September 28, 2013-10:00 AM CDT
Red Rossa Meeting Rooms, Pierre, SD

The meeting was called to order by President Barry Knippling at 10:00 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Student Officers. There were no additions to the agenda and a motion was presented by Ken, 2nd by Patrick to approve the agenda as submitted. MC

Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann, who reported the absence of Student President Rickie Engesser, SW Region Director Lynn McNenny was absent and was being represented by Roby Auer and NW Region Director was absent with Rusty Foster taking his place.

There was a motion by Patrick, 2nd by Rex to approve and dispense with the reading of last meeting’s minutes. Motion carried.

Secretary Ann Sundermann presented and explained the Financial Report. She asked for any questions and there were none. Motion by Kellie, 2nd Patrick to accept the Financial Report as presented. MC.

Next on the agenda was the State Finals Report. The Host Committee representatives stated that the overall attendance was down this year, which was probably weather related to Saturday night. The reported income was also down this year. Clay thanked those Directors that went above and beyond for their help in dealing with all of the water in the arena. They put more sand in the arenas and are looking at different bucking chutes. The shooting sports buckles were discussed and the Host Committee had to pay for those buckles this year. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Ken to reimburse the Host Committee for the cost of those buckles. Motion by Rex, 2nd by Rusty to approve the State Finals Host Committee report, MC.
The Public Relations report, presented by PR Director Digger Rutten, was then covered. Digger reported that there was an increase in sponsorships this year, and the addition of the National Team Shirt sponsor by Nagel Cattle Company. He showed those in attendance the National Team Shirts and Coats. Digger also reported that Drew Cowan, 2012 National Calf Roping Champion from SD was EVERYWHERE. He collected posters, life size pictures, puzzles and other items and brought them to the Cowan Family and to the Casey Tibbs Center, to be placed in the High School Rodeo display. He also brought a CD of the State Finals to the Casey Tibbs Center. A Motion to approve the PR report was made by Ken, 2nd by Paul. MC.

The Calendar Report was presented by Ann Sundermann for Donna Curr, Calendar Chairperson, who could not be here. Ann reported the financial report for the year of calendar sales. There was an increase in sales this year. Discussion was held to stress to the contacts to not give 30 or 50 out at a time, so that everyone can get at least their minimum amount required. Donna was commended on doing a wonderful job. Motion by Todd, 2nd by Paul to accept the Calendar Report as presented, MC. Donna would also like the calendar coats to be handed out at State Finals registration, with the calendar coat picture to be taken at the contestant’s meeting. This will alleviate some of the confusion of the large number of people moving around during the Sunday morning awards ceremony. No objections were cited.

The next item of business to be covered was the National Director’s report, presented by Patrick Auer. Patrick reported that Digger and Ann went along with the team this year, and he thanked them for their help. He told the membership that the crisis fund basket was the top seller this year, and thanks to Digger organizing those people to put it together, it was huge success. The team placed 12th, the girls placed 15th, the boys team placed 11th and Shane O’Connell brought home the Bareback Championship. He reported that the JH Finals vote was for Lebanon, Tennessee and that the Mid Winter Meeting will be January 20-25, 2013 in West Virginia. Ann voiced concerns from the adult membership that had been brought to her regarding National Finals. It was asked that Patrick try to improve on the following: 1) the number of Seniors that applied for scholarships was very minimal from South Dakota and for them to individually be made aware of those scholarships to be applied for 2) The golf carts and reserving more this year, possibly a preference for those people that have horses to carry feed and hay to 3) The style of dancing at the dances that was very offensive to the chaperones 4) to be made aware of the jackpots and workshops that are being held – possibly notification at the SD campground area. Patrick said that he will do the golf cart process again this year, and will tell them we need more. He was asked to bring up the dance concern at the national mid winter national meeting. Motion by Rusty, 2nd by Rex to approve the National Directors report as presented. MC.

The next item on the agenda was the Queen Coordinator report, as presented by Kellie Yackley. The sponsors that she secures pay for the contest prizes. SD Queen Natalie Prins did a wonderful job representing SD at Nationals. Natalie placed in the top 10 in every category and had the top score in the test competition. Ann stated that Natalie did a wonderful job representing South Dakota! Motion by Rusty, 2nd by Brian to approve the Queen Coordinator report as submitted. MC.

The last item of old Business was The Rodeo News magazine. Digger explained that each member had received the magazine from January 2013 to September 2013, and they would like to renew that agreement with us. Discussion was held and the cost was explained. Rodeo News’ cost is 9.00 per member. The membership stated that they like the magazine and the Student Officers said that they do read it, especially the “meet the member” section. It was also brought up that The Wrangler, out of Wyoming, is a free publication. We would need to finance $3000.00 of the cost to pay for it, and it is too late for it to be added to this year’s membership costs. There was a motion by Patrick, 2nd by Ken to take the money out of the general fund and discuss the details at the winter meeting. MC. There was discussion on the exact amount to pay and after discussion was held there was a motion by Rusty, 2nd by Todd that the SDHSRA pay the cost of 10.00 per member, with a maximum of $5000.00. MC. Digger will correspond with Suria on this and explain that we would like the magazine for the publication to be mailed, one per household, not per member.

Seeing no other Old Business to be discussed, President Barry Knippling moved on to New Business.


The first item on the agenda under New Business was the saddle bids for 2014 State Finals. Ann Sundermann, for SW Director Lynn McNenny reviewed bids that had been received from DD Western in Huron, Triple R Tack in Rapid City, and DeeTye Vet with Tod Slone saddles. After reviewing the bids, comments were given by Triple R Tack. They were the only business submitting bids that was present at the meeting. Motion by Dan Curr, 2nd by Patrick to award the saddle bid to Triple R Tack for the 2014 State Finals. Motion carried. Triple R Tack was also thanked for their support for sponsoring other areas at the State Finals Rodeo. Rex indicated that he would need the AA Saddles sponsored by the Buckaroos for the winter meeting.

Chas Crago, SDJHR Secretary, was present to give the JH report, as the next item on the agenda. There were a total of 86 SDJH members, and thirty seven 8th graders are moving up to the HS division this year. Fund raisers were held and the Regional Contests were held at Springfield and Belle Fourche the first and second weekends of May. State Finals was held in Belle Fourche Memorial Day weekend. 38 members went to JH National Finals in Gallop, NM. The 2014 National Finals will be in Des Moines, Iowa. Ann indicated that she needs the signature page of the JH Adult Officers right away, so it can be taken to the lawyer and the HS By Laws can be submitted to the NHSRA. Paul thanked Chas for the JH Report and made a motion, 2nd by Rusty to accept the JH Report as presented. MC.

At this time President Barry Knippling reviewed the submitted By-Law Change. It was voted on by a ballot vote with the result being a unanimous yes vote of adult members. The change will be made to read: A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or any member of the Board of Directors upon three (3) days prior (strike written and replace with notification) to each Director. The notice shall specify the time, place, date, and purpose of the meeting.

The Regional Rodeo Host Bids were the next item of business. The Regional Rodeo dates for 2014 are May 31 – June 1 for the first regional rodeo weekend and June 7-8 for the second regional rodeo weekend. The East Region had bids submitted by Huron and Watertown. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Todd to accept the Regional Rodeo locations of Huron and Watertown for 2014-2015. The SW Regional had bids submitted by Wall and Sturgis. Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Dan to accept the Regional Rodeo locations of Wall and Sturgis for 2014-2015. The River Region had bids submitted by Winner and Ft. Pierre. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Rex to accept the Regional Rodeo locations of Winner and Ft. Pierre for 2014-2015. The NW Region had bids from Lemmon, Buffalo and Dupree. Representatives from each of the committees were there to present. Buffalo reported that they have changed their ground and that they are not interested in a rotation of the three towns. Lemmon reported on their assets and what they can bring to the regional rodeo. They prepared and distributed a flyer highlighting the assets. Dupree was not interested in a three town rotation without Buffalo doing so. After much discussion and some questions to the committees, there was a motion by Rex, 2nd by Rusty to award the 2014-2015 Regional Rodeo Host Sites to Buffalo for the first weekend and Dupree for the second weekend. Lemmon was thanked for their presentation and interest.

President Barry Knippling called a recess for a 45” lunch break.
Barry Knippling called the meeting back in session at 12:50 pm.

SDHSRA Queen Natalie Prins, presented her speech that she gave at National’s. The speech was inspiring and Natalie received a round of applause for her presentation.
The insurance for the Regional and State Finals Rodeo was discussed as the next item of business. Ann has been in contact with SPI, who is the only insurance carrier that can write a policy to the specifications of the NHSRA anymore. Phil also commented on the policy and questions were addressed. Ann will be in touch with the Regional Rodeos on more information regarding the insurance.

The cutting rule on switching horses was then covered. Dan reported that according to the NCHA the contestants can switch horses at the regional rodeos for each contest, but that will take them out of the average. They cannot do so at State Finals, because points are given on the average. The only exception to this at State Finals would be if they have a vet release. They can then use another horse which is there competing, from a person of the opposite competition – male or female. The SDHSRA will accept this as a cutting ground rule for the upcoming 2014 season.

The Regional Rodeo draw was discussed in length. It was decided that there does not need to be any revisions or clarifications to it at this time, and that it will stay as it has been. The calves/goats will have an even amount of runs either placed on them or they will be the first ones drawn out for the next day.

The Shooting Sports Competition was next on the agenda. Patrick indicated that they sell calendars. All but one contestant this past year was involved in rodeo as well as shooting. It is not in the Host Site requirements for them to host the contest, as they have been doing. They have also paid for the winner buckles. Some of the States that bring shooters to Nationals have a separate Shooting Team, with sponsors other than their rodeo sponsors. At this time there is no one willing to pick up the regional contests. The membership asked if someone was willing to pick up the contest and organize it, along with the prizes (if any) and national team qualifier money. There were no volunteers. It was decided that it needs to posted on the website that the National Shooters who qualify will not receive National Qualifier travel money. Digger received much negative response after this year’s contest from some of the Shooting Team’s parents. The response was derogatory to him and the SDHSRA. Motion by Todd, 2nd by Rex that the Board vote on whether the National Team Shooting Qualifiers receive a coat and a shirt. A yes vote would indicate that they do receive such and a no vote would indicate that they do not receive such. A vote was taken and with 6 yes votes and 8 no votes, the National Shooting Team Qualifiers will not receive a coat or shirt. There was no change to the travel money disbursements so that stayed the same. Travel money is provided to National Rodeo Qualifiers.

Next the Regions moved to various locations and elected Regional Directors. The results are as follows:
Returning East Region Director – Barry Knippling, Chamberlain;
Returning River Region Director – Brian Fulton;
New West Director at Large – JD Mutchler, Newell.
The Director’s will take office after the general membership meeting today. Thanks were given to Tim Schaack, who is resigning from his SW Director term.

Ann reminded the membership of the SDRA Invite Extravaganza held for the SDHSRA competitors, which will be in Rapid City at the James Kjerstad Events Center on October 19th.
The time and place of the SD Mid Winter Director’s meeting was presented to be held February 1, 9:00 am MST, in Rapid City.

The Crisis Fund Basket that is donated at Nationals was the last item on the agenda. Digger reviewed the history of the basket and discussion was held as to its success this year. Motion by Kellie that ½ of the cedar chest is to be paid for out of the general fund and have out of the sponsor account, 2nd by Paul. MC. Motion by Todd, 2nd by Brian that the coordinator be the PR Director. MC.

A brief update was given of the results of the SDHSRA competitors at the Omaha Challenge, who are there this weekend.
Seeing no other new business, President Barry Knippling declared the SDHSRA Annual General Membership Meeting adjourned at 2:35 pm CST.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann,
SDHSRA Executive Secretary

FEBRUARY 2, 2013

The mid winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Barry Knippling at 9:00 AM MDT. The Student Officers, led by Wyatt Andersen, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken. Kellie Yackley was absent due to illness, Sidney Carey was also absent. Others attending representing Board members were as follows: Ryan Thiel for Clay Birkeland (ill), Anita Bach for Paul Sundermann and Brittany Eymer for Taylor Engesser.
Motion by Digger, 2nd by Rex to approve the agenda as presented, with no additions or corrections. MC.
Motion by Ken, 2nd by Rex to dispense with the reading of the minutes, MC.
The Financial Report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. Brief discussion was held and Ann answered questions. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Dan to approve the Financial Statement as presented. MC.
Next on the agenda was the PR Report, as presented by PR Director Digger Rutten. Digger reported on sponsorships. We have lost a couple due to their company’s restructuring, but they are in place for this year. He would like to find a trailer sponsor for the use of one year for the AA cowboy and AA cowgirl, and is working on it. The pole bending logo sponsor, as recommended by Lynn McNenny, is also being negotiated. As was discussed at the annual meeting, things that we as a state can do to improve on at Nationals, were discussed. The cutting and people helping to turn back in the cutting, Banners being hung – coordinated by Patrick ahead of time, and whether the National Finals is a two man job were addressed. Members of the Board expressed their opinion that it would be most beneficial for us to send two people, if the finances indicate we can do so. The National Guard of Chamberlain would like to buy t shirts for the VB players that won the VB tournament at Nationals last year. Barry will coordinate this.
The National Director Report, presented by Patrick Auer, was the next item of business. He reported on the bylaw rejection by the NHSRA executive committee. We need to have a signature page and make reference of the JH by laws in the HS by laws. The discussion of the word “June” and what if there was a natural disaster was brought up. It would take a bylaw change presented to our Board to make the change, according to our bylaws, to delete the word June. This information, along with our other rules and regulations will be brought to our attorney for review and suggestions by Paul, Ann and Todd. Dan Curr did an excellent job in presenting the rule change that he submitted. It was passed, and beginning in 2014 we can take our short go contestants to the short go by 10 in points, and 5 in the average. Thank you, Dan, for taking the initiative to do this. Discussion was held on how we were made aware that other states have not been following the point system guidelines, as written in the NHSRA rule book. The NHSRA Board is aware of this as well. James indicated to Patrick that that we will be ok with our State Finals dates this year, but it may come up in the future. James asked Ann to talk to him about the dates and when they discussed it and looked at their calendars, he said that if we had the information to the NHSRA office by Wednesday 6/26, “it would be ok and they would leave us alone.” The site committees for the JH Nationals presented at the winter meeting, among them being Huron, SD. They have picked sites to visit, and the issue will be addressed again at the National meeting in July. Patrick mentioned a rodeo for certain states and several Directors asked him to get the information to the Directors and/or Ann so they could all find out more information. Patrick indicated he would do so.
The Queen report was the next item on the agenda. This was presented via speaker phone by Queen Coordinator Kellie Yackley, as she was home ill. Elsie Fortune, SDHSRA reigning queen, reported on activities she had participated in. Dianna Melvin asked her if she would like to participate in a legislative function. Dianna will be in touch with Elsie on that function. Kellie reported that she is working on sponsorships and that there were no changes regarding the National contest this year. She found out more information about the Queen’s auction basket for the state. Kellie indicated that she thought it would be beneficial to send someone to go to Nationals for the first part of the week to help the Queen. The new chaps are finished and Elsie showed those at the meeting. Kellie asked for judge suggestions and the following were provided: Kellie Cover, Roy Lemmon from Eagle Butte, Cathy Pirrung from Hartford and Levi Grimes.

Old Business
Donna Curr reported on the Calendar Sales. Donna said that we are up 180 calendars sold from this time last year. Calendar Sales are going well, and the prize colors and selections will be picked later today. Donna presented a current Calendar Sales Financial Statement, which was reviewed by the Board. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Ken to accept the Calendar Report as presented. MC.

State Finals Committee Reports:
The Host Committee reported on State Finals as the next item on the agenda. Phil Kissack indicated that Ty Dean has been asked to be the announcer, and he has been made aware of his duties, including announcing the two arenas. The sound person will remain the same as last year. The photographer will be Alisha Barry with Chutin Flicks. Her contract was addressed and the Host Committee indicated they were not willing to sign a contract. Frustration was voiced on the huge loss of money to the association in regard to calendar sales if there is an issue with the photographer. Ann asked that she be made aware of the photo certificates that are given as prizes. There was a motion was made by Dan, 2nd by Todd to have the Board secure the photographer contract for this year, with contract signing by the Host Committee to be re-evaluated at the annual meeting in September. MC. Barry will make the contact with Alisha, and refer her to Ann. A scoreboard for the girls’ arena was discussed and Phil will look into this option. Ann discussed her frustration with the program production last year and indicated that it could not be completed that way again. There was a suggestion of a stick horse contest for the children during the Finals. Kerbi indicated that they did have one. It was suggested that it be placed on the schedule and that it be held in the Girls Arena, Arena conditions pending. The student officers were asked if they would like a “theme” for some or one of the Grand Entries at State and they were instructed to talk among themselves and report back. They later reported to Ann and Digger that they would like to do a breast cancer awareness in conjunction with “tough enough to wear pink,” including a registration and prize drawing. They also mentioned the possibility of honoring those involved with high school rodeo that are no longer with us, due to breast cancer.
The Director’s covered the contracts that they had secured. Anita Bach, reporting for Paul, stated that the Girls Arena Judges, as secured by Rex and Paul will be Mike Steiger and Chuck Christman. Lance reported that he and Ken had secured Boys arena judges to be Wade Berry and Chuck Maher.
The Rough Stock Committee of Lance and Ken reported that stock selection had not yet been made. Ken asked that the Host Committee check the chute gate slides. Housing of the stock and waterers were also discussed.
The Timed Event Stock selection committee of Brian and Tim reported next. Tim reported that he had secured a bid from Kirk Kinghorn of Buffalo, Wyoming for the BK and TD calves at $15.00 per run. The TR cattle would be $16.00 per run. These cattle and calves would be at the College Finals and the Wyoming Finals. Brian indicated that he had talked to Jace Melvin, who would bid everything for $18.00 per run. Delbert also would like to bid the calves and steers, provide the help needed for them and guarantee that they would be fresh and prepared for $25.00 per run. Allen Good will provide the SW Steers for the same price as last year. There was discussion on the penning of the calves at the South end of the arena. The Host Committee will work on this, and the pros and cons were discussed. The possibility of penning them there during the perf and penning them at night back in the shade on the north end may be an option. Motion by Lance, 2nd by Lynn to allow Tim and Brian negotiate the TE stock contract by March 1st. MC.
Ken had talked to John Hight about the Goats and he would like to bid them for the same money per run as last year. Anita Bach reported that Marvin Maude had contacted Paul and would like to bid them as well. He had also spoke with Dan Curr. Discussion was held on the two contractor’s and the number of goats they had, the preparation of those goats, and making sure that none of the goats are being mistreated in any way. Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Rex to allow Ken to negotiate the goat contract by March 1st. MC.
Phil has secured the cutting cattle contract with Clay Crago for $15.00 per run, plus trucking of $300.00 per loads – 3 loads.
Arena Director’s were covered as the next item of business. They will be as follows: Boys Arena TE – Brian, Tim Boys Arena Rough Stock – Lance
Girls Arena – Paul Cutting Arena – Dan
Next on the agenda were the saddle sponsors. All sponsors are in to Ann except the TR Heeler and the Pole Bending saddle. Patrick indicated the TR Heeler is ok to order. Some of the saddles are in to be taken to the sponsors. Lynn spoke about displaying the saddles and saddle racks during the Finals at the grounds and will work with the host committee to prepare some type of venue to do so.
Nominations were then taken for Pick up Men. Nominations were presented for Kirk Schuelke and Shayne Porch. Anita indicated that Paul had spoke with them both and that they were both willing to come. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Phil to accept the nominations of Kirk and Shayne for Pick Up Men. MC.
Nominations were taken for Bull fighters. Nominations were presented for Cooper Waln, Dustin Evenson, Jeremy Wells and Phil Kafka. Motion to cease nominations was made by Patrick, 2nd by Todd. MC. Ann indicated that Cooper had called her and expressed interest for himself and Phil Kafka to fight, Paul has contacted Dustin Evenson as well. A ballot vote was taken and the contracts will be presented to Cooper Waln and Phil Kafka.
The Past Champions contact for State Finals was discussed next and Rex Lamphere indicated that he is working on this from the years 1963 and 1973. If anyone has any of their email addresses, it would be helpful. He feels that there may be more people there this year.
Prizes for State Finals were reviewed and will remain as last year, with go round buckles given for 1st place and photo certificates given for go round awards 2nd – 4th place. The National team placers 1-4, will receive a buckle for champion and reserve and breast collars for 3rd and 4th place. The National Team 1st place finishers will receive a saddle rack constructed by Cow Creek Cedar and the champion saddle.
As a reminder only, the following people were assigned specific duties at the annual meeting: Inspection committee for Rough Stock – Lance, for Timed Events – Brian, Tim, and for Cutting – Dan.
Other State Finals Discussion included the Security gate person, back pen help and State Finals packets. The security person needs to have a list of contractors/people who are allowed to park back there. Ann also suggested that the registration money count be completed by two people because of the large amount of money being handled.
Additional Old Business was the cutting short go time. It is during the hottest part of the day. It was agreed that the cutting short go should be moved to 6:00 pm, and the Queen interviews would have to be moved up to 9:00 am, to allow horsemanship to be before the cutting short go. Host Committee will revise the schedule.

New Business:
The first item covered under New Business was the National Meeting Summary from the Director’s that attended. Brian, Barry, Dan, Lynn, Kellie and Ann attended as Directors. The general consensus was that it went well, and we did not have to move our State Finals dates. A Thank you was expressed to Kellie and Ann for compiling the proposal of information for South Dakota. Many good contacts were made from other states. We were made aware of the fact that other states are not following the NHSRA rule book in the area of scoring. Barry has checked by laws from other states and some have just copied the NHSRA rule book. Ken thanked everyone who attended for taking the time to do so.
Next on the agenda was the Insurance Requirement update. Phil and Ann have been working on this. Ann has tried to get copies of the insurance policies from all the point qualifying rodeos, but does not yet have Winner, Sturgis, Buffalo or Wall’s insurance documents. Ann will send them in and let the NHSRA say what changes need to be made, then send them back to the Qualifying Rodeos.
There was a motion by Ken, 2nd by Rex to approve the 2013 Regional Rodeo Contestant Entry form. MC.
Regional and Practice Site Rodeo Applications were presented, signed by the corresponding Director’s and accepted.
Persons of the Year were covered as the next item of business. Nominations were taken for past Director Rod Kusser, Betty Lou Kost from Eagle Butte, Kenny Brown from Hermosa and Jerry and Sue Golliher from Belle Fourche. Motion by Todd to cease nominations, 2nd by Lance. MC. Motion by Lance to accept those presented as Persons of the Year, 2nd by Patrick. MC.
Region Transfers were looked at next and reviewed. Those not having an approval but indicating wanting to transfer will be notified by Ann. They are Dalton Lessert and Ta Te Fortune. Motion to accept all other Region Transfers was made by Patrick, 2nd by Lance. MC.
At this time President Barry Knippling recessed the meeting until 12:30 for lunch.
The meeting was called back to rodeo by President Barry Knippling at 12:30 pm. First on the agenda was the report from Lacey of Rodeo News. Siri Stevens was here last year presenting her proposal to use Rodeo News as the newsletter publisher for the SDHSRA. She has arranged for sponsorship to cover the cost difference between our cost of production and the annual membership fee of the magazine. Motion by Lynn, 2nd by Lance to accept the Rodeo News as the newsletter publication for the SDHSRA, to be reviewed in September at the annual meeting. MC.
Director shirts were discussed, specifically the availability of the printed shirts – which are no longer available. Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Todd to purchase each Director two solid color shirts. MC. Ann will be taking care of this order.
At this time the Calendar and National Team Prize Selection Report was given. The student officers, guided by Donna and Digger reported on their selections of jackets, shirts, t shirts and sweatshirts. This prompted a discussion of the availability of the Directors to purchase a National Team or Calendar Coat. Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Lance and Rex to pay $35.00 toward the purchase of a coat , if any Director would want one. MC.
Other New Business attended to was a vendor sponsor that Digger has obtained, wanting a 20×20 space. Digger and the Host Committee will work on this.
Prairie Productions (Tia Jandreau) has indicated that she may be interested in doing a televised broadcast of the 2013 Regional Qualifying Rodeos. She has not yet secured a source or any details, but wanted the Board to be aware of the possibility. At his time, due to the lack of details, no action was deemed necessary.
A thank you needs to be sent to Mitch Mahoney for sponsoring the software update for the point system changes. Tim will get Ann the address and she will take care of this.

Lynn reported that at the meeting in Ft. Worth the Executive Council voted to move the incorporation of the bylaws from South Dakota to Colorado. After some discussion, it was decided that this item needs to be brought to the attention of our attorney to get an opinion. There was also discussion of some states being “grandfathered” in to the NHSRA as a founding state. It is not known where this documentation would be or is.

At 1:15 pm the Board went into Executive Session to discuss a contract matter. The Board came out of Executive Session at 1:40 pm.
Seeing no other business to attend to, A motion was made by Rex, 2nd by Patrick to adjourn. MC. The meeting was adjourned by President Barry Knippling at 1:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary