SDHSRA Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes
September 30, 2023 – 9:00 am CST
Fort Pierre Senior Center, Fort Pierre, SD

The Annual General Membership meeting was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:02 AM, Saturday, September 30, 2023.

The pledge of allegiance was led by the Student Officers.

Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann.  She reported that Dave McFarland from the Host Committee, and Patsy Schoellerman, Queen Coordinator were absent. All other members and Directors present.

President Lance Lesmeister presented the agenda and asked for any additions or corrections, Dale Christensen entertained a motion, second by Perry Moody, to accept the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.  The minutes of the 2023 State Finals and 2022 Annual Meeting were presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann.  President Lance asked for any additions or corrections to the State Final Directors or Annual Meeting minutes, none were presented.  A motion was entertained by Justin Robertson, second by Nate Grueb, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and accept them as presented.  MC.

At this time, the financial report was asked for. Secretary Ann Sundermann presented a detailed financial report to be reviewed by the SDHSRA Board for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2023.  She presented the following information in her report:

– First Interstate Bank enhanced checking accounts have reduced yearly banking fees for check presented overages.
– We received a product share donation of from Black Hills Embroidery for merchandise sold with our logo at State Finals in 2023.
– Upcoming expenses include payment for calendar production.
– The year showed an increase of $51,622.00 at the fiscal year end.
– Sponsorships carried through with one yet to be paid, and there were no unexpected expenses.  Marty and Ann secured $62,500.00 in sponsorships for the State Finals.
– Funds in the First Dakota National Bank Account were left in that account, with only the Qualifier Funds being transferred to the general checking, to cover those costs
– A Contingency Fund was started because interest rates had risen, it is currently at 4%.
– The existing CD is at a rate of 4.25% with a renewal date of 11/28/2023.  Motion by Perry, second by Justin R to renew the CD for 13 months at the 4.9% rate
– Taxes will be filed with the accounting firm this coming month
– $8,234.00 was paid in stalls for the National Team this year, and $66,600.00 in travel money was paid
– Ann requested to be taken off as a signer on the shooting account.  Motion by Dale, Second by Brad to remove Ann Sundermann from the shooting account at Black Hills Federal Credit Union, account number 1995331, and to leave Oren Lesmeister on the account.  Motion Carried
– Ann asked for any questions to the financial report.  A total in the checking account was asked for, it was answered. A total of all monies was asked for and it was also answered.  Ann stated not all of it is disposable income.  Non disposable monies are for scholarship payments, crisis fund, contingency fund, CD’s, calendar production and sponsorship monies. Motion by Marty, second by Nate Grueb to accept the financial report as presented.  MC.

The next item of business was the State Finals Report from the 2023 State Finals Host Committee.  Scott Deal spoke of the week, indicating things went well on their end.  He stated they added stalls this year and appreciated the cooperation in working together with the SDHSRA Board.

Calendar Sales report was given by Donna Curr, Calendar Chairperson.  She reviewed in detail the expenses and income of the calendar sales financials for the fiscal year.  Calendar sales were up as well as memberships.  The National Team received $66,000.00 in funding.  A QR code is on the calendar for ease of purchase, if the purchaser would like to use it.  Ann reported that working with Creative Printing in Huron has been a positive experience.

The next item on the agenda was the National Directors report, presented by National Director Dale Christensen.  Dale reported the following: Gillette as a host was good in every way, staff was very accommodating. Everyone was reminded that Dale is now on the NHSRA Executive Committee, and it was explained how beneficial this is for South Dakota.  He will host the winter meeting in a couple of years. Dale reported the frustration of parents and kids and having to patrol and discipline them at National’s.  This is not the SD kids.  Gillette is planning on offering a ten-year contract to the NHSRA, it is currently in the works. Lincoln and their facility was discussed briefly, there will not be enough camping at Lincoln.

The next item of business was the Public Relations report presented by Marty Phillips, PR director.    Sponsorship money was about the same this year.  Coat and shirts cost was higher once again.  Marty asked for suggestions on whether the audience felt there should be a cap on the amount of monies and merchandise each National Qualifier should receive. The price of coats and the coat supplier were discussed.  He will try to secure another sponsor to account for the yearly cost increase.  Suggestions of sponsors can be given to Marty.  He reported the short go shirts were handed out before the short go this year, and overall, that went well.

At this time, Ann read a report on the 2023 Queen Contest from Patsy Schoellerman, Queen Chairperson.   SDHSRA Queen Avari Dorrance was asked if she had any input, and she indicated things are going well.

Old business:

Lance Lesmeister reported for Oren Lesmeister on the shooting contest.  There is another major event for shooting in the area at the same time as the SDHSRA shoot which conflicts with the SDHSRA contest and in securing sponsors.

At this time any other old business was called for, there was none offered for discussion.

New business:

The next item on the agenda were the By-Law proposals that were submitted.  The first proposal was presented by Dustin Schmidt.  Dustin explained the proposal and answered questions from the Board and audience.  Lengthy discussion followed.  Dustin outlined the benefits of the proposal.  It was indicated by members in the audience that there was not a location in each region to have the rodeos.  A letter of intent from locations and Secretaries would be an item that would be beneficial for the proposal. Pros and cons were given by spokespersons both for and against the proposal.

The second proposal, submitted by Lance Lesmeister, was presented.  Lance explained his intent with the proposal and much discussion followed. Locations were discussed, as well as stock and available facilities.  Pros and cons were given by spokespersons both for and against the proposal.  More discussion followed.  It was brought forth that if neither of the two proposals were exactly what members wanted, a By-Law change could be presented next year.

Dale Christensen called the question and a vote was taken for the proposal submitted by Dustin Schmidt. In accordance with the By-Laws, a ballot vote was taken of current adult members of the association present at the meeting.  A 2/3 majority vote is needed to pass.

It is as follows: Convert one practice rodeo weekend, in each region, to a qualifying regional rodeo

Amend Article VII Regional Rules, Section B, to add “Third Weekend” also to add “5,6 or any combination of 6 rodeos”

  1. Convert one practice rodeo weekend, in each region, to a qualifying regional rodeo. 
  2. Do not change the points structure at all. The contestant can still only carry their points from their 3 best rodeos to state, with a maximum of 30 points.
  3. Amend Article VII Regional Rules, Section B, to add “Third Weekend” also to add “5, 6 or any combination of 6 rodeos”

It is very safe to say that every contestant goes to at least one practice rodeo, so therefore this would not put a financial burden on them. Our whole qualifying season is 15 days. Only 13 for the cutters and reined cow horse contestants. This puts a huge amount of pressure on these kids to be perfect in a very short amount of time.

By a vote of 46 no to 34 yes, proposal fails.

A vote was taken for the proposal submitted by Lance Lesmeister. In accordance with the By-Laws, a ballot vote was taken of current adult members of the association present at the meeting.  A 2/3 majority vote is needed to pass.

It is as follows: Add one Regional Rodeo Weekend to be held in late March or Early April Indoors

Edit Article VII SDHSRA By-Laws to read:

  1. To promote fair and equal competition and to equalize the number of contestants, the

Board of Directors shall have the authority to designate the regional rodeo at which a

school may participate. Each regional rodeo shall be considered to be two (2) separate

rodeos. First Weekend – Saturday #1 Rodeo, Sunday #2 Rodeo, Second Weekend –

Saturday #3 Rodeo, Sunday #4 Rodeo (Change 9-26-2015), Third Weekend – Saturday #5 Rodeo,

Sunday #6 Rodeo (or 2 rodeos in one day may apply for March/April rodeos) Contestants are

eligible to enter any or all rodeos of choice, either 1,2,3,4,5,6 or a combination of any six rodeos.                                                                                                                                                                                            

By a vote of 54 no to 27 yes, proposal fails.

The next item on the agenda was regional rodeo financial statement review.  Each Regional Rodeo sent in Financial Statements. Ann summarized each region’s statements, all showed a positive income in 2023.  Ann will send each regional rodeo the financial statements, so their committees can compare if they so choose.

2024-2025 Regional Rodeo Host Site locations was the next item under new business of the agenda.  Motion by Perry, second by Scott for Huron and Watertown host the East Region rodeos.  MC.
Motion by Perry, second by Scott for Buffalo and Dupree host the Northwest Region Rodeos.  MC.          Motion by Dale, second by Nate for Wall and New Underwood host the Southwest Regional Rodeos. MC.
At this time Billy Sutton representing Burke and JoBeth Eisenbraun representing Kadoka spoke on their proposals to host the first weekend of the River Regional Qualifying Rodeos. Both indicated they would not have a practice rodeo if they were to host a regional rodeo.  After discussion, a ballot vote of the Directors was taken.  By a vote of 10 for Kadoka and 2 for Burke, Kadoka will host the first weekend 2024-2025 Regional Qualifying Rodeo.  Motion by Justin Heath, second by Shawn Reis for Winner and Kadoka to host the River Regional Rodeos in 2024-2025.  MC.

The approval of out-of-state transfers was covered next. Ann Sundermann reported that all have submitted paperwork on time- and have completed the appropriate actions to approve, according to the out of state membership policy.  There are a total of 18 transfers requested from Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and Minnesota.  Motion by Shawn Reis, second by Perry Moody to accept the out of state transfers that had been submitted according to the out of state membership policy.  MC.

The next item of business on the agenda is a report from SD Junior High Rodeo, which was presented by Cortney Haugen. She reported:
– Nationals were in Perry, Georgia.
– There were 176 members this year, down slightly from 189 in 2022.
– All regional rodeos and state finals were held in Rapid City this year.
– The JH does have dates saved in Huron once that complex is completed.
– The SDJHRA annual meeting is being held Sunday October 1st, at the Roosevelt Room at the Ramada in Rapid City.

At this time, the membership regions split into their separate locations for the purpose of electing the Regional Directors’ terms who were expiring.  Dan Curr is leaving his position as Southwest Region Director. Southwest Region elected Carisa Shearer to fill the position. Southwest Director at Large was voted on and Nate Grueb remains in that position. The East Region Director was voted on and Perry Moody remains in his position.  Northwest Director Justin Pihl remains in his position Thanks were given to Dan for his 16 years of service to the association.

Online entry was the next item on the agenda.  The Regional Rodeos and one practice rodeo used it last year and agreed it was successful. Any rodeo that wants to use the online entry should contact the Secretary to find out the things needed to do so. A reminder that Practice and Regional Entry Applications are due December 15th.

Carisa Shearer next spoke on behalf of a group that wanted to address the ground at the State Finals Rodeo. She expressed the need to start this fall on the ground and suggested the barrel racing event go back to the South Arena.  Much discussion was entertained.  It was brought to our attention what the policies of the Stanley County Fairgrounds are, regarding non staff working on that property.  The Board expressed they were committed to exploring the ground and to see if something is needed for our event.  Motion by Justin Robertson, second by Dale for the Board to hire a professional to look at the ground and over see it.  MC. Dale will be speaking with a professional regarding our event and will correspond with the Fairgrounds Manager Scott Deal on any action to be taken. There will not be an outside committee formed, the Board of Directors will be in charge of it.  Dale will be the person corresponding with them.

Ann reported the Rodeo News subscription requests us to sign a two-year contract at $9.00 per member.  Discussion was held.  The Student Officers were asked their opinion and they indicated they would view more information on social media venues than in a magazine.  Audience members expressed they do not want to receive the multiple issues of the magazine they continue to receive.  In 2023 $3960.00 was paid for member subscriptions.  Motion by Tierney Breen, second by Tristan Spencer to utilize more social media coverage and discontinue the Rodeo News magazine publication.  MC.

Lance Lesmeister declared the time and place for the winter meeting will be in the Monument Convention Center in the Rapid City Civic Center on January 27, 2024, beginning at 9:00 AM.

Attendees were reminded to look at the 20X Extreme contestant list posted and to let Kim Sutton know right away if you see any errors before it is posted.

At this time Queen Avari Dorrance presented her speech from Nationals, entitled “A True Cowgirl”.

A gift of appreciation was presented to Dan Curr.  A gift of appreciation was presented to Ann Sundermann by the Student Officers. Again, thanks were expressed to both of them for their time given to the SD High School Rodeo Association and its members. Penny Schlagel was announced to be the new secretary.  Ann will switch roles and is now the treasurer, sponsor coordinator and will be the liaison to the NHSRA.

Dustin Schmidt asked the Board to investigate having two Reined Cow Horse judges.  It was explained there is much difficulty in finding the judges, but it will be looked into for the coming year as a possibility.

Seeing no other business to be addressed there was a motion by Justin R, second by Scott Deal to adjourn the SDHSRA Annual General Membership meeting.  Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary

January 28, 2023

The Winter Director’s meeting of the SDHSRA was called to order by President Lance Lesmeister at 9:06 AM MDT.  The Student Officers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann.  She reported Director Justin Pihl and Host Committee member Dave McFarland absent. All other Directors, Host Committee members and Student Officers present.

President Lance asked for approval of the agenda.  Additions of the Cutting and Reined Cow Horse payments were presented and added. Motion by Justin Robertson, 2nd by Justin Heath to approve the agenda as presented.  MC.

Lance called for the minutes of the last meeting.  Secretary Ann Sundermann reported the minutes of the previous meeting were presented to all Directors, and indicated she would read them if the Board wished her to do so.  President Lance asked for additions or corrections to the minutes, none were offered.  Motion by Justin Robertson, 2nd by Perry to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve them as presented.  MC.

The Financial Report was presented by Executive Secretary Ann Sundermann.  Ann explained a positive outlook overall in the accounts, ytd from last year.
Ann reported:

-The statement of Activity Report is the non-profit Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Position Report is the non-profit Profit and Loss.
-Donations from family memorials are being given, some are listing them in the obituaries. We are very thankful for these memorial donations.
-Saddles have not yet been invoiced to us or paid for.
-AR has been invoiced for Marty Phillips, for the sponsor account, and for additional sponsorships secured by Ann for 50,000.00 in the last week.
-Shooting account received a donation from the Cheyenne River Predator Hunters of $1430.00.
-Taxes have been filed with Dakota Central Tax, Chamberlain.
-There was discussion that, because of the financial position of the association being so positive at this time, that a contingency fund could be set up for the future of holding State High School Rodeo Finals.  Ann will check on rates and report back to the Board.  It was estimated that to have the State Finals in the same capacity as we currently have, the cost is approximately $200,000.00

Ann asked for any other questions regarding the Financial Report, there were none.  Motion was made by Perry, 2nd by Nate, to approve the Financial Statement as presented.  MC.

Next on the agenda was the PR Report, as presented by Public Relations Director Marty Phillips.  Marty reported on sponsorships. The sponsor account is in good shape at this time.  He expressed concern about the ability to get coats and shirts for the National Team and indicated he would do the best he can.  Marty indicated that sponsors are becoming increasingly interested in their ability to have social media presence and Big Screen airtime at State Finals, with their donation. Justin R agreed this is a factor in gaining sponsorships with 4H as well.  Discussion was entered in regarding company/hiring a social media person for SDHSRA.  Options were weighed and discussed.  It was agreed upon that resources should be put into promotion of the association.  Kaitlin Sandland commented that once started, it should not be stopped or it would be an effort to start it all over again.  Ann referenced Texas Instagram vs South Dakota’s Instagram page.  The discussion was tabled to later in the meeting. Motion by Justin Heath, 2nd by Toni Deal to approve the PR Report as presented, MC.

The National Director’s report was presented by Dale Christensen. He reported on items from the NHSRA Winter Meeting as follows:

-This year in Gillette at the National High School Finals camping will not be assigned. A block will be set off for each state and you will be assigned a spot as you get there. So, if you want to camp beside someone travel together.
– Gillette also came forward with the offer to build permanent buildings, whatever that may be, to be the home for NHSRA Finals. Talks have been started with them as what that may look like as far as the rotation or having the finals there every year, and what the building facilities will look like.  Guthrie will host the JH Finals beginning in 2026 for 10 years.
-NHSRA 75th anniversary is this year, will be celebrated in Gillette. Tif Robertson is the coordinator.
-Dale is now the V. President of the Executive Council and will have to oversee JH Nationals for the next 3 years. Thus, he will not be able to attend our State Finals. In 2025 he will be the President and is planning the winter meeting in Deadwood.  The Board was encouraged to help with this in any way they can.

-Member dues will increase $15.00 next year.

-Herc Rentals is in charge of the golf carts at Nationals, we will need to reserve ahead of time.

-Stall prices will increase this year at Nationals.

-Hyer Boots is the new boot sponsor.

-WSI Insurance is willing to do a video conference if you need help.

-Cowboy Channel can televise our Finals as a dirty feed – 30 mbs – and a dedicated line; or as a clean feed – 60 mbs with 3 cameras.  Marty will check with Public TV on these logistics.

-Point Systems may be changed as we used to compute them, there are no longer bonus points in Option 2.

A Thank You was given to Dale for representing South Dakota High School Rodeo at the National Level.

At this time the tabled item of the social media representative for SDHSRA was discussed, upon the presence of Halie Ruff.  Halie answered many questions and made suggestions that she had for the Board.  She presented a detailed package with pricing, it was reviewed.  Discussion followed. Motion by Dale, 2nd by Justin Robertson to do the seasonal package for 3 months, to review at month 4 by the Executive Committee, as to which option to continue with.  MC.

Donna Curr reported on the Calendar Sales.  Donna reported Calendar Sales are near the number last year at this time. Postage has increased again.  She indicated 298 members have not sold any calendars, there are 6399 sold to date, and Shada Selby has sold 265 – with the incentive from the donated saddle by the Western SD Buckaroo’s.

The Queen report was the next item on the agenda. Patsy Schoellerman, Queen Coordinator, reported that the contest will be held at State Finals again this year.  She presented options for the schedule to accommodate both judges and contestants.  She reviewed sponsors, awards that are passed on each year, the updated Queen contest application and asked for suggestions for 3 more judges.  Suggestions were offered.

At 10:30 a 15-minute break was taken.

Student Officers, Donna, Marty and Brad left the room to meet with vendors at this time.

Old Business

State Finals Host Site and Regional Rodeo Guidelines, that was tabled from the Annual Meeting was presented.  The assigned committee of Dale, Scott, Justin R and Ann have reviewed changes.  Ann went through those changes in the policies.  Motion by Dale, 2nd by Shawn to accept the State Finals Host Site guidelines as presented.  MC.  Motion by Perry, 2nd by Shawn to accept the Regional Rodeo Host Site guidelines as presented.  MC.

State Finals Committee Reports:
At this time, the Director’s covered the contracts that they had secured. Justin R stated his list of judges include Craig Miller, Darren Boots, Lonny Harrowa, Chuck Maher, Casey Vaughn, Kevin Schmidt, Bailey Tibbs.  Others added Wade Vos and Barry Knippling. Selections were voted upon by ballot, and the following will be presented contracts for the 2023 State Finals Rodeo:
– Casey Vaughn (as a back judge), Bailey Tibbs, Craig Miller, Barry Knippling, Chuck Maher, Darren Boots.   Dan Curr reported the Cutting Judges are Will Nutter and Jim Wilkins.
The Tie Down Roping turning over between 10 and 2 rule was reviewed.
Dan Curr reported Jamie Olson is the Reined Cow Horse judge.
Ann reported Elizabeth Smith will be the Cutting Secretary and RCH Scribe.
Motion by Dale, 2nd by Brad to approve the judges as presented.  MC.

The State Finals Schedule was discussed.  Ann presented the schedule used in 2022, after the revision was needed because of the weather. Discussion was held.  The schedule should serve the majority of the High School Rodeo members’ experience. The qualifier is required to be at the meeting/awards ceremony. It was confirmed that the shooting contest shall be Trap on Thursday and Light Rifle on Friday, all members competing in any event need to be registered by the registration deadline and attend the contestant’s meeting.  Queen schedule options were presented by Patsy.  It was reiterated, that we are a Rodeo organization that puts on a Cutting and RCH Competition. Conditions may be different in the rodeo organizations from a contest held by one of the other organizations.

Motion by Perry, 2nd by Justin R to approve the 2023 State Finals Schedule as presented.  MC.

The Rough Stock selection committee of Lance and Perry reported that the Rough Stock Contractors will be selected in the near future.  Payment per out in Rough Stock was discussed, it has not been increased in more than 10 years.  Motion by Jeremy, 2nd by Shawn that the payment per out in Rough Stock shall be $100.00 per out.  MC.

The Timed Event Stock selection committee presented a bid from Cole Latham of $30.00 per out for all TE stock.  A bid from Kody Woodward was for $28.0 per out.  Discussion followed, bids were reviewed and a motion was made by Perry, 2nd by Scott to accept Kody Woodward’s bid at 28.00 per run to the chute.  MC.

Goat selection committee: Perry Moody introduced a bid from Cheryl Severson and Madi Moody with CC Rodeo Goats.  Motion by Nate, 2nd by Jeremy to award the goat contract to Cheryl Severson/Madi Moody/C&C Goats for $12.00 per run, plus a one-time sum of $300.00.  MC.

Cutting Cattle and RCH Cattle – Dan reported that Shane Cowan had bid the same cost as in 2022 – Cutting and RCH Cattle at 30.00 per head, delivered, in the cutting.  The bid for the RCH cattle was 25.00 per head, plus 5.00 per head trucking.  Motion by Dan, 2nd by Justin Heath to award Shane Cowan the Cutting and RCH Cattle bid.  MC.

Host Site Committee report included:
The camping spots will have a charge of $200.00 for the week for electricity, no refunds, no partial reservations.  The full hook-up cost will be $300.00 for the week.  They will be on a first to reserve and pay, first to receive basis.  Reservation process is posted on the SDHSRA website.  Ann noted that one spot will be needed for the Calendar Sales winner.
There will be no trailer parking on the Street.
All horses kept overnight must be stalled, no tying to the trailer overnight.
Parking attendants will maintain the trailers are parked in fire code, per the Fire Marshall, Host will coordinate. Improvements include a cat-walk by the rough stock pens, an improved sound system for the Cutting Arena, a Playground.  Vendor information is on the website.  There is a bill in the legislature HB138, that would fund the renovations for fairgrounds.  The hotel is My Place Hotel and it is booked for personnel and staff.  Toni will be in charge of room arrangements; Ann has noted this in the personnel contracts.
In speaking with persons expressing interest in and with members of the Board, it was decided that a Triathlon will not be practical at the State Finals Rodeo.  Izzy Risse has expressed interest in hosting a goat roping, Toni will follow up on this.

Registration bags will be secured by Host and coupons from vendors will be obtained.  Host has secured registration personnel. Registration will be outside the office under the grandstands and contestants can pull through the parking lot to register and get stall tags, then proceed to the stalling area.

Sports Medicine will need the trailer and sports utility vehicle. Sports Medicine will be coordinated by Marty with Patti Gilbert.

Admission prices were reviewed and will remain the same as last year.  Concessions will be the same as last year, SDHSRA will receive 10% of the concessions.

Big Screen details were discussed.

Barriers like those at National Finals were discussed, Jeremy and crew will see they are constructed for use at State Finals.  Poles will be painted to the rule book standards, per Jeremy and Marty.

Steve Sutton presented some information regarding the 20X Rodeo on Sunday.  The doors will open at 8:00 am, at 9:00 am the big arena will be closed.  Calves will be tied when they get there. He reminded us that the first rodeo in the Summit Arena was the 20X Rodeo, in 2022.  Registration is from 10:30 to 11:30 with a group picture and meeting in the arena at 11:30. Thanks of appreciation for the event were given to Steve.  All Directors are asked to help, and passes were provided by Ann for those willing to do so.

Security, tabled from the Annual Meeting, was discussed.  Justin Phil emailed quotes from 2 entities to be read out loud. One was from Mountain States Security (Rapid City), who we hired last year.

$35/hr/officer (2 officers)

$70/night -Hotel(approx)

$40/day/officer- Per Diem

$378 mileage(approx)

Second bid was from Brandon Fleagle, Central States Security. (Pierre)

$50/hour/officer. (1 officer)

*Brandon’s son worked security for last years 4H Finals.

*Both agreed to work whatever hours the board felt was necessary.

*If we add up Mountain States charges and figure them all total on an hourly rate, they would be 3-5 dollars more per hour than Brandon’s bid. Big difference would be paying 2 guards vs 1.

*Estimated Total (based off 30hr week) -Mountain States…………………$3200-$3500 + Tax

-Central States (Brandon)……. $1500 + Tax

Motion by Dale, 2nd by Nate to hire Brandon Fleagle for Security. MC.

Arena Directors were the next item of business and have been assigned as follows: Cutting – Dan & Justin Heath; RCH – Dan & Justin Heath; North Arena – Justin Robertson; South Arena – Jeremy.

Motion by Perry, 2nd by Justin R to accept Arena Director assignments.  MC

Cutting and RCH Judge Pay was entertained as the next item on the agenda, as added by Dan Curr.  Dan explained those judges are very hard to get to commit and requested a payment of $300.00 per performance.  Motion by Jeremy, 2nd by Justin Heath to pay the Cutting and RCH judges $300.00 per performance.  MC.

Saddles and Saddle Racks were reviewed.  All saddles have been secured with sponsorships, and those sponsored were invoiced last week.  The timing of the lead time and saddle arrivals was discussed. Saddle Racks were discussed, the 2022 champions have not yet received their saddle racks.  Dan agreed to see if Cow Creek Cedar wants to continue with the saddle rack project.

Bullfighter selection was the next item on the agenda. Nominations were submitted for Darwin Thompson, Austin Tilton, Dustin Evenson and Lane Byrne.  A ballot vote was taken and Austin and Darwyn will be offered the bull fighting contract.

Pick-up Man selection was reviewed and nominations for JJ Hunt, Tyler Jones and Kirk Schuelke were submitted.  Motion by Jeremy, 2nd by Nate to offer Kirk and JJ the pick-up man contracts.  MC.

Shooting Contest was covered next, and Kaitlyn Sandland reported on the contest. Dates for the contest were discussed, Ann presented information from Oren Lesmeister on the dates, checking account, logistics, prizes and costs.  Contestants will need to pre-register and go through registration at the posted registration times and attend the Contestant meeting Thursday morning. Both divisions can be shot.  Kaitlyn expressed concern of the sponsorships for the contest.  Discussion followed.  Lance will confer with Oren on other details and report back to the Board.

Ground Rules were briefly discussed, Ann asked for a clarification on the Breakaway ground rules# 19, 28. Motion by Justin R, 2nd by Dale that an eligible catch will be a bell collar catch only, with only 1 loop at all SDHSRA rodeos.  MC.  Ann will edit ground rule # 19, 28.

President Lance Lesmeister declared a 15-minute recess for lunch at 12:42.

There being no other Old Business, New Business was discussed.

New Business:

Regional Rodeo Entry Form.  Ann reported on the progress of the online entry system, and it is planned on being used this year for regional rodeos.  All entries will be made electronically and paid online, there will not be a mail in option. It is a work in progress at this time.  Regional rodeo entry fees were discussed.  Motion by Brad, 2nd by Justin Heath to set the Regional Rodeo entry fees for Rough Stock to be the same as Cutting and RCH, at $50.00 per entry.  MC.   Motion by Brad, 2nd by Jeremy to set the Timed Event fees at $50.00 per entry.  Discussion followed.  Motion Failed.  Motion by Perry, 2nd by Justin Heath to set the Timed Event entry fees for Regional Rodeos at $35.00 per entry.  MC
The practice rodeo schedule was reviewed next.  Site applications were approved and signed.

Legendary Honorees were the next item of business and nominations were taken. A ballot vote was conducted, Barry Knippling and Treg Cowan are the 2023 Legendary Honoree’s and will be honored at the 2023 State Finals Rodeo.

Region Transfers were reviewed, Motion by Dale, 2nd by Perry accept the Region Transfers as presented and confirmed the deadline for Region Transfers is March 1st.  MC

At this time the Student Officers – along with Donna Curr, Marty Phillips and Brad McGirr – reported on the selections the Student Officers had made for Calendar and National Team awards, prizes and buckle selections.

Next on the agenda are the NHSRA scholarships.  A committee needs to be established to review those.  It is unknown at this time home many scholarships we will be given, but last year we were provided 10, $1000.00 scholarships.  Ann, Justin Heath and Shawn will be the scholarship committee.  Ann will update the information for the scholarships on the website when it is provided to her.

Other New or Old Business was asked for.

Marty and Ann reported on the Sponsor Reception that is going to be held later today.  All Directors and Student Officers are encouraged to attend to thank sponsors in person and tell them how much we appreciate their support.  Nate has a power point to present.

Plaques of appreciation were presented to the Board, Host, Committee chairs and upper level sponsors.

Seeing no other business to attend to, a motion was made by Toni, 2nd by Dan to adjourn.  MC.

The Winter Directors Meeting of the SDHSRA was adjourned by President Lance Lesmeister at 2:00 pm MDT.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ann Sundermann
SDHSRA Executive Secretary