SDHSRA Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2018
9:00 am CST Pierre Ramkota, Pierre, SD
The Annual General Membership meeting was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:05 AM, Saturday, September 29, 2018.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and led by the student officers.
Roll Call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. She reported those absent as Kellie Yackley, Queen Coordinator; Bobby Harris, who has Treg Cowan sitting in for him today; Ken Lensegrav, who has Shannon Olson sitting in for him today and Digger Rutten, who has Marty Phillips sitting in for him today. Student Officer Madi Moody is absent and has Kazney Knippling filling in for her today. Host Site representative Vern Ward has resigned and Chad Pelster has taken over that position on the Host Site Committee. All other members present.
At this time Bobby Harris’ letter of recommendation of appointment for Treg Cowan to fill out his term as the River Region Director was read. Motion by Paul Sundermann, second by Shannon Olson to appoint Treg Cowan to fill out Bobby Harris’ term on the Board of Directors. Motion carried.
President Lance called for any additional items of business or changes to the agenda at this time. Secretary Ann Sundermann reported an addition of an item to the agenda under old business, per an e-mail request from Kathy Thompson. Motion by Rusty Foster, second by Dale Christiansen to adopt the agenda as amended. Motion carried.
Secretary Ann Sundermann presented the minutes of the last meeting. Todd Bach entertained a motion, seconded by Rex Lamphere to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.
The SDHSRA financial report was the next item on the agenda. Ann Sundermann reported that calendar sales were up from the 2016 – 2017 year, which as indicated on the statement, the income had gone up from the previous drop. The SDHSRA Executive Committee moved the CD to Great Western Bank in March of 2018 to increase the interest rate from 0.65% to 1.14 %. The amount in that CD, originally started by Rod Moon is $6517.04. The Accounts Receivable balance indicates a $8775.00 invoice to Host Committee that has not yet been paid. The invoice for this includes the program sales and entry fees share from the 2018 State Finals, and was invoiced before the fiscal year end of September 1. Ann reported that payroll taxes will be paid after September, they are listed as third quarter payroll expense on the financial statement. Ann asked for questions and answered those presented. Motion by Deb McPherson, seconded by Rusty Foster to accept the financial statement as presented. Motion carried.
The State Finals report was the next item of business, as reported on by Host Committee Representative Faye Pelster. She reported that the performances were smoothly run and that next year they will be reconsidering gate admission prices, per attendee feedback, and the schedule will be discussed with the Board of Directors. The schedule is set at the winter meeting, and approved by the Board at that time. They reported there was some concern over those two items, and they had received feedback as such. She also expressed concern about the crippled cows and death loss in the Reined Cow Horse event. Faye indicated that the Host Committee has supported the selection of good stock for the athletes to compete on. The Host Site financial statement was presented.
There was a motion by Rex Lamphere second by Treg Cowan to enter into executive session at 9:15 AM to address the State Finals financial statement. Motion by Deb McPherson, second by Todd Bach to end executive session at 9:34 AM.
At this time Faye Pelster reported on the financials and questions were asked of the Host Committee. Faye indicated she will secure access to the accounts and have her name listed on the account so that next year the financial statement will be presented in a timely manner, and that she would be compiling the financial statement. She reported that there was a death loss of two cripples and two dead from the Reined Cow Horse event cattle. Dale will assist in finding a contractor for the Reined Cow horse cattle next year. Ann requested that any crippled or injured animals be reported to Dale, as the National Director he has a specific form that needs to be filled out for all of the livestock animal health at State Finals, that is submitted to the National Office. Questions were asked about the loan payment on the financial statement and it was reported that the Host Committee purchased a sorting alley in the amount of $15,000. Ann questioned the program sales income, and pointed out that it is not included in the income on the financial report. Motion by Rusty Foster, seconded by Dan Curr to accept the financial report. Motion carried.
Donna Curr presented the calendar report next. She reviewed the prizes and the number of prizes and awards that were paid for and presented to the members for selling calendars. She reviewed the incentives that were provided throughout the year. Barry Knippling presented a possible revision of the calendar sales award system where individuals would be awarded more or less money to go to Nationals, depending upon the number of calendars they sold, in reference to the national team. There were questions answered and discussion was held. Dale and Dan voiced concern about the number of calendars that would have to be sold to match the amount of money that is currently being given to our national team qualifiers. Dale reported that we do have athletes that think they have to sleep in a tent to afford to go, and the funds we provide them are much needed. Shannon Olson indicated that those that cannot or have a hard time affording to make the trip are the same individuals who will have a hard time selling more calendars. Her feeling was that you cannot set a minimum and punish those kids for only selling the minimum. Deb McPherson suggested raising the price of the calendars. Discussion was held and there was a motion by Rex Lamphere, seconded by Rusty Foster to table this until the winter meeting, and for a committee to be formed to weigh the pros and cons of a change. A committee of Donna Curr, Barry Knippling, Rex Lamphere, Dale Christensen, Raye Brown and Danelle Mutchler was formed. Donna reported that the Calendar production will be bid for the 2020 Calendar, to be produced in 2019, as it has been 3 years since bids were taken.
As a point of order to accommodate Queen Coordinator Kellie Yackley, the queen contest item that was added to the agenda was presented at this time. Kellie reported on this past year’s contest. She also reported that she conferred with the Chair of the NHSRA queen contest prior to the format change of the SD state contest, that was approved by the SDHSRA Board of Directors. She indicated it was fine or her to do so and we are following the national rules by doing the contest this way. The regional rodeos all indicated that they liked the contest to be in this manner and were happy to provide the funds to start a scholarship for the outgoing queen. Kellie reported that there was supposed to be a workshop held that ended up being canceled because of icy roads, this was very unfortunate. Current SDHSRA queen Sage Gabriel indicated that she didn’t like to not have a contest at the Regional Rodeos, but that this year’s contest was held successfully as well. There were two girls that competed for the title of queen this year. Kellie answered a question regarding speech topics known ahead of time. No motions were presented and no action was taken by the Board of Directors. The queen contest format will remain the same in 2019 as in 2018.
Dale Christensen, National Director, presented his report on the national finals and the national team. He indicated that our queen Sage did an excellent job in representing the state of South Dakota, she was always very pleasant, beautiful and professional. Dale indicated that this year in Rock Springs there were more issues than normal. South Dakota athletes and parents assisted in constructing stalls, we were divided as a team in camping. People came forward to give up their camping spots because there were not enough for the whole team. We once again held many picnics and everybody participated and enjoyed them. The foundation auction basket for scholarships was successful. Dale indicated that if you know anyone who could provide a hunt of any kind that they are big bid items. South Dakota drew a wildcard and we will be able to pick our camping spots next year. He reminded everyone that we cannot use the NHSRA logo in any kind of shape or form. Ann asked Dale to check with the national Board and see if the period of time between state finals and the national finals could be the same as the Junior High, being 21 days. Currently the high school has a 28 day to completion time frame. This would give South Dakota High School one week between Regionals and State Finals, instead of 3 days. There are DVD’s in the hall from public TV or all of the national qualifiers, they are of the state finals short go. Motion by Paul Sundermann, seconded by Deb McPherson to accept Dale’s National Director report. Motion carried.
The Public Relations report was read by Ann, as provided by Digger Rutten. Sponsorships are good and people continue to want to support High School Rodeo. He has secured a few new sponsors that will be put in place for next year. Digger reiterated the fact that Dale Christenson is doing a wonderful job as National Director in building relationships for our state of South Dakota. There was a motion by Paul Sundermann, seconded by Deb McPherson to accept the Public Relations report as presented by Ann for Digger. Motion carried.
As the first item of New business the Regional Rodeo financial statements were reviewed. All were submitted by the deadline 20 days prior to the annual meeting. There was a motion by Shannon Olson, second by Dale Christiansen to accept the regional rodeo financial reports as presented. Motion carried.
Saddle bids for State Finals were next on the agenda. Director Deb McPherson asked that Secretary Ann Sundermann review the saddle bid from Todd Slone. Ann read the bid, in which the final number was 1413.52 per saddle. Pam and Jim Tiltrum from Triple R Tack were there to present their saddle bids as well. Pam reviewed the bids from Cactus Saddles and Scott Thomas saddles. There was a motion by Todd Bach, second by Rusty Foster to accept the bid for Cactus Saddles through Triple R Tack. Motion failed. There was a motion by Dale Christiansen, second by Treg to accept the bid for Scott Thomas saddles. Motion carried. The final price will be $1300.00 per saddle and it take 15-17 weeks to get the saddles. Ann will converse with the student officers on different selections they would like and convey those choices to Pam at Triple R Tack.
Joyce Glynn with the Michael Glynn Memorial Coalition reported on her findings of the results from the survey that she did of last year’s members. She was not comfortable in completing the survey, that she received permission from the Board of Directors last year, with the survey monkey option. She instead mailed the survey to the members and completed it in that manner. Questions were asked, discussion was entertained. Ann will submit the results all those findings in the survey Joyce conducted to the members on Facebook in different posts. Joyce is asking permission to do another survey this year. Joyce also sent information to each Director and is asking that the SDHSRA Board of Directors to submit a rule proposal to the National Office in regard to the wording of tobacco being used in the rodeo arena. Her proposed change is to change the words rodeo arena to rodeo grounds in two places in the rule book. A lengthy discussion followed. There was a motion by Dale Christenson, seconded by Todd Bach that contestants may be disqualified for the use of tobacco products anywhere where western attire is required. Motion failed. Instead Dale will present the rule change to the National committee and the SDHSRA will go on record as sponsoring a Tobacco Free Zone. They will continue to be proactive on the issue. Joyce indicated that she could have signs made for the Regional and State Finals rodeo to display. Motion by Deb, seconded by Faye to allow Joyce Glynn to present a survey to the members once again. Motion carried. Joyce thanked the Board for its continued support.
As the next item of business Stacey OKief, from Lincoln, Nebraska took the floor. She is proposing a change that would allow South Dakota to accept out of state memberships. Since 2003 South Dakota has not accepted memberships from out of state members. Dale reported that he has turned five kids down from other states this year and Ann has denied four, because of this rule. Ann reported there are usually 5-10 requests each year. Stacey indicated that the rule is not documented properly. Ann addressed the issue, explaining that each rule does not have to be a by-law in order for it to be a rule in the South Dakota High School Rodeo Association. Pros and cons were discussed and Dale reviewed the current membership numbers. The Student Officers were split in their opinions of the matter. There was a motion entertained by Faye to open membership to residents of border states, per individual request, to be reviewed by the Board of Directors. The request must be submitted to the Directors through the State Secretary prior to 20 days before the Annual General Membership meeting, with the rule to be reviewed annually. The motion was second by Deb McPherson, motion carried. Specifics of the competing region they will be assigned to by the Directors will be determined in the Director’s meeting.
Next on the agenda was the report from the Junior High Board of Directors for the South Dakota Junior High Rodeo association. Tyler Haugen reported that there were 152 members in 2017-2018. This membership increase was due to the fact of Junior High Nationals being in Huron, South Dakota. He reported that Huron did an excellent job at nationals in every way. The JH financials indicated they began the year with $8,465 and ended the year with $20,629. They gave each national qualifier $400 and paid for all stalls needed by the contestants. Tyler reported that the Junior High Annual General Membership meeting will be held October 7th in Murdo, SD.
At 12:15 pm, Present Lance Lesmeister declared a break for lunch.
At 12:55 pm President Lance Lesmeister reconvened the meeting.
The next item of business was the 2020-2021 State Finals bid considerations. Faye Pelster, representing the Belle Fourche Host Committee, presented Option A and Option B for the 2020-2021 State Finals bid, distributing copies to the Board of Directors. She detailed each option as it would be provided. Chad Pelster and Scott Reder were also there to represent the bid.
Scott Deal, Stanley County Fairgrounds Manager, along with Mayor of Ft. Pierre Gloria Hanson, Mayor of Pierre Steve Harding and the Chamber of Commerce and tourism representative Chris Maxwell were there to present the bid for Ft. Pierre. They detailed the presentation that had been emailed to the entire Board prior to the meeting.
Motion by Rusty Foster, 2nd by Paul and Treg to go in to Executive Session to interview each potential Host Committee. Motion carried, at 2:05 pm the Board went into Executive Session.
Motion by Dale, 2nd by Todd to end Executive Session.
Motion by Paul, 2nd by Treg to cast a ballot vote to determine the site of the 2020-2021 State Finals Rodeo.
Ballots were cast and counted, by a vote of 6-5, the State Finals Host Site for 2020-2021 will be Ft. Pierre.
The time and place of the SDHSRA Winter Director’s Meeting was declared by President Lance Lesmeister to be at the Rapid City Civic Center on January 26, 2019, beginning at 9:00 am MST.
At this time Queen Sage Gabriel presented her speech from National competition.
Motion by Rex, 2nd by Dale to adjourn the Annual General Membership meeting. Motion carried, President Lance declared the meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm CST.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary
JANUARY 27, 2018
The mid winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:05 AM MDT. The Student Officer’s led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken. Dale Christensen is at the National Meeting in Jackson Hole and Allen Good is sitting in for him, Host Site Representative Faye Pelster is absent, Vern Ward is on his way and Director Barry Knippling is on his way. All other Directors present.
Motion by Ken, 2nd by Rex to approve the agenda. MC.
Motion by Todd, 2nd by Kellie to dispense with the reading of the Annual Meeting minutes, MC.
The Financial Report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann. Discussion was held and Ann explained the new format of the financial statement when operating as a non-profit under Quickbooks online, and answered any questions presented. Motion by Rusty, 2nd by Deb to approve the Financial Statement as presented. MC.
Next on the agenda was the PR Report, as presented by PR Director Digger Rutten. Digger reported on sponsorships, which are up from last year. He feels the sponsor account is in good shape at this time, and people continue to be willing to sponsor High School Rodeo.
The National Director Report will be presented at the end of the meeting when an update on today’s business at the NHSRA Winter Meeting is available.
Barry Knippling and Vern Ward joined the meeting at this time.
The Queen report was the next item on the agenda, presented by Kellie Yackley. Kellie reported that there will be one contest this year. Details will be presented later in the meeting, as indicated on the agenda. She is concerned that they will have few contestants this year.
Donna Curr reported on the Calendar Sales. Donna reported that we have been enticing Calendar Sales with drawings and give-aways and Calendar Sales are up compared to last year at this time. Ann has been doing much promotion through the Facebook page. There will also be some members selling calendars during the Stock Show, periodically, in some vendor booths. Motion by Deb, 2nd by Todd to accept the Calendar Financial Report as presented. MC.
Old Business:
State Finals Committee Reports:
The Host Committee reported on State Finals as the next item on the agenda. Clay Birkeland reported that announcers will be Derek Barton and Terri Kissack. Who will produce the state finals program is yet to be determined. Suggestions from those in attendance include Black Hills State University, Rodeo News, Creative Printing and Leader Printing. Clay indicated that he has a lady who will design the program. He will check in to those options and let the Board know what is to be done. Clay reported that there will be new grandstands installed after the July 4th Roundup Rodeo and the Directors will be staying at the Americinn. Bobby inquired on the History of the short go being held in one arena. He feels it is a definite disadvantage to the girl contestants to have to switch arenas and adjust to the new arena and ground conditions. Clay expressed his opinion from a production and ticket sales point of view. Digger indicated that Public TV will produce whatever we need, and he will take care of that communication. Clay also indicated that the new bleachers, after they are installed, will make viewing the Girls Arena worse. Paul was asked about this, as the Girls Arena director. He indicated that when the water was an issue they stayed in the Girls arena for the short go, and he agrees that the ground is different when moving to the other arena. The student officers voiced their opinion that they would like to stay in the arena they have been competing in for the short go. Motion by Bobby, 2nd by Deb to have the short go’s stay in the arenas they have competed in, and not move them to one arena. Opposed – Clay, MC.
The event schedule was discussed and there was a motion by Todd, 2nd by Rex to move the contestant’s meeting to 7:00. MC. Ann will notify SD Farmers Union about the adjustment in time, so they can coordinate this with their free feed. Rex asked about the tent outside of the office and Clay reported that there will be a permanent structure there instead of a tent. He was unsure of the size of the structure.
Clay reported that The Stadium is willing to let us use their line of site to the office for whatever equipment is necessary for a good internet connection. The host is coordinating this with Rod Kusser from Venture Communications, as he offered to help at the annual meeting.
A draw trailer is again needed outside the office and Ann reported that Clay could talk to Dale Christensen, as he indicated if need be he may be able to help with this. Because of the schedule changes, the Cutting Arena review trailer will not be able to be used. The photography trailer is also needed and it was reported that the one they used in the past is no longer available. Ann asked that they coordinate this with Peggy Gander of Cowboy Images.
Dan indicated that neon duct tape is needed for the markers on the fence for the Reined Cow Horse Event.
The Shooting Sports contest was discussed and Ann reported that the individuals who wanted to help at the annual meeting no longer wish to do so. Rex will check with Renee and Steve McAmis to see if they would help coordinate the contest with the Center of The Nations Sportsman’s Club and get back to Ann.
Ken brought up a concern about running 2 goats in the goat tying and discussion was held on the pros and cons of running 1 or 2 goats at a time. Time taken to do so was reviewed. It is run with 2 goats at Nationals. After more discussion, there was a Motion by Dan, 2nd by Deb to run 1 goat at a time for the State Finals contest. MC.
At this time the Student Officers, Digger and Donna were excused to pick out Calendar and National team selections.
The Directors covered the contracts that they had secured. Paul stated that the Boys Arena Judges that he and Barry had secured are Chuck Christman and Wade Berry. Girl’s Arena Judges will be Brenda White, and they are working on the other judge for that arena. Dan reported that he is working on the Cutting judges. Bobbi reported that the RCH judge will be Troy Hayden and his scribe will be Elizabeth Smith.
The Rough Stock Committee of Lance and Ken reported that stock selection is in the works but had not yet been completed. Lance will notify Ann who the contracts should be sent out to by March 1st.
The Timed Event Stock selection committee of Bobby, Dan and Clay reported next. They indicated that they had received a bid from Dan Mundorf. The Host Committee has agreed to hire Dan Mundorf for the Timed Event Stock at 25.00 per run, with an injury clause in the contract. This will be “to the chute.” Dan and Bobby reported they recommended this contractor, and the Host Committee is in agreement. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Rusty to hire Dan Mundorf to provide the Timed Event Stock for State Finals. MC.
Vern reported he is securing the Cutting and Reined Cow Horse cattle contract with Clay Crago. If there is moisture and grass, they will have cattle. It was discussed that if there are no cattle available from Crago’s that Delbert Woodward be consulted. Vern will take care of this and report to Ann on who to send the contract to, when it is in place. The discussion was held on the importance of everyone knowing up front what the exact payment will be, as last year this did not happen and there was a discrepancy between the contractor and Host Committee. Vern will take care of this as well.
Ken reported that he has talked to John Hight about Goats and Todd Bach had talked to Cheryl Severson, who was in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions if needed. There was a Motion by Bobby, 2nd by Todd to award the goat contract to Cheryl Severson for $9.00 per run. MC.
Arena Directors were covered as the next item of business. Paul indicated that he would like someone to take over as the Girls Arena Director and that he would assist them with anything they need. Rex volunteered to be Girls Arena Director. Dan and Deb will be Boys Arena Timed Event Director; Dan will be the Cutting Arena Director; Barry and Lance will be the Boys Arena Rough Stock Directors; Vern will be the RCH Director.
Nominations were then taken for Pick up Men. Nominations were presented for Kirk Schuelke and JJ Hunt. Paul has spoken with them both and that they are both willing to come and work with each other. Shayne Porch is not available this year. JJ and Kirk are willing to work with each other and are very good – both to work with and in their expertise. Motion by Rusty, 2nd by Clay to accept the nominations of JJ and Kirk for Pick up Men. MC.
Nominations were taken for Bull fighters. Nominations of Phil Kafka, Andrew Odden, Dayton Spiel and Andrew Coughlin were presented. A ballot vote was taken and Phil Kafka and Andrew Odden will be the 2018 State Finals Bull Fighters.
Prizes for State Finals were reviewed and will remain as last year, with go round buckles given for 1st place and photo certificates given for go round awards 2nd – 4th place. The National team placers 1-4, will receive a buckle for champion and reserve and breast collars for 3rd and 4th place. The National Team 1st place finishers will receive a saddle rack constructed by Cow Creek Cedar and the champion saddle. The Host Committee, along with the Student Officers, will choose buckles today. They were encouraged to make sure that each go-round have a different buckle. There is still a ½ saddle sponsorship left to fill for the girls cutting saddle. Kellie indicated that she may have a sponsor and if not, Clay indicated he may be able to help with that.
Saddle Racks will be made of either Pine or Cedar and Cow Creek Cedar will once again donate the All Around racks and find sponsors for half of the events. Those Directors needing to obtain sponsorships for the Saddle Racks were reviewed. Ann will check with Lisa Fulton on the Timed Event All around saddle rack and report back to Shearers on the need. Kellie will check on the Queen saddle rack and report back to Ann.
Next on the agenda was the tabled item from the annual meeting on the Queen Contest. Kellie reported there will be a workshop on March 11th, at 11:00 am at the home of Kellie Yackley in Onida for anyone interested in competing, to help them prepare for the contest. The State Queen contest will be held Memorial Day in Ft. Pierre with Horsemanship beginning at 10:30 and the other contests to follow. The remaining items, except the test, will take place at the Pierre Players Theatre. The written test will be taken at Pioneer Bank and Trust Friday morning 6/15/2018. Motion by Bobby, 2nd by Deb to have Kellie Coordinate the contest in this manner and get the entry blank and all information to Ann, so that she may post it on the website next week. MC.
Allen Good, sitting in for Dale Christensen, asked to speak on the ELD mandate and how it will affect rodeo, and that the JH Finals will be in Georgia in 2020, 2021. He also reported that the NLBRA Finals, Shawnee and National High School Finals are on top of each other this year, and that the NLBRA Board had an option to hold their contest at another time and chose not to do so.
New Business:
As the first item of new business Steve Sutton, representing the Sutton Invite 20X Rodeo, was there to report that the arena will be open from 8:00 – 10:00 tomorrow morning for the kids to ride; registration begins at 10:30, with the meeting and picture at 11:30. Any Director’s available to help are asked to do so.
Next the Safety Policy, as mandated by the NHSRA to have in each state, was reviewed by Ann. Motion by Deb, 2nd by Todd to adopt the safety policy as presented and have Ann submit it to the NHSRA. MC.
The Regional Entry form was presented for approval as the next item of business. Motion by Clay, 2nd by Deb to approve the Region Rodeo entry form as presented.
The Student Officers, Digger and Donna reported back to the meeting room at this time.
Regional and Practice Site Rodeo Applications were presented, signed by the corresponding Director’s and a motion was made by Kellie, 2nd by Deb to accept them. MC. Discussion was held on the responsibilities of the Rodeos to follow the rule book. Ken volunteered to speak with the Burke committee to prevent any further complications, after last year’s rodeo held there, and the complaints that the Directors received after the rodeo.
Persons of the Year were covered as the next item of business. Nominations were taken for Bill Cross – deceased, Delbert Woodward and Philip Livestock. Motion by Dan, 2nd by Barry to accept the 3 nominations presented as Persons of the Year for 2018. MC.
Region Transfers were reviewed, additions made and those with approval were accepted. Those not having an approval but indicating wanting to transfer will be notified by Ann for clarification. Motion by Deb, 2nd by Paul to approve the region transfers presented. MC.
Digger, Donna and Clay, along with the Student Officers, reported on their award selections. Buckle bids/selections were made from Tres Rios, GIST, Bob Berg and Maynard buckles, with the student officers choosing Bob Berg. They reported they chose a different buckle for each go round and placing on the National Team, and will be working on the different designs with Faye. The Calendar Coats and t-shirts will come from Black Hills Embroidery and the sweatshirt will come from Prison Industries. The National Team coats will come from Carroll coats and the National Team t shirts will come from Black Hills Embroidery.
The NHSRA Merit Scholarship committee was selected to consist of Ann, Rex and Clay. This is assuming that the scholarships are made available once again.
Next Lacey and Andrea Stevens from Rodeo News were there to indicate their interest in renewing their contract with the SDHSRA. Motion by Paul, 2nd by Rusty to allow Digger negotiate and sign the contract, as he see fit. MC.
The National Director Report, tabled from earlier was reported on by Ann, from information provided by Dale throughout the day. Dale indicated that there is another point option in the rule book, the JH National will go to Georgia for an indoor show after it is in Huron, states are allowed to have the ARTS Program and the new membership program transfer information and concern was expressed about the ELD mandate.
At this time President Lance Lesmeister declared a 20” break for lunch.
The meeting was called back in session at 12:10 pm by President Lance Lesmeister.
As other business, with all Directors now present in the room, Lance reported on the tabled item from the Annual Meeting of the Host Committee Representative vote clarification. Lance spoke with past SDHSRA President Doug Doll for clarification on the issue and reported that Doug wasn’t sure what prompted the change from 1 vote collectively to 3 votes, but indicated he felt it was do to the cost of the stock at Finals, with a concern prompted from Mark Thiel. Lance told the committee that this has nothing to do with any one Host Committee representative personally, but that it needs to be corrected for the association as a whole. Concern was expressed that the Host Representative positions are not elected positions and with 3 votes it gives a certain region the ability to have 6 votes, and possibly 7, depending on where the National Director is from. Clay expressed his concern that the Host Committee has to deal with the stuff that is “not so nice” to deal with. Vern Ward gave his opinion that the Host Committee should have 1 vote collectively, as in the past, and that it needs to be corrected. He feels it takes the pressure off of the Host Committee when problems arise at State Finals to have 1 vote collectively. Ann reported that, as asked to research by Lance, throughout the years of minutes it has been verified that the Host Committee has one vote, until the change was made in 2009 by President Doug Doll. More discussion followed indicating the concern that the positions are not elected. At this time a point of order was declared by President Lance Lesmeister that the Host Committee shall have 1 vote collectively. Dan Curr reiterated the fact that this is an association issue, and not a personal issue with any one person on the Host Committee.
As other tabled business from the Annual Meeting Barry Knippling and Dan Curr reported on the committee they were on from the Annual Meeting, to research the point system change, as presented by Allen Good/Tyler Haugen. Barry and Dan reported that they had talked with many people since the annual meeting and their report is there is no need for a change. The issue had been discussed at the meeting, as any other point system proposal had been in the past, and no change was made.
Next Rex reported that the Bill Cross family and the Western south Dakota Buckaroos will be putting in place a $3500.00 scholarship, to be presented through the Western SD Buckaroos. It will be called the Bill Cross Memorial Past Presidents Scholarship.
Ann also told the Board that there will be a Buster Berry Memorial Team Trophy presented this year, for those team points earned at State Finals only.
Any other new or old business was asked for by President Lance Lesmeister and, seeing no other business to attend to, a motion was made by Barry, 2nd by Paul to adjourn. MC. The meeting was adjourned by President Lance Lesmeister at 12:50 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary