, who reported the absence of Student Vice President Kristi Steffes. Directors sitting in for others were Digger Rutten for Randy Steinke and Ken Lensegrav for Brian Fulton. The PR position is currently vacant.
There was a motion by Rod, 2nd by Paul to dispense with the reading of last meeting’s minutes. Motion carried.
The Calendar Report was presented by Donna Curr, Calendar Chairperson. Donna reported the financial report for the year of calendar sales. She read the names of the calendar contacts and asked them to stand for a thank you. It was discussed that next year it may be a good idea to bid the calendars again. Anyone that has a business that they would like to have receive bid information was asked to get the information to Ann or Donna.
Next on the agenda was the State Finals Report. Faye Pelster, representing the Host Committee, reported that they have purchased two new Preifert roping chutes and they are making the cutting arena 40’ longer. The host committee did not have a financial statement to distribute, and said that it would be complete by the mid winter meeting. Ann asked questions regarding the number of programs sold and the sound and announcer systems. Ann commented that the kids are not picking up their award photo certificates or writing out their thank you’s at the National Meeting. Compliments were given on the payment of the personnel and the number of stalls.
In the absence of a PR Director, there was no report. The account balance was given. Doug Doll discussed the responsibilities of the job and a committee will be set up at the Director’s meeting to secure a person for this job.
Kellie Yackley, Queen Coordinator, gave the Queen Contest Report as the next item of business. She reported that the new system of having 1 or 2 contests at the regional rodeos went well. South Dakota had the largest number of Queen contestants competing for the State Title than any other state. Brielle Yackley, SD Reigning Queen, was honored with the Title of First Runner Up in Gillette. Brielle then spoke about her experience and some frustrations that she had. She received a round of applause for her accomplishment. It was suggested that the National Director shall secure people to help the Queen carry the flag in the grand entries at Nationals, as is required.
Next on the agenda was the Financial Report. Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann presented the report and asked for any questions from the Board. There were none. Outstanding bills that were paid this time last year were presented. Ann addressed concern postage issues and the expense and availability of the bulk mailings. She is proposing possibly going to an all electronic system in the near future. Bad checks that are being written at the practice and regional rodeos are a concern for those committees. After some discussion, it was agreed that if a member has outstanding bad checks, they are not in good standing with the association. Ann will comprise a letter that the committees can use to attempt to collect the debt, and make the committees aware of this action. Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Lynn to accept the financial report as submitted. Motion carried.
The National Director’s Report, by National Director Patrick Auer, was presented. Patrick wanted to thank the Buckaroos for donating more than $300,000.00, according to his calculations, over the years to SD High School Rodeo. A round of applause was shown in appreciation. He commented on a barrel pattern set up sheet that he had instructions for, and the quickness in setting the pattern when using it. He has copies for anyone that wants them. The National High School Finals will be in Rock Springs, Wyoming this year. Manager Michael Dixon is no longer with the office, and James Higgenbothem is acting manager at this time. The team statistics for last year’s National’s were given – the Boys Team placed 3rd, the Girls Team placed 13th, and overall South Dakota placed 7th. Scholarships were presented to Taz Olson, Katie Doll, Jace Melvin and Charli Kenzy. Patrick said that there is a need for contestants to carry the sponsorship flags.
Patrick then brought up the fact that at the National Director’s meeting in Gillette, it was mentioned that the National Office may be requiring each state to have their State Finals completed by a certain time. This would affect us by having to move our State Finals up at least three weeks. Much discussion, frustration and concern was presented to Patrick from the general membership and the Board of Director’s. South Dakota, Wyoming and Nebraska all hold their State Finals the same week. Suggestions to Patrick, to convey to the National Board on behalf of south Dakota, were: To move JH National’s instead because this organization was first a High School Rodeo Organization, with JH coming in only a few years ago; To assist in any way that we can to provide forms to the National Office more expediently – perhaps by them making the forms electronically able to be submitted; that the ground conditions and weather simply do not allow us to move up any more in the spring, it then becomes a safety issue. The Host Committee indicated that they are usually under water three weeks earlier than we have the State Finals now. Digger Rutten, JH National Director, indicated that the same discussion had been entertained at the JH Finals Meeting and that his impression is that SD is not a problem in getting their information in on time, but there are other issues with other states. Patrick was asked if he was going to represent our frustrations and reluctance of the State Finals date change to the National Board? It was suggested that a group of people attend the mid winter meeting in Denver, and to extend this invite to other’s concerned from Nebraska and Wyoming. Many members indicated an interest in going to do this. Doug Doll said that he would look into the situation and report his findings to the SD Board of Director’s. Doug also reminded the general membership that South Dakota is a charter member of the NHSRA, and that the appropriate yearly paperwork comes from the South Dakota Secretary of State. After this lengthy discussion, Doug thanked Patrick for his work in Gillette this year at National High School Finals. A round of applause was given for his efforts while in Gillette.
The first item on the agenda under new business was the saddle bids for 2012 State Finals. SW Director Lynn McNenny reviewed bids that he had received from DD Western in Huron and Triple R Tack in Rapid City. After reviewing the bids, both entities explaining their bids, and all questions were answered, there was a motion by Doug Young, 2nd by Lance Lesmeister, to award the saddle bid to Triple RRR for the 2012 State Finals. Motion carried.
At this time the meeting was adjourned for a one hour lunch.
At 1:10 pm, President Doug Doll called the meeting back to order. He asked that everyone stand for a moment of silence for our All Around Cowboy Taygen Schuelke. Taygen was injured in a football game Friday night and is in ICU at a Sioux Falls Hospital.
The time and place of the SD Mid Winter Director’s meeting was presented as January 28th, 9:00 MST, in Rapid City. This is contingent upon the dates of the mid winter National Meeting in Denver, and the delegation of people that may be going there to voice our concern about the possible State Finals date change.
The next item of business was the Turn Out Rule. Lynn McNenny expressed his concern about the “harshness” of the rule. He stated that in the SW region if they would have followed the guidelines that they would have had approximately 25 kids ineligible for State Finals. He asked what the other Regional Director’s do in this situation. Paul stated that in the East Region they have had a few that they have had to call before the registration deadline. He felt that it was easier to do that than to disqualify them which has also been done. The NW indicated the same. Rod stated that it has been a problem in the River Region. Anita Bach, from the general membership, indicated that this is a Regional Qualifying Rodeo and that this precedence is important to make them accountable for State Finals. Input was also stated that all they have to do is call, and that showing up on time is no different than a practice rodeo. Ken Lensegrav indicated that he felt the time is too far ahead of the actual rodeo. Ann explained the time line needed by the Secretaries in order to do the draw. Ann reminded everyone that the Regional Secretaries are the individuals that requested this rule. There were many options discussed as a possibility in lessening the punishment of a non notified turn out. It was clarified by President Doug Doll that you do not roll down in points if the points are not earned for that place.
Motion by Rod that in a non notified turn out the individual could compete the next day, and any points earned that weekend would not count toward State Finals. More discussion followed. A point of order was called by Kellie Yackley. Motion died for lack of 2nd.
Rod made a motion that the turn out rule be revised to state that in a non notified turn out they cannot compete on that day, but can compete on the next day. Any points earned that weekend will not count toward State Finals. The points will count for the 2nd weekend if the non notified turn out takes place the first weekend. 2nd by Todd Hemmingson. A vote of the Directors was 3 for, 13 against. Motion fails.
Motion by Doug Young that the non notified turn out rule be revised to read that in a non notified turn out a contestant cannot compete on that day, and he/she can compete the next day. Points will count toward State Finals. 2nd by Lance. A vote of the Director’s was unanimous to pass. Motion carried.
The 2012-2013 Regional Rodeo host site bids was covered next. In the East Region Huron was there to indicate they would like to host the first weekend’s Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Watertown was there to indicate they would like to host the second weekend’s Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Seeing no other bids to host rodeos in that region, Huron and Watertown were awarded the bids.
In the River Region Winner was there to indicate they would like to host the first weekend’s Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Ft. Pierre was there to indicate they would like to host the second weekend’s Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Seeing no other bids to host rodeos in that region, Winner and Ft. Pierre were awarded the bids.
In the Southwest Region Wall was there to indicate they would like to host the first weekend’s Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Sturgis was there to indicate they would like to host the second weekend’s Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Seeing no other bids to host rodeos in that region, Wall and Sturgis were awarded the bids.
In the Northwest Region Buffalo was there to indicate they would like to host the first weekend’s Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Seeing no other bids to a host rodeo for the first weekend, Buffalo was awarded the bid.
Dupree and Lemmon were there to indicate they would like to host the second weekend’s Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Speaking on behalf of Dupree Committee was Nate Grueb. He presented his synopsis of the rodeo in Dupree and what it offers. Monte Oliver was there to speak on behalf of the Lemmon Committee. Monte indicated that they currently have one arena, but could have two if needed. They host a practice and an SDRA rodeo at this time. Lemmon also indicated that they would be open to an option of rotating the rodeos with the current host sites, but there is not a specific proposal in place for this at this time. Discussion was held. A point of order was called for by Nate Grueb to vote on the Northwest Regional host site. A ballot vote of the Director’s was taken, and the vote was unanimous for Dupree. Dupree was awarded the bid. Doug Doll thanked the current host site committees and encouraged Lemmon to get a rotational plan in place if they are still interested in doing so the next time the rodeos are bid.
Voting on the By Laws presented was the next item on the agenda. Doug Doll presented the By Law Change Proposals and the ballots were handed out to all adult voting members. Both By Laws passed by unanimous votes and will be changed to read:
By Law Change #1
This constitution and the by-laws of this organization may be amended at a duly called general or special meeting of the members of the Association. Those adult members eligible to present a by-law change proposal must have been an adult member of the SDHSRA for three consecutive years. Any proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than forty (40) days prior to said meeting. The Secretary shall distribute copies of the proposed amendments to all members prior to the meeting as designated.
By Law Change #2
- There shall be a Board of Directors of the Association, which shall consist of not less than four (4) nor more than thirteen (13) adult directors. Each region shall elect two Director’s from their Region. One director at large shall be elected from the two (2) Eastern regions by association members of the regions and one director at large shall be elected from the two (2) Western regions by association members of the regions. Contestant officers and the state queen shall be members of the Board of Directors and, collectively, shall have one vote. The National Director shall be a member of the Board of Directors. The host site of the State Final Rodeo shall appoint three directors. Directors for the host site may not vote on the selection of any regional or state rodeo host site.
Director Rod Kusser addressed the Public TV Contract as the next item of business. A contract is in place and Rod has presented it to President Doug Doll to be signed. Webcasting the rodeo live on the internet was briefly discussed. The party that was interested in doing this last year determined that the internet connection at the rodeo grounds in Belle Fourche was not sufficient to get this accomplished. There is some verbiage in the new Public TV Contract regarding this topic. Public TV has been wonderful to work with and we thank them and Rod for maintaining this relationship.
At this time any other business to be addressed was asked for.
Rod Kusser indicated that he wanted to have us think about the possibility of a lifetime adult membership in the SDHSRA. After discussion on the newly implemented By Law Change, no action was taken at this time.
Patrick Auer addressed the Team Roping pick up rule and his concern about in an injury situation, the picking up of a partner to go to State Finals. He indicated that at the National Finals, you must pick up a partner that was entered in the Team roping. Much discussion followed. Paul Sundermann sited the places in the rule book that cover this rule as an option, and indicated that we have followed correct action by our ground rule covering the situation. Acting Director Ken Lensegrav asked if this had been a problem and how many people it affected? Secretary Ann Sundermann stated that it affects one or two people a year, depending upon the year. Doug Doll explained that the team goes to Nationals on points as a team, not an individual. The ground rule that we have followed and is in place was read. Motion by Acting Director Digger Rutten to table this until the mid winter meeting, 2nd by Ken Lensegrav. Motion carried.
Bill Hupp asked the Board of Director’s to consider a possible stock charge increase for the regional rodeos. This will be discussed at the mid winter meeting.
Lynn Williams from Faith asked the Board to consider a change in the point system at state finals to the following: 15 points possible in round 1, round 2, short go and average, with the average to be awarded after the short go. Concern was indicated by some members that the short go is not as exciting because some events’ National Team members were already decided before the short go, with the average being awarded after the first two rounds. Much discussion followed. Doug Doll stated in a point of order that a change to a point system or regional boundary be in place for two years before making another change. The same set of rules pertains to each contestant, and thus it is fair. Ann stated that one change affects many things, not just the obvious on the surface. No action was taken at this time.
At this time, the Regions divided into their perspective groups and voted for Regional Directors. Incoming Directors are as follows:
East – Paul Sundermann’s term was renewed.
River – Ken Lensgrav
NW – Rex Lamphere
SW – Dan Curr’s term was renewed
West Director at Large – Tim Schaack
A round of applause was given for Outgoing Directors Doug Doll, Doug Young and Randy Steinke. Cake was served to all present. Thank you for all of the time and commitment you have given to South Dakota High School Rodeo. You will be missed.
Motion by Doug Young, 2nd by Barry to adjourn the annual meeting of the SDHSRA. Motion Carried. President Doug Doll adjourned the meeting at 3:50 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann, SDHSRA Executive Secretary
Director’s Meeting
January 29, 2011
Rapid City, SD
The mid winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Doug Doll at 10:00 AM MDT. The Student Officer’s led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A point of order was called by President Doug Doll. Doug reported that Randy Steinke, Colome, SD, was being appointed to replace Director Lon Dreyer until the next general membership meeting.
Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Lynn to dispense with the reading of the minutes, MC.
The financial report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. Other financial business, as reported by Ann Sundermann included: the SDHSRA form 990 and the cost of its’ preparation, scholarships as paid by the foundation at NHSRA Finals and the SDHSRA membership numbers report for 2010-2011. Clay Birkeland will do some checking and get in touch with Ann on the form 990 preparation. We currently have 545 members, up from 532 last year. The Director’s instructed Ann to continue paying an additional $250.00 to the NHSRA Foundation for scholarships at the NHSRA.
A report on the 20X Rodeo was given by Ann, as given to her by Steve Sutton. All Directors are asked to help if possible.
Kent Clarke, PR Director, presented the PR Report next. The balance in the account is up from one year ago. He and Rod Kusser are negotiating the renewal of the Public TV Contract. It was reiterated that the regional rodeo committee’s should try to find their own sports medicine personnel, and if they cannot, then call Patty Gilbert for help – please give her ample time. If the regional rodeos have to pay for services, they can submit their bills to Kent Clarke for reimbursement of with either Sports Medicine or Ambulance expenses. Kent and the student officers will be choosing prizes over the lunch hour today. Stuart Huntington was there to report on the internet webcasting of the SDHSRA Finals. Some questions/concerns from the Board of Directors were: Is the connection or feed at the Fairgrounds fast enough and strong enough? Will internet broadcast decrease attendance? Is this ok with Public TV? We do not want to harm that relationship in any way. Stuart reported that he feels the connection is sufficient, the Host Committee felt that the broadcast would not lead to an attendance problem, and Rod will check with Public TV on the willingness to have this done. A committee of Rod, Kent and Stuart will do a conference call and square up the details. Stuart indicated that there may be a possibility of a regional rodeo webcast and some kick back on funds made to the SDHSRA.
The next item of business was the National Director Report, presented by Patrick Auer. Patrick just attended the mid winter meeting in Denver. He reported the following: The newly appointed Executive Director is Michael Dickson, who previously worked with Professional Choice. As of 2/1/2011 there can be no Wrangler items in the arenas at the Regional qualifying and State Finals Rodeos. Dodge sponsorship is questionable at this time. This prompted questions from the Host Committee, who has worked hard on their local Dodge sponsorship. It was confirmed that at our State Finals in Belle Fourche Dodge will be the vehicle sponsor. Ann reported that a large box of banners and flags arrived for the use this year. WW is not a sponsor. Carrol Leather is making numbers out of cloth for $3.00. It was decided that we continue to use the free numbers provided to us. Equine medic is offering rodeo travelers insurance similar to AAA.
The Crisis Fund Baskets at National’s made $16000.00 for the Crisis Fund.
The rodeo member insurance is changing from HSR to SPI. The cost will go up from $69.00 to $74.00, the National Office will keep the difference for operating funds.
The shooting sports contests will be included in the insurance now and need to be reported on the activity approval forms. Each state will be paying $50.00 more in state dues this year. There are no bids for Nationals as of yet for 2014-2015. Gillette has 1200 campsites, which is more than anyone has. Providing the number of camp sites needed is a problem. There is also a requirement that the arenas be side by side. Each state is now responsible for booking their own motel rooms. We need at least 20 rooms. Patrick will take care of this and try to use the choice hotels incentive program. The NHSRA will now accept 2 different kinds of BB Riggins. 2 Bullfighters are needed at any approved rodeo. The rowels of the spurs must now be “touching” the shoulder in BB and SB. There was much discussion regarding the issue of what “readily available” means in reference to an ambulance being on the grounds.
Lance voiced his opinion that things should be cut elsewhere if needed, and this is an important safety issue. Much discussion followed. Digger Rutten, SD JH Division National director, as ked the board what we wanted them to do on this issue. They currently do not have an ambulance on the grounds, and it is a financial concern. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Dan that the SD JH Division will come in to compliance with the HS Division and have an ambulance on the grounds. MC
The next item addressed was the director’s wearing vests or shirts to be easily recognized by the contestant’s when in the arena. A lengthy discussion followed, at which point President Doug Doll called a 10 minute recess.
At 11:30 the meeting was called back to order. It was decided that we wait and see what Cinch comes up with for Director’s vests, then the decision will be made if the Director’s will wear the new vests or shirts.
Donna Curr, Calendar Project Chair, reported on the calendar sales as the next item of business. 300 members have sold calendars, and 245 members have not sold any. The total number sold so far is 4539, which is down from last year. So far we have 74 members earning coats, 104 earning hoodies, and 196 earning t shirts. Donna and Ann both are in need of calendars to distribute. Ann reported that Donna is doing a wonderful job, with weekly updates being given to Ann and the website. Ann asked for input from the Directors as to when the stubs are placed into the Drawing box. She was directed to keep things the same and continue as she had been doing.
The Host Committee reported next on the following items: they have made 35 more stalls available per the request of the Director’s at the annual meeting. The combination of the City of Belle Fourche, the Belle Fourche Chamber and the rodeo committees have been working on the ground and have hauled in more sand. They have a new arena tool to work the ground with also. They are working on schedule changes. The Director’s meeting time was discussed, and it depends upon when the cutting short go is going to be held. The time will be set with the completion of the schedule. The roping boxes are changing and will both be the same at 8’ shorter and more narrow. Joan will be working with Ann on registration again. Ann reported an interest by the Saddle Sponsor’s to have the saddles displayed on the grounds.
Electing the rodeo personnel was the next item of business. Doug Doll will be in charge of obtaining the cutting judges at a time more close to the actual event. Timed Event Judges were reported on by Paul Sundermann. He has spoken with Brenda White, Lonny Harrowa and Marty Jandrea, who are all interested. Lance reported that he had spoken with Chuck Maher, Ed Miller and Marty Jandreau. Brian Fulton said that he had talked to Jim Whiting and they are proposing that a group of the 4 PRCA judges – to include Jim Whiting, Tom Miller, Mike Steiger and Wade Barry – come as a group and judge. The Director’s voted and RS Judge contracts will be presented to Marty Jandreau and Chuck Maher. Timed Event Judge contracts will be offered to Brenda White and Wade Barry. Doug Doll confirmed with Lance that the RS contractors will have one rotated out as started last year, with the other’s to remain. Waln’s will be out this year. It was discussed that the Stock Contractor has to have had stock at a Regional Qualifying Rodeo. Barry will work on this with Lance and get the names to Ann before March 1st, so their contracts can be sent out in time for them to book their motel rooms. The goats will be provided by John Hight from Dupree at $7.00 per run. Timed Event Cattle were discussed and the following people are interested and have enough cattle: Jeff Miller, Mundorff, and Ozarz. Doug Young, Doug Doll and Paul will work on this contract and get the information to Ann. Arena Directors will be RS – boys arena – Lance with Barry helping, TE – boys arena – Doug Young. The girl’s arena Director will be Rod, and Doug Doll will be the cutting arena Director.
Ann reported on the Saddles for State Finals as the next item on the agenda. There are five saddles in to be picked up and taken to their sponsor’s for display and all but one saddle has been ordered. Kellie will let Ann know on that sponsorship in a couple of days. There are three saddles that Ann will re-bill for payment. Triple R has been paid by us. Cow Creek Cedar is on board to provide the saddle racks for the 1st place winners on the National team again, and will provide ½ of the sponsors. The Director’s distributed the other sponsor’s that need to be secured, with two in each region, and will report to Ann with those.
Nominations for pick up men were Shane Porch, Kirk Schuelke and JJ Hunt. A ballot vote was taken and contracts will be offered to Kirk Schuelke and Shane Porch.
Bullfighter nominations were Cooper Waln, Jeremy Wells, Travis Burns, Kyle Brown and William Davy. A ballot vote was taken and Cooper Waln and Jeremy Wells will be offered contracts. Joe Waln is not fighting bulls any longer.
The next item of business was the Queen report presented by Queen coordinator Kellie Yackley. Kellie reported that the Queen Contestant numbers are way down and was offering suggestions to continue to hold contests while being cost effective for the Regional Rodeos. It was decided that a qualifying contest of some sort has to be offered and that one contestant constitutes a contest. Barry suggested that if the number of contestant’s is less than 15, to have the contest at State Finals. Discussion was held and it was said that the problem with that is the girl’s do not get to practice on a competitive contest. Kellie suggested having one contest per region and to alternate between the regional rodeos on odd and even years as to who would pay for the contest. Kellie will check with the Regional Queen Coordinator’s and report back to Doug on the input that she receives.
Next on the agenda was the Crisis Basket at National’s and Kellie said that she will coordinate it and that Patrick will compile the basket for display.
The Past Champions contact for State Finals was discussed next and Rod Kusser indicated that he enjoyed the job and volunteered to do it once again this year.
Lance brought up the issue of the back pen help and the shortage of it at the start of the rodeo last year. It is the Host committee’s responsibility to have back pen help there to work. Lance indicated that there needs to be three guys to help, one for the pen gate, the stripping chute and the gate under the crows nest.
The Security person at the gate who lets people enter in their vehicles to park by the office and behind the rough stock chutes was addressed next. Ann reported that he was a great addition and that he needs to have a list of contractors/people who are allowed to park back there. Ann and Doug Doll will work on a list and present it to the Host committee.
Paying for the HS National Director to attend the JH National Rodeo, that was tabled at the annual meeting, was the next item of business. Patrick reported that the National Office had asked him to come to JH National’s. He reported that they have run into some issues in the past and that the rules say that we shall pay for expenses of the National Director to attend. Digger Rutten, SD JH National Director was present and Paul asked him what his responsibility was. He said that he is elected by the SD JH Division to accompany the JH team to National’s, attend the meetings and carry out the responsibilities of the state, or see that they are carried out. He has gone to Gallup the past few years. At this time, it was asked by members of the JH Division if the HS Association would pay for their elected National’s Director’s expenses?
Doug Doll called for a 45 minute recess for lunch at this time.
The meeting was called to order at 1:15.
Much discussion followed regarding the payment of payment by the HS association for the JH division Expense. The JH division brought up the fact that we enforced the rule that they need an ambulance present, but are not contributing to their funding. Rod voiced the opinion that the job is covered by the JH division and that we do not need to fund it, because it is being taken care of. More discussion followed and the item was tabled until the annual meeting in September. A committee of Doug Doll, Digger Rutten, Patrick Auer, Shorty Engesser and Ann Sundermann was formed to clarify the ruling as written in the current rule book with the NHSRA.
NEW BUSINESS: The Regional Entry blank was presented for approval as the first item of business, with the following contingencies – East Region Director’s Paul and Barry reported that they had three persons interested in the position and that after they had talked to them all Heather Schultz from Huron will be the new East Region Secretary. The River Region Secretary resignation from Shelly Cowan was discussed and the River Region Director’s will be securing someone to fill that position, and upon doing so will present her information to Ann to complete the Regional Rodeo Entry Form. Ann will contact the new secretaries and arrange a time for them to come and train on the software program.
Next on the agenda was Person of the Year nominations. Susan Dewey, and Steve and Kim Sutton were nominated. Clay made the motion nominations cease, 2nd by Kellie. MC
Doug Doll reported on the proposed concussion legislation as the next item of business. He reported that there is a bill in the current legislature regarding concussions and athletes in the state under the age of 18. It basically states, among other things, that someone has to be accountable for the athletes under the age of 18 to make sure that they are cleared by a Dr. before they return to competition. Everyone was asked to be aware of it and the affect that it may have on us.
Doug Doll asked for any other business and Ann reported on the Casey Tibbs room rental information that the office in Pierre had told her about room rental rates.
Patrick brought up the item that someone was doing a TV documentary and if they are interested they should contact him.
Kent Clark reported on the decisions that the student officer’s had made on the prizes.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Clay, 2nd by Mark Thiel, MC.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary