SDHSRA Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes
Red Rossa Meeting Room, Pierre, SD

The annual meeting of the South Dakota High School Rodeo Association was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:10 AM CST.
The agenda was presented, there was a motion by Dale Christiansen, second by Rex Lamphere, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
The pledge of allegiance was led by the Student Officers.
Secretary Ann Sundermann took roll call. Ann reported that Digger Rutten will be sitting in for River Director Ken Lensegrav, East Region Director Paul Sundermann is ill, and host committee representative Vern Ward is absent. All other seated Directors, Committee members and Student Officers are present.
The minutes of the State Finals Director’s meeting were presented by Secretary Ann Sundermann and there was a motion by Barry Knippling second by Todd Bach to dispense with the reading of those minutes. Motion carried.
The financial report was presented by Secretary Ann Sundermann and she asked for any questions on the report. Ann reported this year that a new computer was purchased, along with a cutting time clock and custom cutting fence lining. She reported that calendar sales revenue was down and that will be addressed further in Donna Curr’s calendar report. There was a motion presented by Barry Knippling, second by Dale Christensen to accept the financial report as presented. Motion carried.
The State Finals report was presented by Clay Birkeland on behalf of the host committee. He reported there were no weather issues this year. He also handed out a financial statement to the Board. He reported the host committee would like to switch motels for the Directors rooms to decrease the cost of the motel rooms. It was reported that the Americinn charge per night is $130 and the Econolodge cost per night will be $55.00. The Internet connection in the office was discussed. It was not a sufficient connection to download and transfer information and results to the website this year. Ann reported that the computer’s connection did work correctly when taken off the grounds and back to the motel. Rod Kusser from Venture Communications asked the host committee specific questions about the Internet and a broadband connection. He is willing to work with them to ensure that the Internet works sufficiently next year. The host committee will be in contact with Rod to ensure that this is available for the office next year. There was a motion by Deb McPherson second by Barry Knippling to accept the State Finals report as presented. Motion carried.
Calendar sales was the next item on the agenda and was reported on by Calendar Chairperson Donna Curr. She reported that the calendar sales revenue was down by $10,000 this year. She has asked the calendar contacts to use their judgement and relax a bit when handing out calendars, keeping track of those they are handing them out to so they will not have to come back for more calendars to sell so frequently. She reported on the amount of the national team qualifier money given to the rodeo contestants and reminded everyone that calendar sales also fund the whole organization, not just the national team and prizes. New ideas were given to Donna on how to further promote the sales. Dale Christensen indicated that it has opened his eyes as the National Director, because he knows some of the contestants that have went to nationals the last couple of years would not have been able to go, had they not been given the money that is given to the rodeo qualifiers. Joan Risse commented that her daughter, Mary Risse, greatly appreciated the rodeo qualifier money. Some ideas that were presented to help improve the calendar sales were to give them away as Christmas presents, to sell the calendar as a raffle and not just a fundraiser. There are many calendars being sold by many groups, and not all of them are raffles. Everybody likes to buy a raffle ticket so that is a good way to try to increase the calendar sales. It is helpful if clubs donate prizes and for different levels of calendar sales if they can afford to do so. Taylor Fox asked for a script that can be given to the kids when selling calendars. She is a teacher and reported that not all kids are salesman, and a script would help those that have more of a difficult time selling something. Donna was asked to implement these items to help promote the calendar sales. The 2018 calendars are here and will be distributed today to begin the sales. There was a motion by Barry Knippling second by Kellie Yackley to accept the Calendar Sales report as presented. Motion carried.
The next item of business was the national team report. Dale Christensen, National Director, reported on this year’s national team. Overall team South Dakota did extremely well, the girls placed fourth overall and the boys placed 10th overall. South Dakota placed 4th as a team. Dale reported that he would like to thank Digger and Ann filling in when he was forced to leave for a family emergency. They took care of anything that needed to be done, along with Allen Good, appointed SD JH National Director. The 2018 and 2019 national finals for High School Rodeo will be held in Rock Springs, Wyoming. This year’s mid-winter national meeting will be held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Dale and Allen intend to share a room to help save expenses, and intend to drive to Jackson Hole. Dale asked the student officers to think about if they would like to attend the meeting. He indicated that there is a push to try to move national finals back later in July. This would allow states such as ours to move our dates back as well. Last year at the mid-winter meeting there was a vote to allow states to have the ability to vote like the electoral college, those with more contestants have more votes. This was voted down. Treg Cowan, Highmore Regional Rodeo representative, asked how the Reined Cow Horse event was added to High School Rodeo. It was reported that the reining cow horse association at the national level gave money to the National High School Rodeo association to adopt the event. Ideas put forth were that possibly some of those funds in the future, could be handed down to the states at a local level. Bobby Harris, River region representative, offered to communicate with the Reined Cow Horse Association about a possibility of a sponsorship at the state level. Dale was congratulated on doing a very good job and thanked for doing so. He has a good rapport with the other National Directors and the National Office.
Digger Rutten reported on the public relations report. He reported that everything is on track and he has good success securing sponsorships for the kids of High School Rodeo. He is working very closely with Public TV and that has been going well for the continued televising of the State Finals Short Go. They were very impressed with the number of thank you’s that they receive. Short go shirts should be handed out by your local cooperatives soon. Anyone who signed up for a shirt received a shirt. Touchstone Energy prefers the actual contestants sign up themselves for their shirts. Digger reported that Black Hills Embroidery worked with High School Rodeo in the logo usage to sell products with our logo at state finals. This exceeded their expectations and they were very pleased. They have presented a check to us for $1,037 as a percentage of their sales.
Queen Coordinator Kellie Yackley was next on the agenda and she reported that Tyler Hintz, South Dakota High School Rodeo Queen, was doing very well representing South Dakota. Kellie reported that with her job change the Board had approved a new format for the Queen contest this coming year. She will be doing a workshop in the winter – presenting apparel selections, information on how to fill out applications and interview questions. The actual contest will possibly be the Monday after Memorial Day in Ft. Pierre. This will be a central location for all of the girls. So that the regional rodeos will not have to put on the contest, Kellie is asking for a $150 donation from each of the regional rodeos. Those regional committee representatives present were eager for Kellie to conduct the contest because she is very knowledgeable in the area, it will save them time and money, along with providing the girls a better competition. The written test and the crowning of the Queen will be held at the State Finals. Kellie Nixon will be helping Kellie Yackley with the contest.
At this time Stephanie Crowley from St. Onge gave a report on the shooting sports competition. She had been in contact with Janet Wright about helping to coordinate the shooting sports contest in South Dakota. She reported on the results of the shooters at national finals in Gillette. She indicated that she would like to submit a proposal that would allow the shooting points to count toward team points in South Dakota and that the shooters have the opportunity to shoot both disciplines, the rifle and the trap. It was explained to Stephanie the any proposals at the national level must first be presented at the local level and the state Board must approve them. The state Board of Directors then vote on the proposal and if it is passed it is presented to the national level by the state’s National Director. This process must be followed, and currently neither of the point system options in the rule book allow shooting points to be counted for points. Ann explained that what the Board needs her to do is be in contact with the Center of the Nation people as to the time and place of the contests, once the Board has set the State Finals schedule. We also need to know if they will be giving out prizes and when, and to coordinate any fundraising with the contestants to cover the cost of national team coats and shirts, if they as a group want them.
The first item under old business was the report on the Americanism program by Royce Loesch, with the American Legion. Royce indicated that the program will be run locally and that he will keep in touch with us as the Americanism program develops. He briefly explained the program to those in the audience that had not heard of his idea.
Next on the agenda was a report from the cutting committee that was formed at the State Finals Director’s meeting. The option they researched was to have one centrally located contest for the cutting instead of having the competition at State Finals. Ann had been asked to identify how many contestants were in the cutting only and no other rodeo events. She reported that last year there were 2 girls and 1 boy that were not in any other rodeo event. It was the consensus of the committee, as reported by Dale Christiansen, to leave the cutting contest at State Finals like it has been.
At 10:57 President Lance Lesmeister declared a 10-minute break.
At 12:00 president Lance Lesmeister declared the meeting back to order.
Seeing no other old business new business was discussed.
The regional financial statements from the qualifying regional rodeos were presented and all were approved. Each regional qualifying rodeo made money this year.
Next on the agenda was the bids for hosting the regional qualifying rodeos for the years 2018, 2019. From the East Region Brad McGirr from the Huron represented the Huron regional rodeo committee. Brad reported on the rodeo and thanked the directors and state Secretary Ann Sundermann for all of the help. He also presented a list of committee members and other information on the schedule, the rodeo and the city of Huron. There was a motion by Kellie second by Barry to accept Huron’s bid for the first regional qualifying rodeo in the East region. Motion carried.
Watertown had sent an activity approval form for the Watertown regional rodeo the 2nd weekend. Todd Bach indicated they would like to have the rodeo again. Motion by Dale second by Rex to approve Watertown to host the second regional rodeo in the East region. Motion carried.
Karen Stevenson was there to represent Buffalo for the Northwest regional qualifying rodeo for the first weekend. She reported on a list of improvements and recapped both the Buffalo and Dupree rodeos. She indicated they have built a very nice crow’s nest and would like to host the rodeo again. Motion by Clay, second by Bobby to approve Buffalo for the first weekend of the northwest regional qualifying rodeo. Motion carried.
Nate Grueb from Dupree reported on the Dupree regional rodeo. He presented a short synopsis and indicated they would like to have the rodeo again. Motion by Rex second by Deb to approve Dupree for the second weekend of the regional qualifying rodeos for the Northwest region. Motion carried.
The Highmore regional rodeo was there and had presented a list of committee members, a proposed budget and offerings in the area. Treg Cowan, representing the committee, was there and thanked the Board for allowing them to host the rodeo. They are very happy with their efforts and the results and enjoy hosting. Rod Kusser former SDHSRA Director, also presented his positive thoughts. The Highmore Committee presented a donation back to the Board of Directors to give back to the association some of their income. Motion by Bobby second by Dale to award Highmore the river region qualifying rodeo for the first weekend. Motion carried
The Ft. Pierre rodeo committee, represented by Don Bergeson, attended to express an interest in hosting the second weekend of the river region qualifying rodeo. Don reported that there has been a River region qualifying rodeo in Ft. Pierre for nine years and they have a newly formed committee that will be taking over the organization of the rodeo. There has not yet been a Chairperson elected and the people that have been on the committee for awhile will still be involved, but not in charge of the event.
Brenda Reis was there to represent Chamberlain to present a bid for the second weekend of the River region rodeo in Chamberlain. They presented a detailed description of their committee, their proposed budget and their facilities in the Chamberlain area. They also are aware of the fact that Chamberlain is currently in the east region, and the boundary would have to move in order for the River Regional Qualifying Rodeo to be held there. They indicated they have many committee members from the Kimball area, and asked that the Board consider this when discussing it. There was a motion to table the awarding of the second weekend in the River region qualifying rodeo until the Directors meeting by Dale Christensen, second by Rex. Motion carried.
Dan Curr represented the Wall committee with an activity approval form and a summary of the Wall rodeo. Wall has hosted a regional qualifying rodeo for 50 years. There were many upgrades made to the grounds this year, over the past years they have put in excess of $50,000 into the arena and surrounding facilities. Wall would like to host the first weekend of the Southwest regional qualifying rodeo again. Motion by Barry second by Deb to approve Wall as the first weekend regional qualifying rodeo in the Southwest region. Motion carried.
Raye Brown from Sturgis was there to represent the Sturgis regional qualifying rodeo committee. She reported on the rodeo and indicated that they had many new committee members and parents that have come forward to help produce the event. They are very pleased with this effort and would like to host the second weekend of the regional qualifying rodeo again. Motion by Dan second by Dale to approve Sturgis as the host of the second weekend of the Southwest regional qualifying rodeo. Motion carried.
It was noted at this time that the SDHSRA winter Directors meeting will be held in Rapid City, at the Red Room in the Civic Center on Saturday, January 27, 2018, beginning at 9:00 am mst.
As the next item of business Joyce Glynn, with the Michael Glynn Memorial Coalition, was there to present opportunities with the spit tobacco prevention grant. Joyce briefly described the loss of her son Michael, who was a High School Rodeo member, due to an alcohol related accident. The Michael Glynn memorial coalition has been a sponsor of our publications in the Rodeo News, the White River rodeo, and many scholarships since that time. Joyce is asking for permission to obtain the email addresses from state Secretary Ann Sundermann to do a Survey Monkey for the tobacco free effort. She would also like to leave flyers, pamphlets and banners with the Regional Qualifying Rodeos and State Finals registration. The coalition will take care of all distribution of those materials. Possible sponsorship conflicts were mentioned from the National level, and Dale indicated that there were none that he could think of. An opinion was voiced that it could only help our members to support this effort. There was a motion by Kellie second by Bobby to allow Ann to provide Joyce the information to proceed with the Survey Monkey effort for spit tobacco prevention. Motion carried.
As the next item on the agenda, Tyler Haugen was there to explain his thoughts on a proposed by-law change that was submitted by Allen Good. The Board did not accept the proposed by-law change and Allen was not in attendance to explain it. Tyler explained the proposal indicating that in his opinion practice rodeo participation is declining and he feels there is a need to have more opportunities to gain points in South Dakota High School rodeo. He was asked specifically what the proposal entailed and Ann Sundermann distributed copies of the proposal to members of the audience. Raye Brown asked State Secretary Ann Sundermann what the criteria are to present a proposal. Ann replied that you must have been an adult voting member for three consecutive years and present the proposal no later than 40 days in advance of the annual meeting. These two criteria were not met this year and proposal was denied by the Board of Directors. Ann thanked Raye for the opportunity to make sure everyone knew what had been done. Many opinions were given on the issue. Bobby Harris, River Region Director feels that you need to compete when that time is there to do it and that we have a system that presents that. He feels it is good because it is similar to Nationals in that way, and our team has done very well at Nationals. Lance Lesmeister, President, indicated that he feels there are many members who could not afford to attend two more rodeos and that some of them at this time are practicing locally because of a lack of funds. Two additional mothers in the audience indicated the same, as far as a financial burden more rodeos would present. Lance observed that there are many in the audience today that rodeoed under the current system and whose kids and grandkids are now doing so. Tyler indicated that he is just trying to resolve this and fix the issues. Donna Curr reported that she has been at every meeting for the last eight years and there have been no specific issues ever presented to the Board that need to be fixed. Brenda Reis commented that she feels the kids need to be ready with their horses in June and July, and they know this ahead of time. Joe Kammerer reported that he likes the system we have now, it was given much thought and forethought by those before us and that we should leave it the way it is. His opinion is that it is the best for the most people. He warned that right now the proposal is just to add 2 more rodeos, but that will continue to grow once it is started. The student officers were asked their opinion and they replied that we have a system that allows them to still compete in all their sports and other opportunities. Ann reported this week she turned down 2 students from Nebraska and 1 from Iowa that want to rodeo in South Dakota because they are unable to rodeo in their own states. There was a motion by Kellie to form a subcommittee second by Faye. Discussion followed. By a vote of 8 to 5 there will be a subcommittee formed after the election of their regional representatives. As a final note to the topic Rod Kusser, former Director, cautioned everyone that a small pebble turns into a wave with any change, resulting in many changes. He cited this quote from past SDHSRA President Doug Doll.
The saddle bids were the next item the agenda, and a report was given by Director Deb McPherson. It was noted that Rays Western Wear declined the option to present a bid and none was received from the request submitted by Deb to Todd Slone. Pam and Jim from Triple R Tack were present to present their bid. After explaining the bids they had to offer and answering questions, there was a motion by Digger second by Barry to accept the saddle bid for the cactus saddle as we have had purchased in recent years from Triple R Tack. Motion carried.
Sam Stoddard was there and reported for the Junior High Board in JH President Lloyd Gilbert’s absence. He reported that there were 102 members in Junior High rodeo in South Dakota last year and they took a team of 40 to nationals. $400 was given to each qualifying rodeo participants and their stalls were paid for. They began the year with $11,971 and ended the year with $8,465. It was expressed to the Junior High Board that there is a great opportunity for them to increase membership in the next two years because the junior high National Finals Rodeo will be in Huron, South Dakota. They were encouraged to actively recruit members at that level in any way that they can, because of this opportunity. Sam also reported that there will be a Junior High Board meeting on October 8 in Rapid City at 4:00 PM mst to entertain bids for their second Regional Qualifying rodeo at the junior high level.
The regions broke in two separate groups at this time, for the purpose of the electing Regional Directors. For the East region Paul Sundermann will remain on or, for the Southwest region Dan Curr will remain on the Board. For the Northwest region Rex Lamphere will remain on the Board and Rusty Foster will replace the West region at large position that was held by JD Mutchler of Newell. In addition to these Director positions, the River region reported that Mary Hoyt would be the new River region secretary.
At this time President Lance Lesmeister declared a lunch break of 45 minutes.
At 1:35 President Lance Lesmeister declared the meeting back in session.
The annual general membership meeting next addressed the committee to be formed from the previous discussion presented by Tyler Haugen. A committee to address the discussion will consist of Dan Curr, Barry Knippling, student officer Trista Reinert, Faye Pelster and Tyler Haugen. Information will be presented to the full Board at the winter meeting.
At this time Queen Tyler Hintz presented the speech that she performed at nationals in Gillette. Thank-you Tyler for the entertainment, well done.
There was a motion by Clay to adjourn the general membership meeting, second by Dan. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann

Director’s Meeting
January 28, 2017 Redd Room
Civic Center, Rapid City, SD

The mid winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:05 AM MDT. The Student Officer’s led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken. Dale Christensen is at the National Meeting in Phoenix, Ken Lensegrav and Kelsey Lensegrav are snowed in and will not be able to get here. All other Directors present.
Motion by Rex, 2nd by Kellie to approve the agenda. MC.
Motion by Paul, 2nd by Todd to dispense with the reading of the Annual Meeting minutes, MC.
The Financial Report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. Discussion was held and Ann answered questions. Ann presented several concerns about the bottom line of the financial statement, which she feels is due to lower membership numbers and lower calendar sales totals. Cutting equipment has been purchased and does not reflect on the financial statement yet. Motion by Barry, 2nd by Rex to approve the Financial Statement as presented. MC.
Next on the agenda was the PR Report, as presented by PR Director Digger Rutten. Digger reported on sponsorships, which are on track for the year. It was asked what the sponsorship amounts are – and it is $1500.00 for a shirt sponsor and $2500.00 for a National Team jacket sponsor.
The National Director Report, presented by Lance Lesmeister in the absence of Dale Christensen, was the next item of business. Lance reported on how to act when confronted by animal activist groups, the isolation of sick and injured animals, the site for 2018-2019 is Rock Springs, Wy – 2020-2021 is Lincoln, NE – 2022-2023 is Gillette, Wy. A rotation of the 3 is being considered. Lance covered the rule changes, the SHARK organization, and the livestock bids for National Finals. Bobby will get information to Ann from Cheyenne Frontier days on how they deal with the SHARK organization, to see if it would be useful to us.
Tayle and her mother also attended the National meeting and Tayle reported that it was a great experience. She said much of what she learned was on the promotion of the NHSRA and a Sprig promotion. Thank you Tayle and LaDelle for attending!
The Queen report was the next item on the agenda, presented by Kellie Yackley. Kellie has her sponsors in place and she has one confirmed judge. She feels that the contest may once again be small this year. She reported that Kelly Schopp has been representing SDHSRA well and thanked her for that.
Donna Curr reported on the Calendar Sales. Donna said that we are down for the number of calendars sold, compared to last year. Brief discussion was held and there are many other groups that sell and give away calendars now, it needs to be marketed more as a raffle, not a sale. Fund raisers such as t shirts and stickers were discussed. The award prize colors and selections will be picked by the student officers later today. Donna presented a current Calendar Sales Financial Statement, which was reviewed by the Board. The handing out of Calendar coats at State Finals will be done at registration again this year, with the large group picture to be taken directly after the contestant’s meeting. Siri Stevens indicated that she would like to bid the calendar. Ann explained the bid process to her. Donna asked for a budget for this year’s calendar coats and after discussion there was a motion by Clay, 2nd by Bobby to stay the same as last year’s budget for coats – under $90.00. MC
At this time Siri Stevens, from Rodeo News, briefed the Board on the newsletter info in the magazine. She feels everything is going well and stated that she could put sponsor blurbs on our page and that they offer a $500.00 scholarship through the magazine. A videographer will be at the 20X tomorrow, filming.
Old Business:
State Finals Committee Reports: The Host Committee reported on State Finals as the next item on the agenda. Clay Birkeland reported that they had reviewed the schedule. Much discussion on the schedule followed, and Kellie presented an option(s) for making it 4 days instead of 5. This was discussed in length and tabled until later in the meeting. Buckles will be bid today; announcers will be Derek Barton and Terri Kissack. The state finals program production will be by the same people as last year. Other items covered were: registration, Farmers Union supper, rough stock equipment check, and practice goat tying times. The practice tying of goats at 5:30 pm Wednesday and rough stock equipment check Thursday at 8:30 am will be added to the schedule. Ann reviewed that the internet set up as last year worked good in the office and that she would need a copy machine to be hooked into her computer Sunday early afternoon this year.
The Director’s covered the contracts that they had secured. Paul stated that the Girls Arena Judges that he secured are Chuck Christman and Wade Berry. Boy’s arena judges will be Marty Jandreau and Larry Peabody. Dan reported that the Cutting judges will be Jim Wilkins and possibly JT Bell. Bobby reported that the RCH judge will be Justin Lawrence, with a back up of Brad Andrews. Bobby will let Ann know if a scribe needs to be hired.
The Rough Stock Committee of Lance and Ken reported that stock selection is in the works but had not yet been completed. Lance will notify Ann who the contracts should be sent out to by March 1st.
The Timed Event Stock selection committee of Bobby, Dan and Digger reported next. They indicated that they had talked to Jace Melvin, Delbert Woodward, Sutton Rodeo, Allen Good and Mundorf. Bids will be read later in the meeting.
Vern has secured the cutting cattle contract with Clay Crago. They will be $20.00 per run, plus trucking amount, to be determined between Clay Crago and Vern.
Ken reported that he has talked to John Hight about Goats, and will firm this contract up and report back to Ann.
Arena Director’s were covered as the next item of business. Unanimous votes were cast for Paul as Girls Arena Director; Dan and JD as the Boys Arena Timed Event Director; Dan as the Cutting Arena Director; Barry as Boys Arena Rough Stock Director; Vern as RCH Directors.
Nominations were then taken for Pick up Men. Nominations were presented for Kirk Schuelke and JJ Hunt. Paul has spoken with them both and that they are both willing to come and work with each other. Shayne sat out last year, and Paul recommended a 2 year rotation of those 3 pickup men. They are all willing to work with each other and are very good – both to work with and in their expertise. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Bobby to accept the nominations of JJ and Kirk for Pick up Men. MC.
Nominations were taken for Bull fighters. Nominations of Phil Kafka and Andrew Odden were presented. Motion by Rex, 2nd by JD to have Phil Kafka and Andrew Odden be the 2017 State Finals Bull Fighters. MC.
Prizes for State Finals were reviewed and will remain as last year, with go round buckles given for 1st place and photo certificates given for go round awards 2nd – 4th place. The National team placers 1-4, will receive a buckle for champion and reserve and breast collars for 3rd and 4th place. The National Team 1st place finishers will receive a saddle rack constructed by Cow Creek Cedar and the champion saddle. Saddle Racks will be made of either Pine or Cedar and Cow Creek Cedar will once again donate the All Around racks and find sponsors for half of the events. Those Directors needing to obtain sponsorships for the Saddle Racks were reviewed. Kellie asked about photo certificates for the Queen contest, and she decided to find sponsors elsewhere for those.
Next on the agenda were the saddle sponsors. Ann was asked to re-invoice those sponsors that have not yet paid, all sponsors have been secured at this time and 4 saddles are in at Triple R Tack.
Ann reported on the investigation of the SDHSRA logo. It was found that the logo was copywrited in January of 1969 after the logo was selected from a drawing by Anna Barber in October of 1968. A check was written to the US Copywrite office in January of 1969. Bud Ireland has given a large print of the logo to Ann. The formal certificate of copywrite was lost in a fire of a past SDHSRA Secretaries records. To order the copywrite office at the Library of Congress to do a search, there is a fee of $200.00 per hour with a 2 hour minimum. The copywrite that we have is good through 2064. The Board felt that with the other information we have, it is not necessary to order a search at this time. Information will need to be given to vendors on this item in the State Finals vendor information.
At this time President Lance Lesmeister declared a 30” break for lunch.
The meeting was called back in session at 11:40 pm by President Lance Lesmeister.
New Business:
The SDHSRA Membership Fee was reviewed at this time. It has been a $23.00 income for the state, of the $147.00 total, for at least 10 years. After review, there was a motion by Kellie, 2nd by Clay to increase the membership fee to $150.00. This will give $25.00 per member to the SDHSRA.
Paul reported that Steve Sutton indicated that the arena will be open from 8:00 – 10:00 tomorrow morning for the kids to ride; registration begins at 10:30, with the meeting and picture at 11:30. Any Director’s available to help are asked to do so.
The Regional Entry form was presented for approval as the next item of business. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Deb to approve the Region Rodeo entry form as presented.
Regional and Practice Site Rodeo Applications were presented, signed by the corresponding Director’s and a motion was made by Kellie, 2nd by Deb to accept them. MC.
Persons of the Year were covered as the next item of business. Nominations were taken for Don Nixon, Ed Risse, and Glenn and Lisa Evenson. Motion by Paul to cease nominations, 2nd by Clay. MC. Motion to accept those nominations as Person of the Year for 2017 by Deb, 2nd by Clay. MC.
Region Transfers were reviewed, additions made and those with approval were accepted. Those not having an approval but indicating wanting to transfer will be notified by Ann for clarification. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Rex to approve the region transfers presented. MC.
The tabled item of the 2017 State Finals Schedule was addressed at this time. The Host Committee indicated that they would like to go with the same schedule as last year. Pros and cons of the Saturday night short go were discussed. It would give us a Sunday morning weather option should a storm come through Saturday evening. Much discussion was held and the student officers were asked their opinion. They stated that they like to rodeo better in an evening performance and that they would like the evening Short Go once again. Ann indicated that the majority of the complaints that she received last year regarding the length of the competition came from those cutting, who also were involved in rodeo events. Motion by Bobby, 2nd by JD to keep the same schedule as last year. Kellie was thanked for her input on the matter.
The SDHSRA Ground Rules were reviewed, and there was a motion that #23 be deleted, according to NHSRA rules, by Deb, 2nd by Kellie. MC. 23. In accordance with the NCHA, a contestant can switch horses at the Regional Rodeos for each contest, but that will take them out of the average. They cannot do so at State Finals, because points are given on the average. Adopted 9/28/2013 will be deleted.

Digger, Donna and Clay, along with the Student Officers, reported on their award selections.
Lance declared the Board in Executive Session at 12:15 pm. He declared the Board out of Executive Session at 12:35 pm.
A motion was made by Kellie, 2nd by JD that bids for Timed Event Livestock must be submitted to the SDHSRA State Secretary no later than 1 week prior to the mid winter meeting. MC. This will be posted on the website, and on face book prior to the next mid winter meeting.
Motion by Bobby, 2nd by Deb to award Dan Mundorf the Timed Event Cattle bids for the 2017 SDHSRA State Finals Rodeo. MC.
Any other new or old business was asked for by President Lance Lesmeister and, seeing no other business to attend to, a motion was made by Digger, 2nd by Bobby to adjourn. MC. The meeting was adjourned by President Lance Lesmeister at 12:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary