September 26, 2015 – 10:00 AM CDT
Red Rossa Meeting Rooms
Pierre, SD

The meeting was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 10:10 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Student Officer’s. There were no additions to the agenda and a motion was presented by Barry, 2nd by Rex to approve the agenda as submitted. MC

Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann, who reported the absence of Student President Rickie Engesser – who had Tayle Brink sitting in for her; Student Officers Scott Halverson and Sloan Anderson were absent. River Region Director Brian Fulton has had Lisa Fulton appointed by the Board to fill out his term, Vern Ward and Faye Pelster from the Host Committee were absent and Queen Coordinator Kellie Yackley had Brielle Yackley filling in for her.

There was a motion by Barry, 2nd by Ken to approve and dispense with the reading of last meeting’s minutes. Motion carried.

Secretary Ann Sundermann presented and explained the Financial Report. She asked for any questions and answered those. Ann has put the Host Commitment due in the Accounts Receivable this year, as previously directed. Calendar sales were down this year, and calendar sales expenses were up. The copy machine has been replaced. Taxes will be filed next week after the annual report is filed. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Barry to accept the Financial Report as presented. MC.

Next on the agenda was the State Finals Report, presented by Clay Birkeland. Clay Birkeland was there to represent the Host Committee and indicated that himself, Vern Ward and Faye Pelster and her husband Chad will be the Host Committee representatives this year. Clay thanked those Directors and all others that went above and beyond for their help in dealing with the Reined Cow Horse Event. The Short Go was held Saturday night this year. We had 284 kids at State Finals, and the number is usually at 330 or more. This number with event fees and facility fees directly reflects the amount of money that had decreased in the financial report from previous years. This amount reflects the decrease of revenue presented in the financial statement. There are plans beginning to take place to replace the grand stands, which would re route the water back to the river instead of having it sit in the arena. Ann brought forward the option to have someone pump the tanks of the trailers at State Finals, which had been brought up to her by the membership. Clay indicated that this could be offered and a reminder directly before State Finals would be most helpful. Clay thanked Kerbi for her years on the Host Committee, along with her husband Ryan.
The Calendar Report was presented by Calendar Sales Chairperson Donna Curr. Donna reported the financial report for the year of calendar sales. Expenses were up and calendar sales were down, indicating a lower bottom line than usual on the financial report. She reported that the calendar coats were handed out at State Finals registration, with the calendar coat picture taken at the contestant’s meeting, this worked very well. Donna was commended on doing a wonderful job. Calendars are here to be picked up by the calendar contacts today.

There was no National Director’s report available. President Lance Lesmeister reported that Patrick Auer had emailed his resignation to the National Office this past week and had called and informed Lance that he had done so. The National Office has indicated that we should try to have someone seated by the NHSRA winter meeting. A plan to proceed will be talked about at the Directors meeting today.

The Public Relations report, submitted by PR Director Digger Rutten, was read by Secretary Ann Sundermann in his absence. Sponsorships remained healthy this year, and were up due to finding new sponsors for the national team coats that the kids wanted to purchase. This year’s national team was a younger team than we have had in awhile and a summary of the week’s highlights was presented. Thank you’s were given to all of those that made the camp activities a success. Digger expressed gratitude to all of those that made it possible for him to be a part of their kids lives the past 8 years. This year’s short go is going to be televised again this fall on 10/31 at 7:00 pm cst.


Next on the agenda were the Regional and State Finals Host Site Guidelines. There were a few items missed with the addition of the Reined Cow Horse event, and Ann reviewed those corrections. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Ken to accept the corrections to the Regional and State Finals Host Site Guidelines as presented. MC.

A member from the meeting asked who decides what times the events are run, and the schedule of the Regional Rodeos. It is up to the committees to decide that information and she was asked to be in touch with the committees with her questions.

Rusty Foster formally thanked the Board for their hard work on setting the schedule and getting the best stock available to the kids at the SD State Rodeo Finals.

Todd Trask expressed concern that the moving on the Regional Rodeos will make them be right on top of the State Track meet. Todd was informed that at the special April 2015 meeting, the Regional Rodeos were not moved, as State Finals was, in order to be in compliance with the NHSRA State Finals date mandate.

President Lance Lesmeister asked for any other Old Business and there was none to address at this time.


The first item on the agenda under New Business was the Saddle Bids.
Lynn McNenny presented the bids that he had received from Todd Slone and Triple R Tack. Lynn reviewed the Todd Sloan bid that was most comparable to the saddles that we had awarded in the past. Pam Tiltrum, from Triple R Tack presented the bids that she had prepared for Cactus and Circle Y saddles. Questions were answered from those in attendance and the Board. A short discussion was held on presenting certificates instead of the saddle and the general consensus was that our saddle sponsors wanted to display the saddles. Lynn, Saddle chairperson, gave his recommendation that with the other sponsorships that Triple R Tack provides we award the bid to them. Motion by Dan, 2nd by JD to accept Triple R Tack’s bid of 1317.00 per saddle for the 2016 State Finals Champion awards. MC.

Next on the agenda was the by-law change presented by President Lance Lesmeister. Lance presented the change to delete the word June from our explanation of when the Regional Rodeos will be held, in order to come in compliance with the NHSRA regarding our by-laws. A ballot vote was taken and the by-law changed passed by 1 2/3 majority vote of adult members present. By-law change proposal to come in to compliance with the NHSRA State Finals Date mandate from 1-2015. Change is to strike the words “in June.”


To promote fair and equal competition and to equalize the number of contestants, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to designate the regional rodeo at which a school may participate. Each regional rodeo shall be considered to be two (2) separate rodeos. First Weekend Saturday #1 Rodeo, Sunday #2 Rodeo, Second Weekend Saturday #3 Rodeo, Sunday #4 Rodeo. Contestants are eligible to enter any or all rodeos of choice, either 1,2,3,4 or a combination of any four rodeos. A contestant will not be considered for the All-Around title or average awards if they do not compete in a Saturday and Sunday rodeo the same weekend. No money will be refunded for any reason after the regional application has been forwarded to the Executive Secretary. The regional applications must be postmarked on or before the deadline set by the Board of Directors. There are no exceptions to the standards established by this paragraph.
There was a motion by Paul, 2nd by Barry directing Ann to submit the By-Laws to the NHSRA Executive Committee for approval, with all changes made. MC.

The SDHSRA mid winter Director’s meeting was designated to be at Rapid City, in the Red Room of the Civic Center on 1/30/2016 at 9:00 am MT.

The 20X Extreme list is posted in the hallway. If you feel that there are any corrections please let Kim Sutton or Ann Sundermann know immediately. The 20X Extreme invite rodeo will be held on 1/31/2016 in the Rapid City Civic Center arena.

The next item on the agenda was the JH Rodeo report. The SD JH Rodeo President, Lloyd Gilbert, was there to give the JH report. They elected new officers at their meeting this morning and have a new Secretary, Kristyn Fuller. They will be contacting Ann to purchase a new computer and are operating in the black.

Board member Ken Lensegrav presented a ground rule addition to the Board at this time. The ground rule is to read: The Director(s) representing each Region in the state of South Dakota shall be able to pause or change the order of an arena, should they feel it is in the best interest of the Contestants. Every effort shall be made to work with the rodeo committee members in doing so, if possible. The final decision shall be left up to the Director(s) representing that Region.
There was much discussion from those members present and Ken was asked to tell the Board what prompted the addition of the ground rule. Several members from the audience spoke in support of the rule, and thanked Ken for presenting it. The student officers were asked their opinion and they indicated that they were in support of the addition of the ground rule. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Dan to add the ground rule as presented. MC.

Next on the agenda were the Regional Qualifying rodeos financial reports. They were reviewed and questions from the membership were entertained. There has been a lower number of contestants in the River Region and that will be addressed today in the Director’s meeting. One item mentioned was that the Board deny any transfers out of the River Region, to help even out the competing numbers. Motion by Rex, 2nd by Todd to approve the Regional Qualifying rodeo financial statements as presented. MC.

The Regional Rodeo Host Bids were the next item of business. The Regional Rodeo dates for 2016 are June 3-5 for the first regional rodeo weekend and June 10-11 for the second regional rodeo weekend. The East Region had bids submitted by Huron and Watertown. Motion by Todd, 2nd by Paul to accept the Regional Rodeo locations of Huron and Watertown for 2016-2017. The SW Regional had bids submitted by Wall and Sturgis. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Rex to accept the Regional Rodeo locations of Wall and Sturgis for 2016-2017. The NW Region had bids from Buffalo and Dupree. There was a motion by Ken, 2nd by Clay to award the 2016-2017 Regional Rodeo Host Sites to Buffalo for the first weekend and Dupree for the second weekend. The River Region had bids submitted by Winner, Highmore and Ft. Pierre. There was no one present to speak on behalf of Winner, and Ann read aloud a letter submitted by the Winner Committee. Treg Cowan and Chuck Hamlin were there to speak on behalf of the Highmore Committee. They presented their information and indicated a priority would be to find the best stock that the kids can compete on. They host an SDRA, HS and 4H Rodeo at this time and are still considering whether they would continue to host a HS practice rodeo. They would operate under the Highmore Roundup Rodeo Committee, which is a 501(C)3 for tax purposes. There was much discussion on the rodeos in Winner in the past years. Questions were entertained by the Highmore representatives. A ballot vote of the Directors was taken. A motion was made by Rex, 2nd by Barry to award Highmore the River Regional Rodeo for 2016-2017. Winner was thanked for their years of hosting the Regional Rodeo and Ann was asked to write a letter to them indicating the decision that had been made.
The regions broke in to separate locations to elect their regional representatives next. Continuing as the East region Director at large is Todd Bach. The SW Region will be represented by Deb McPherson who is replacing Lynn McNenny. The NW Region elected Lance Lesmeister as the NW Director, and the RR elected Ken Lensegrav for another term, and elected Lisa Fulton to finish out the term of Brian Fulton. Lance thanked Lynn McNenny for all of his time and commitment to High School Rodeo while serving on the Board.

Next on the agenda was the scholarship expiration dates. Ann explained that there has always been an expiration date, but that had not been made know to the kids receiving the scholarships. Discussion was held and a motion was made by Ken, 2nd by Todd to have the scholarships expire as they have been, and to write that information on the scholarship acceptance letters that are presented to the recipients. MC.
Tamra Musick was there to provide some input on the South Dakota High School Rodeo point and rodeo system. Tamra covered much information to include: having more qualifying rodeos, to eliminate the region system, to have fall and spring rodeos, to have indoor rodeos, and the current point system. Comments from the group included that there needs to be 4 sites to host each of the new rodeos, that there is only 1 extra town here today willing to host a regional rodeo, that the number of contestants is anticipated to go down if there are more rodeos because of the cost and schedule conflicts, and that we turn away many kids each year from neighboring states wanting to compete in our current system. Paul asked if she had contacted sites or the region secretaries, the answer was no. Ann indicated that there is much more expense incurred to hold a regional rodeo vs a practice rodeo and explained that this is a by-law change. She explained the by-law change procedure. School coaching conflicts were discussed and Clay mentioned that if the number of rodeos increased, there would need to be a change in the amount of points that are needed to qualify for State Finals, as it can only host so many contestants. Tamra was told that she had some good ideas, and asked to think about all of the thought that the people that started HS Rodeo in SD put into the organization, and how well it has worked for 60+ years. Lynn indicated to Tamra that she needs to come with a plan, having done all of the ground work in order for this to be addressed and Tamra indicated that she would be trying to do so. Tamra was thanked for her input.

At this time Riley Ann Smith, SDHSRA Queen, presented the speech that she gave at National’s this year, where she was selected 1st attendant. Thank you Riley.

Ann mentioned that the SDRA invite rodeo entry call in is going to be Monday, September 28th and the information is on both the SDRA and SDHSRA websites.
A brief update was given that the SDHSRA competitors will be competing at the Omaha Challenge Rodeo tomorrow.

President Lance Lesmeister asked for any other matters that needed attention at this time, and there was none. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Paul to adjourn the SDHSRA Annual Membership Meeting. MC.

Seeing no other new business, President Lance Lesmeister declared the SDHSRA Annual Membership Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm CST.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann,
SDHSRA Executive Secretary

JANUARY 31, 2015

The mid winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:00 AM MDT. The Student Officers led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken. Phil Kissack announced that he will be leaving the Host Site Committee and that Vern Ward is his replacement until the next annual meeting. Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Rex to accept Phil’s resignation and thank him for his years of service. MC. Paul and Ken will be here shortly, all other Directors present.
Motion by Clay, 2nd by Patrick to approve the agenda as presented with no additions or corrections. MC.
Motion by Barry, 2nd by Todd to dispense with the reading of the annual meeting minutes, MC.
The Financial Report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. Brief discussion was held and Ann answered questions. Ann presented a copy machine bid as indicated she would do so from the annual meeting. When the time is needed Ann will confer with Lance and purchase the copy machine. Her intent is to use the one she has as long as it is functional. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Rex to approve the Financial Statement as presented. MC.
Next on the agenda was the PR Report, as presented by PR Director Digger Rutten. Digger reported on sponsorships. Most sponsorships are in place for this year. The Buckaroos have agreed to pay the full price of the National Team picnic and Touchstone Energy has increased its sponsorships so that all those in the State Finals Short Go receive a short go shirt. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Patrick to accept the PR report as presented.
The National Director Report, presented by Patrick Auer, was the next item of business. He reported on the following from the NHSRA mid-winter meeting: Motel rooms for Nationals have been secured at the Comfort Inn – 25 rooms and 30 camping spots; scholarship application – questions were asked about the process and Patrick indicated he would find out and report back. A committee of Kellie, Clay and Patrick was organized to come up with an application process and get it to Ann by March 1st; There is no Ariat best boot forward award and Patrick was not sure what will take its place, he will check; Bull riders need helmets this year with more rules to come next year; the rule change for way the stock is drawn back for the short go was presented. Brian voiced his opinion and validation that it is not a true average if done in this manner, and asked Patrick to voice the concern to the NHSRA; a copy of the committee reports and financials was requested to be dispensed to the Board from the NHSRA meeting by Kellie. Patrick refused to dispense those items to the SDHSRA Board. Kellie and other Board members indicated that because the organization is a 501-3C, they need to be available to public upon request. Kellie added federal mandates under the non-profit classification that she has to follow and is very familiar with, having employment in that area for many years. No action was taken and Patrick was asked to get those to the Board of Directors through Ann. The cost of our preparing our State Finals information by the NHSRA, which the NHSRA has indicated will be incurred by SD, was discussed. Ann asked for specific information about those costs and Patrick indicated that it would be for the cost of Overtime incurred, above and beyond the normal processing. Ann expressed concern that this is not in writing anywhere, and that this could be an open-ended expense. Ann reported that she could have the information to the NHSRA by 8:00 AM Tuesday by next day air, as she usually does. It will cost $80.00 less to have it there by 10:30 AM Tuesday. The NHSRA notice states that the information has to be there by 10:00 AM. Ann asked if someone would be there, in the office at 8:00 AM, to sign for it? After discussion, the Board directed Ann to have it in delivered to the NHSRA office by 8:00 AM.
Motion by Clay, 2nd by Rex to accept the National Directors report as presented. MC.
The Queen report was the next item on the agenda. This was presented by Queen Coordinator Kellie Yackley. Kellie has her sponsors in place and is in need of one male judge. Schae has been representing SDHSRA very well, and a Queen facebook page has been started. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Barry to accept the Queen report as presented, MC.
Donna Curr reported on the Calendar Sales. Donna said that we are down for the number of calendars sold, compared to last year. The prize colors and selections will be picked later today. Donna presented a current Calendar Sales Financial Statement, which was reviewed by the Board. The handing out of Calendar coats at State Finals will be done at registration again this year, with the large group picture to be taken directly after the contestant’s meeting. The calendar sales deadline is on a Sunday this year so it will be extended until Monday, March 2nd. Motion by Kellie, 2nd by Todd to accept the Calendar Report as presented. MC.
At this time Siri Stevens, from Rodeo News, briefed the Board on the newsletter info in the magazine. She feels everything is going well and stated that she could put sponsor blurbs on our page and that they offer a $500.00 scholarship through the magazine. She requested the sdhsra logo and indicated that the nhsra logo can no longer be used in her magazine, per the nhsra.
State Finals Committee Reports: The Host Committee reported on State Finals as the next item on the agenda. Clay Birkeland reported that they had reviewed the schedule as presented from the RCH meeting. Much discussion on the schedule followed, and it was tabled until later in the meeting. Kerbi reported that the state finals program production will be with the same persons as 2014. Items covered were: the announcer, security, registration, Farmers Union supper and animal ambulance; Ann and Donna were instructed by the Board to secure a photographer for this year’s State Finals. The security person needs to have a list of contractors/people who are allowed to park in back of the rough stock chute area.
The Director’s covered the contracts that they had secured. Paul stated that the Girls Arena Judges, as secured by he and Brian, will be Troy Brown and Brenda White and Boys arena judges will be Wade Berry and Chuck Christman. Dan reported that the Cutting judges will be Joe Archuletta and Wayne Hildebrandt. The RCH judge will be Troy Hayden.
The Rough Stock Committee of Lance and Ken reported that stock selection is in the works but had not yet been completed. Lance will notify Ann who the contracts should be sent out to by March 1st.
The Timed Event Stock selection committee of Brian, Todd and Clay reported next. Brian indicated that he had talked to Jace Melvin, Brett Gumm, Delbert Woodward and Allen Good. Brian indicated that he would like a little more lee-way to get the best cattle that he could for the kids, not the cheapest cattle. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Ken, to allow Brian to negotiate the TE stock contract by March 1st. MC.
Vern will secure the cutting cattle contract with Clay Crago. Last year they were $17.00 per run, plus trucking. Vern will let Ann know the details of the contract. The RCH cattle may cost up to $40.00 per run, price yet to be determined. The host committee will see if they can work with them on the RCH cattle price or trucking and report back to Lance or Ann.
Ken reported that he had not yet secured the goats, but will do so.
Arena Director’s were covered as the next item of business. Unanimous votes were cast for Paul as Girls Arena Director; Dan as the Boys Arena Timed Event and Cutting Arena Director; Barry as Boys Arena Rough Stock Director. Arena Directors will be as follows: Boys Arena TE – Dan, Boys Arena Rough Stock – Barry, Girls Arena – Paul, Cutting Arena – Dan
Next on the agenda were the saddle sponsors. There are two sponsors left to secure. John Hight, Lumber Ranch, volunteered to sponsor ½ of the Bull Riding saddle.
At this time President Lance Lesmeister declared a 40 minute break for lunch.
The meeting was called back in session at 12:35 pm by President Lance Lesmeister.
Anita Bach, adult member, asked for the floor to address National Director Patrick Auer. She asked how long he had been on the National Board and asked how his relationship is with others on the Executive Board. He replied he gets along very well with those members of the Executive committee. Anita stated that she found it strange that South Dakota has had so many discrepancies with the National Board when the SD National Director gets along so well with those same members. No response was given.
Nominations were then taken for Pick up Men. Nominations were presented for Kirk Schuelke and Shayne Porch. Paul has spoken with them both and that they are both willing to come. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Phil to accept the nominations of Kirk and Shayne for Pick up Men. MC.
Nominations were taken for Bull fighters. Nominations of Phil Kafka, Andrew Odden, Justin Mello, William Davies, Travis Byrne and Kyle Brown were presented. A paper vote was taken and Phil Kafka and Andrew Odden will be the 2015 State Finals Bull Fighters.
Prizes for State Finals were reviewed and will remain as last year, with go round buckles given for 1st place and photo certificates given for go round awards 2nd – 4th place. The National team placers 1-4, will receive a buckle for champion and reserve and breast collars for 3rd and 4th place. The National Team 1st place finishers will receive a saddle rack constructed by Cow Creek Cedar and the champion saddle. Saddle Racks will be made of either Pine or Cedar and Cow Creek Cedar will once again donate the All Around racks and find sponsors for half of the events. Rex indicated that he may have a RCH event sponsor.
As a reminder only, the following people were assigned specific duties at the annual meeting: Inspection committee for Rough Stock – Lance and Ken; for Timed Events – Brian, Lynn, Rex; and for Cutting and RCH – Dan.
The final item under old business on the agenda was the by-law changes submitted to the NHSRA in reference to the JH organization, as tabled from the annual meeting. Ann presented two options taken directly from the Wyoming and Utah by laws, on their websites. The Board discussed them and felt that since they are word for word from the other two states, and the other states have been approved, that we should submit them once again. Motion by Todd, 2nd by Barry to submit the following as an addition to our bylaws to include the JH verbiage: To promote High School and Junior High Rodeo on a statewide scale and work toward this by bringing statewide recognition to this activity for students who are under 20 years of age at the first of the SDHSRA year (August 1) and are or have been enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade for the High School Division and are or have been enrolled in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade for the Junior High Division the year just preceding the National Finals Rodeo the contestant is entering. To promote high school contestant rodeoing on a state and national scale and to work towards this by bringing recognition to this program as an organized activity.

To promote the highest type of conduct and sportsmanship at the various rodeos by setting up standards to be met to reach this end.

To promote high school rodeo and the young people who will participate in high school rodeo events.

To increase and maintain interest in regional rodeos, the South Dakota High School Rodeo, and other functions throughout the state.

To encourage boys and girls to continue in school and participate in rodeos and then go on to college and the Intercollegiate Rodeos.

To allow only the winners recognized by their Regional Rodeos to participate in the State High School Rodeo.

To insure the contestants are under twenty (20) years of age as of January 1 of the applicable calendar year and have been enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade for the High School Division and are or have been enrolled in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade for the Junior High Division the year just preceding the National Finals Rodeo the contestant is entering; maintain scholastic eligibility as required by the National High School Rodeo Association; restrict participation in South Dakota High School Rodeo to not more than four (4) years; and to preclude contestants from participation for acts of misconduct.


The Board of Directors shall nominate a National Director to represent this Association at meetings of the National High School Rodeo Association for the purpose of carrying out the wishes of South Dakota. The board shall certify the National Director to the National High School Rodeo Association. The Board may by 2/3 vote recommend to the National High School Rodeo Association to replace the National Director.The National Director, under the direction and approval of the State Board, may/shall approve a Junior High National Director who shall have the same authority within the Junior High Division as outlined in the duties of the National Director in the NHSRA.
Motion carried unanimously.
The SD State Finals dates were the next item of business. Lance, Rex and Dan went to the NHSRA mid winter meeting specifically to try to maintain the State Finals dates in SD as they have been. Patrick attended as SD National Director. They appeared before the Executive Committee to voice our concerns. They were given a limited time for consideration of their opinions and the Executive Committee made a rule that beginning in 2016, all State’s Finals have to be completed within 28 days of the NHSRA Finals Rodeo. We have received written notification of this. The SD Board discussed conflicts with the date changes and it was decided to hold a general membership meeting to get the general membership’s opinion. The letter we received stated that they were trying to move JH Nationals back, which may in turn make the State Finals dates as we have had them, be in compliance. Belle Fourche will check with the city to make sure that the week prior to what it has been would be available. Questions from the members at the meeting were addressed as much as they could be with the information that we have at this time. Discussion followed. Motion by Dan, 2nd by JD to have a general membership meeting in Pierre at a location to be determined by Ann, on April 18, 2015 at 10:00 mst, for the purpose of planning the SDHSRA schedule for the upcoming years. MC. Ann will draft a post card for notification to all members and adult members, and it will be posted on the website and facebook page.
Steve Sutton was there to report on the 20X Extreme Rodeo. The arena will be open from 9:00 – 10:00 tomorrow morning for the kids to ride; registration begins at 10:30, with the meeting and picture at 12:30. Any Director’s available to help are asked to do so. John Hight will bring a goat stake and Rex will bring the poles.
The Regional Entry form was presented for approval as the next item of business. There is a new Secretary in the East Region. Some of the regional committees have expressed concern at the price of the RCH stock, and other stock price increases. The Board discussed the prices of entries and compared them to the practice rodeo charges. Motion by Lynn, 2nd by Barry to approve the entry form as presented. Motion and 2nd were withdrawn. Motion by Digger to charge 50.00 for RCH and 25.00 for all other events. Discussion was held there was no 2nd and the motion was withdrawn. There was a motion by Ken, 2nd by Brian to approve the 2015 Regional Rodeo Contestant Entry form with the charges to be $25.00 on all events except Cutting and RCH, which will be $50.00. MC.
Regional and Practice Site Rodeo Applications were presented, signed by the corresponding Director’s and a motion was made by Paul, 2nd by Ken to accept them. MC.
Persons of the Year were covered as the next item of business. Nominations were taken for Rhonda Lesmeister, the Eagle Butte advisor; Mark and Vicky Thiel of Belle Fourche, Terri and Phil Kissack of Spearfish and Norman Negaard. Motion by Barry to cease nominations, 2nd by Patrick. MC. A paper vote was taken and Mark and Vicky Thiel, Rhonda Lesmeister, Terri and Phil Kissack and Kathy Jobgen will be persons of the year. Motion by Dan to accept those presented as Persons of the Year, and that from now on to have no more than 3 persons of the year per year, taking all 3rd place ties. 2nd by Lynn. MC. Paul will order person of the year plaques, along with the team trophy and practice rodeo of the year awards.
Region Transfers were reviewed, additions made and those with approval were accepted. Those not having an approval but indicating wanting to transfer will be notified by Ann for clarification. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Rex to approve the region transfers presented. MC.
At this time the Calendar and National Team Prize Selection Report was given. The student officers, guided by Donna and Digger reported on their selections of Bob Berg buckles, Carroll coat jackets with embroidery by Heathershaw designs, Cinch shirts, t shirts and sweatshirts from Pheasantland Industries. The team shirt selection was not complete and Digger will report to Lance and Ann when that is finished. Estimations are that because of the Cinch shirt mandate to us by the NHSRA, it will cost us approximately $15.00 more per shirt.
The tabled item of the 2015 State Finals Schedule was addressed at this time. At the RCH meeting this fall, the Tuesday start date was presented as the most workable option with the added event. Pros and cons of the Saturday night short go were discussed. It would give us a Sunday morning weather option should a storm come through Saturday evening. Much discussion was held and the student officers were asked their opinion. They stated that they like to rodeo better in an evening performance and that they would like to try it for a year. The host committee needs to figure out the logistics of the RCH cattle yet and will do that and report back to Lance or Ann as soon as possible. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Barry to approve option 1 as presented for the 2015 State Finals Schedule. MC. Ann will put it in the newsletter, on the web and on facebook for notification. It will also be placed in the spring member packets and Ann will notify the Americinn.
At this time the cost to provide the RCH event at State Finals was covered. After lengthy discussion Patrick made a motion that the event fee be raised to $25.00 at State Finals. Motion died for lack of a 2nd. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Patrick to raise the event fee to $20.00 for the 2015 Finals, to be reviewed at the Annual Meeting. A hand vote was taken and the Motion Carried.
Any other new or old business was asked for by President Lance Lesmeister and Dan Curr explained that he and some others had went to the RCH event at the fairgrounds earlier in the week. After watching the competition and talking to those involved with the event, he has much concern about the safety of the participants. His recommendation was that each member that is going to be in the RCH event in 2015 has to attend a clinic or demonstration before the April 15th Regional Rodeo Entry Deadline. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Kellie that it is mandatory that each member that is entering the RCH event at the Regional level attend a clinic/demonstration before entering. MC. Dan will coordinate the clinic/demonstrations and get the dates to Ann for notification to the members.
Seeing no other business to attend to, a motion was made by Barry, 2nd by Dan to adjourn. MC. The meeting was adjourned by President Lance Lesmeister at 2:10 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary