September 29, 2012-10:00 AM CDT
Ramkota Ampitheater, Pierre, SD
The meeting was called to order by President Barry Knippling at 10:05 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Student Officer’s. There were no additions to the agenda and it was approved as submitted.
Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann, who reported the absence of Student President Taylor Engesser, Jayci Lamphere sitting in her place; Student Secretary Wyatt Andersen was absent. Host Site representative Kerbi Thiel was absent, and Mark Thiel was present in her place.
There was a motion by Lance, 2nd by Ken to approve and dispense with the reading of last meeting’s minutes. Motion carried.
A point of order was called for by President Barry Knippling, to address the Host Site Committee representatives. Due to the resignation of Faye Pelster and Deb Steele, the Board has appointed Clay Birkeland and Phil Kissack to fill these positions. This was addressed at the August Board of Directors meeting in Pierre.
The Calendar Report was presented by Donna Curr, Calendar Chairperson. Donna reported the financial report for the year of calendar sales. There was an increase in sales this year. Discussion was held to stress to the contact to not give 30 or 50 out at a time, so that everyone can get at least their minimum. Donna was commended on doing a wonderful job. Motion by Rod, 2nd by Paul to accept the Calendar Report as presented, MC.
Next on the agenda was the State Finals Report. The Host Committee representatives stated that the attendance of the Short Go was down this year, which was probably weather related. The announcer, who was secured last minute, was briefly discussed. They asked for questions from anyone else and the following questions were addressed: Can the calves in the Girl’s Arena be penned at the south end, to help them run that way? It was talked about and noted that the shade is at the north end. The availability of stalls was questioned and Ann and the Host Committee stated that there has been very few complaints the last two years, and that for a brief period of time until the cutting is over, there may be a wait for stalls to open up. An extra flagger in the Girls Arena was discussed and it was decided that the personnel is sufficient at this time. It was suggested that both Arenas utilize at least one PRCA Judge, if at all possible, as the athletes deserve this expertise at this contest. Tim commended the Host Committee on a wonderful State Finals Production. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Rex to approve the State Finals Host Committee report, MC.
The Public Relations report, presented by PR Director Digger Rutten, was then covered. With his first year complete, the sponsorships have remained mostly the same, and he has a few new sponsorships in the works for next year. Digger passed out a sheet that had items presented to him from adult members and members of the association in reference to National Finals. Tim commended Digger on the fantastic job he did at National’s of promoting SD team support among the members and being in touch with all of the contestants and their families. Digger suggested that the SD Queen, when she gets to Nationals, should put the SD banner up in the stands because she is there earlier than many others. National Director, Patrick Auer, will coordinate this. Motion to approve the PR report was made by Lance Lesmeister, 2nd by Paul. MC.
Secretary Ann Sundermann presented and explained the Financial Report. She asked for any questions and there were none. Motion by Kellie, 2nd Rod to accept the Financial Report as presented. MC.
The Regional Rodeo Financial reports were then presented as submitted. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Phil to accept the Regional Rodeo Financial reports. MC.
The next item of business to be covered was the National Director’s report, presented by Patrick Auer. Patrick reported that SD won the VB tournament, did well in the Trap Shoot and he announced the scholarship winners. He told the membership that the quilt donated by the Winner and Watertown Regional Rodeos was a huge success. Members from the membership brought up a concern about reserving the golf carts. They were all rented by the time our National Team was decided this year. Some people did get a cart later in the week. Adult member Shorty Engesser suggested that Patrick rent golf carts, and pay for them at least one month ahead of time this year, then collect the money from those needing them. The Board agreed this would be a great idea. Anita Bach stated that the whole experience was a very positive one and her family felt fortunate to be there. The campground activities organized by Digger was a great asset. Wade Nelson had a concern about the process to check horses out when leaving. It was agreed by those at the meeting that if possible, next year, the same campground or the one up behind would be good campgrounds to be placed in. Board representatives Lynn McNenny, Tim Schaack, Digger Rutten and Ken Lensegrav, along with Patrick attended the National meeting. The issue of the NHSRA having a mandatory date to have each state’s State Finals contest completed by was brought up. It will be on the agenda at the winter meeting in Ft. Worth. The National Director from Montana spoke about his concerns with the date change, as did Patrick. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Clay to approve the National Directors report as presented. MC.
The next item on the agenda was the Queen Coordinators report, as presented by Kellie Yackley. She reported that the coronation was held on foot, instead of horseback, in the arena this year. The sponsors that she secures pay for the contest prizes. SD Queen Elsie Fortune did a wonderful job representing SD at Nationals. Elsie was asked her opinion on the National Contest and she said it was much different than she expected, but very fun. Elsie and Kellie are proposing to have a new set of chaps made for the Queen contest, to pass on to the new 2013 SD State Queen next year. The Board agreed that this would be a good idea, and Kellie and Elsie will handle the details. It was suggested to possibly send someone along with the Queen to the National contest to help them that first weekend. Motion by Rex, 2nd by Lance to approve the Queen Coordinator report as submitted. MC.
Seeing no Old Business to be discussed, President Barry Knippling moved on to New Business.
The first item on the agenda under New Business was the saddle bids for 2013 State Finals. SW Director Lynn McNenny reviewed bids that he had received from DD Western in Huron, Triple R Tack in Rapid City, and DeTye Vet with Tod Slone saddles. After reviewing the bids, comments were given by Triple R Tack. They were the only business submitting bids that was present at the meeting. Motion by Dan Curr, 2nd by Clay Birkeland to award the saddle bid to Triple R Tack for the 2013 State Finals. Motion carried.
The State Finals date change, as possibly indicated by the NHSRA, was covered next. Barry explained what had happened first of all at the meeting in Gillette in 2011, at the winter meeting in 2012 in Denver, and what had transpired at the meeting in Rock Springs. In Denver at the 2012 winter meeting those speaking about it at the Rules committee meeting indicated that it was an office issue, with problems occurring because of the conflict with the timing of JH National’s. Suggestions were offered to help aid in the speeding up the NHSRA receiving the National Finals paperwork by some of the states present in the meeting. At the meeting in Rock Springs it was indicated that the housing placement is a problem with those states having a later State Finals. A lengthy discussion entailed. Those items covered were the issue that we have never been told what the issue is, exactly, so that we could possibly work with the NHSRA in solving the problem. Who will vote on the rule proposal and when the vote will take place were covered. Tim stated that it is possibly time to get legal advice and proceed with that guidance. It was stressed by the Board, that Patrick as our National Director, must effectively communicate our concerns in the Rules Committee meeting at the meeting in Ft. Worth. The conference/meeting will be held beginning 1/21/2013. A committee of Barry, Patrick, Dan and Lance will proceed with a plan to communicate South Dakota’s concerns with the date change. Kellie offered to put a professional appearing packet together, with the information she receives from the committee. She would need the information by December 15th.
Shorty Engessor, SDJHR President, was present to give the JH report, as the next item on the agenda. There was a total of 78 SDJH members, and thirty three 8th graders are moving up to the HS division this year. Fund raisers were held and the Regional Contest’s were held at Springfield and Spearfish the first and second weekends of May. State Finals was held in Spearfish Memorial Day weekend. 35 members went to JH National Finals in Gallop, NM, and SD had two National Champions. The 2014 National Finals will be in Des Moines, Iowa. Paul thanked Shorty for the JH Report and made a motion, 2nd by Lance to accept the JH Report as presented by Shorty Engessor. MC.
The next item of business were the National Director and Queen Coordinator job descriptions. Paul and Kellie worked together on the two job descriptions and presented them to the Board. Brief discussion was held and any questions presented were answered. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Ken to approve the National Director job description. MC. Motion by Tim, 2nd by Dan to accept the Queen Coordinator job description. MC.
At this time President Barry Knippling recessed the meeting for a 45 minute lunch break. Barry Knippling called the meeting back in session at 12:45 pm, and thanked outgoing Director Rod Kusser for all of his years of service and dedication to the SDHSRA. Cupcakes and coffee were had by all.
SDHSRA Queen, Elsie Fortune, presented her speech “Courage” that she gave at National’s. The speech was inspiring and Elsie received a round of applause for her presentation.
Next the Regions moved to the hall and elected Regional Director’s. The results are as follows: East Region Director at Large – Todd Bach, Watertown; Returning NW Region Director – Lance Lesmeister; Returning River Region Director – Ken Lensegrav ; Returning SW region Director – Lynn McNenny. The Director’s will take office after the general membership meeting today.
The next item on the agenda was a proposal by Dan Curr to propose a rule change at the winter meeting in Ft Worth in January, 2013 that would read as follows:
2012-2014 NHSRA Rule Book, p. 34, number 12, currently reads: The accumulative point system must be used by States/Provinces as an eliminating point system through the Go-Rounds at District/State/Province finals to determine top position to compete in final go-round.
Proposed change is to replace the word “must” with the word “may”, to read: The accumulative point system may be used by States/Provinces as an eliminating point system through the Go-Rounds at District/State/Province finals to determine top position to compete in final go-round.
Motion by Dan, 2nd by Tim to have Dan submit the rule change through National Director Patrick Auer to the NHSRA by the deadline set by the NHSRA. MC.
The point system proposals were covered as the next item of business. Allen Good presented his proposal that had been previously mailed to the members of the Board. Discussion was held and Tim indicated that any changes he had been considering had been covered in Allan’s proposal. The awarding of average points would go back to after three rounds. Elsie Fortune indicated that she thought that our State Finals should be worth more points because it is a higher level of competition, the other student officers agreed. Rusty Foster and Wade Nelson presented their proposal and discussion was held on it as well.
The proposals will be voted on in the Director’s meeting immediately following the General Membership meeting.
Motion by Paul, 2nd by Ken for the Host Site renewal consideration for Belle Fourche to have the State High School Finals in 2014 on June 25-29, 2014 and in 2015 on June 24-28, 2015. Discussion was held as to when the bid and the two year renewal took effect. The formal bid was taken in 9/2010 for years 2012 and 2013, with a renewal for a two year period in 2014 and 2015 to be granted in 9/2012. Mark asked Ann to clarify this information and report of any changes differing from those discussed. MC.
Ann reminded the membership of the SDRA Invite Extravaganza held for the SDHSRA competitors, which will be in Rapid City at the James Kjerstad Events Center on October 20th.
The time and place of the SD Mid Winter Director’s meeting was presented to be held February 2, 9:00 am MST, in Rapid City. This will be the weekend after the date as it has been in the past, because of the duplicate time conflict of the NHSRA winter meeting in Ft. Worth.
Seeing no other new business, a motion was made by Rod, 2nd by Lance to adjourn the 2012 Annual General membership meeting. MC.
President Barry Knippling declared the SDHSRA Annual General Membership Meeting adjourned at 2:20 pm CST.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann, SDHSRA Executive Secretary
South Dakota High School Rodeo Winter Meeting Minutes
Rapid City Civic Center Red Room
The SDHSRA Winter Meeting was called to order by President Barry Knippling at 9:15 AM. Roll Call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann and she reported all Director’s and Student Officers present, with the exception of Lance Lesmeister, who arrived at 9:40. Ken Lensegrav made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, 2nd by Patrick Auer. MC
Rod Kusser moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the annual meeting, 2nd by Paul Sundermann. MC
Ann presented the Financial Report as the next item of business. She reported that financially we have more money when compared to this time last year. She said that upcoming out of the ordinary expenses that she sees may be in the future are a software update and concern over the copy machine. Brief discussion was held on the two items. The copy machine has been fixed in the last two weeks and is still currently not working properly. We do have a service contract on repairs. Ann asked for any other questions concerning the financial statement, and there were none. Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Rex Lamphere to accept the financial report. MC
Next on the agenda was the 20X Extreme Rodeo. Steve or Kim Sutton were unable to make the meeting, but had relayed messages to Ann to report. The Arena will be open from 8:00 to 9:00 AM tomorrow for the kids to ride. Pictures will be at noon, and registration is from 10:00 to 12:00. Rod Kusser suggested that Digger Rutten check with Suttons on the barrel covers to make sure that there is not a sponsor conflict. Lynn McNenny will be bringing the Poles. Any Director who is able should be there to help.
The Public Relations report was the next item of business. PR Director, Digger Rutten reported that everything is ahead of schedule as far as securing sponsorships. He said that the transition from Kent went well. He will be working with the Student Officer’s in choosing the National Team prizes today.
National Director Patrick Auer gave the report on the Winter National Meeting in Denver. Barry, Paul, Digger and Ann all attended to represent South Dakota as well. He reported that the mandatory date to complete State Finals for each state was not changed. He discussed some of the rule changes, slits in the bareback glove, shooting contest not being counted toward team points and all around points and the contest moved up to Friday/Saturday at National’s, and that the SS number will be removed from the National Membership form. He told us that Rock Springs, Wyoming got the bid for the National Finals Rodeo for 2014-2015. Rock Springs has gone above and beyond what was required of them and now have 1200 campsites available with full hook ups. Waco, Texas submitted the only other bid. The Junior High Finals will be in Des Moines, Iowa in 2014-2015, and the NHSRA will have to put the rodeo on. This brought concern from members at the meeting regarding the following: the number of personnel needed in addition to the Director’s that currently help, hiring an organization to put the rodeo on with a rodeo knowledge base, and the funds it will take to hire people. Patrick said that the National Board was concerned about the volunteer base being used up at Rock Springs with four years of the High School Finals. He also said that the Board would like to bid the National Finals farther out in the future. The question was raised whether there was ever a consideration for a permanent home for National Finals? Barry talked about the economic impact study that was done for the past year at Gillette, with a 9.8 million dollar impact being reached for the community. Ann stressed that any time we have to travel east it is more expensive, costing more for food, fuel and housing. Paul stressed the fact that we need to keep sending people to the national meetings to make a presence to support our state organization and have a voice in the decisions being made. He also clarified from the annual meeting that there is no limit to the number of people that can attend.
Old Business: As the first item of Old Business, Donna Curr gave the Calendar Sales report. She reported that sales are up from this time last year, with 5556 sold. 1000 more calendars had to be ordered in December because there were none to give those needing them. Both Ann and Donna said that the Calendar Contacts have been excellent to work with and have helped in all ways possible to get calendars where they were needed. The key is to give out only 10 at a time. The re ordered calendars have 2 February 8th’s on them. There was clarification needed on what is printed on the back of the calendar as far as the fund raising funds. Rod volunteered to look into the legality of this item and will report back to Ann. Motion by Brian Fulton to wait for Rod’s report and, if it can be done, to remove the paragraph in question from the Calendar. 2nd by Rex. MC
The State Finals Committee Reports were next on the agenda, the first item being the Host Committee report. Faye Pelster, Kerbi Bowden and Deb Steele were there for the Host Committee. The financial statement was reviewed and comments and questions were addressed. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Rod to accept the Host Committee State Final’s financial report for 2011. MC They reported that the Center of the Nation Sportsman’s Club is on board for the shooting contest again this year. Ann had a question regarding the split in the saddle broncs at the performances. It was decided that they would only be split during the short go, and the split would be to have one section after the tie down roping, and the other section after the breakaway roping. The schedule was reviewed and adjustments were made as needed. Ann commented that she appreciated the timely and open communication between the host committee and herself, and thanked them for that.
The Judges committee’s reported next and their reports were as follows. Paul and Rex have secured Brenda White and Wade Berry to judge the Girls Arena. Contracts have been sent to them. Dan Curr reported that he would like to hire Dorvan Solberg and Wayne Hildebrandt for the cutting judges. There were no objections, so contracts will be sent. The Rough Stock judges selected by Lance and Ken were Darrel Kling and Lyle Germundsen. There have been no objections so contracts will be sent. This process worked well, thank you judge committees for your work in securing the judges.
Ken and Lance are working on securing the rough stock livestock with the contractors at this time.
The Timed Event livestock committee of Brian and Tim were next on the agenda. Brian reported that he had been speaking with Jace Melvin to contract all timed event livestock, with the exception of the goats. The proposed price would be $17.00 per run for all. Jace Melvin was present and spoke on behalf of the Timed Event livestock proposal. He said that cattle prices have gone up, and that is why there was a $2.00 per run increase from last year. There was concern expressed by the host committee on the price increase and discussion followed. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Rod to have the RS livestock committee of Lance and Ken and the timed event livestock committee of Brian and Tim coordinate with the host committee in securing those contracts. MC
Dan reported for the Cutting Cattle livestock committee as the next item of business. He reported that Cliff Crago had told him that it was already secured by the host committee. The price per run was not known by the Host or Dan, and the host committee will find this out and report back to Ann so the contract can be sent.
The Arena Director’s were the next item on the agenda. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Kellie to elect Rod as the Girls Arena Director. MC Motion by Rod, 2nd by Ken to elect Lance as the Boys Arena RS Director. MC Motion by Lance, 2nd by Barry to elect Tim as the Boys Arena Timed Event Director. MC Motion by Lance, 2nd by Patrick to elect Dan as the Cutting Arena Director. MC
The Saddles were reviewed as presented by Ann. All saddles have been ordered. Ann was instructed to re invoice those person(s) that have not paid and have not been invoiced within the last month. Directors were reminded to pick up the 8 saddles that are at Triple R and get them to the businesses that would like to display them. Verification will be needed from Kellie on the Queen saddle, she will report back to Ann on this.
Bullfighters and Pick Up Men were the item of business to be discussed next. Patrick moved to present Cooper Waln and Jeremy Wells with contracts to be Bullfighters, 2nd by Dan. MC Paul presented discussion on the Pick Up Man pay. The pay has been the same, at $750.00 for the 5 performances, plus motel, since Ann has records in 2005. Before then they were paid directly by the host committee, so it is not known today what the pay was at that time. Paul has talked to Kirk Schuelke and Shane Porch and they have an interest in picking up again this year. Discussion followed regarding how lucky we are to have such well qualified pick up men, the rise in fuel costs and the number of horses that they have to bring. The host committee expressed concern about the increase in pay, not just for the Pick Up men, but other costs presented so far. The facility fee, stalling costs when compared to other rodeos, and the cost of programs were all discussed. A motion was made by Rod, 2nd by Patrick to present contracts to Shane Porch and Kirk Schuelke to pick up at the 2012 State Finals. MC Rod made the motion to increase the pay of the Pick Up men by $50.00 per performance, 2nd by Patrick. MC The facility fee was discussed further as a possibility of having to increase to make up for some of the costs of timed event stock cost increase, pick up man pay cost increase and the unknown amount of the cutting cattle cost at this time. It was decided that all costs should be known by March 1st and if an increase is indicated, there would be an email vote of the Director’s at that time. The committee’s involved in these items need to be in contact with the host committee.
As the next item of business Kellie Yackley presented the Queen report. There needs to be clarification on who is sponsoring the 1st attendant buckle. Kellie will work with Digger on that item. Kellie would like to make a manual for the incoming Queen going to represent SD at National’s, both she and Brielle thought it would be very helpful. It was noted that Dakota Bank had dropped its sponsorship for the Queen Expenses that were distributed from the sponsor account. Brielle expressed her disappointment in the rule change requiring Queen attire at National’s. Kellie and she both feel like it is going to open up new issues to deal with.
The Past Champions honors at State Finals were discussed by Rod. This program was started by Troy Brown when the State Finals were in Huron. There is a bit of a conflict being an Arena Director and getting these folks welcomed. A sheet with the past champions of 40 and 50 years ago was passed around for anyone to note where the persons are from, if it is known. Rex Lamphere volunteered to take over this program.
Prizes: Cow Creek Cedar would like to do the saddle racks for the State Finals Champion’s once again. They get half of the sponsor’s themselves. The kid’s opinions were asked for, and the consensus was that they are very nice and appreciated. A motion was made by Lynn, 2nd by Ken to award saddle racks again this year to the State Champion’s. Each region needs to obtain two sponsors for the saddle racks. Lance has one sponsor already for the NW region. The list was reviewed so everyone could see who needed to obtain the remaining sponsors this year. The buckles will be chosen by the student officer’s today.
The next item on the agenda was other state finals discussion. In this item Lance talked about the back pen help that was needed. He has talked to the host committee about the needs.
Ann asked about the security gate and it was decided that the man in charge of security would be directed to the office for instruction as to who could drive through that gate.
Ann proposed making the state finals packets available on line and through email, to make them get to the contestant’s in a more timely fashion and to save on postage. This was agreed upon if anyone who needed them mailed, and indicated so, would be mailed their packet. A motion was made by Patrick, 2nd by Lynn to make the state finals contestant’s packets available on the website and by email, giving everyone the option of requesting the paper forms by mail. MC The order draw will continue to be posted on the website.
The Director’s meeting will be held once again after the morning cutting performance on Thursday.
Ann discussed the National Contestant’s Meeting and the forms that needed to be filled out. At the national meeting in Denver, James Higgenbothem told those in the rules meeting that Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming would be required to have their paperwork in within 24 hours of the completion of their State Finals. Patrick indicated that the rule of “within 5 days” had passed at the executive meeting. Ann would like to have the required national paperwork forms made available on a computer and hire a person to start the completion of those forms after the winner’s are determined after the short go. Ann stated that the Manitoba, Wyoming and South Dakota Secretaries have talked to our computer software programmer about streamlining this process, and if the National Office does not do so – they will share the cost in having him do this for us. This cost was included in the financial report, as reported earlier. Discussion followed, including possibly finding a volunteer to do this. Ann indicated that if there was someone willing and competent to do so, she would be more than open to suggestions. Ken stated that if this would keep the National Office happy in the timely return of the State Finals paperwork, it would be worth it to hire someone to complete this task. Lynn indicated that it cannot just be anyone, and that they have to be qualified. A motion was made by Lance, 2nd by Ken to hire a qualified person, selected by Ann, to help complete the National Meeting Paperwork process. MC
New Business:
The first item of new business was the national meeting in Denver. Brielle reported that the students, in their meetings, had determined that the best way to reach the kids now is by facebook. She stated that she was disappointed on the vote that the Queen contestants would not be required to wear official attire at all times. Barry reported that he was very glad he went and that he feels an audit by a reputable source should be completed on the national office. Paul reinforced the fact that South Dakota needs to show a presence at these meetings, and at the meeting in Rock Springs. He feels that James Higgenbothem will get things straightened out, give time. Patrick explained that other states have said that they like our regional competitions, as our membership continues to remain consistent. Next year’s winter meeting will be in Texas. Ann stated that our membership numbers for this year are at 549. She also passed out the hand outs that she and Paul took with them to the meeting, as requested by Barry. She reviewed the in and out of state transfer requirements.
Next a discussion on the wearing of back numbers was held. The rule book was sited. Jace Melvin stated that he felt that it implied to National’s, and the contestant’s were perfectly clear that this is a step up. Patrick felt that it should imply everywhere at our State Finals also. Our ground rule was sited about western attire “within the chain link fence.” Rod stated that he felt that it could be encouraged, but that enforcement would be very difficult. The discussion ended without any formal action being taken.
At 12:00 President Barry Knippling ordered a 45 minute recess for lunch.
The meeting was called back in order by President Barry Knippling at 12:50.
The first item of business presented was a presentation by Siri Stevens from Pro Rodeo News. Siri indicated that she would like to have our HS Rodeo organization ‘s results, newsletter and features included in the magazine. The magazine is printed twice every month, except for December through February, when it is printed once a month. The cost presented to the Board at the meeting was $15.00 per member. Later an offer of $7.50 per member was received by Siri. Siri was given a calendar to look at and will present a bid for producing it if the magazine is chosen to represent the association. Brian recommended Siri and her expertise. Kellie presented the fact that a sponsor could possibly be found to help fund this effort. A committee of Brian, Digger, Kerbi and Kellie was formed to look into the possibilities.
Next the 2012 Regional Rodeo Entry form was reviewed. There was a request from the regional qualifying rodeos to increase the entry fees. It was last increased in 2008 from $10.00 per event to the current $15.00 and $20.00 per event. After brief discussion, a motion was made by Patrick, 2nd by Ken to increase those events that were $15.00 to $17.00, to increase those events that were $20.00 to $22.00, and to move cutting to be the same as the rough stock price of $22.00. MC It was noted that Becky Rinehart will be the secretary for the Sturgis Regional Rodeo this year, and will work at Wall with Sandy Buchholz to streamline the job.
Kellie addressed the Queen entry fee at this time. She made a motion to leave the entry fee at $30.00 per weekend and if only one contest occurs, provided they have entered both contests, that their entry would be refunded, 2nd by Lance. MC
Motion by Kellie, 2nd by Paul to approve the practice and regional rodeo application forms as presented. MC
Selection of the Person of The Year was the next item of business. Nominations were taken and discussed. Lance moved that nominations cease, 2nd by Rex. MC. Persons of the Year will be awarded to Doug Doll, Doug Young, Bill and Judy Porch and Kent Clarke. To remain on the list of possibilities for the future is Betty Kost. Rod indicated that he has for years ordered the person of the year plaques and the team trophy. Paul volunteered to take this over.
The Regional Transfer approvals were presented and clarifications were made, if needed. There are several that have only contacted one Director, and they need to do so.
Nest on the agenda was the clarification of the Regional Rodeo and State Finals dates for 2013. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Rod that in 2013 the first weekend of Regional’s will be May 31, June 1, 2; the second weekend of Regional’s will be June 7, 8, 9; and State Finals will be June 19 – 23, 2013. MC
At this time Donna Curr reported on the selections that the student officers had made for calendar prizes. The calendar coat and embroidery will be purchased from Heathershaw Designs; the t shirts will be brown and turquoise and the sweatshirts will be turquoise, brown and white, by Pheasantland Industries of Springfield.
Deb Steele reported that the students had chosen buckles made by Bob Berg.
Digger reported that the kids had not yet selected a calendar coat, the national team t shirt would be gray, the national team and short go shirts would be Cinch blue shirts. All shirts will be men’s shirts.
Barry Knippling asked if any other business needed to be presented before the Board. Loretta Monnens from Watertown asked if the student officers could be selected, one from each region, instead of the current system to better represent the state equally. Ann indicated to Loretta that this would require a by law change and made her aware of the timeline for submitting those changes. Digger Rutten asked if it would be a conflict with our Public TV Contract to have RFD TV televise our State Finals? Rod indicated that Public TV would need to be contacted and asked about it.
At 2:35 pm Rod made the motion that we go into Executive Session, 2nd by Ken. National Director Patrick Auer was asked to leave the room. At 3:00 pm Ken moved to resume regular session, 2nd by Lance.
A motion was made by Kellie to notify the general membership that the National Director position, currently held by Patrick Auer, is up for renewal and anyone interested should contact a Director on the SDHSRA Board. The motion was 2nd by Tim, MC.
Paul moved that the Board resume Executive Session at 3:05 pm. Secretary Ann Sundermann was asked to leave the room. At 3:15 President Barry Knippling declared the Board back into open session. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Ken to increase the Executive Secretary pay of Ann Sundermann to $1500.00 per month. MC
Motion by Lance, 2nd by Rex to adjourn the January 28th, 2012 winter meeting of the Board of Directors. MC
Meeting adjourned at 3:20 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary