9-24-2016 9:00 AM CST

The meeting was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:00 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Student Officer’s. There was a motion by Rex, 2nd by Paul to amend the agenda and move Royce Loesch up to item “a” under new business. MC. With that change, the agenda was accepted as amended.
Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann, who reported the absence of Lisa Fulton and Barry Knippling, who are enroute. Host Committee representatives Faye Pelster and Vern Ward are absent.
There was a motion by Ken, 2nd by Rex to approve and dispense with the reading of last meeting’s minutes. Motion carried.
Secretary Ann Sundermann presented and explained the Financial Report. She asked for any questions and answered those. Calendar sales were down this year, and calendar sales expenses were up. The copy machine has been replaced but still has been needing service and the computer is 9 years old now. Taxes will be filed next week after the annual report is filed. The amount in the accounts directly affects the decrease in the amount of funds provided to the National Team this year. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Clay to accept the Financial Report as presented. MC.

Next on the agenda was the State Finals Report, presented by Clay Birkeland. Clay Birkeland was there to represent the Host Committee and indicated that he, Vern Ward and Faye Pelster will be the Host Committee representatives this year. Clay reported that the event fees and facility fees directly reflects the amount of money that had decreased in the financial report from previous years, with the number of contestant’s down. This amount reflects the decrease of revenue presented in the financial statement, along with other expenses that were included – such as a storage trailer, grounds donation and personnel costs. There is also a $2500.00 sponsor donation that has not yet been paid. He spoke about the Special Needs Rodeo and the impact it had on all involved, it was a great addition! They have secured the same announcers for next year. The biggest complaint that they heard was the quality of the breakaway and tie down calves. He expressed concern about the Dress Code and suggested that it be enforced stronger at all rodeos, and at State Finals. Deb made a motion to accept the State Finals Report, 2nd by JD. MC

The Calendar Report was presented by Calendar Sales Chairperson Donna Curr. Donna reported the financial report for the year of calendar sales. Expenses were up and calendar sales were down, indicating a lower bottom line than usual on the financial report. She reported that the calendar coats were handed out at State Finals registration, with the calendar coat picture taken at the contestant’s meeting, this worked very well. Donna was commended on doing a wonderful job. Calendars are here to be picked up by the calendar contacts today. It was suggested that increased promotion of the prizes for Calendar Sales needs to be attempted. The student officers will also be picking out the prizes earlier than usual so they can be shown to those competing for them. There is a new Calendar Policy in place, which was put together by a committee assigned at State Finals of Digger, Clay, Donna, Ann, Deb and the Student Officers. There are some new prizes offered and a thank you was given to those committee members for helping revise the policy. Motion by Paul to approve the Calendar Report, 2nd by Todd. MC.
Dale Christensen, National Director, gave his report next. He reported on the results from Gillette, expressing that the South Dakota goat tiers did extremely well. The camp activities and group gatherings brought everyone together as a Team. Questions were asked on sponsorship signage by a contestant in the Short Go and where National’s will move to in the future. The signage was approved as a local National Sponsor. The site will move to Rock Springs in 2018, 2019. Gillette would like a long term contract and this will be addressed at the winter meeting this year. They issue comes down to the camping, which there is plenty of in Gillette. Junior High Nationals in Huron for the years of 2018, 2019 were discussed as well. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Dan to accept the National Director’s report as presented. MC.
Director Barry Knippling arrived at this time.

The Public Relations report was then submitted by PR Director Digger Rutten. Sponsorships remained healthy this year. There was excellent representation in Gillette this year for Team South Dakota. Dale, Digger and Ann received many Thank yous from those competing, and their parents. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Clay to accept the PR Director’s Report. MC.
The Queen report was given next by Coordinator Kellie Yackley. She reported that the contest is self supporting and the number of girls is down immensely. She is toying with an idea of providing a workshop this fall sometime. There has been much support by sponsors for the contest. She reported on how Kelly Schopp did at Nationals. Motion by Todd, 2nd by Rex to accept the Queen Coordinator report. MC.
Janet Wright, who has been coordinating the State Finals Shooting Sports contest was in the audience and was asked if she had anything to report at this time. She said that the contest has been going well and we have some tremendous competitors in the state. She thanked the host committee for letting her conduct the rifle raffle at State Finals, with the help of the kids. She plans on doing one again, with a gun made by Patrick Auer. She commented that she had recently found out that the Buck Stop in Belle Fourche had been a sponsor, and thanked them for that. Janet was thanked by both Clay for the Host Committee and Ann for taking on the shooting sports contest.

The first item under old business was the request by Anita Schofield, Dillon Schofield’s mom, to be on the agenda. Anita indicated that she would have preferred to be under new business. She would like the Board to have mandatory rough stock equipment checks at the Regional and State Finals Rodeos. She listed specifics that she thought should be covered in these checks. Lance stated that this was done at the Northwest Regional Rodeos and that riders were warned that only legal substances could be used on their saddles. Lance reported the synopsis of the incident involving her son Dillon at State Finals, from his account. He stated that Professional Judges were hired and any calls that they made were made from their experience and PRCA certification. The Board did not question that judgment. The grievance policy was outlined, as it is printed in the rule book. Discussion was held. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Rex to put a mandatory equipment check on the Regional and State Finals Rodeo Schedules. The schedule for the State Finals Rodeo will be approved at the winter meeting. MC.
President Lance Lesmeister asked for any other Old Business and there was none to address at this time.

The first item on the agenda under New Business was the presentation by Royce Loesch of the South Dakota American Legion on his development on the Americanism award for South Dakota High School Rodeo Cowboys and Cowgirls. This program would be put in place to promote patriotism. He presented a power point presentation on the specifics of the award and asked for an endorsement from the SDHSRA Board of Director’s. He showed pictures of what the buckle awards would look like Questions were asked regarding the regional areas for representation and he noted these questions, perhaps that they should be patterned after our competing regions. Motion by Rex, 2nd by Deb to have Ann submit a statement of endorsement to Royce. MC.

Sara Grim presented a proposal to no longer award average points for the all around at the Regional Rodeos. She proposed to have 2, 1 day rodeos with all awards to be awarded on the high point earners each day. There will be no average points or prizes given. She stated that as the River Region Secretary she had compared her results from last year with the new system, and that there was no change in the top placers. There would be a new order draw for each day and the rodeo draw for both days could be posted. She has spoken with two other Region Secretaries and they stated that they would like this proposal. Anita Bach stated that it would be less confusing for the kids and that the prize cost in some regions would go down. Motion by Digger, 2nd by Ken to accept the proposal as presented. Digger withdrew the motion and Ken withdrew the 2nd to that motion. Motion dispersed. Specific ground rule and scoring changes were addressed at this time. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Digger to accept the change as presented, to take the awarding of average points out of the Qualifying Regional Rodeos and make the appropriate changes to the ground rules and scoring rules. MC.
Deb McPherson presented the bids that she had received from Todd Slone and Rays Western Wear. Pam Tiltrum, from Triple R Tack, was there to present their bid as well. Questions were answered from those in attendance and the Board. A short discussion was held. Student President, Scott Halverson, reported that he liked his Cactus Saddle, and that he uses it because it fits his horse well. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Rex to accept Triple R Tack’s bid of 1317.65 per Cactus saddle for the 2016 State Finals Champion awards. 3rd and 4th pace breast collars for the National Team placers will also be included. MC.

The SDHSRA mid winter Director’s meeting was designated to be at Rapid City, in the Red Room of the Civic Center on 1/28/2017 at 9:00 am MT.
The 20X Extreme invite rodeo will be held on 1/29/2017 in the Rapid City Civic Center arena.
The next item on the agenda was the JH Rodeo report. There was no information provided and no one there to present the report. Allen Good spoke briefly about National’s in Tennessee this past year, and voiced his opinion that Huron has much to get ready for in 2018-2019. They will be meeting tomorrow afternoon in Pierre. Dale will be present at that meeting.

Next on the agenda were the Regional Qualifying rodeos financial reports. They were reviewed and questions from the membership were entertained. Huron is the only Regional Rodeo that did not make money this year. There has been a lower number of contestants in the River Region and that will be addressed today in the Director’s meeting. One item mentioned was that the Board denies any transfers out of the River Region, to help even out the competing numbers. It was suggested that Board members strongly suggest that members transfer in to the River Region, instead of out of it, for a Team Roping Situation. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Todd to approve the Regional Qualifying rodeo financial statements as presented. MC.
The Belle Fourche State Finals Host committee asked for a 2 year extension to Host State Finals for the years of 2018-2019. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Deb to grant this 2 year extension. MC.
The competing Regions broke in to separate locations to elect their regional representatives next. Continuing as the East Region Director will be Barry Knippling. The River Region elected Bobby Harris to fill the Director term previously held by Lisa Fulton. Lance thanked Lisa Fulton for her time and commitment to High School Rodeo while serving on the Board.
The need to protect the SDHSRA Logo was the next item of business. Digger expressed the concern and the issues that Ann and himself have had the past few years, and how those issues take away from the current calendar prize system. There has also been problems with printers in the printing of the logos. Discussion was held and the Board agreed that Ann should look into this, and that the SDHSRA logos should be copyrighted and trademarked. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Rex that the SDHSRA logos be copyrighted and trademarked. MC. Ann will look into this.

Dale spoke about a fundraising idea that he had participated in this past year in North Dakota. He thinks it would be a good way for those that help High School Rodeo to produce some funding for the organization and for those involved to enjoy themselves. He will look into it for the future, as this year at the Stock Show seems too soon to organize the event.
There is a list posted in the hall of those headed to the Champion’s Challenge in Omaha from South Dakota on October 8th.

A Cinch Team list is also posted in the hall.
The last item of business is that SD Public TV has made a CD of the State Finals Short Go for each National Rodeo Qualifier. They are in the hall. If anyone is able, it would be appreciated if you took those to anyone that you will see. Please sign the check out list when doing so.
At this time Kelly Schopp, SDHSRA Queen, presented the speech that she gave at National’s this year, where she was selected 1st attendant. Thank you, Kelly.
Ann mentioned that the SDRA invite rodeo entry dates have changed, and are posted on the website.
President Lance Lesmeister asked for any other matters that needed attention at this time, and there was none. Motion by Kellie, 2nd by Dan to adjourn the SDHSRA Annual Membership Meeting. MC.
Seeing no other new business, President Lance Lesmeister declared the SDHSRA Annual Membership Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm CST.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann,
SDHSRA Executive Secretary

Mid Winter Director’s Meeting
January 30, 2016

The mid winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:05 AM MDT. The Student Officer’s led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken. Kellie Nixon is here for Kellie Yackley. Dale Christensen is at the National Meeting in Tennessee, Barry, Riley and Lisa will be here shortly, all other Directors present.
Motion by Paul, 2nd by Ken to approve the agenda, adding Siri Stevens as item #10. MC.
Motion by Clay, 2nd by Rex to dispense with the reading of the annual meeting minutes, MC.
The Financial Report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. Discussion was held and Ann answered questions. Ann presented several concerns about the bottom line of the financial statement, which she feels is due to lower membership numbers, lower calendar sales and increased cost in calendar coat prizes. This may reflect in the amount of qualifier money that the National Team members receive. Ann is trying to secure sponsorships for the scholarships given by the sdhsra. The student officers felt that the minimum calendar sales requirement should be bumped up to 10. No action was taken at this time. Motion by Rex, 2nd by JD to approve the Financial Statement as presented. MC.
Next on the agenda was the PR Report, as presented by PR Director Digger Rutten. Digger reported on sponsorships, which are on track for the year. Digger would like to present a cedar chest to Suttons for 15 years of doing the 20X Rodeo, in 2017. Motion by Paul, 2nd by JD for Digger to coordinate this. Ann and/or Digger will be going to Nationals to help Dale in Gillette. Digger asked about the Director’s shirts and where Lance was in that process. Motion by Deb, 2nd by Ken to accept the PR report as presented.
The National Director Report, presented by Lance Lesmeister in the absence of Dale Christensen, was the next item of business. He reported on the following from the NHSRA mid-winter meeting: He, Roni and Dale attended many meetings, some of which were scheduled on top of each other, making it difficult to cover them all. There is an online insurance form now and states are encouraged to add a cyber media clause. An equine disease policy should be in place for the host and regional rodeo committees. Huron will hold JH Nationals in 2018-2019, last year JH Nationals cleared $315,000.00. There will not be a family day at the shooting sports contest in Gillette this year. There are Dodge Raffle tickets in which 50% of every ticket sale goes back to the state. There are Flying J/Pilot cards in which anyone that uses them gets a gas discount and $ goes back to the state or NHSRA. Thank you Lance and Roni for going to represent SD. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Deb to accept the National Directors report as presented. MC.
The Queen report was the next item on the agenda. This was presented by Kellie Nixon. Kellie has her sponsors in place and she has one confirmed judge. She feels that the contest may be small this year, with most of the girls aging out last year. Motion by Faye, 2nd by Rex to accept the Queen report as presented, MC.
Donna Curr reported on the Calendar Sales. Donna said that we are down for the number of calendars sold, compared to last year. The award prize colors and selections will be picked by the student officers later today. Donna presented a current Calendar Sales Financial Statement, which was reviewed by the Board. The handing out of Calendar coats at State Finals will be done at registration again this year, with the large group picture to be taken directly after the contestant’s meeting. Siri Stevens indicated that she would like to bid the calendar, Ann will check to see what year we are at in the bid process. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Deb to leave the calendar content up to the judgement of Donna and Ann, and to approve the calendar report as submitted. MC.
At this time Siri Stevens, from Rodeo News, briefed the Board on the newsletter info in the magazine. She feels everything is going well and stated that she could put sponsor blurbs on our page and that they offer a $500.00 scholarship through the magazine. She requested the sdhsra logo and indicated that the nhsra logo can no longer be used in her magazine, per the nhsra.
Old Business:
State Finals Committee Reports:
The Host Committee reported on State Finals as the next item on the agenda. Clay Birkeland reported that they had reviewed the schedule. Much discussion on the schedule followed, and it was tabled until later in the meeting. Buckles will be bid today, announcers will be Derek Barton and Terri Kissack, the Belle Fourche community is working on an alternate exit off of the Roundup Grounds which will be completed in the future. Discussion was held on the state finals program production. Digger expressed his concern with the sponsor ads and Ann expressed concern with the turn around time this year. Discussion was held on the Program and there was a motion by Kellie, 2nd by Deb to print the Program with a day sheet to be added to the Program at registration which would include the draw and contestant list. MC. Siri Stevens would like to bid the Program. Other items covered were: registration, Farmers Union supper, an animal ambulance and communication needed with the stock contractors and pick up men if there is a need for an animal ambulance. Vern would like an animal welfare statement to be included with all Region Rodeo confirmations, and will get this to Ann so she can pass it on to the Region Rodeo Secretaries. It was also discussed that there be a mandatory contestant’s meeting before the Cutting and RCH event at State Finals, to remind everyone of the grievance policy and animal welfare policy. Ann and Donna were instructed by the Board to secure a photographer for this year’s State Finals.
The Directors covered the contracts that they had secured. Paul stated that the Girls Arena Judges, as secured by he and Lisa, will be Chuck Christman and Brenda White and Boys arena judges will be Marty Jandreau. 1 other judge still needs to be secured. Dan reported that the Cutting judges will be Ray Lipsey and Jim Wilkins. A letter was read by Ann, From Tracy Barton, President of the SDCHA indicating that they will be giving $500.00 for the payment of the cutting judges, if they are NCHAA approved judges. Ann will confirm with them upon receiving the judge contracts. The RCH judge will be Troy Hayden, upon his confirmation.
The Rough Stock Committee of Lance and Ken reported that stock selection is in the works but had not yet been completed. Lance will notify Ann who the contracts should be sent out to by March 1st.
The Timed Event Stock selection committee of Barry and Dan reported next. They indicated that they had talked to Jace Melvin, Delbert Woodward, Sutton Rodeo and Allen Good. Barry and Dan will secure the contract and report back to Ann.
Vern has secured the cutting cattle contract with Clay Crago. They will be $20.00 per run, plus trucking amount, to be determined between Clay Crago and Vern.
Ken reported that he had goat bids from Cheryl Severson and John Hight, and will secure the bid and report back to Ann.
Arena Directors were covered as the next item of business. Unanimous votes were cast for Paul as Girls Arena Director; Dan as the Boys Arena Timed Event and Cutting Arena Director; Barry as Boys Arena Rough Stock Director; Vern and Dan as RCH Directors. Arena Directors will be as follows: Boys Arena TE – Dan, Boys Arena Rough Stock – Barry, Girls Arena – Paul, Cutting Arena – Dan, RCH – Vern and Dan.
Nominations were then taken for Pick up Men. Nominations were presented for Kirk Schuelke and JJ Hunt. Paul has spoken with them both and that they are both willing to come, Shayne is unable to come this year. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Barry to accept the nominations of JJ and Kirk for Pick up Men. MC.
Nominations were taken for Bull fighters. Nominations of Phil Kafka and Andrew Odden were presented. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Ken to have Phil Kafka and Andrew Odden be the 2016 State Finals Bull Fighters. MC.
Prizes for State Finals were reviewed and will remain as last year, with go round buckles given for 1st place and photo certificates given for go round awards 2nd – 4th place. The National team placers 1-4, will receive a buckle for champion and reserve and breast collars for 3rd and 4th place. The National Team 1st place finishers will receive a saddle rack constructed by Cow Creek Cedar and the champion saddle. Saddle Racks will be made of either Pine or Cedar and Cow Creek Cedar will once again donate the All Around racks and find sponsors for half of the events. Those Directors needing to obtain sponsorships for the Saddle Racks were reviewed.
Next on the agenda were the saddle sponsors. There are two sponsors left to secure – ½ of the Bull Riding saddle and ½ of the Girls Cutting Saddle.
At this time President Lance Lesmeister declared a 30” break for lunch.
The meeting was called back in session at 12:10 pm by President Lance Lesmeister.
New Business:
Digger, Donna and Clay, along with the Student Officers, reported on their award selections.
The RCH event and a mandatory clinic requirement were next on the agenda. Dan has much concern about the safety of the participants. His recommendation was that each member that is going to be in the RCH event in 2016 has to attend a clinic or demonstration before the April 15th Regional Rodeo Entry Deadline. Motion by Vern, 2nd by Deb that it is mandatory that each member that is entering the RCH event at the Regional level attend a clinic/demonstration before entering. MC. Dan and Paul will coordinate the clinic/demonstrations and get the dates to Ann for notification to the members. It was clarified that if they have attended a clinic in 2015 and it has been recorded, they need not attend another.
Ann spoke on the next item on the agenda – clarification of National /Meeting and Finals expenses. It is not written down anywhere what, specifically is to be reimbursed, and she would like it to be on record. Discussion was held and there was a motion by Lisa, 2nd by Clay to reimburse the National Director expenses and qualifier money to attend Nationals and coordinate team activities. Other Director’s attending Nationals for the purpose of supporting the National Team will receive the qualifier money. The National Director and any other Director attending the National Finals or National Meetings will be reimbursed Fuel or Air, Motel, Registration expenses and 2 meals per day. MC.
The SDHSRA Membership Fee was reviewed at this time. It has been a $23.00 income for the state, of the $147.00 total, for at least 10 years. No action was taken at this time.
The next item of business addressed was Drones at SDHSRA sanctioned events. Discussion was prompted by an email to Lance from William Valentine. Discussion was held. Motion by Kellie, 2nd by Paul that Drones will be banned at all SDHSRA sanctioned events, and for this to be added to the Ground Rules. MC.
Paul reported that Steve Sutton indicated that the arena will be open from 8:00 – 10:00 tomorrow morning for the kids to ride; registration begins at 10:30, with the meeting and picture at 11:30. Any Director’s available to help are asked to do so.
The Regional Entry form was presented for approval as the next item of business. The Board discussed the prices of entries and compared them to the practice rodeo charges. Lance brought up going back to 3 regions and nothing concrete was addressed at this time. Ken and Paul felt that until the Region Rodeos have a problem and bring it to the Board, it should be left alone. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Dan to approve the Region Rodeo entry form as presented.
Regional and Practice Site Rodeo Applications were presented, signed by the corresponding Director’s and a motion was made by Kellie, 2nd by Deb to accept them. MC.
Persons of the Year were covered as the next item of business. Nominations were taken for Brian Fulton, Sanford Deal and Norman Negaard. Motion by Clay to cease nominations, 2nd by Ken. MC.
Region Transfers were reviewed, additions made and those with approval were accepted. Those not having an approval but indicating wanting to transfer will be notified by Ann for clarification. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Rex to approve the region transfers presented. MC.
The tabled item of the 2016 State Finals Schedule was addressed at this time. The Host Committee indicated that they would like to go with option B. Pros and cons of the Saturday night short go were discussed. It would give us a Sunday morning weather option should a storm come through Saturday evening. Much discussion was held and the student officers were asked their opinion. They stated that they like to rodeo better in an evening performance and that they would like the evening Short Go once again. Ann indicated that the majority of the complaints that she received last year regarding the length of the competition came from those cutting, who also were involved in rodeo events. She also expressed her concern of the short time between the last Regional Rodeo and the start of State Finals, and asked that, if possible, to give the contestants and herself another day to prepare. Motion by Lisa, 2nd by Rex to approve option C as presented for the 2016 State Finals Schedule. MC. Ann will put it in the newsletter, on the web and on facebook for notification. It will also be placed in the spring member packets.
A stock charge at State Finals was covered next. For many years, the cost of entering State Finals has been kept to a bare minimum. Discussion was held that the State Finals stock costs should be in line with the Regional Rodeo costs. Dan pointed out the discrepancy in the RCH cattle cost between Regionals and State Finals. Vern pointed out that the type of cattle used for the cutting and RCH event is VERY different than the other timed events, thus the increase in cost. There was a motion by Deb, 2nd by Ken to raise the fees on the Cutting and RCH cattle at State Finals to be the same as those charged at the Regional Rodeos. MC.
Lance declared the Board in Executive Session at 1:40 pm. Motion by Lisa, 2nd by Deb to come out of Executive Session at 1:50 pm.
Any other new or old business was asked for by President Lance Lesmeister and, seeing no other business to attend to, a motion was made by Clay, 2nd by Ken to adjourn. MC. The meeting was adjourned by President Lance Lesmeister at 1:55 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary